Dehydration – What causes it and how to prevent it

Dehydration – What causes it and how to prevent it

Dehydration is a condition in which your body ends up losing more fluid than it consumes. That, in turn, results in your body not having sufficient water to function normally. If you fail to make up for this loss, you will suffer from dehydration. While anybody can suffer from this condition, children and older people are more susceptible to it. It is very important to treat the body with lots of water, especially during hot weather. The causes are: Sweating Sweating is a natural process that helps in keeping the body temperature stable. When the body becomes very hot, the sweat glands get activated and release moisture from the body to cool it down. Evaporation plays a major role in this process. Sweating contributes towards hydrating the skin and balancing the presence of electrolytes in the body. While normal sweating is fine, excessive sweating is what causes dehydration. Diarrhea Diarrhea is something that strikes your body suddenly and in an almost violent manner. It results in a massive loss of water and electrolytes from the body in a short span of time. Electrolytes are the minerals that help the body in controlling muscle movement, regulating the flow of blood, and carrying out various organ-based functions. Your body feels weak and you find it difficult to go about your daily routine. Diarrhea is sometimes accompanied by vomiting and that contributes to even more fluid loss. Fever When you suffer from fever, the temperature of your body increases sharply and that leads to the body releasing sweat as a natural process to lower down the temperature. If the sweating happens in controlled proportions, then it is fine. But if you sweat profusely for a long period of time, it may result in dehydration. The preventive measures are: Regular consumption of water The most basic technique to avoid dehydration is to consume lots of water.
Cold, flu, cough, and virus – Treatment and home remedies

Cold, flu, cough, and virus – Treatment and home remedies

Cold, flu, cough, and virus, terms often used together, are usually used to refer to an infection caused by viruses. Cold and cough are usually symptoms of the flu caused by a virus and are accompanied by some other symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, and congestion. Usually, to treat cold, flu, cough, and virus infections, over-the-counter medications are prescribed. Treatment plans There are no medications that can cure a cold or flu caused by viruses. Even antibiotics cannot help against cold-causing viruses and, hence, should not be taken until there are chances of a bacterial infection. Since there is no cure for the virus, the treatment usually aims at relieving the symptoms. These include the following: Pain killers Sore throat, headache, and body ache are common symptoms of the flu caused by virus. Therefore, many people look for pain relievers while they are sick. However, there are a lot of precautions that you need to take while using pain relievers, especially when giving it to children or teenagers. They can cause side-effects and make the condition worse in some cases. Nasal sprays Nasal congestion is another common symptom experienced during flu. Therefore, many adults are prescribed nasal drops or sprays for five days to free the nasal passage from congestion. However, these decongestants should not be given to children who are below six years of age. Cough syrups These syrups might give some relief from cough, but the American Academy of Pediatrics and the FDA do not approve of its use on children younger than four years of age. Home remedies and lifestyle changes In addition to some over-the-counter medications to relieve the symptoms, thankfully there are several home remedies that you can adopt to get relief from cold and other flu symptoms. These include the following: Ginger The health benefits provided by ginger have been known for centuries.
7 ways to treat addictions

7 ways to treat addictions

Addictions to harmful substances can cause mental as well as physical damage. Therefore, taking treatment is essential. If the habit has become chronic, it might not respond to treatment, and the patient might be required to be on regular care. The treatment for addictions is a step-by-step process and can take a while to show results. Initial steps The very first step towards getting treatment is acceptance. To get treated for addictions, a person must accept that they have become dependent on the substance, and it is interfering with their everyday life. This can include disruption in their work life, school, and social life. When the individual accepts that substance is hurting their life, they start with the course of treatment. The treatment options can depend on a lot of factors, and these include: Which addictive disorder is the person suffering? For how long have they been using it? What is the severity of substance use? How has it affected the person? There will be a combination of several treatments used on a person. These can include psychological counseling, various programs, medication, and joining some groups. Detox Once the treatment starts, detoxification is always the first step. Here, the focus is to flush out the substance from the body and to put a limit on withdrawal symptoms. As many as 80 percent of all addiction cases have prescribed medications to limit the withdrawal symptoms to a minimum. In cases where an individual is addicted to several substances, medications are given to counter withdrawal symptoms associated with each addiction. Counseling After detoxification, getting behavioral therapies and counseling is one of the standard treatment options. Based on the needs of an individual, therapy can be provided in one-on-one sessions, family, or even in groups. There are various types of therapies offered. These include:
Treatment and home remedies for people with ADHD

Treatment and home remedies for people with ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD is a condition that affects the brain and behavioural patterns. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to manage the symptoms of this condition. The range of treatments available for the condition includes behavioural therapies and medications. Here’s having a look at the various treatment options available for ADHD. Medications Medications will always be an important part of the treatment for ADHD. There are central nervous systems or CNS stimulants that are very commonly prescribed in cases of ADHD. These medications are effective as they give a boost to the amount of chemicals found in the brain, such as norepinephrine and dopamine. As a result, the concentration and focusing abilities become better. The treatment plan can also include some non-stimulant medications. If stimulant medications have caused any side-effects, or haven’t shown any results, doctors can switch the treatment plan to non-stimulant medications. Some of the non-stimulant medications work by giving a boost to the amount of norepinephrine in the brain which helps in better focus and memory. Therapies Several therapies can be used to provide relief from the symptoms of ADHD. Your doctor can help you pick the best therapy that can help you fight the condition. These can include: Psychotherapy This can be one of the effective therapies which allow the patients to open up and talk about how they feel. Most ADHD patients can have a tough time finding peer groups or mingle with people who appear to be authoritative. With the help of psychotherapy, these problems can be overcome. Behavior therapy With the help of this therapy, the patient can be taught how to keep a watch on their behavior, and then introduce changes to their behavior accordingly. This therapy works in various ways which will help the patient to react in the right manner at different situations.
Tips to protect your skin from premature aging

Tips to protect your skin from premature aging

Aging is unavoidable and so are its signs. Aging is a gradual process and our skin becomes one of the most prominent evidence of this process. The aging of the skin in its due course is normal. However, if the skin starts aging prematurely, it can be a matter of concern. Fortunately, there are some treatments and natural care remedies that you can follow to avoid this premature aging of the skin. Let’s have a look at them. Treatments When the skin starts to age prematurely, there are several treatments that can be used to reverse those signs. Some of the treatments involve the use of hydroxy acids and vitamin C which is enough to cure some cases. For cases with sun damage ranging between moderate to severe, treatment options such as dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and ultrasound energy devices can be used. People who have more severe facial lines, treatment involving botulinum toxins can be used. In addition to this, injections with hyaluronic acid, Gore-Tex implants, and the person’s own body fat can also be used in the treatment for fine lines. Some people with premature aging of skin go for surgeries. Their options include brow lift, facelift, and surgery on the eyelids. Natural ways to prevent and cure premature aging of the skin Make sure you wear sunscreen Protecting your skin from the sun is the first rule of preventing your skin from premature aging. Even if you have stepped out to run a quick errand, make sure that you have covered your skin with sunscreen. Use a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. You can also protect your skin by wearing clothes that cover you up completely. Quit smoking If you care for your skin, you must stop smoking. It not only makes your lungs suffer, but it also makes your skin age prematurely.
5 home remedies for skin problems

5 home remedies for skin problems

Eczema, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, ichthyosis, vitiligo, and hives are some of the most commonly occurring skin problems. Skin health is a mirror of your overall health, and your skin requires constant care as it is exposed to pollutants and may develop reactions. If you encounter any unnatural sensation on your skin like irritation or a burning sensation, do not take it casually. Do not leave it unattended, and consult a doctor if need be. You can also start with simple treatments at home. Home remedies for curing skin problems The following are some simple yet effective home remedies for skin problems: Fresh aloe vera Aloe vera has been used to treat skin problems since time immemorial. When you accidentally injure your finger in the kitchen, you are recommended to apply aloe vera gel, and when you are suffering from dry skin, you can use it to nourish your skin. Apart from healing wounds, aloe vera is widely renowned for its antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties. The gel that oozes out of the aloe vera leaves is very effective when it comes to treating itchy or irritated skin. Just ensure that the aloe you get is fresh. Coconut oil Coconut oil is derived from the milk content in coconuts, and apart from being used as a cooking oil, it helps moisturize the skin. It has saturated fats in high amounts, and its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties make it a very valuable medicinal product. You can apply it to itchy or irritated skin, but you must use unprocessed coconut oil to get the best benefits of its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Baking soda One of the most popular things that have been used in home-based treatments for skin problems is baking soda. Apart from treating itchy skin, it is known to cure rashes, bug bites, and poison ivy.
Weight management – How to go about with it

Weight management – How to go about with it

Today, with excessive information available at one’s disposal, people are getting aware of health-related issues. It is important to bear the fact that being overweight is an issue you have to address seriously. Obesity, just like high blood pressure and diabetes, is a chronic condition. No quick or easy way leads to weight management. If you are determined to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle, it is essential to go through the process slowly. Organic ways to lose weight Stay away from processed food items Processed foods, such as cheese, bread, tinned vegetables, frozen meat products, and cakes are not healthy for your body. Such foods, which are also categorized as comfort food, lure you, and it is easy to get attracted to them because of the taste or flavor they offer. But, if you are serious about getting in to shape and, most importantly, refrain from consuming anything that adversely affects your health, do not eat any processed foods. Limit your sugar intake Though sugar forms a large part of our diet and is used in food items daily, it does not do any good for your health. Eating food products that contain sugar affects your body in various ways. Some of the most well-known diseases worldwide are caused because of excessive consumption of sugar-based foods. Most of the time, people are not even aware of the amount of sugar they are consuming. What seems like moderate consumption often results in diabetes, different kinds of heart-related diseases, and cancer. Drink water at regular intervals Water is one of the greatest gifts to humanity by nature, and yet, we do not value it enough. The irony is that we waste a lot of water every day but do not consume enough of it. Apart from several health benefits, drinking water regularly helps tremendously in losing the extra kilos you put in.
Stomach conditions – Types and treatment

Stomach conditions – Types and treatment

The stomach is located between the esophagus and the small intestine. It is the place where proteins are digested. The stomach has three primary functions: storing the food that one swallows, amalgamating the food with stomach acids, and transferring the mixture to the small intestine. Since the stomach serves so many essential functions, it is prone to suffer from certain disorders. Some of the stomach conditions like heartburn and indigestion are very common among most people. Stomach conditions and their treatment Gastritis Gastritis is referred to as the stomach condition where the stomach lining suffers from inflammation. While chronic gastritis occurs at a slow pace, acute gastritis attacks the stomach suddenly. According to a report published by a renowned clinic, 8 out of 1,000 people show symptoms of acute gastritis, and 2 out of 10, 000 people suffer from chronic gastritis at some point in their lives. Some common signs of gastritis are nausea, indigestion, appetite loss, bloating, and hiccups. It is largely caused because of stress, chronic vomiting, viral or bacterial infections, excessive alcohol consumption, pernicious anemia, or auto-immune diseases. Treatment for gastritis If gastritis is caused due to H.pylori infection, one will be given a couple of antibiotics along with a medication that blocks the entry of acid to their stomach. B12 vitamin shots are recommended for gastritis. These are known to arise from pernicious anemia. Peptic ulcer One can get to know if they are suffering from peptic ulcer when the stomach lining breaks down. An ulcer that travels across the stomach and reaches up to its lining is referred to as a perforation. When that happens, one must consult a doctor immediately. Some of the common symptoms of peptic ulcers include the inability to consume liquid, frequent hunger pangs, fatigue, chest pain, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.
Common sleep disorders and their treatment

Common sleep disorders and their treatment

A disruption in your sleep cycle will have an adverse effect on most of the activities you do during a day. Every human should sleep for seven to nine hours every night, to be able to function well during the day. Unfortunately, in today’s times, when people lead extremely busy lives, it is very rare for people to adhere to healthy sleeping habits. Because of this, many suffer from different kinds of sleep disorders, which has a long-lasting impact on their health. Types of sleep disorders and their treatment Insomnia Insomnia refers to the sleep disorder in which a person finds it difficult to sleep or stay asleep for a long time. If you are suffering from this condition, you will find it difficult to sleep even when you come home after a long day at work. There are a variety of reasons behind a person suffering from insomnia. Poor sleep cycle, breathing disorder, disruption in sleep-wake schedule, disturbance in the circadian rhythm, and hormonal changes are some of the most common reasons. There are two kinds of insomnia, chronic insomnia and transient or short-term insomnia. Chronic insomnia This condition is characterized by sleeping difficulties, suffering from non-restorative sleep, and not being able to maintain the sleep-wake schedule consistently. When you suffer from chronic insomnia, you feel a sense of fatigue and suffer from low energy levels throughout the day. You might have a good night of sleep, but it will be followed by sleepless nights at a stretch. Transient or short-term insomnia People suffer from transient insomnia mostly when they go through a tragic incident in their lives, like losing a friend to death or some major issue in the relationship with their partner or spouse. Such things can destabilize the mental balance of a person and set them on a path of feeling depressed most of the time.
How Alzheimer’s disease is treated and managed

How Alzheimer’s disease is treated and managed

A person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease would experience memory problems, and even face issues with their thinking process and behaviour patterns. This disease does not set in instantly, as its progression is slow; the symptoms start showing gradually over the years. With time, they get worse to the point where they affect the person’s ability to perform day to day tasks. Let us take a look at how Alzheimer’s disease is treated: Alzheimer’s is diagnosed with a series of tests. These include a physical check-up and certain medical tests. The medical tests involve neurological evaluation of basic movements like balancing and standing, as well as blood tests, CT scans, and MRI scans. The patient’s mental health is also evaluated. Following diagnosis, the treatment of Alzheimer’s involves the use of certain medicines. The main one used are: Memantine Memantine is a medication that works towards slowing down the advancement of Alzheimer’s from a mid-level to a more serious phase. It is typically not given alone, but with other medication as well. Cholinesterase inhibitors Cholinesterase inhibitors work by raising cellular communication to improve the balance of certain chemicals in the body. It is due to an imbalance in these chemicals that Alzheimer’s develops. Cholinesterase inhibitors also help to cope with certain symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease such as agitated behaviours. They are also useful for patients who feel low. Donepezil is an example of a Cholinesterase inhibitor. Antidepressants Patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease are often prescribed antidepressants along with other medications. This is to help cope with behavioural symptoms such as depression. The use of these medications can vary from case to case and patient to patient depending on a range of factors. Sleeping tablets This medication is not generally prescribed to patients suffering from Alzheimer’s. This is because these patients are already prone to confusion.
A 3-step guide to certifying your emotional support dog

A 3-step guide to certifying your emotional support dog

The constant lifestyle changes and the increasing number of stressors have caused mental health problems to become prevalent in recent times. Having a pet can be extremely helpful to comfort and support you through difficult times. And if you are already a dog parent, you can check out how to register them as your emotional support animal. Emotional support animals are different from service/therapy animals. While they are don’t have the same rights or therapy training as service dogs do, certain factors set them apart from regular pets. Here’s how to register a dog as an emotional support animal: 1. Approach a certified mental health provider When requesting Emotional Support Animal (ESA) rights for your dog, it is important to remember that there is no official registration database for ESAs. Instead, you require a recommendation letter from a certified mental health professional. You can get this letter from your own mental health provider or make an appointment with one. You can also apply through a reliable online ESA letter service like Emotional Pet Support, ESA Doctors, or CertaPet to register a dog as a support animal. 2. Choose the right type of ESA letter Different types of ESA letters are given to a pet owner depending upon their needs. A certified ESA letter for housing will allow you to reside with your ESA even in no-pets accommodation. A travel confirmation makes your pet eligible to travel with you in the cabin without additional charges for airlines that accept ESAs. In these cases, the animal must fulfill the airline’s requirements for pets, so it is better to check with your airline about their ESA programs before traveling. You can also choose to get a house and travel combo ESA letter to meet both needs. 3. Receive an ESA Letter The ESA letter that you receive must follow certain guidelines to be accepted everywhere.
Dental veneers’ cost, procedure, and results

Dental veneers’ cost, procedure, and results

Dental veneers are thin shells placed in front of the teeth to improve their overall appearance. They are customizable and can hide or cover stains, chipped teeth, and even unevenness. This article shall cover the procedure to get dental veneers, the overall results obtained, and the typical costs involved. Procedure to get dental veneers The procedure to get dental veneers can vary depending on the type that you will choose. The most commonly used dental veneers are porcelain veneers and resin-based veneers. Porcelain veneers The first step to making porcelain veneers is taking an impression of the teeth. The mold is sent to a laboratory to create a custom porcelain veneer. In the meanwhile, doctors will give the patients a temporary veneer. Once the permanent ones return from the lab, doctors will have a fitting session to check if they are a good fit or no and make adjustments accordingly. Lastly, the porcelain veneers will be bonded to the teeth. Resin-based composite veneers The dentist will start the process by cleaning and reshaping the teeth. Once this is done, they will bond the resin-based composite onto the teeth and sculpt it accordingly. They will also adjust the color to make the fitting look as natural as possible. Results of dental veneers It’s important to note that dental veneers only exist to amplify the appearance of the teeth, which is why it is essential to obtain results that are satisfactory to the individual. Veneers are used mainly to cover the front teeth. Results can be seen immediately after the dental veneers have been bound to the teeth. It is advisable to avoid chewing on hard objects and chewing on food with the back teeth instead to prevent damage to the veneers after they have been fitted. Costs of dental veneers Since veneers only enhance the smile’s appearance, they are considered cosmetic surgery and are usually not covered under insurance.