Why hire an attorney when applying for Social Security disability benefits

Why hire an attorney when applying for Social Security disability benefits

Social Security disability benefits can help people with impairments become financially stable and independent. However, one has to complete a few formalities and submit specific documents while applying, which can take time and effort. While individuals can get through the process all by themselves, it is advised to contact a lawyer to get the job done. Here are a few advantages of hiring an attorney to help with the application. Understand the Blue Book better Social Security disability benefits are processed by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The agency maintains a Blue Book, which mentions the criteria to qualify for the benefits. This book lists the impairments that make one eligible, the symptoms one should have, and the kind of test results and proof one must produce at the time of application. Since understanding the information written in the Blue Book can be challenging, hiring an experienced attorney for help makes sense. Avoid mistakes in the application Besides submitting proof of one’s imperilment, individuals must fill out lengthy forms, presenting information accurately. An attorney can guide applicants and help them avoid rookie mistakes and misunderstandings. This is crucial because any error in the submitted data can lead to the SSA rejecting the request. Apply to the right disability program The SSA offers two programs that pay benefits to people with disabilities: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Since both programs’ eligibility criteria and payouts differ, consulting an expert can help a person determine the right option for their needs. They can also help fill out the necessary forms and gather the documents for the respective program. Get the maximum monthly payouts An experienced Social Security disability lawyer can help applicants get the maximum monthly benefit. According to the SSA Blue Book, one could get close to $3,345 each month if eligible.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Switching Phone Carriers

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Switching Phone Carriers

Switching phone carriers may be a daunting task, considering all the research and work needed to get through it. However, in some cases, it is inevitable, so it is always recommended to be well-informed and have all the details on hand before making the decision. There are many factors to consider when it comes to this, and there are some mistakes people make while switching phone carriers that customers can easily avoid. Take a look. 1. Choosing the wrong carrier This is one of the biggest mistakes people make and should definitely be avoided because of all the troubles that could limit a smooth phone experience. There are three wireless networks available: Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. Some factors that can help decide which carrier works best for a customer include data speeds, any problems with dropped calls, text messaging plans, and if they are delivered timely. So check for these metrics when choosing the carrier. 2. Failing to compare phone plans So many phone plans are available, and while customers compare them, they often do not get into the specifics of the pricing to understand each service. This can be essential, especially when someone has already started a plan and, in the middle of the month, they realize they have been charged for some extra features they have been using. Some examples include Verizon phone plans and the Unlimited Ultimate plan for the iPhone, starting at $65 per line. The Unlimited Plus plan provides the fastest 5G and 30GB of premium mobile hotspot data. They also provide home internet for as little as $25 a month, but the service availability varies. AT&T also has good offers, but it is important to know that internet services and offers may vary from region to region. So always check for the offers available near your residence or business, depending on one’s needs.
5 tips for a hassle-free moving experience

5 tips for a hassle-free moving experience

Moving houses involves numerous considerations, as what might seem like a cost-effective or cheaper choice can bring about unexpected expenses in the end. Further, the bargaining power may be compromised once the possessions have been handed over to the movers. To ensure a hassle-free experience, one should consider various factors, from organizing things to be moved to choosing reliable movers. So, here are some tips to consider for a smooth moving experience: 1. Research before hiring movers Moving companies may initially quote low estimates to attract customers and later inflate prices or hold belongings hostage for additional payments. To avoid such issues, one must conduct thorough research to verify the legitimacy of the chosen company. For example, one can check the “state moving resources” or look for companies that have a ProMover seal from the American Moving & Storage Association (AMSA). When moving to a different state, one can check whether the company is registered under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. 2. Opt for in-person estimates Getting quotes on the phone or online may be convenient, but opting for an in-person assessment allows the moving company to understand the specific requirements of the move accurately. This results in a more precise cost projection, reducing the chances of incurring hidden fees or unexpected charges later. 3. Explore insurance options While moving professionals take utmost care of possessions, accidents can still happen. So, one should explore insurance options that ensure that all the belongings are adequately covered against any damage or loss during the move. 4. Opt for binding agreements Under a binding agreement, one will pay the movers the quoted price, irrespective of the weight of their shipment being more or less than anticipated. Whereas under non-binding agreements, the price is set after loading and weighing the shipment. So, one can insist on a binding agreement to avoid unexpected expenses; however, even under this contract, movers may charge extra fees in response to difficult delivery conditions, like steep terrain, crowded areas, or too many flights of stairs.
7 errors to avoid with movers and packers

7 errors to avoid with movers and packers

When one decides to move to a new location, the first thought is to hire a packing and moving company. These professionals are well-versed in the task and could also ensure that the moving items are handled carefully. But while moving is exciting, it can also be daunting for those unsure how to hire a mover and packer. On that note, here are seven errors one should avoid when selecting such professionals for the job. Lack of research Everything we shop for requires a significant amount of research, including when searching for a moving and packing company. The lack of proper scrutiny may lead to hiring a less-than-adequate service for the job. One must always research and compare different service providers before finalizing one. A few research methods include reading online reviews of the company, checking their license and insurance, and asking for references from previous clients. Not asking for an estimate Another error people make is not asking the packer and mover company for an estimate of the total cost involved. Most companies offer a free estimate after they have inspected what needs to be transported. So, it is crucial to obtain a quote from the service provider to avoid any hidden or unexpected charges in the future. Not enquiring about packing materials Moving to a new place isn’t just about dumping the items in a box and transporting them. One’s belongings might need to be wrapped in quality packing materials to ensure product safety. If the material used is of low quality, it may damage the items while moving. So, one should ask the service provider about the quality of packing materials used to avoid any mishap during the transit. Neglecting credential inspection People usually overlook the packer and mover credentials because they are in a hurry. However, if the employed individual does not have proper credentials, it might lead to additional service costs and legal issues.