6 best times to drink water for maximum benefits

6 best times to drink water for maximum benefits

A significant percentage of our body is made up of water, so there’s no denying that it is essential to our overall health. While most people understand that they must drink approximately eight glasses every day, they don’t know that there are certain times when the habit can be more helpful. So, understand when to drink water for maximum benefits instead of chugging multiple glasses whenever you feel like it. Immediately after waking up Drink a glass or two of water first thing in the morning. Supplying H2O to your body on an empty stomach has numerous benefits. It helps cleanse the bowels, flush toxins, boost energy levels, improve skin health, and even strengthen the immune system, among other things. Before and during meals A glass of water before a meal enhances the feeling of fullness and curbs the tendency to overeat. On the other hand, drinking water during a meal helps with digestion, especially if you’re eating high-fiber foods like beans, lentils, and oatmeal. That said, don’t drink too much, as it may dilute the natural juices that aid digestion. Before and after exercise For moderate-intensity daily workouts, drink a glass or two of water about 30 minutes before starting. The body loses both water and electrolytes through sweat. So, sip on another glass or two after exercising and an electrolyte drink to replenish the lost reserves. Midafternoon If you lack energy midafternoon, don’t reach out for coffee. While it can give an instant energy boost, coffee may disrupt sleep at night. You need to address the root cause of the midafternoon slump: dehydration. Drink a glass of water or more to fight fatigue and boost your energy and mood. Before bedtime Don’t hit the bed in a dehydrated state. Hydration before bedtime can lower the risk of heart attack and stroke.
4 essential vitamins for better eye health

4 essential vitamins for better eye health

The human eye has a complex structure. The retina, lens, and light-sensitive cells work together to convert light into electrical signals. The brain then converts these electrical signals into the images we see. Proper nutrition is key to maintaining good eye health to support this function. Some essential vitamins in the food boost eye function, promote better long-term vision, and help prevent eye disorders like macular degeneration and night blindness. Vitamin A Vitamin A is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and cell damage to vital DNA structures. The retina mainly needs it to produce certain pigments that allow humans to see clearly. It also helps keep the corneas hydrated and protects the front part of the eyeball. Studies have found that a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to night blindness. On the other hand, a high intake has been associated with a lower risk of age-related macular in older adults. Hence, it is a crucial vitamin for eye health. Many foods are rich in vitamin A, but carrots are the best for better eye health. Carrots are naturally rich in this vitamin and even have other compounds that are converted into it during digestion. Adding this food to the meal plan can improve vision at night and lower the risk of eye problems due to aging and other chronic illnesses. Specific other fruits and leafy veggies also have lots of vitamin A. The best examples are spinach, broccoli, mangoes, cantaloupes, dried apricots, and bell peppers. Baked sweet potatoes even have healthy carbohydrates that improve eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration. Vitamin E Vitamin E promotes better eyesight and lowers the risk of two major eye disorders: cataracts and macular generation. A cataract develops when free radicals destroy specific proteins in the eye and cloud the lens.
6 easy home remedies for nasal polyps

6 easy home remedies for nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, non-cancerous growth of the tissues that form in the nose or sinuses. If they are too large or there are many nasal polyps, it causes itching, runny nose, sneezing, and breathing difficulty. Nasal polyps are quite common and may be caused by allergies, inflammation, or infection. Surgery is a common treatment option; however, not everyone needs it. Here are some natural remedies to help ease nasal polyps symptoms and avoid surgery. Steam inhalation Inhaling steam can help unblock the nasal passages by thinning nasal mucus. It can also reduce swelling within the airways. An easy way of inhaling steam is to take a hot shower. Alternatively, you may heat a bowl of water and position the face over it while keeping a towel draped over the head to prevent steam from dispersing. Turmeric Turmeric is a yellow spice known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In people with nasal polyps, turmeric can decrease irritation and inflammation of the airways. There are many ways of using this spice. One can make turmeric tea by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of the spice in a cup of boiling water or add turmeric powder to curries, stir-fry recipes, and smoothies. Cayenne pepper Cayenne pepper contains an active compound called capsaicin, which makes the hot pepper taste hot. It can cause a runny nose, which helps get rid of mucus, making breathing easier. Capsaicin can also relieve inflammation and boost immunity. Those who love spicy food can benefit from adding cayenne pepper liberally to multiple recipes. Tea tree oil Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help deal with both symptoms and causes of nasal polyps by reducing itching, lowering inflammation, and combating infection. However, avoid using tea tree oil directly. Dilute it with a carrier oil, like olive oil or almond oil, and apply it to the nasal membranes.
3 crucial tips for managing dementia

3 crucial tips for managing dementia

The degeneration of brain cells can lead to the development of various health concerns. It can compromise the person’s cognitive and physical function and deteriorate their lifestyle. To avoid these complications, doctors often recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle. Eliminating unhealthy foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle can prevent the brain’s and other organs’ free radical damage. Here are three essential tips that help avoid the degeneration of brain cells due to dementia. Have these foods to prevent degeneration Proper nourishment is essential for brain functions, and providing the correct nutrients helps prevent this organ from rapid damage. Here are some foods to consider: Nuts Regular inclusion of nuts in meal plans can help develop better cognitive skills. It can also help keep other systems running smoothly. Nuts have also been linked to having a better memory. Green vegetables Two servings of green vegetables a week can help prevent the degeneration of brain cells. Those who include leafy vegetables in their daily meals are better protected against cognitive decline. Fatty fish Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish like salmon, tuna, and herring. This nutrient also benefits people with low cognition and those at risk of developing degenerative brain disorders. Berries Berries are rich sources of anthocyanin, a compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This compound helps prevent free radical damage and brain cell degeneration. Olive oil People who regularly use olive oil for cooking show better cognitive function. It helps in slowing down brain cell degeneration and the onset of symptoms. Get personal care For patients who can’t afford a long wait to see their physicians or can’t travel to a clinic, Optum Care can be of great help. The organization partners with healthcare professionals and clinics to provide better healthcare services by caring for patients’ primary and special-care needs.
Manage Parkinson’s symptoms by making these nutritional choices

Manage Parkinson’s symptoms by making these nutritional choices

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects adults. The condition’s slow progression forces symptoms to develop gradually and intensify over the years. However, not everyone will experience the same intensity of tremors, rigidity in limbs, gait, and problems with overall balance. The condition has no cure. But it is possible to prevent, counter, and manage discomforts and symptoms with treatments and changes in daily nutrition and lifestyle. Foods rich in antioxidants Oxidative stress can trigger the damage of healthy cells. This can cause rapid progression and worsening of Parkinson’s symptoms. Many studies have indicated the benefits of incorporating antioxidants among daily meals. This is one of the reasons why nutritionists recommend including more antioxidant rich foods to counter the nerve cell damage specific to Parkinson’s disease. Plant-based foods are naturally rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and are excellent sources of antioxidants. Assorted berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and even cherries are ideal foods for Parkinson’s management. Even certain cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are excellent options. Eggplants, bell peppers, and tomatoes, among other nightshade vegetables, are also healthy additions to one’s meals. In addition to vegetables, nuts can help alleviate symptoms to an extent. Assorted nuts like pecans, pistachios, Brazil nuts, and walnuts can be eaten as they protect the brain cells from Parkinson’s. One should always consult a nutritionist to map out a food chart that will be beneficial to suit their individual needs. Foods rich in Omega 3  Inflammation is one of the worrying factors linked to the progression of Parkinson’s. Studies show that an abnormal accumulation of proteins in the neural pathways can trigger and worsen this inflammation. If not addressed in time, the progression can worsen to a point where natural remedies can be ineffective. Hence, nutritionists suggest including foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids to counter the inflammation.
3 foods to avoid with ADHD

3 foods to avoid with ADHD

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological disease that affects many people across the globe, children as well as adults. The common symptoms include daydreaming, forgetfulness, talking too much, making careless mistakes, hyperactivity, and trouble concentrating. ADHD is manageable with treatments. But, lifestyle changes can support ongoing treatment and improve the condition further. Doctors have identified some foods to avoid with ADHD that patients should be aware of. Candy When dealing with ADHD, one should avoid candy because it has a very high sugar content and artificial coloring. Both elements can worsen hyperactivity. While avoiding candy will not prevent hyperactivity altogether, it will help reduce the intensity and frequency of episodes. Too much sugar, in general, can also impact energy levels and lead to other health conditions like diabetes, so it is best to limit its quantity in foods. Coffee Coffee is also a no-go for people with ADHD. The caffeine in coffee can improve concentration levels, but it can worsen the symptoms of this health condition. It can also interfere with ongoing treatment. Besides coffee, beverages like tea and even cola are also counted among the foods to avoid with ADHD due to their caffeine content. Frozen fruits and veggies While fresh fruits and veggies are healthy, frozen ones may have artificial additives that worsen ADHD symptoms. Artificial additives, such as food colors, can also interfere with hormones and development. Other foods with artificial additives include breakfast cereals, cookies, soft drinks, and fruit punches. So, it is advisable to read the label before buying foods off the shelf. Avoiding these foods may reduce ADHD symptoms. But, in most cases, individuals also need treatment to manage the condition. The popular options include: CONCERTA® It is a stimulant that works by improving how different parts of the brain communicate with each other.
4 vitamins to consume for good eye health

4 vitamins to consume for good eye health

The eye is an organ part of the visual system in the human body that enables individuals to see. But several factors can affect one’s overall vision. Age, diabetes, high blood pressure, and genetics are significant factors impacting one’s vision. Improper nutrition can also be a contributing factor to poor vision. Therefore, one must ensure they eat foods rich in vitamins to improve eye health. Here are four such vitamins to include in each meal. Vitamin A Including foods rich in vitamin A may help maintain a clear cornea (the outer covering of the eye). The vitamin is also a component of a protein in the eyes known as rhodopsin. The protein allows individuals to see in low light conditions. Furthermore, vitamin A reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Foods abundant with A vitamins include pumpkins, bell peppers, squash, and sweet potato. Carrots, black-eyed peas, spinach, broccoli, mangoes, and cantaloupe are other foods rich in this vitamin. The lack of vitamin A can lead to xerophthalmia, a severe condition that may cause permanent blindness. Vitamin C Eating foods rich in vitamin C can have several health benefits, including those for the eyes. The vitamin also protects the eyes from oxidative damage. Such damage is a crucial factor that can trigger the development of nuclear and cortical cataracts, which are common age-related cataracts. Oranges, blackberries, grapefruit juice, and Brussels sprouts are some foods to consume to improve the vitamin levels in the body. Research indicates that people who developed a nuclear cataract had clearer lenses when they ate foods rich in vitamin C. The nutrition from these foods can also protect the eye against UV light damage. While the concentration of vitamin C in the eyes depletes with age, taking supplements based on a healthcare professional’s advice may help replenish the vitamin.
Things you should know about multiple sclerosis

Things you should know about multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system (CNS). Due to this disorder, your immune system attacks myelin, which is the protective sheath covering the nerve fibers. As a result, communication between your brain and body is hampered. Causes of multiple sclerosis The exact cause of multiple sclerosis is still uncertain. However, some factors that cause this disorder are as follows: Immune system If the immune system is compromised, it may attack the CNS. The myelin protective sheath is affected, thereby disrupting the functioning of your brain, resulting in multiple sclerosis. Infection Certain viruses and bacteria can cause multiple sclerosis. Some viruses cause inflammation that breaks down the myelin, triggering multiple sclerosis. It is possible that brain-cell-like bacteria and viruses can cause the immune system to erroneously identify normal cells as foreign cells, thereby destroying them. Some of the viruses and bacteria that can cause multiple sclerosis include Epstein-Barr virus, measles viruses, and human herpesvirus-6 causing disorders like roseola. Genetics One can be highly susceptible to multiple sclerosis if one has a family history of this disorder. The possibility of one developing this disorder in such instances increases by 2.5% to 5% in the country. For an average individual, the possibility is roughly 0.1%. Multiple sclerosis patients are born with genetic susceptibility to unfamiliar environmental agents, which triggers an auto-immune response. Environmental factors Epidemiologists have noticed a higher number of multiple sclerosis patients in countries that are far from the Equator. This may be a correlation with Vitamin D as it is believed to be highly beneficial for the immune system. Since people living in countries closer to the Equator receive plenty of sunlight, their bodies produce more Vitamin D, which reduces the risk. Symptoms of MS Symptoms vary and depend on the affected nerves and extent of nerve damage.
10 symptoms that indicate pregnancy

10 symptoms that indicate pregnancy

For women trying to conceive or wondering if they may be pregnant, one of the first signs to watch out for is a missed menstrual cycle. Although several other symptoms can point to the possibility of a pregnancy, it’s always best to visit a doctor for confirmation. Read on to know the common symptoms of pregnancy: Missed period If a woman in childbearing years experiences a delay of over a week in her menstrual cycles, it may indicate pregnancy. That being said, missed or irregular cycles could also be a result of health issues like thyroid problems. So, women should also keep an eye out for the other symptoms mentioned here. Fatigue Being more tired than usual could be an early symptom of pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, the progesterone levels in her body rise, which causes her to feel sleepy and tired. Frequent urination During pregnancy, the quantity of blood flowing in a woman’s body increases, causing the kidney to work overtime. This places extra pressure on the bladder and leads to more frequent urges to urinate. Nausea or morning sickness This may be accompanied with or without vomiting, and this pregnancy symptom is also known as morning sickness. Contrary to popular belief according to the name, it may occur at any time of the day. That being said, all women do not experience this symptom, so it should not be considered as the ultimate factor that indicates pregnancy. The cause of this symptom is unknown, but pregnancy hormones are considered to play a key role in its development. Swollen, tender breasts Pregnant women may experience sore and sensitive breasts. After a few weeks into the pregnancy, this discomfort reduces as the body gets accustomed to the hormonal changes, but this is a concrete sign of pregnancy. Nasal congestion This is a little-known sign of pregnancy and occurs due to soaring hormone levels and the production of blood that make the nose swell, dry out, and bleed.
4 common sexual conditions and their symptoms

4 common sexual conditions and their symptoms

Sexual conditions or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) generally affect a person through sexual contact. STDs are caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses, which mainly enter the body through semen, blood, or other bodily fluids. They can enter the body non-sexually too; for instance, an affected person’s blood is used during a transfusion or if they share a needle with a person who has any form of STD. Herein, we discuss the various symptoms of a few sexual conditions. Symptoms STDs may have a range of symptoms or no signs at all. It mainly depends on the type of STD one may have. Here is a list of some common forms of sexual conditions and their symptoms. Chlamydia It is a bacterial infection that affects the genital tract. The symptoms may start to show a few weeks after the exposure. The most common symptoms include painful urination, abdominal pain, discharge from the penis, pain during intercourse for women, and testicular pain. Gonorrhea This is another bacterial infection that affects the genital tract, mouth, eyes, throat, and anus. Sometimes, the symptoms may take 10 days to show, or even months. The common symptoms of gonorrhea are thick or bloody discharge from the vagina or penis, burning sensation or pain during urination, heavy menstrual bleeding, swollen testicles that pains, painful bowel movements, and anal itching. Trichomoniasis Also referred to as Trichomonas vaginalis, this condition is caused due to a one-celled parasite. It occurs if one has intercourse with an infected person. It often does not cause any kind of symptom, and even if it does then that may take up to a month. The symptoms include clear, yellowish, white, or greenish vaginal discharge, discharge from the penis, strong vaginal odor, vaginal irritation or itching, itching inside the penis, pain during intercourse, and painful urination.
Understanding skin problems and some diseases that cause them

Understanding skin problems and some diseases that cause them

Skin problems are of several types, with varying symptoms and triggers. They don’t always last for a long time, and some skin diseases can be almost painless too, albeit mentally and emotionally traumatizing. As they’re so common, there are well-established treatments for almost all skin diseases. However, there is still a lack of proper knowledge about what can trigger them. Read on to understand the skin issues better. Symptoms There are various symptoms of skin conditions, depending on the type of issue you have. However, you must keep in mind that skin roughness or blisters may not be caused by skin-related issues at all. These can be caused by wearing a new shoe or a rough fabric. Some of the symptoms that are actually caused by skin problems include white or red raised bumps, an itchy or painful rash, rough skin, ulcers, peeling skin, open lesions, cracked and dry skin, fleshy bumps, discolored patches, changes to the mole size or color, warts, excessive flushing, and loss of the skin pigment. Causes The skin problems can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common ones include bacteria that are trapped in hair follicles or skin pores, microorganisms that are living on your skin, different viruses, weak immunity, coming in contact with irritants or allergens, genetic factors, a variety of illnesses, and certain lifestyle-related factors. Below is a list of the most common health conditions that can result in skin issues. Inflammatory bowel disease : It is a group consisting of disorders that can result in long-lasting inflammation of your digestive tract. The medicines that are used for the treatment may result in skin issues like tags, stomatitis, anal fissures, vitiligo, vasculitis, and allergic eczema. Diabetes : Diabetes can cause different skin conditions, which are either the direct results of the disease or caused by problems with blood circulation or infections due to it.
Sleep disorder – Its types, symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Sleep disorder – Its types, symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Sleep disorder is a medical condition that adversely affects your regular sleeping pattern. It has a direct impact on your health and the quality of sleep. This, in turn, paves the way for several other health problems and makes it difficult for you to go about your day-to-day activities. Types of sleep disorders Insomnia This is a condition in which a person finds it difficult to fall asleep at night or during other hours. Sleep apnea It is a condition in which a person suffers from irregular breathing patterns when they are sleeping. There are different types of sleep apnea. Restless legs syndrome It is a form of sleep disorder that is also referred to as Willis-Ekbom disease. It causes an unnatural and discomforting sensation in the legs. You also feel an uncontrollable urge to move your legs when you are trying to sleep. Narcolepsy This is a condition in which a person feels tired and sleepy throughout the day. Symptoms of sleep disorder Finding it difficult to sleep A sense of fatigue during the day Feeling a strong urge to sleep during the day even after sleeping for a good number of hours in the night Feeling irritated Suffering from anxiety Not being able to concentrate Suffering from depression Causes of sleep disorder Allergies Different kinds of allergic reactions, like cold and sneezing, make a person uncomfortable while sleeping. If you are suffering from any allergy, it is important that you seek treatment for it. Respiratory problems When a person is suffering from respiratory problems, they may find it difficult to breathe. It would be impossible to catch up on some sleep when you are gasping for breath. Nocturia Nocturia is a condition in which you feel the need to urinate frequently. This could be a result of hormonal imbalance or some urinary tract-related diseases.