5 simple ways to toilet train a cat

5 simple ways to toilet train a cat

One of the main concerns for new pet parents is toilet training their feline friends. Cats are smart species; they understand the tricks within a few weeks. However, teaching them the correct techniques from day one is essential as it will gradually mold the cat’s behavior toward using the toilet bowl or litter boxes. The transition can be challenging, so we have listed seven simple steps to help with the process. Decide and prepare a designated bathroom Choose a bathroom that is easily accessible to your pet. And place the litterbox close to the toilet. The idea is to get your cat to “go” in the litter box and train it to use the toilet bowl gradually. The cat will get familiar with the new spot eventually.  Move the litter box closer to the toilet bowl Move the litter box an inch closer to the toilet bowl. It will also be convenient for the pet parent to clean the box when they want to. Get rid of a layer of litter to a point where there’s a thin layer left in the box.  Raise the height of the litter box Stack a pile of newspapers, old magazines, or cardboards under the litter box, and gradually raise the height, so that the cat can easily jump onto the box. Initially, the cat will get confused by the height change. But gradually, it will understand the process and jump onto the toilet seat. Make sure you pay attention to your cat adjusting to the new method while training.  Use a training box Gradually, replace the litter box with a training box, and place it over the toilet seat; many options are available online. The training box is made for the pets to become accustomed to the new spot.  Make the transition After a few days, replace the litter box with a training seat.
5 fragrant plants that repel ticks

5 fragrant plants that repel ticks

Fleas and ticks are probably the most annoying things you have to deal with as a pet parent. You might have tried it all, and everything must have worked fine. But the moment you grow lenient, they are back. Ticks do not go away permanently, so you have to be vigilant round the clock. One way to deal with these parasites is to grow plants that repel ticks in outdoor and indoor gardens. Sage Many use sage leaves to enhance the taste of food. Interestingly, the plant is also great at repelling ticks and protecting your pets. So, consider growing sage indoors to prevent infestations. Lemongrass As the name suggests, this plant smells like lemon. While the fragrance may be appealing to you, it repels parasites. Many prefer growing this plant to repel ticks as it requires little maintenance. Lavender While this plant is known for its calming properties, insects would beg to disagree. Lavender is an effective repellent against moths, mosquitoes, and ever-annoying ticks. Its color, as well as its scent, are unappealing to the blood-feeding parasites. Garlic Ticks find the scent of garlic abhorrent. So, if you are looking up for plants that repel ticks from your household, grow this one in your outdoor and indoor garden. Rosemary This herb has a long list of benefits, and repelling parasites is one worth mentioning. Brushing the leaves of the rosemary plant releases fragrance and oil, which protects against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and other pests. Your pet may need treatment in case of a severe tick or flea infestation. Here are a few options: Simparica Trio These are available as chewables to be used once a month. The effect of a single chewable can last for weeks, protecting against fleas, ticks, and heartworms. FRONTLINE Plus It is a topical solution to be applied to the pet’s skin.
7 human foods that cats can have

7 human foods that cats can have

Sharing food with your cat doesn’t always have to be dangerous! Even though it is advisable to keep your pets away from some human food like onions, garlic, sugar, chocolate, dairy, caffeinated products, raw dough, nuts, salt, xylitol, grapes, and raisins, it is safe to treat your pets to some human food every once in a while. Here are 7 human foods that are safe for your kittens to consume. 7 human foods you can share with your cats Fish Canned or cooked fish like salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, and crab are good for your cats as it helps their eyes stay sharp and helps them with arthritis, kidney disease, and heart disorders. Fatty fish contains nutrients like omega-3 that can help with your cat’s heart health. However, it is best to avoid giving them raw fish as it can be dangerous for your cat’s health. Whole grains Cooked whole grains are easily digestible for cats and are popularly found in most dry cat foods. Grains like oats are a good source of protein, iron, and fiber, and they’re easy to make as well. Many cats like eating corn, and a coarse cornmeal called polenta as well. Other grains that you can give your cats include brown rice, barley, wheat berries, millet, and couscous. All you need to do is make sure that the grains are fully cooked, so your kitten can digest them properly. Meat By nature, cats are meat eaters. Protein from meat is an important part of their meals to ensure a strong heart, good vision, and a healthy reproductive system. It is safe to give them cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and small amounts of deli meat for their dose of protein. Avoid giving them any raw or spoiled meat, as this could make them sick. Veggies Vegetables are a great source of vitamins, fiber, and water to help your cats and kittens with digestion.
7 human foods that dogs can enjoy

7 human foods that dogs can enjoy

Like humans, our furry best friends, dogs, need a balanced meal plan to help them live long and healthy lives. If you are someone who cooks meals for them daily, here are some human foods that can easily be added to their bowl for some much-needed nutrition and taste. However, always observe your pet to check if they like these foods and respond well to them. Here are some of these foods: Veggies Our furry friends are just as much in love with veggies as us humans. While not all vegetables are good for them, you can safely give them foods like carrots, green beans, peas, and even pumpkin. These veggies are good for your pets as they are dense in nutrients and easy to digest. Pumpkins are great dogs as they are known for keeping the gut healthy and relieving any digestive issues. Green beans are known for their high protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin K nutrients that keep your furry best friend healthy. And carrots have vitamin A, beta carotene, and fiber content that keeps your dog healthy and happy. Peanut butter This is another extremely safe human food to feed your dog in small to moderate quantities. It contains lots of protein, heart-healthy fats, niacin, and vitamins like B and E. However, it is advised to make your peanut butter at home because it will have no additives and no added sugar or salt, which could harm your dog. Many people use this as a treat in play toys like a Kong or on a lick mat. This can be extremely helpful in mental stimulation and also keep them distracted during a grooming session that they otherwise do not enjoy as much. Chicken Meat has got to be one of the favorite human foods for dogs. Many dogs prefer a meal of boiled chicken and rice daily instead of kibble.
Preventing and Treating Dog Fleas

Preventing and Treating Dog Fleas

Pests can invade a dog’s furry coat and create quite havoc. Some dogs are extremely sensitive to these crawly bugs and can develop skin reactions. That said, several products are available in the market to tackle this problem, and flea tablets are one of them. These fast-acting pills control ticks, worms, and other pests, so pet owners won’t have to worry about infestations. Here are a few trusted flea pills for dogs that will actively protect your pet’s fur coat. Capstar Flea Tablets Capstar is a well-known brand for effective flea-prevention and treatment products. Their flea pills for dogs and puppies can prevent allergy dermatitis, which often occurs due to a flea infestation. Their tablets can start killing these pests within half an hour of ingestion, and they are safe enough for daily single-dose consumption. While no prescription is needed to purchase these, remember to get approval from your vet as they will know if the medicine will agree with your canine. Trifexis Chewable Tablets These strong monthly chewable flea pills for dogs are a good fix for fleas, and they also help keep heartworm disease at bay. They have a blend of pest-fighting agents like milbemycin oxime and spinosad that fight parasites and curb infestation. These tablets come in a beef flavor, so your dog may look forward to feeling better with these chewable pills. The complex formulation of the tablet may cause side effects, so it is only recommended for dogs that are 8 weeks or older and weigh 5 pounds or more. Sentinel Flavor Tabs These flavored tablets are ideal for preventing adult roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm infections in pups more than 4 weeks old and over 2 pounds of weight. Plus, it won’t be difficult to get your pet to eat them as they taste just like treats.
4 simple tips to choose healthy dog food

4 simple tips to choose healthy dog food

The pet food in your cart is not going to be healthy just because the packaging claims it is. Instead of relying on what the advertisements tell you is good for your pet, you should research and understand what is actually beneficial for them. If you want to keep your canine healthy and happy, select the best dog food at your disposal. Here are four factors to consider the next time you’re shopping for dog food. Be mindful of their age The most important factor to consider while choosing the best dog food is your pet’s health. You should pick food age-appropriate food for your pooch, both in quality and quantity. Experts say that puppies need food packed with protein and vital minerals, while an adult dog’s diet should depend on their daily activities. Older dogs should be served low-calorie food that’s rich in fiber, protein, and fatty acids. Meet their nutritional needs Meeting your pet’s nutritional requirements is essential to keep them healthy. One of the things to keep in mind while looking for the best dog food is the type, quality, and amount of nutrients it contains. Professionals say selecting foods with all essential macro and micronutrients is the right way to go. It’s also advisable to look for foods rich in omega-3 fats to balance out the omega-6 fats found in most types of store-bought dog food. Read the ingredient list A simple trick to identifying healthy packaged food and select the best dog food is to read and understand the ingredients listed at the back. The ingredient lists must be declared in the order of the quantity included, from the highest to the lowest. This means the main protein, like meat or fish, should be listed at the beginning as they are the primary ingredients. Ideally, you should pick products where whole foods are listed first.
5 heartworm prevention medicines for dogs

5 heartworm prevention medicines for dogs

Heartworm, a type of parasite, is transmitted through mosquitoes. The parasites directly go to the pulmonary artery and heart of a dog. The symptoms are often severe and require urgent medical care and hospitalization. Most dogs need months of care and rest to get back to normal after treatments. This is why dog parents need to take preventative measures against heartworm infection. Here are some of the commonly used heartworm prevention medicines for dogs: Simparica Trio® This is one of the most popular heartworm preventive medicines for dogs. Simparica Trio is used for the prevention of multiple infections. Along with preventing heartworms, this medication can be used to treat stomach worms, hookworms, and roundworms. This is a chewable tablet. The preventive treatment with Simparica Trio usually begins with pups as young as eight weeks old. Heartgard Plus Heartgard Plus, one of the top choices for heartworm prevention in dogs,  is an oral medication. Its popularity is because of the flavor that it comes in–beef. This medication has two major ingredients: ivermectin and pyrantel pamoate. Both of these are effective in the treatment and prevention of various common infections that affect dogs. These include heartworm, hookworm, roundworms, among others. Tri-Heart® Plus This heartworm prevention medicine for dogs is often a generic alternative to most other medications, including Simparica Trio. Moreover, Tri-Heart is one of the most popular medications against heartworms in dogs. This medication, which is known to be safe and effective for all breeds of dogs, is quite affordable than most others. In addition to heartworm, it can be used to prevent roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. Iverhart Plus Similar to Simparica Trio, Iverhart Plus is also known for its effectiveness in the prevention of heartworm. It also offers protection against a host of other parasites, including hookworms and roundworms. This chewable tablet is often easy to give to dogs due to the flavors it comes in, such as pork liver.
Pros and cons of invisible dog fence

Pros and cons of invisible dog fence

Pet owners most likely don’t like the idea of confining their dog within a room or fence. However, if the dog is hyperactive or aggressive, having a fence around your house can save the pet from unfortunate accidents and wild encounters with other dogs. It keeps them from entering the neighbor’s porch too. While there are many fencing options, we’re here to share the pros and cons of the invisible fence. Pros of invisible fence Aesthetically pleasing An invisible fence is for people who want to enjoy the feeling of being outdoors and, at the same time, do not want the barriers to interfere with the view of the green yards. It also eliminates the need for a gate. So people can move around the space without opening and closing the gate a gazillion times. An invisible fence allows the house owner to retain their view as they please. Convenient The traditional fence takes much longer to get installed as compared to an electric fence, which also makes this option much more reasonable. An invisible fence also eliminates the need for fence posts, nailing boards, rolling wire, or welding iron. Can be adapted to any terrain While conventional fences work only on flat or slightly sloping yards, invisible fences work in all terrains. One can even have an electric fence closer to their house or on their house walls to avoid break-ins and other mishaps. Also, the dogs can be trained to understand their boundaries by placing flags in the initial stages. You can remove the flags gradually.  Cons of invisible fence Training is essential With an electric fence, your pet may definitely need some training at the beginning. Although, the plus with an invisible fence is that it beeps before someone reaches the fence to avoid electric impulse. Once your pet gets acquainted with the sound of the invisible fence, they soon start respecting the boundary.
Top 4 monthly puppy subscription boxes

Top 4 monthly puppy subscription boxes

Every good child should be treated with some goodies and treats. The monthly puppy box can be a source of joy and excitement for dogs and their parents. Thanks to the range of chews, toys, and treats that these subscription boxes offer, they have fast gained popularity. If you are looking to work on a budget but get the best of everything for your good-est boy, here are some options to look into. BarkBox BarkBox costs $23, $26, or $35, depending on the subscription you choose. Although the monthly puppy box is one of the cheapest finds, their product quality remains high, and the subscribers are satisfied. BarkBox has themed boxes that add to the brand’s appeal and make for a nice surprise each month. You get access to treats, toys, and grooming essentials and get customization options based on your dog’s allergies and preferences. Kong Box At $49.95 a month, Kong Box has been a favorite among pets and pet parents alike. One of the best sellers in the Kong box includes the trusty rubber toy that can keep the heaviest chewers engaged. The monthly puppy box comes packed with the classic Kong toy, treats for your dog, recipes, training tips, and some more toys. Second box onwards, the numbers change, but the excitement does not. You can also choose from the type of box you want to subscribe to, including teething, barking, crate training, and other behavioral issues. Pooch Perks Box If you are looking for something that only caters to your dog’s toy needs, pooch Perks have a box that costs only $20.82 a month. Alternatively, they also have bigger, better boxes that provide treats, toys, and even themed goodies. One significant benefit of Pooch Perks is that they provide a single shipment option. This way, you get to try out their services before committing to anything.
Human foods that are best for dog health

Human foods that are best for dog health

One loves pampering their pet dogs with the best of foods and treats. This often means that you may indulge in sharing some of your foods with them. But dogs have a different digestive system compared to humans. This means that some of the foods that you enjoy could actually be harmful to them. This article discusses foods that are safe for your dog and provide them with necessary nutrients. Carrots Carrots are known for their nutritional benefits for humans. They are loaded with vitamins and beta-carotene that help promote heart, eyes, and skin health. Carrots are also super good for dogs. Carrots help remove plaque buildup from your pet’s teeth, helping maintain good dental health. Their nutritional content can also help improve a dog’s immune health, promoting a shiny coat and skin. Chicken Dogs love chicken meals and chicken broth, and these foods are also healthy for them. Plain-boiled chicken is a great option for when your dog has an upset tummy. It is important to remember that you should give them this food with little to no seasonings. Popcorn Popcorn is a great snack for humans and dogs. They contain minerals such as magnesium and zinc that can help both you and your dog stay healthy. The only thing that you need to keep in mind when serving your dog popcorn is that the snack needs to be completely devoid of any butter, salt, or sugar. Ensure that you do not give them any uncooked kernels, as this can cause them to choke. While human foods act as great treats for your dog, you may want to consider dog food for all your pet’s nutritional needs. Some of the most popular brands of dog food include the following. Royal Canin Royal Canin is one of the most popular dog food brands across the globe.
Top 10 cat food deals to check out ahead of Black Friday 2022

Top 10 cat food deals to check out ahead of Black Friday 2022

Black Friday will be here soon, presenting pet parents an opportunity to stock up on food for their feline friends without spending a lot. There will be plenty of discounts from the top pet food brands, including Royal Canin and Purina. But if you cannot wait until then, check out these ten fantastic deals that are available right now. Take your time researching well and pick the healthiest options for your cat! Merrick Purrfect Bistro Grain-free Healthy Weight Recipe Dry Cat food This grain-free recipe ensures your pet gets the proper nourishment and maintains a healthy weight. Besides promoting weight control, it supports the muscles and improves digestive health. The product is already available at a discount of 7% on Chewy, but you can expect a better deal during the year-end sale. Wellness Healthy Indulgence Gravies Grain-free Variety Pack This variety pack makes mealtimes quick and easy. Created by nutritionists and veterinarians, the recipes are enriched with the finest ingredients to promote your cat’s well-being. Petco is offering a discount of 5%, but you can get it at an even lower price by opting for repeat delivery. Tiki Cat Queen Emma Luau Variety-pack Grain-free Canned Cat Food You can save 10% on this variety pack from Tiki Cat at Chewy. It contains unique recipes to boost your cat’s hydration and provide essential vitamins and minerals. The product is excellent for cats with allergies and comes in various flavors, ideal for even the pickiest of eaters. Solid Gold Katz-n-Flocken Lamb & Brown Rice Recipe This delicious dry cat food option from Solid Gold has pearled barley. Your pet will love its taste while benefiting from high-quality and nutritious whole grains. Get it for a discount of 7% at Chewy. Wysong Archetype Burgers Freeze-Dried Raw Dog & Cat Food If you are looking for healthy raw cat food in large quantities, a great option is Wysong Archetype Burgers.
10 Black Friday 2022 dog foods deals to check out

10 Black Friday 2022 dog foods deals to check out

With Black Friday comes amazing deals on a variety of goods, right from appliances to furniture and home décor to dog foods. Even popular brands, such as Royal Canin, Hill’s Science, Iams, and Blue Buffalo, offer hefty discounts during this time. Whether your dog loves dry food or wet food, you will find plenty of nutritious and delicious options at hard-to-miss prices. Check out the best Black Friday dog food deals given below. Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Adult Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Dry Dog Food This dog food, originally priced at $67.99, is offered by Chewy at a discount of 10%. Blue Buffalo Life Protection formula is specially designed for adult dogs. Your pet dog will love to eat this healthy meal made with protein-rich deboned chicken and other natural ingredients. Hill’s Science Diet Adult Sensitive Stomach & Skin Chicken Recipe Dry Dog Food Hill’s Science offers a variety of dog foods to nourish your furry friend who is prone to having an upset tummy. This dry dog food contains nourishing prebiotic fiber and real chicken and is gentle on the stomach. At Chewy, you can get this dog food for $77.99 and save 4%. Iams Proactive Health Smart Puppy Original Dry Dog Food Get a 14% discount on Iams Proactive Health Smart Puppy Original Dry Dog Food when you buy from Chewy. This dog food is a great way to support the nutritional needs of your growing pup. The dry dog food contains 22 key nutrients to help your puppy grow into a healthy dog. Royal Canin Large Breed Adult Dry Dog Food At PetSmart, buy Royal Canin Large Breed Adult Dry Dog Food size 35 lb priced at $87.99 for $84.99. This adult dry dog food contains a balance of high proteins and fiber to support your dog’s active lifestyle.