5 things to avoid before bed for better sleep

5 things to avoid before bed for better sleep

You may experience nights where no matter how tired you feel, your mind refuses to let you sleep. This could happen despite going to bed at a reasonable hour after a tiresome day. You might even buy a mattress from popular brands like Tempur-Pedic, Sleep Number, Saatva, Essentia, or Wilderness RV Mattress and yet lack eight hours of sleep. So, if you want a good night’s rest, avoid doing these five things before sleeping: 5 things to stay away from before going to bed Using electronics Nine times out of ten, people scroll through various social media sites after getting into bed. The blue light from the gadgets and the constant stimulation from the media keep your mind awake and make it difficult to fall asleep early. Instead of reaching for your phone or laptop before bed, reach for a calming book to get a good night’s sleep. Eating a large, heavy meal Consuming an entire pizza or a couple of tacos may not be the best idea to eat right before hitting the bed. Our digestive system is meant to rest while we sleep. The process of digestion is also the slowest at night, and a heavy meal can cause complications like disturbed sleep. Additionally, eating a heavy meal just before sleeping can trigger heartburn, acidity, and acid reflux. Acid reflux is characterized by the stomach occasionally sending digestive acids to the esophagus.  Avoid having more than a few drinks five to six hours before bedtime if you have bladder problems. Large, heavy meals have also been associated with daytime sleepiness. Consuming foods high in fats may increase the likelihood of post-meal tiredness, while carbohydrate-rich foods could increase the perceived amount of postprandial fatigue. Moreover, foods rich in tryptophan could promote sleep. Therefore, eating meals loaded with these properties could make one sleepy or cause one to sleep during the day and stay awake through the night.
4 foods that may worsen breathing difficulties

4 foods that may worsen breathing difficulties

In most asthma cases, food allergies and intolerances will trigger inflammation or result in the narrowing of the lung airways. An estimated 19 million individuals in the country have mild to moderate asthma, and it is vital for them to monitor their food intake. Drastic changes in daily eating habits will not necessarily help; however, moderation lowers the risk of flareups. Here are 4 such foods that trigger breathing difficulties for those with asthma. 4 foods that worsen breathing issues in asthma Foods high in fat content Red meats are heavily processed and contain saturated fats, which leads to an increase in LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels in the body. Most saturated and processed fats tend to worsen symptoms like inflammation, causing difficulty breathing. The risk is especially high among people who suffer from conditions like asthma or COPD. Dairy foods and beverages Whole milk (the full fat variant) can trigger excess mucous production when the body breaks down the dairy product during digestion. Mucous buildup in the lungs increases the risk of infection and worsens the inflammation linked to asthma flareups. Preservatives and artificial sweeteners Most foods bought off the shelves in the supermarket are laced with preservatives and additives to increase their shelf life. These include different types of sulfites found in pickled foods and snacks, frozen seafood, and dried fruits or vegetables. Additives can trigger asthma flareups. Also, one of the more commonly used artificial sweeteners, aspartame, is the leading cause of food allergies that develop with asthma. Foods that are rich in salt Excess consumption of salty foods leads to an imbalance in sodium levels in the body. This increases the risk of edema, which is a fluid buildup that leads to swelling, causing blood pressure levels to rise. High blood pressure results in pulmonary hypertension, one of the risk factors associated with common respiratory disorders.
5 odors that trigger migraines

5 odors that trigger migraines

Migraines can cause a throbbing sensation on one side of the head. It may even lead to symptoms like nausea and vomiting. But most of all, migraines can affect our daily life and force us to call in sick after a day at work. They are triggered by many factors, the most common one being osmophobia, a sensitivity to smell. Here are five smells that are toxic for those who suffer from migraines. Perfumes Most of us love wearing perfumes, but those sensitive to smell dread such fragrances. Perfumes contain odorants, substances that give off a unique scent, which, when inhaled, lead to symptoms of migraines like headaches and nausea. The effects of perfume odorants on people with osmophobia are noticed within a few minutes. Pesticide fumes Pesticides contain several chemicals intended to eliminate pests. However, people who work with such chemicals often inhale the fumes, which leads to adverse effects on their health. The side effects of inhaling such fumes include headaches, nausea, and vomiting. These are also common symptoms of migraines. Car exhaust gas Those susceptible to migraines may notice that even mild exposure to car exhaust may trigger the condition. Car exhaust emissions contain carbon monoxide, a toxic gas. Inhaling such fumes may lead to symptoms of migraines such as throbbing headaches. In extreme cases, the toxic gas may also cause drowsiness, disorientation, an accelerated heart rate, cardiorespiratory failure, and coma. Asphalt Asphalt is a petroleum product used to build roads, roofs, and other adhesives. It is these fumes released from the mixture that impact one’s health. Inhaling asphalt fumes may lead to headaches and other symptoms linked to migraines. The toxic product can also cause skin rash, reduced appetite, cough, and skin cancer. Detergents Detergents are a part of our monthly necessities for the sole purpose of keeping our clothes clean.
5 foods that are surprisingly sugar-rich

5 foods that are surprisingly sugar-rich

Diabetes is an autoimmune disease, and food plays an important role in managing its symptoms and related complications. Most severe cases of diabetes are a result of long-term consumption of foods that heighten insulin resistance, increasing blood sugar levels. While we may be aware of obviously sugary foods that aggravate diabetes, there are some seemingly healthy options that can actually cause a lot of harm. Given below are five such foods diabetes patients should avoid. 5 foods that are surprisingly sugar-rich Flavored yogurt The next time you are out buying a healthy snack like flavored yogurt, take a peek at the ingredients and nutrition label. Store-bought flavored yogurt may contain sweeteners in the form of artificial flavors. Switch to plain yogurt and add your favorite fruits to enhance the taste. Breakfast cereals While your preferred breakfast cereals may contain whole grains and be fortified with vitamins, they do contain some amount of sugar that can cause an imbalance in the blood sugar levels. Hence check the label before picking a brand and choose from the ones that have the least amount of sugar. Granola bars Granola bars have gained popularity due to their healthy ingredients like cereals, nuts, and seeds. However, granola bars also contain added sugars in different forms, which might be harmful to diabetics. Hence, choose from sugar-free brands for the snack or pick the ones with the least amount of sugars. Condiments Diabetics who top their healthy meals like fresh vegetable salads with salad dressing unknowingly increase their blood sugar levels. Condiments like salad dressing, ketchup, teriyaki sauce, and barbecue sauce may enhance the flavor of an otherwise bland meal, but they contain added sugars and preservatives. Nutritionists suggest replacing these with sugar-free condiments. Meat Meat is the richest source of a macronutrient called proteins. Meat, especially red meat such as beef and pork, whether fried or grilled, can increase the risk of diabetes due to its high content of heme-iron.
Healthy snack ideas for diabetics

Healthy snack ideas for diabetics

Diabetes is an illness in which the sugar levels in the blood are either too high or too low. This condition can be managed with a strict meal plan that ensures the body’s insulin levels do not exceed the normal amount. However, the urge to snack can be random and unplanned. For such an occasion, here are some safe snacking options for those with diabetes who need healthy choices to satiate their food cravings. Guacamole All you need to make this yummy dip is fresh avocados, onions, tomatoes, some cilantro, lime, and salt to taste. One of the best ways to prep this is to use a mortar and pestle and grind these ingredients gently together. Avocados are known for their polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help keep insulin levels balanced. It also has vitamins and antioxidants, good for the body and skin. Guacamole makes for a great dip or even a spread on a slice of multigrain bread. Apple and peanut butter This is a nutritious and tasty snack that does not spike insulin levels in the body. It can simply be made at home! Just cut some slices of an apple and use homemade peanut butter (crunchy or smooth) as a dip. Both the ingredients have only natural sugars, which can be digested easily by the body. Edamame This is one of the easiest snack recipes. All you need are a handful or two of edamame. Boil, steam or stir fry them in just a bit of olive oil; a tablespoon or two would do. You can add some garlic or season it with salt and pepper. These can be munched on as a side snack while you’re working. The bioactive compounds in edamame are known to lower cholesterol levels in the body. Greek yogurt A healthy probiotic food, Greek yogurt can either be had as is or can also be added with some of your favorite fruits.
6 foods to avoid to manage diabetes

6 foods to avoid to manage diabetes

Food plays an important role in managing diabetes. According to several studies, the most severe and chronic diabetes cases and complications triggered by the condition are caused by the excessive consumption of unhealthy foods. These can increase insulin resistance and heighten blood sugar levels in the body. It is, therefore, important to learn about the foods that can worsen the condition. Here are some of the foods that those with diabetes should avoid. Flavored coffee drinks Flavored coffee drinks, unlike regular coffee, are loaded with sugar, carbohydrates, and calories, all of which may lead to an increase in weight and spikes in blood sugar levels. Such complications will eventually lead to a severe form of diabetes and other health conditions, like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Margarine Margarine is used as a healthy alternative to butter because it is low in saturated fats. However, the food contains high levels of trans fats. These fats may trigger inflammation, increase insulin resistance, and reduce the healthy cholesterol levels in the body. White bread White bread is a processed food that is rich in carbohydrates. Studies indicate that foods high in carbohydrates may raise blood sugar levels in those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They may also affect brain function, especially in those with type 2 diabetes and mental health issues. Sugary drinks Drinks like sodas, sweetened ice tea, and lemonade are extremely high in carbohydrates. These drinks also contain excessive fructose levels. These can influence the body to resist insulin and worsen diabetes. Fruit-flavored yogurt While plain yogurt is suitable for those with diabetes, fruit-flavored yogurt has the opposite effect. Such yogurt is derived from nonfat or low-fat milk with high concentrations of sugar and carbohydrates. So as delicious as fruit-flavored yogurt may taste, one must steer clear of the food to avoid unnecessary spikes in blood sugar and insulin.
5 foods that worsen arthritis symptoms

5 foods that worsen arthritis symptoms

Arthritis triggers inflammation affecting one or more joints. Symptoms include pain and stiffness that worsen with age, as there is no cure for the chronic inflammatory condition. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis are the most diagnosed forms in adults. In most cases, symptoms can be managed with changes in food and lifestyle and taking pain relief prescriptions. To help ease the condition, eliminating these foods from one’s meal regimen can help. Processed, preserved, and sugary foods like baked desserts Foods bought off the shelves in supermarkets contain copious amounts of sugar and preservatives. Most ready-to-eat meals are also made with refined flour, fructose, and sucrose which can trigger an imbalance in blood sugar levels. Baked desserts, pastries, white bread, white rice, and pasta are some of the common refined foods to avoid. Sweets, candies, and sugary beverages, including flavored sodas, can also flare symptoms. Unhealthy fat sources like red meat Saturated and trans fats are the worst and most persistent triggers of inflammation linked to arthritis. Red meats, full-fat dairy products like milk, cheese, and desserts made with refined grains all contain saturated fats. Trans fats can be found in fried foods, frozen foods, and products that are mostly made with margarine or hydrogenated vegetable oils. Avoiding these fats helps, as even moderate consumption can worsen the pain and inflammation. Refined carbohydrates, like crackers, and omega 6 foods, like corn oil The body converts carbohydrates into fuel for all vital functions. However, it is necessary to avoid refined carbohydrates. These foods have a high glycemic index that triggers sudden spikes in blood sugar levels upon consumption. Avoid crackers, bread rolls, instant mashed potatoes, French fries, and even some breakfast cereals. Also, the body needs to maintain a balance between healthy omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Excess consumption of the latter can trigger an inflammatory response.
7 unhealthy foods diabetics should avoid

7 unhealthy foods diabetics should avoid

Food choices matter a lot when you try to combat a health condition. And diabetes is a chronic, long-term disease that needs to be managed with a combination of a healthy lifestyle and food choices. Quality sleep, an active lifestyle, and nutritious food choices can be rewarding for those with diabetes. However, while some foods make for a good choice, some can do equal harm. This article highlights the worst foods for those with diabetes. Starch While carbs are important, the source of carbs is what matters the most. Some of the worst choices in this food category for people with diabetes are rice, white flour, cereals, fries, white bread, and fried tortillas.  Canned vegetables Vegetables are best eaten in their raw, organic form. Avoid canned vegetables and try to cook a meal from scratch, using fresh produce. Also, stir-fried veggies made using a generous amount of butter are not a good option too. Sodium-rich foods Pickles, frozen and canned foods are all high in sodium, which can spike the blood pressure levels in people with diabetes. Diabetes is an illness associated with the heart and kidneys, so the diet must be low in sodium.  Artificial fruit juices and packaged by-products While fresh fruits are a good choice and are recommended to be consumed as is, other forms of fruits are to be avoided. Fruit juices are loaded with a generous amount of sugar and are best avoided. And other fruits by-products include jams, jellies, sweetened applesauce, fruit punch, canned juices, and fruit drinks.  Dairy Whole milk, yogurt, sweetened yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, and ice-creams are some of the worst dairy choices for diabetics. Instead, those with diabetes must rely on skim milk, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat or non-fat sour cream. Fried foods High fatty food items can adversely affect heart health.
8 noticeable signs of excess sugar intake

8 noticeable signs of excess sugar intake

The pandemic has led to an increase in the number of diabetes cases. This has happened because the virus disrupts the production of insulin. Moreover, the inflammation caused by the virus can worsen the symptoms of pre-existing diabetes. According to research, the virus spreads to the pancreatic beta-cells responsible and interferes with the synthesis and secretion of insulin. All of these factors have made it critical to understand the various signs of excessive sugar intake. Increase in appetite Sugary foods are rich in calories. But they do not have the nutritional value that the body otherwise gains from proteins, fiber, and antioxidants found in healthy foods. Empty calories cannot satiate a full-grown adult. So, to fill this void, many people turn to compulsive snacking throughout the day. Excess fatigue People who eat sugary foods and beverages regularly might experience frequent bouts of fatigue. Excess sugar triggers abnormal changes in insulin levels, and energy levels drop rapidly as the body tries to process the extra calories. Acne and skin problems One of the most noticeable signs of excess sugar intake is adult acne and skin problems. This is mainly because of blood glucose imbalance since the body’s glycemic levels influence skin health. Digestive problems Sugar is an underlying irritant that can result in many digestive problems. People may experience stomach pain and cramping. Diarrhea is also a significant risk factor for those with gastrointestinal issues. Dental problems Having sugary foods and beverages every day increases the risk of cavities. The bacteria in the mouth thrive off particles left behind in the molars, leading to cavities and other dental problems. Joint pain Sugar is also an inflammatory trigger, so those suffering from joint problems will experience more pain with increased inflammation. Trouble sleeping Glycemic levels in the body also influence sleep cycles.
7 tips for living better with rheumatoid arthritis

7 tips for living better with rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-lasting, autoimmune condition that causes joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to loss of joint function and other bodily damage. To manage the symptoms and cope with the illness, one can try home remedies and lifestyle changes alongside receiving professional treatment to reduce inflammation. Here, we’ve shared some of the best tips to manage rheumatoid arthritis. Maintain a healthy BMI A crucial step in managing rheumatoid arthritis is shedding extra pounds. Fat cells release cytokines, a protein that causes inflammation, exacerbating symptoms. Besides, excess fat puts a lot of pressure on the joints, making symptoms worse. Studies have also found that maintaining a healthy BMI can reduce the risk of some complications and increase the chances of remission. Besides, an imbalanced BMI can reduce the efficacy of certain other rheumatoid arthritis treatment options. Avoid red meat Many cuts of red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, are loaded with saturated fats. This type of fat can aggravate inflammation and contribute to an imbalanced BMI. Furthermore, red meat contains omega-6 fatty acids, promoting inflammation if consumed in excess. People who can’t do without red meat should choose lean cuts of the meat, as it offers protein and other nutrients without causing inflammation. Be physically active Although rheumatoid arthritis tends to make moving around difficult, it’s essential to be physically active to deal with various aspects of the disease. It can help relieve joint pain, strengthen the bones, reduce inflammation, and enhance joint flexibility. Plus, it’s good for the heart and lungs and helps maintain a healthy BMI. Engage in 30 minutes of cardio every day and weight training at least twice a week. Steer clear of fried foods Fried foods, such as French fries, fried chicken, and donuts, are the worst foods for people with rheumatoid arthritis.
4 foods that sneakily spike blood sugar

4 foods that sneakily spike blood sugar

It might not be the end of the world for people to slip up and nibble on a cookie or grab some chips, which are common contents in the pantry. However, patients with blood sugar issues have to be careful, as too many “unhealthy” snacks can lead to grave consequences, primarily when some not-so-good foods are marketed as the healthiest on the shelves. Here are some surprisingly bad foods for diabetes that need to be avoided. Nut butter Peanut, cashew, and almond butter are all considered healthy choices, contributing to some good fats and proteins in the food. They work great as toppings on toast, oatmeal, and shakes. Their high-nutrient profile makes them a safe snacking option for those with various health concerns. However, are they as healthy as they are assumed to be? Consumers need to be careful of the ingredients being included in the packaged food products. Most store-bought nut butters list sugar within the first five ingredients on their list, along with hydrogenated oils. These two ingredients go a long way in bringing down the food’s nutrient profile and can contribute to unsteady spikes in blood sugar levels. Nut butter is therefore listed among the bad foods for diabetes. However, it is perfectly safe to use natural and organic ones devoid of any added sugars. Dairy-free milk Plant milk is an excellent alternative to dairy and can be used safely by people with lactose intolerance. Although, for diabetes patients, these might not be completely safe. Packaged plant milk often contains high doses of added sugar. This undoes all the goodness that the unflavored milk otherwise has. The added sugar is in addition to the already high-carb content of these milk alternatives. Therefore, packaged plant milk is bad for diabetes. A healthier choice would be picking up unsweetened and unflavored almond, soy, and/or coconut milk.
8 signs that indicate high sugar consumption

8 signs that indicate high sugar consumption

Sugar makes everything taste excellent, there’s no denying it. As a matter of fact, sugar is essential to your survival, as it provides fuel for the body. But too much added and artificial sugar can actually wreak havoc on the body’s functions. It can cause serious health conditions and affect your mind negatively. But how do you know if you are consuming too much sugar? Here are 8 ways your body tells you exactly that. Poor skin Too much sugar in your meals can actually affect your skin negatively. In fact, acne is one of the most common skin conditions that could be caused as a result of too much sugar. High sugar intake can cause the release of androgen and also contribute to the oil production and inflammation of the skin. Too much sugar can also lead to the development of wrinkles and triggers aging. Exhaustion and fatigue Another common sign of too much sugar intake is exhaustion and fatigue. Sugar is a quick energy source but irrespective of how much you eat, you will find yourself feeling hungry again. Not to mention, consuming too much sugar can lead to large fluctuations in blood sugar and energy spikes, which can leave you feeling tired and exhausted. Increased blood pressure Increased or high blood pressure is another sign of excessive sugar consumption. Studies have shown that consuming sweetened drinks and foods has a direct link with high blood sugar and can even lead to hypertension. Excessive sugar consumption can also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and conditions such as cholesterol and diabetes. Excessive hunger One of the major signs of high sugar consumption is hunger. Sugar is sweet and delicious, but it only satisfies the taste buds. Unfortunately, it does nothing to satiate your hunger. This often means you will end up hungry and find yourself consuming more calories without any essential protein, vitamins, and healthy fats.