6 ways to support individuals with disabilities

6 ways to support individuals with disabilities

Individuals with disabilities face many unique challenges in their daily lives. By using certain creative techniques and being mindful of accessibility barriers, one can support such individuals while they are at work, at home, or in social settings. These accommodations often require awareness, flexibility, and thoughtful considerations. Here are a few ways one can help people with disabilities to improve their participation, mainly at work, and create a fair and inclusive environment for them. Ask first before extending help Always make it a point to ask people with disabilities if they need help rather than assuming they do. One can also ask for specific instructions on what help is needed to ensure the individual feels empowered and independent. It’s also necessary for one to respect their boundaries. Check accessibility before planning anything Before planning a meeting or an outing, ensure that the spaces are accessible to people with disabilities. It ensures their full and easy participation. For example, in work settings, installing a visual warning system for emergencies will help people with hearing impairment. Some other ways of supporting them include providing interpreters, amplifying systems, note-takers, and communication through emails instead of announcements for meetings. Respect their personal space Mobility aids like walking sticks or wheelchairs form part of the personal space of those with mobility-related disabilities, so avoid touching or leaning against them or moving these pieces of equipment without their permission. Avoid using jargon while speaking It is best to avoid using jargon as such words can sometimes be abbreviations for other concepts; also, avoid using gestures, as they may signify other meanings. For example, ADA stands for average daily attendance, but it also stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act, the American Dental Association, and so on. Do not speak in exaggerated tones or facial expressions, which may cause misinterpretations.
4 insurance benefits for individuals with disabilities

4 insurance benefits for individuals with disabilities

Today, there are several provisions for people with physical disabilities to lead comfortable and dignified lives in every way – physically, mentally, and financially. Insurance is an integral part of financial security for those with disabilities. Once the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) qualifies a person as suffering from a disability, individuals can apply for financial benefits for themselves and their families. So, here are some insurance benefits that people with disabilities can avail of: 1. Medicare benefits Medicare offers many benefits to those with disabilities, and these benefits are usually classified into three parts: Medicare A: Medicare A covers inpatient hospital costs, hospice care, and a part of home health care. However, it doesn’t cover custodial care, wherein one seeks help with daily activities at home. Medicare B: This part of Medicare financially reimburses outpatient care and services availed from doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc. It also includes coverage for ambulance services and any equipment bought to aid in everyday tasks. Medicare D: Medicare D is available to all individuals – even those who do not have a disability – and covers prescription treatments. 2. Social Security Disability Insurance The SSA offers Social Security Disability Insurance, which provides monthly financial help to those incapacitated by a disability. To qualify, a person should be diagnosed with a long-term disability that prevents them from continuing with their work. The insurance also provides benefits to the person’s immediate family members in the event of the person’s death due to the disability. 3. Ticket to Work Program The Ticket to Work Program is another initiative by the SSA, which ensures that those with a disability can get back to work and become financially independent while continuing to receive all the disability benefits. 4. Medicaid Unlike Medicare, Medicaid only provides health insurance coverage to those below 65 years of age and who have certain disabilities.
4 mistakes to avoid while buying lab-grown diamonds

4 mistakes to avoid while buying lab-grown diamonds

Given the high costs and ethical concerns surrounding natural diamonds, it is no surprise that more people are opting for lab-grown diamonds today. Created from the same carbon as natural diamonds, these tend to be cheaper and more abundant, with much room for quality control. However, buyers often make certain mistakes when purchasing synthetic diamonds, which result in significant losses. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid while buying lab-grown diamonds. Not knowing the basics When buying diamonds – whether natural or lab-grown – there are four important C’s that determine the price of the stone. These include the following- Cut— Each diamond has a distinct cut, which impacts how it disperses light. Some popular cuts include round, cushion, emerald, oval, marquise, radiant, pear, princess, and heart. Carat weight— Next comes the diamond’s weight and size, also known as carat. This can be customized based on customer preferences and budgets. Clarity-  Diamonds could have various flaws, such as tiny spots, air cavities, clouds, etc., which impact their beauty. If there are no such inclusions, the diamond is categorized as FL (flawless), driving up its price. Color-  Colorlessness is also a desirable quality of diamonds. This is rated from D to Z, where D is the rarest (most colorless). Not knowing about these aspects could result in one overpaying for their purchase. Buying without a certificate Like natural diamonds, even lab-made diamonds are graded and certified by institutions like the IGI, GIA, and GCAL. Since many people are unaware of this, they end up buying diamonds without certification, which could be a huge mistake. Always ask for a certificate, as this assures that the diamond meets the grades specified by the aforementioned C’s. Buying from unknown sources Given the high costs associated with diamonds, purchasing from an unknown source is never a good idea.
3 mistakes to avoid when buying sports tickets online

3 mistakes to avoid when buying sports tickets online

With the advancement of the internet and online ticketing, organizing events and setting up ticket purchase portals is easier than ever. Unfortunately, as with any major activity moving online, this one has become vulnerable to external malicious elements like hackers and other cybercriminals. It is worth noting that sometimes event-goers make certain mistakes while purchasing tickets, which can lead to the loss of money or failure to obtain the tickets altogether. Purchasing from unofficial sites or apps Musical concerts and sporting events have official ticketing partners. These partners have official websites or apps on which the main event tickets are available. Users can often choose which seat grade (normal, box, special) they need to watch the sporting event through the portal. One must verify that the website or app they use to buy tickets belongs to the official partner. Certain sites and apps may also advertise that they are selling tickets to the event at lowered prices. Such sites and apps are usually bogus. One risks losing data and money on such sites if one falls into this trap. So, such portals must be avoided at all costs. Failing to verify tickets sold on social media or free online listings Other places where tickets for sporting events may go up for purchase are social media pages and various free online listing sites. Again, suppose these pages or sites are affiliated with the event’s main organizer, or the tickets are being sold from a sportsperson/celebrity’s verified social media page. Using them to buy tickets is acceptable if that is the case. However, if individuals who are unfamiliar or anonymous put the tickets up for sale on their social media handles, there is a greater likelihood that it is a fraudulent scheme. Saving payment details on the portal Ticketing sites often ask buyers to save payment information, but it is wise not to do so.
Key things to know about home warranty plans

Key things to know about home warranty plans

There is no telling when home appliances will malfunction, or systems will unexpectedly falter. This makes having a safety net for these appliances a necessity. This is where home warranty plans come into play. These plans are designed to provide financial security to homeowners. They offer a buffer against the inevitable wear and tear on property. The average coverage cost of the home warranty plans can amount to $250 to $600 annually. What is a home warranty? A home warranty is a contract of residential services that covers the cost of maintaining appliances and household items for a specific period of time. It is important to note that a home warranty plan or home appliance warranty plan is different from a homeowner’s insurance or structural warranty plan. It is often advised to buy a home warranty plan when purchasing an old property, especially when there is little information available about the appliances. How does it work? As the name suggests, a home appliance warranty covers damaged appliances and system repairs. The warranty company works with a network of home service providers. Once a claim has been received, the warranty company sends one of the providers to assess the damage. This partner provides a report to the company. What is covered? The report received by the warrantor helps determine the potential cause of the damage and the extent to which it has affected the appliance. The company will then confirm whether or not its contract provides coverage for the kind of damage suffered by the system or appliance. If the claim is approved, the warrantor sends back its partner professional for the repair and replacement. Most home warranties provide coverage for stoves, water heaters, and refrigerators. They may also cover systems like electrical, HVAC, and plumbing. Before signing up, one should check the plan to see if it also covers garage door openers.