Tips to ensure a healthy pregnancy

Tips to ensure a healthy pregnancy

A very important part of family and pregnancy planning is prenatal care. This stage during your pregnancy is the time when you must take special care of yourself so you and the baby remain healthy. This includes regular visits to your doctor. The doctor will perform physical exams and will also prescribe certain tests to monitor the baby’s health regularly. Medical care during pregnancy It is of utmost importance to visit your doctor regularly during pregnancy. This will ensure that you will always be aware of the baby’s progress as well as your health. You will also have the chance to ask the doctor regarding any doubts you may have. The doctor can educate you better about pregnancy, which is the first step towards taking care of your health. During your first visit to the doctor, a physical test will be done to determine if there are any risk factors that may affect your pregnancy. The doctor will also give you an idea about the delivery date. They will ask you about your medical history and any medicine that you may be taking. The medical history of your family members will also be checked. This is because your family and pregnancy are related. Your family’s medical history or a particular illness within your family can affect the newborn too. During the first physical exam, the doctor will check your weight and blood pressure, lungs, heart, and breasts. They will also conduct pelvic exams. Certain medical tests will be performed too. These include complete blood count (CBC), RPR, rubella, HBsAg, urinalysis, and HIV screening. These tests will determine if you have any medical conditions like anemia, syphilis, hepatitis B, bladder infections, kidney disease, or anything else. Treatment steps will be taken based on the test results. What you can do at home To ensure a healthy family and pregnancy, only medical care is not enough.
Ways to manage hair loss

Ways to manage hair loss

Hair loss mainly affects the scalp and it can slowly lead to baldness. The reason for hair fall can be many, including heredity reasons, medicinal side-effects, certain medical conditions, and hormonal issues. The good news is that it is not completely untreatable. There are both medical options and home remedies that can help manage hair fall and regrow healthier hair. Treatment for hair loss There are both surgical and medicinal options available to slow down hair fall or even completely reverse it. A doctor will perform certain tests to determine the right course of action to treat the condition. If the hair fall is caused by any other medical condition, then the doctor will treat that first. However, in the case of pattern baldness, the person will be prescribed certain medications. Minoxidil (Rogaine) This medicine can be obtained without a prescription, and it comes in the form of foam or liquid. The patient needs to apply it on their scalp in order to treat hair loss effectively. They should keep in mind that it may take up to six months of use before their hair stops falling and regrowth starts. Hence, they need to be patient. Finasteride (Propecia) This is a pill that the patient can buy only with a prescription. Using it reportedly slows down hair fall. They need to keep using this medicine to maintain the health of their hair. Other options If medicines are not able to help restrict hair fall, there are other options that the person can try out. A popular treatment for the condition is hair transplant. For this procedure, hair samples are collected from other parts of the head and the body to plant on the bald areas. Laser therapy is also used to treat pattern baldness. This can increase the hair density.
Top remedies and treatments for GERD

Top remedies and treatments for GERD

Top Remedies and Treatment for GERD GERD stands Gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is characterized by a condition in which the stomach acid flows back into the food pipe. This backwash severely affects the esophagus lining. While many people experience acid reflux occasionally, GERD is a lot more severe and a chronic form of this problem. The different treatments and remedies to keep heartburn or GERD at bay are: Treatment measures for GERD The typical treatment steps for heartburn and GERD involve: The doctor recommends a few over-the-counter medicines that mainly consist of antacids. These can help in neutralizing the formation of acid inside the system. Some medicines, known as H2 receptor blockers, help prevent the formation of acid. They can be tried as well. The doctor may ask you to take medications that are available to lower the sphincter muscles. In very severe cases, procedures like LINX device and fundoplication may also are required. Lifestyle remedies for GERD: Some of the best lifestyle remedies for heartburn and GERD include: Eat many small meals frequently One should avoid eating large meals at once. Having large portions may end up putting extra pressure on the stomach. Large amounts of food can make one a lot more prone to acid reflux. Pay attention to your posture It is highly recommended to keep a watch on one’s posture. Ensure that a good posture is maintained when eating. After the meal is over, avoid lying down for at least 45-60 minutes. Wear the right clothing Not a lot of people know this, but the clothes you wear can impact your internal process. They can help make the digestion process a lot smoother. Experts suggest avoiding wearing tight clothes, especially which fit very tightly around your abdomen. So, the key is to wear comfortable clothes. Curate a list of foods that are safe As far as acid reflux is concerned, making changes to your diet can help.
6 ways to prevent heart disease naturally

6 ways to prevent heart disease naturally

Heart diseases can be of various kinds, but most of them are fatal. The origin of most heart diseases can be traced to unhealthy lifestyle and dietary choices like consuming junk, oily, or fried food, along with leading a sedentary lifestyle. Bringing about certain well-thought-out changes in lifestyle can help reduce the risk of heart disease significantly. Home tips for a healthy heart The mentioned tips are effective in promoting heart health and help keep heart diseases at bay. However, if one notices any symptoms of heart disease, a visit to the doctor at the earliest is recommended: Ginger Not only is this a delicious spice, but it can also work wonders in helping one gain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Ginger is known to prevent blood clotting, reduce triglycerides, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. This spice is also known to reduce gas and soothe the tummy. However, it is a natural blood thinner, so consuming too much ginger should be avoided, especially if one is taking prescription blood thinners. Capsaicin This is the component that lends a spicy kick to many types of peppers. As per a study in 2015, this chemical has a wide variety of benefits, ranging from lowering the blood pressure levels and reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome to slowing down the development of atherosclerosis to increasing exercise time in patients with angina. Also, it can aid weight loss, reduce the risk of thickening heart muscles, and control blood sugar. Taking about 20 mg of capsaicin daily is safe. Hot beverages Gas in the stomach is one of the major causes of chest pain. Consuming warm beverages helps stimulate the digestive system and does not let the stomach bloat up because of gas. Several hot beverages, like hibiscus tea, speed up the digestive process and help prevent heart disease.
Strengthening your immune system at home

Strengthening your immune system at home

Our immune system consists of chemicals, cells, and special organs, which give the body the strength to fight infections. The stronger your immune system, the healthier you are. The major components of the immune system are the lymphatic system, the complement system, spleen, white blood cells, thymus, and the bone marrow. You must try to lead a healthy and disciplined lifestyle so that your immune system remains strong, and your body keeps all the diseases of different kinds at bay. How to strengthen your immune system at home? Maintain a healthy sleep cycle Regular sleep of seven to nine hours is the key to leading a healthy life. It is one of the most basic lessons taught to an individual in childhood. A lot of people fail to realize this and, sometimes, disrupt this cycle without understanding that it can lead to severe health problems. Some people stay up till 4 o’clock in the morning so that they can finish binge-watching all the episodes of the new series. Such habits must change, and you must go to bed at a fixed time and sleep soundly for several hours before you get up in the morning and discover what the day has in store for you. Make garlic-based foods a part of your diet Eating a lot of garlic may not do any good for your breath, but it is very good for your health. Apart from giving a boost to your immune system, it safeguards you from several heart-related diseases. Also, unlike a lot of healthy food products, it is quite flavorful and augments the taste of any dish it is added to. Look for different recipes that use a lot of garlic. There are a bunch of them, and if you choose smartly, you can have garlic in breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Chronic fatigue syndrome – Treatment and home remedies

Chronic fatigue syndrome – Treatment and home remedies

Chronic fatigue syndrome, characterized by extreme tiredness or fatigue, does not have any cure. The treatment options available are primarily focused on relieving the symptoms. The symptoms are different in every patient. Therefore, there is a need for different treatment options to manage the condition. Here are some of the treatment options that are commonly used for chronic fatigue syndrome: Medicines Chronic fatigue syndrome patients also suffer from depression. Therefore, treating depression can help one manage a lot of problems associated with this condition. Small doses of antidepressants are prescribed to patients to improve their sleep and even help them fight the pain. Therapy Some of the effective ways of treating chronic fatigue syndrome is a combination of cognitive training programs and some light exercises. Cognitive training Here, the patient is sent to a counselor. During the sessions, the counselor tells the patient about the various ways to work things out in life despite all the limitations caused by chronic fatigue syndrome. This makes the patient feel in charge of their life again and can gives them a positive outlook toward life. Exercise The exercise sessions are done under the supervision of a physical therapist who helps the patient to pick the best exercises to fight the condition. People who have not been very active are prescribed with some stretching and range-of-motion exercises for a few minutes every day. With time, the intensity of the exercises is increased. This gradual increase helps the patient to reduce hypersensitivity towards exercise. Home remedies and alternative treatments There are some home remedies and lifestyle changes that play a crucial role in treating the condition. These include: A good sleep routine Most people with chronic fatigue syndrome suffer from irregular sleeping patterns or insomnia. But with increased sleep time and boosting one’s quality of sleep, they can fight the condition.
Looking at the treatment and home remedies for allergies

Looking at the treatment and home remedies for allergies

An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to particles called allergens. The immune system is the body’s defence system. Thus, any reactions to foreign particles like pollen, pet fur, or dust can be called allergies. A common response to an allergen is through inflammation in the body. Allergies can be mild or severe and they require special treatment. Treatment of allergies There are many ways to treat allergies. These usually depend on the nature of the allergy and what causes it. Your doctor will diagnose your allergies through a series of tests. This will include skin tests, blood tests, and a complete medical record assessment. After this, your doctor may prescribe your following lines of treatment: Medication This is the first line of defence against an allergy. Medicines help prevent the immune system from overreacting to allergens. Medicines can be in the form of tablets, sprays, pills, or drops. Some of the most common examples of medication are antihistamines for nose and eyes, nasal decongestants, Leukotriene modifiers, and corticosteroids for inflammation. These medicines, however, are known to cause possible side-effects. For example, steroids can lead to high blood pressure. So, only take these medicines under a prescription of a doctor. Of course, the doctor will specify which medication is needed after a check-up. Avoiding the triggers While undergoing treatment for allergies, you must ensure that you avoid the triggers for these allergies. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, your doctor may advise you to not keep any plants in your house. For this, it is also important to identify the allergies to successfully avoid them. Allergen immunotherapy Allergen immunotherapy is used for treating allergies that are severe. In this form of treatment, doctors will inject extractions from the allergen into the patient to alter the immune system’s response.
Treatments and home remedies to treat blood disorders

Treatments and home remedies to treat blood disorders

Blood is quite a crucial component for the healthy functioning of the body. If something affects the blood, it impacts the entire body; these are known as blood disorders . Here is the treatment based on the different types: Aplastic anemia The treatments for this disorder mainly consist of the following: Bone marrow transport Medicines which help in suppressing the person’s immunity Blood transfusion Removal of toxin which is the cause (specific and rare cases) LAD The treatment for this blood disorder is quite complicated. Here is what doctors adopt: Medical experts provide supportive care with the support of granulocyte transfusions and combing it with prophylactic antibiotics. The antibiotics above should be consumed regularly. Granulocyte transfusion is recommended if the impact of this disorder is low. The doctor may even need to undertake hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and fucose supplementation if required. Sickle cell anemia There are probable treatment measures for sickle cell anemia which may include the following: Pain medications are prescribed to manage sickle cell anemia Intravenous fluids are recommended with the consumption of nearly eight to ten glasses of water daily Additionally, blood transfusions are recommended for anemia and to keep strokes at bay Bone marrow transplant Since there are a lot of blood disorders, you need to get it diagnosed and start the treatment as it differs based on the different conditions. General home remedies for blood clots Blood clots are mandatory for the body, as they shield the body from having deep wounds. However, sometimes, it can turn out to be excessive and lead to fatal complications. Consequently, blood thinners might be required to lessen the capacity of the body to transform into clumps. However, since there are plenty of blood disorders, we have mentioned a list of home remedies you can use for blood-thinning:
Treatments and home remedies for anemia

Treatments and home remedies for anemia

Patients suffering from anemia have low red blood cells in their body. This creates a problem for the blood cells while supplying oxygen to the various bodily tissues. Because of this, patients who suffer from anemia constantly feel weak and tired. Anemia is a disease with many types, namely iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, vitamin deficiency anemia, and aplastic anemia. Let’s look at the treatments for each. Iron deficiency anemia In order to treat iron deficiency anemia, doctors ask their patients to take iron supplements. Each patient will need a different strength of dosage. To increase the chances of the patients’ body absorbing the iron tablets, doctors suggest taking the tablets when patients are on an empty stomach, and also to take the tablets with a vitamin C supplement. Also, doctors advise against having the iron tablet along with medications for relieving heartburn. Thalassemia Severe forms of thalassemia require treatments that include lifelong blood transfusions. Some patients may be advised bone marrow transplant to eliminate the need for transfusions. Chelation therapy is given to cope with the excess iron in the blood that may come with the thalassemia treatment. Mild thalassemia does not require medical treatment. Sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia has no cure. The treatment of sickle cell anemia involves managing the condition to minimize pain and improve the overall quality of life for the patient. As part of the treatment, medicines are given to deal with pain. Some of the medicines that are commonly prescribed for pain include hydroxyurea, Crizanlizumab, and certain narcotics. Blood transfusions may also be prescribed for patients. At a later stage, they may require a stem cell transplant. This is a risky procedure, and usually only permitted for children with severe symptoms. Penicillin is also prescribed to infants with anemia. Vitamin deficiency anemia Vitamin deficiency anemia is treated with the help of folic acid supplements, vitamin C tablets, and vitamin D injections.
Treatment and home remedies for arthritis

Treatment and home remedies for arthritis

There are almost a hundred kinds of joint pain or arthritis; each with a varying reason and treatment technique. Two of the most recognized types are rheumatoid joint inflammation and osteoarthritis. Even so, apart from the usual treatments, you can deal with the pain in the following ways: Undertake water-based exercises Aquatic activities are advantageous for all kinds of age groups. It is particularly useful for individuals who have joint pain, which is characterized by arthritis. The purpose of it is that water helps with resistance, which can help you with increasing the power of activity without feeling a lot of weight around then. Moreover, it additionally gives you the lightness or buoyancy in the water, which helps you support the body weight. This aids in diminishing weight on the joints making it very helpful for individuals who are experiencing joint pain. Keep your weight balanced As per a study done by Arthritis Foundation, each pound of the weight in the body can add up to three extra pounds of stress on the knees. Additionally, it adds up six pounds of extra pressure on the hip joints. This pressure can get extremely difficult to take, and hence it can result in the cartilage breaking. So, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep your weight in check, joint pain can be controlled. Opt for tai-chi Since tai-chi is a low-intensity exercise, you can use its slow and gentle movements. It also helps to increase flexibility and even the muscle strength of the individual. This can help in managing arthritis better. Yoga is a great option too Yoga can help in all aspects of your living. It can help balance your mental health as well as physical health too. It not only helps to increase flexibility but also reduces stiffness for patients who are going through arthritis.
Cancer – Its treatments and lifestyle changes

Cancer – Its treatments and lifestyle changes

There are several types of treatments available for people who have cancer. However, the kind of treatment received will depend on the type of cancer one is suffering from and how advanced it is. In some cases, only one kind of treatment will be required. But, in most cases, a combination of treatments is used to treat the condition. Here’s an overview of the various types of treatments that are used for cancer. Surgery When used as a treatment for cancer, surgery is done to remove the growth of cancer or tumor. It is the best treatment plan for people with solid tumors accumulated in one area of the body. With the help of surgery, only a part of the body that has cancer can be treated. It cannot be used for the types of cancer that have spread in the body or metastasized in other areas. Radiation therapy In this treatment, energy beams with high power are used to kill the cancer cells. These energy beams are usually X-rays or protons. In this type of therapy, either the rays come from a machine that is outside the body and is known as external beam radiation, or the device can be placed inside the patient’s body. This is known as brachytherapy. Radiation therapy works by killing the cancer cells or by damaging their DNA to slow their progression in the body. When the cancer cells have damaged DNA, they either die or stop multiplying. Once the cancer cells are dead, they are removed from the body through natural break down. Chemotherapy This is used to treat several types of cancer. In some rare cases, chemotherapy can be the only treatment plan for someone who has cancer. But, that is not common, and most people receive chemotherapy in combination with other cancer treatments.
How to treat cholesterol effectively

How to treat cholesterol effectively

Cholesterol is a natural substance found in your blood. It helps builds cells. However, if cholesterol in your body is higher than usual, it can lead to heart issues. When the level increases, fatty deposits start to develop in the blood vessels. That can lead to clots or blockages in your arteries. This disrupts the blood flow and can also lead to a stroke or heart attack. Medical treatment for cholesterol The lipid profile or lipid panel blood test is used to determine the cholesterol level in the body. If it is higher than usual, the doctor will suggest certain lifestyle changes. Generally, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you control the disease. However, if the levels remain high, you will require medication. Multiple medicines can treat the condition. Your doctor will determine the right one depending on your age, possible side effects, health, and more. Statins Your liver requires a specific substance to produce cholesterol, and statins block that substance. This results in a decrease in cholesterol levels. Medicine also helps to reduce the deposits that form on the artery wall. Bile-acid-binding resins Bile acid is a vital substance present in your body and is required for digestion. The liver uses cholesterol to create acid. Bile acid-binding medicines, like the colesevelam (Welchol), cholestyramine (Prevalite), and colestipol (Colestid), help. As a result, your liver uses excess cholesterol to make the required amount of bile acids. That helps decreases its levels in your blood. Cholesterol absorption inhibitors Cholesterol is absorbed from what you eat by the small intestine, which is then sent to the bloodstream. Ezetimibe (Zetia) is a medicine that limits that absorption and effectively lowers the cholesterol levels in your blood. This medicine can be taken with your statin medicine. Home remedies for cholesterol It has been clinically proven that certain natural products can help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.