7 common gold investment mistakes to avoid

7 common gold investment mistakes to avoid

The allure of investing in gold has captivated individuals and institutions alike. As a tangible asset with intrinsic value, gold has served as a store of wealth and a hedge against economic uncertainties. However, the path to successful gold investment is riddled with pitfalls and common mistakes that can erode potential returns and tarnish the glittering allure of this precious metal. From misconceptions about the nature of gold to errors in timing and storage, one must avoid certain pitfalls and make informed decisions. Misunderstanding the nature of gold One of the most fundamental mistakes made by novice gold investors is misunderstanding the nature of this precious metal. Gold is not a speculative investment like stocks or cryptocurrencies; rather, it is a store of value and a long-term wealth preservation tool. Those who expect rapid, exponential price increases in gold may be disappointed. Gold’s primary role is to provide stability and act as a safe haven during economic turmoil. Neglecting research Investing in gold without conducting thorough research is akin to setting sail without a nautical chart. Many individuals make the mistake of purchasing gold without understanding the market dynamics, historical trends, or the factors that drive its price. Successful gold investors are diligent researchers who stay informed about global economic developments, Central Bank policies, and geopolitical events. Timing the market Timing the gold market is notoriously tricky, and trying to do so can lead to costly mistakes. Investors often buy gold when prices are soaring, influenced by fear or market hype, only to see prices drop shortly after their purchase. Alternatively, they may sell in a panic during price dips, missing out on potential future gains. A wiser approach is to view gold as a long-term investment rather than trying to time short-term market fluctuations. Not storing gold properly Storing physical gold improperly is a critical mistake.
4 factors to consider before investing in precious metals

4 factors to consider before investing in precious metals

Investing in precious metals has long been popular for individuals looking to diversify their portfolios and protect their wealth. Precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium have a reputation for retaining their value and serving as hedges against economic uncertainties. However, before diving into the world of precious metal investments, there are essential factors to consider. Here are four key things one should know before investing in precious metals. Types of precious metals When considering precious metal investments, it’s crucial to understand the different types of metals available: Gold : It is one of the most sought-after precious metals for investment. It has a long history of retaining value and is often used as a haven during economic downturns. Gold is available in the form of coins, bars, and jewelry. Silver : Another popular choice for investors, silver tends to follow gold’s price movements but can be more volatile. Silver is available in the form of coins, bars, and industrial applications. Platinum : Platinum is rarer than gold and silver, making it a unique investment option. It is often used in the automotive industry, which can impact its price. Platinum is typically available as bars and coins. Palladium : Palladium is a lesser-known precious metal, but its value has been rising due to increased demand in the automotive and technology sectors. It is available in the form of coins and bars. Storage and security Once someone invests in precious metals, they must think about how and where to store them securely. Here are some considerations: Home storage : Some investors prefer to keep their precious metals at home in a safe or secure storage facility. While this provides direct access, it comes with security risks. Professional storage services : Many investors store their metals in professional vaults or depositories.
9 things to know when investing in precious metals

9 things to know when investing in precious metals

Investing in precious metals is a smart addition to diversifying an investment portfolio. Precious metals are a popular commodity and a less volatile market when compared to stocks. With multiple regulatory authorities and trading platforms, investing in precious metals hassle-free has also become easy today. But there are many points one must consider and be well-informed before investing. Here are some key things to know before investing in precious metals. Understand the types of precious metals Gold, silver, platinum, and palladium are popular precious metals with unique characteristics, market demand, and investing dynamics. Invest only after a thorough comparison. Diversification Precious metals can be an effective way to diversify any investment portfolio. They often have a low association with other assets like bonds and stocks, which can help reduce overall portfolio risk. Storage and security Physical ownership of precious metals necessitates the need to invest in home security. Options include home safes, bank safety deposit boxes, or third-party storage facilities. Be sure to consider the associated costs and security measures before buying assets. Physical vs. paper investments There are two ways to invest in precious metals: purchase physical bullion (coins or bars) or invest through paper investments like exchange-traded funds (ETFs), online futures contracts, or online mining stocks. Market volatility Market risk is inherent, and external considerations impact the sale and purchase of precious metals. Prices can significantly fluctuate in response to economic and geopolitical events. Be prepared for this volatility and have a clear investment strategy in place. Long-term vs. short-term investment Determine investment goals before investing. Is it simply a short-term hedge against inflation and market instability, or is the investment long-term for growth in the portfolio? Investment goals will directly influence precious metals choices. Market research Stay informed about the factors that affect precious metal prices, such as inflation rates, central bank policies, geopolitical tensions, and currency movements.
6 common mistakes to avoid when applying for home loans

6 common mistakes to avoid when applying for home loans

The process of securing a home loan can be both exciting and daunting. A home loan is a noteworthy financial investment that requires careful consideration and meticulous planning. Unfortunately, many make mistakes during application, leading to costly consequences in the future. This is mainly the case with first-time homebuyers. Here are a few common pitfalls to avoid when applying for a home loan to ensure a smoother and successful application experience. Neglecting the credit score One’s credit score is a vital factor in securing a home loan. Failing to check and improve this score beforehand is a mistake. Lenders heavily rely on this metric to assess the borrower’s creditworthiness. Individuals should take the time to review their credit reports, rectify inaccuracies, and work on boosting their scores before initiating the application process. Overlooking pre-approval Getting pre-approved gives a clear picture of the loan amount one qualifies for and reassures sellers that the buyer is serious and financially capable. By bypassing this step, applicants may find themselves in a weaker negotiating position or even risk losing out on their dream home to a more prepared buyer. Ignoring the importance of a down payment While many loan programs have low down payments, experts recommend paying a significant sum upfront. A larger down payment reduces the overall loan amount, leads to lower monthly mortgage payments, and offers more favorable interest rates. Overlooking this aspect can lead to higher costs in the long run. Not shopping around for lenders Settling for the first bank or financial institution can be a costly mistake. The terms, fees, and interest rates vary from one lender to another. By not comparing offers from multiple sources, applicants may end up with a loan that doesn’t align with their financial goals. Shopping around and getting quotes from different lenders can help save money over the life of the loan.
5 credit card mistakes to avoid

5 credit card mistakes to avoid

Today, digital transactions have become the norm. This has made safeguarding one’s financial information all the more important. Sadly, credit card fraud remains a prevalent concern, and numerous victims are falling victim to the evolvingly cunning tactics employed by cybercriminals. One way individuals can safeguard themselves from fraudulent activities is by avoiding some credit card mistakes that leave them susceptible. Avoiding these mistakes can significantly bolster their defenses against potential threats. Neglecting strong password Most individuals prefer using easy-to-use and easy-to-remember passwords to offer them easy access. However, easily guessable passwords such as birthdays and phrases can make things easier for cybercriminals. It is advisable to opt for complex passwords comprising a mixture of upper and lowercase letters, numerals, and special characters to avoid granting them unauthorized access. Regularly changing passwords and employing a password manager can further fortify online security. Disregarding secure websites for transactions Another grave mistake credit card users make that makes them susceptible to fraud is entering their details on unsecured websites. This is one place where cybercriminals exploit vulnerable sites to harvest sensitive data. To mitigate this risk, individuals should only transact on secure websites. Checking for “https://” in the URL and looking for a padlock icon in the address bar are some telltale signs of a secure connection. Sharing card information on unsecured networks People find public Wi-Fi networks convenient to use. However, it is paramount that one stay alert to the information that is being shared or accessed on public networks. Transmitting credit card information over unsecured networks can expose it to potential interception by hackers. In order to avoid making this error, individuals should refrain from making sensitive transactions on public Wi-Fi. It is also advisable to utilize virtual private networks (VPNs) and opt for cellular data connections to provide an extra layer of security.
5 mistakes to avoid when buying life insurance

5 mistakes to avoid when buying life insurance

Life insurance enables individuals to cover their family members against financial risks that may arise in the future. So, one must not overlook its purchase. If one can afford it, they could consider picking a policy with a higher coverage. Moreover, there are several errors that one could make when buying a life insurance policy, which could result in limited benefits for their family. Here are five such mistakes to avoid. Focusing only on the premium amount Several buyers pay attention only on the premium amount they are supposed to pay instead of looking into more about the coverage and its terms. Doing so could result in buying a policy that is insufficient for meeting the requirements of the policyholder’s family. So, one must consider factors such as future goals, children’s education fees, and inflation instead of only focusing on the premium. Relying on the employer’s insurance coverage Employers generally offer a basic level of life insurance coverage. So, one must not completely rely on it for protection and should consider getting supplemental life insurance. Moreover, one may be able to secure a reduced premium rate when they opt for the life insurance provider associated with their employer for standard coverage. Choosing the first insurance provider Insurance buyers are usually in a rush to make the purchase and go with the first option they find. While they might get something affordable, it could result in them getting an insufficient insurance coverage. Therefore, one must study multiple policies by different providers and determine factors such as the company’s popularity, experience of the insurance provider, and customer reviews before making the purchase. Delaying buying life insurance Delaying purchases when it comes to life insurance policies is not the best idea because the older one gets, the more expensive will it be to get insured.
5 ways to avoid credit card scams

5 ways to avoid credit card scams

Technological advancements in payments also bring the risk of hackers and cyber threats. The growing cases of credit card fraud nationwide are a glaring example of these risks. In 2022 alone, the US Federal Trade Commission reported that about $8.8 billion was lost by credit card users through such scams. To avoid falling prey to credit card scams, users should take certain precautionary measures, some of which include the following: 1. Only shopping on trusted websites Every now and then, users tend to receive emails or texts that link them to “retail” sites. Such websites then show offers that are too good to be true on a host of products and services. In most instances, such messages and sites simply bait unsuspecting shoppers to provide their credit card details while paying for their “purchases.” Once the details are given, users realize they have been duped, their confidential payment details stolen, and their money taken. To avoid such an outcome, it is always safe for users to rely on a select few e-retail sites for shopping. Only a handful of retail sites can be considered trustworthy, as they have the requisite security protocols and measures to protect their clients’ credit card information from hackers. 2. Being aware of phishing and skimming scams As seen above, unsolicited emails, texts, and phone calls asking for credit card information are the clearest examples of bait for users. This is why users should refrain from giving away their personal details and payment information in response to such messages or calls. Users must pay attention to the card reader while shopping or taking out cash from an ATM. This lets them keep their guard up against possible card-skimming attacks. 3. Using additional security measures Many credit card issuers offer multiple layers and levels of security for their users.
5 credit card habits to steer clear of

5 credit card habits to steer clear of

Credit cards have made transactions incredibly convenient, as users can choose to pay later for any purchase. Such flexibility ensures that one’s purchasing power does not depend on one’s bank balance. Today, several credit card companies offer attractive benefits on purchases, including cashback and reward points, and have emerged as highly lucrative for users. However, one needs to exercise some caution while using credit cards. So, here are some credit-card habits to avoid: Applying for many cards at once Users often have multiple credit cards to split large expenses so that there is sufficient credit available for each card. However, applying for multiple credit cards successively can trigger multiple inquiries, which can negatively impact the credit card holder. So, it is best to avoid applying for multiple credit cards simultaneously. Not making timely payments Delaying credit card payments repeatedly can affect one’s credit score, which can cause problems with securing loans. In most cases, banks either reject loans or charge high-interest rates for those with poor credit scores. Many employers also reject candidates with a negative credit report. Paying credit card bills on time can help improve one’s credit score. Frequently paying through EMIs Equated monthly installments (EMI) allow users to repay credit card debts flexibly in parts over a specific time frame. Most credit card companies offer EMI options for users’ convenience. However, EMIs entail monthly interest in addition to the principal amount, leading to overspending. The best bet is to apply for an EMI only in case of large expenses. Closing a credit card Closing a credit card can affect one’s credit history, especially if the card is old. For example, if one owns two credit cards with credit histories of three and four years, the total credit history comes to seven years. But closing the card with four years of credit history would reduce this total to three years.
4 types of banking scams and how to avoid them

4 types of banking scams and how to avoid them

Scamming is a common concern today, with many people losing hard-earned money to online hacking, fraud, and phishing. Over 2 million frauds are reported in the country each year. What started off with seemingly harmless spam messages has evolved into phishing emails and malware activity. Further, fraudsters can pose as banks and other financial institutions to get one to divulge confidential information. So, here are a few banking scams to know: 1. Credit card scams Here, one may receive calls from someone claiming to be a representative of their respective card company. They might share a link to let one update their profile or application or even upgrade their credit card. One might even receive calls saying the card issuer is checking for possible fraudulent activity in their account. This is a believable claim, so one should verify the caller’s details, seek official communication from the caller over mail to check credentials, and avoid clicking on any links till then. If one suspects wrongdoing, they should block the phone number of the caller and call the official bank helpline number to verify the details. 2. Check overpayment scams This is a common way of scamming those who participate in online auctions. They may be paid a bogus check for more than the amount they were promised. After the deposit has been made, the victim is contacted by the scammers to return the extra amount. Instead of blindly doing what they are being told by a stranger, one should verify the details of the transaction carefully. Any payment notification of an amount received from a stranger or a relatively unknown person should be a red flag. Further, one should talk to their bank first or check their statement to verify such transactions. 3. Employment scams Here, scammers may try to gain a job applicant’s personal information or convince them to buy some “equipment” or “training programs” for the job.
6 poor credit card habits to break today

6 poor credit card habits to break today

A substantial portion of the population today prefers digital payments over any other option. And among the top choices are credit cards. However, digital payments make it all the more important to be careful. A lot of things can slip through the cracks when people do not pay attention to their card usage and spending habits. It is important to break these habits before the credit card bills pile up. Making partial payments Many credit card users have the habit of making partial payments when their bills are generated. Although this is perfectly acceptable with the credit card issuer, the practice can impact the user’s credit score. The interest also adds to the total amount payable during the next cycle. If not paid in full, some credit card bills can take years to clear. Foregoing statement checks It is important that users check their credit card bills regularly. A thorough inspection can guarantee that there are no additional or unnecessary costs. People who do not habitually check their bills might end up paying for expenses that were not made in the first place. It can cause discrepancies and fraudulent activities to go undetected. Paying late Making late credit card payments is another habit that benefits no one. It causes the user to pay late payment fines and deal with the increased interest rates. Those who forget to pay their bills should set reminders or automate their credit card payments. Doing so will prevent users from falling into the category of people with a bad credit score and help maintain the one they have worked so hard toward. Taking advances There are times when one might run out of liquid cash. However, making a habit out of it can cost a person gravely. Banks and other financial institutions levy heavy charges on cash withdrawals via credit cards.
4 mistakes to avoid when applying for debit cards online

4 mistakes to avoid when applying for debit cards online

A debit card makes it easy to access money from the bank or an ATM. One could easily spend what’s in their account without carrying cash or writing a check. However, each bank sets its terms and conditions associated with a debit card. Those who sign up for one online without a second thought might often incur unwanted charges. With this in mind, here are four mistakes to avoid when applying for a debit card. Going for the first available option Several banks offer a series of debit card options to customers. However, in a hurry to get things done, people apply for the first card they see online. Doing so may result in paying higher fees than one should or signing up for features that one does not need. Individuals must always take their time when applying for debit cards to ensure they sign up with a suitable provider. Not reading the fine print One of the common mistakes people make when applying for a debit card online is ignoring the fine print. While a bank may offer a debit card free of charge, it might be conditional on eligibility criteria. For example, one might incur charges if they do not spend a certain amount within the first year, such as $500. Reading the conditions also helps one better understand any important aspects of the debit card. Overlooking the ATM withdrawal fees Most individuals who prefer using cash overlook the ATM withdrawal charges levied by their bank. For instance, some financial institutions only offer up to five free transactions per month. Anything above that may incur a certain fee per transaction. In addition to this, banks may levy charges on transactions conducted at out-of-network ATMs. So, one should always check the ATM withdrawal fees when applying for a debit card online.
3 easy ways to order checks for the first time

3 easy ways to order checks for the first time

Although the world is shifting to digital transactions, people continue to use checks as a mode of payment. Moreover, many people prefer to secure or guarantee future payments with post-dated checks. However, since checks are not readily available, one needs to know how to order them. This knowledge is especially important for those ordering for the first time. So here are a few ways in which one can order checks to meet their financial needs. Banks If one has a bank account, one can easily order checks. Moreover, if one has previously ordered checks from their bank, they can reorder by visiting the bank’s website. However, those who are ordering checks from their bank for the first time would need to connect with a customer service representative or visit the bank in person for details. To ensure security, one will have to verify their identity by presenting a valid government-issued photo ID. Similarly, one can also order checks from a credit union. Some banks and credit unions like Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, Navy Federal Credit Union, and Ally Bank offer the first few checks for free. Online printers If one wishes to order checks with customized designs, one can easily do so through online check printers. To begin the process, one would need to choose one of the many available options for an online check printer. When one visits the online printer’s website, one will find relevant information on how to order the checks. One can choose from different font styles and designs to create a unique look for the checks. Once the design choices have been made, one will have to provide personal information like name and address. Finally, one will also have to specify the number of checks required for use. Retail stores Popular retail stores also offer check printing services.