4 remedies for lower back pain relief

4 remedies for lower back pain relief

Lower back pain is a disorder involving the nerves, muscles, and bones of the back. It is a common problem that everyone suffers from at some point in their life. As the pain affects the lower end area of the spinal cord – the lumbar region, the condition is also called as lumbago. The lumbar region is a complex structure of joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves all of which perform together to give support to the upper body. Muscles in the L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5 regions of the vertebrae are responsible for flexibility and rotation of the hips. The nerves in this area support the muscles in the limbs. If any muscles or bones are strained in this area, it can impact a person’s routine tasks. The pain symptoms can be in the form of a dull ache to a sudden stabbing sensation that can affect the body’s mobility. Daily activities like standing up straight, bending or moving around may become painful and strenuous. The condition may occur in an acute form as a repercussion of an injury or a health condition. Over time the swelling in the muscles or the nerves heal, and the pain subsides. However, if the pain extends over a few weeks, then the condition becomes chronic, and effective measures need to be taken to assuage the discomfort. Measures to ease back pain If you are suffering from pain in the lower back, here are a few ways to help reduce the distress: Rest In most instances, lower back pain can be improved by putting a break on any strenuous activity – physical or mental. Resting for a few days will take off the pressure from the lower back and allow the muscles relax. Cold and hot therapy A hot application aids in improving circulation in the afflicted area.
4 herbal remedies for sickle cell anemia

4 herbal remedies for sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease in which the initially flexible, round red blood cells become crescent moon- or sickle-shaped. As a result, blood flow through small vessels slows down or stops, leading to various symptoms. The only cure for sickle cell anemia is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. However, recent studies have shown that certain herbs and their blend can also provide relief. Read on to learn more about the herbal management of sickle cell anemia. Niprisan herbal extract formula Nigeria has the highest number of sickle cell patients in the world. To help its citizens fight the disease, the Nigerian government’s National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) developed a herbal formula called Niprisan that has shown promising results. It is made with extracts from four different plants: Piper guineense seed: Also called the West African pepper or Guinea pepper Pterocarpus osum stem: An African timber Eugenia caryophyllus: Also called cloves Sorghum bicolor: Also known as sorghum, great millet, durra, jowari/jowar, or milo The main active compounds of these herbs are piperine, chavicine, capsaicin, and cubebin. The medicine is unlikely to cause significant side effects. Fagara zanthoxyloides Herbal management of sickle cell anemia involves a few other herbs as well, which have shown promising results. One of them is the root bark of fagara zanthoxyloides, a well-known medicinal plant in Uganda. The herb is also extensively used to treat malaria and other infections. A study suggests that the root bark of fagara zanthoxyloides can reduce the formation of sickle-shaped cells. Plus, it can lower the symptoms’ severity to a great extent. Terminalia catappa Also known as tropical almond or Indian almond tree, Terminalia catappa grows throughout Africa, Asia, and Australia. Extracts from the leaves of this tree have long been used in Africa for treating various ailments.
8 tips to help maintain normal blood sugar levels

8 tips to help maintain normal blood sugar levels

An unhealthy lifestyle coupled with the amount of stress we are burdened with to achieve the “perfect life” has left us combating various serious health issues. Some of these ailments are hereditary, whereas, some of them are self-created. And, then there are those ailments that fall under both these categories. Diabetes is one such ailment that is known to have its roots firmly planted in our genes and can be a result of our reckless lifestyle as well. However, if normal blood sugar levels are maintained, people can easily coexist with diabetes and lead a normal life. Whichever treatment a person opts for controlling their diabetes, it involves maintaining normal blood sugar levels. A rise in the blood sugar levels leads to a string of other problems. So, the key to living with diabetes involves taking steps to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Diabetes isn’t an ailment that can be cured completely. So, one must follow these tips to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Lose weight Obesity is the root cause of a wide-range of disease or is known to worsen an already existing condition. Excess weight makes the person resistant to insulin, and this, in turn, disrupts the normal blood sugar levels in the body. In such cases, it becomes imperative to lose at least 5% to 10% of the current body weight. One can even seek a dietician’s help to succeed in their endeavor to lose weight. The right weight assures that normal blood sugar levels are maintained. Follow a balanced diet with complex carbs When we say that one’s unhealthy lifestyle can also trigger diabetes, it implies going on a binge eating session, where the only food one consumes, are fried and high in everything harmful for the body. So, in order to maintain normal blood sugar levels, one needs to adhere to consuming a balanced diet.
8 foods that help control blood sugar

8 foods that help control blood sugar

Diabetes or high blood sugar can be effectively controlled if a proper daily diet is followed. Paying attention to food habits will not only keep a control on the blood sugar but also develop overall healthy weight. A balanced diet is often suggested by dieticians but not many understand the need for the same. If a person is suffering from diabetes, one thought tends to constantly remain in our mind and that is how to control blood sugar. Here are 10 best food items that are popular, easily available, and perfect for controlling blood sugar. Take a look! Vegetables are perfect for controlling blood sugar We all know that vegetables are an important part of everyday meals and diet plan. Including vegetables in the meal helps to keep us fit and healthy. Not only does eating vegetables healthy for a maintained body weight but also for controlling high blood sugar. It is advisable to include all kinds of vegetables in your diet but ensure to choose vegetables that are low in carbohydrates. You can try having mushrooms, tomatoes, sprouts, and onions, to name a few. Try adding more flavor to your meal by seasoning the vegetables well. Broccoli for a healthy heart Often recommended by doctors for people suffering from high blood sugar, broccoli is considered one of the best food items when one is looking to control blood sugar. With a high amount of vitamin C than what is found in oranges, broccoli also contains beta-carotene, which produces vitamin A. Broccoli also has anti-cancer properties and reduces the risk of heart diseases. You can either add boiled broccoli to your salads or just roast them a little with olive oil and have as is. Moreover, if you do not like the texture of broccoli, then you can always prepare broccoli soup, which is a very simple yet healthy recipe.
Parkinson’s disease – Foods to have and avoid

Parkinson’s disease – Foods to have and avoid

Parkinson’s disease affects a large number of individuals in the country. It is characterized by tremors and rigid muscles and affects the day-to-day functioning of the individual.  No specific nutritional program can help cure Parkinson’s disease. But research has shown that following a healthy meal plan and nurturing a healthy body can help deal with the condition better. Herein, we shall discuss the foods that help tackle Parkinson’s as well as those to be avoided. These foods are highly recommended for Parkinson’s disease patients: Fatty fish Fatty fish can go a long way in helping tackle Parkinson’s disease. The omega-3 fatty acids present in fatty fish can help reduce inflammation of the nerves and improve neurotransmission. Omega-3s can also help slow the progression of neurodegeneration due to Parkinson’s disease. Foods high in antioxidants Free radicals can damage organs and fatty tissue, and even lead to the development of Parkinson’s in the body. Antioxidants help tackle free radicals that wreak havoc in the body. Blueberries, grapes, strawberries, and citrus fruits are great sources of antioxidants.   Foods with high nutritional value Those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease also suffer from nutrient deficiencies. To tackle this issue, eating foods with tons of zinc, iron, and essential vitamins becomes cricial. Maintaining a healthy nutritional regimen goes a long way when it comes to fighting this degenerative disease.  Certain foods can do more damage and can actually increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Here are a few of them:  Processed foods Having a lot of processed foods can increase the severity of symptoms in Parkinson’s disease patients. Common processed foods include canned foods, breakfast cereals, bacon, and candies.  Foods with high saturated fats  Certain studies have suggested that having foods with saturated fats or cholesterol can increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Although the link between such foods and this condition remains to be confirmed,  avoiding foods with high saturated fats is best for leading an overall healthy lifestyle.  Aside from food, certain medication can help tackle Parkinson’s disease, such as  Levodopa This medication is prescribed to almost every individual who suffers from Parkinson’s disease.
Foods and home remedies to manage flu

Foods and home remedies to manage flu

When a person is down with the flu, they may not feel like eating much. However, healthy food is essential to keep the bug down. Fevers, body aches, colds, and cough take a toll on the body, leading to added weakness. Foods that are high in nutrients add to the body’s defense and make the immune system stronger to fight the illness. Here’s a list of foods and home remedies for flu relief. Foods for Relief from Flu Chicken soup Chicken soup contains vitamins, minerals, calories, and proteins, which are required when you’re down with flu. It is packed with amino acid cysteine, which is known to have antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, chicken soup is a complete meal that boosts immunity and opens up blocked nasal passages. Broths Any kind of broth is a rich source of fluids, nutrients, and electrolytes. It is easy to digest, rich in collagen, and reduces dehydration, promoting faster recovery from the flu. Most broths also contain amino acids, which are an essential source of protein. Consider making or buying a low-salt broth if you are watching your sodium intake. Hot tea After chicken soup, hot tea is a popular remedy for cold and flu. Be it green, oolong, or black, hot teas help relieve nasal congestion. But make sure your tea does not contain caffeine as it can cause dehydration. Teas are also rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants and polyphenols. Home Remedies for Relief from Flu Saltwater gargles Gargling with lukewarm salt water can treat upper respiratory infections by loosening the phlegm and mucus virus. The salt in the water also helps with throat pain and nasal congestion. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and swish it around your mouth and then spit. Warm baths Taking a warm water bath may reduce the symptoms of a cold and flu.
20 worst cities for asthma sufferers

20 worst cities for asthma sufferers

Around 25 million people in the country suffer from asthma, and it’s the leading chronic disease in children. While this condition cannot be cured, it can be managed by treating the symptoms and taking steps to prevent the triggers, risk factors, and causes of asthma attacks. Herein, we list 20 cities that have been named as the worst places for asthma patients, and 18 of these cities are on the East Coast. 20 cities with the highest asthma cases 1. Allentown, PA 2. Baltimore, MD 3. Richmond, VA 4. Milwaukee, WI 5. New Haven, CT 6. Cleveland, OH 7. Philadelphia, PA 8. Dayton, OH 9. Oklahoma City, OK 10. Tucson, AZ 11. Worcester, MA 12. Springfield, MA 13. Columbus, OH 14. Birmingham, AL 15. Detroit, MI 16. Louisville, KY 17. Hartford, CT 18. Boston, MA 19. Fresno, CA 20. Greensboro, NC The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), has listed a number of risk factors and causes that have driven these 20 cities to have the highest rate of asthma. These factors and causes are Poverty People in lower-income groups are more prone to having poor housing quality, polluted location (near highways), and inaccessibility to quality treatment, and they would consequently be more prone to being affected by asthma. Lack of health insurance Healthcare, treatment, and medicines can be considerably expensive, and patients who are below the state’s poverty line cannot afford to manage such a costly illness. Having insurance does help, but that too can be a big expense for them to incur. Air pollution Any inhalable foreign object that irritates the lungs and airways is deemed pollution. Typically, the air in a city might have a mixture of gases, smoke, smog, and traffic-related irritants. Urban smog is one of the most common pollutants as there are more vehicles.
Lung cancer – 6 foods to avoid

Lung cancer – 6 foods to avoid

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of lung cancer and the correct kind of nourishment can help speed up recovery. To strengthen a compromised immune system and support treatment, the right kind of food is required. There are some foods that need to be avoided and some that need to be cooked with care to prevent food poisoning and illness. Here is a list of some such foods. Eggs Avoid eating eggs unless absolutely sure that they haven’t been unrefrigerated or cracked. Home-cooked is safest because eggs could carry salmonella that cause food poisoning and sometimes even death. Uncooked yolks are a complete no-no, and definitely do not eat foods that could have raw eggs in the final product. This includes even some salad dressings. Cured meats Processed and uncooked meat like cold cuts can carry the listeria bacteria that could cause food poisoning. Cheese Not all cheese, but some soft ones like Brie and feta that could be made from unpasteurized milk should be off-limits. In fact, any milk or dairy products including cream or custard-filled sweets that could be made from unpasteurized milk should be avoided because raw milk can contain bacteria like E. coli, listeria, and salmonella that may cause food poisoning. Sprouts and leafy greens Bacteria grow well in warm moist conditions and so do raw vegetable sprouts. Don’t eat these uncooked. Leafy greens are healthy but hard to clean. Avoid adding these to an eating regime to reduce the risk of illness. Sushi Shellfish that are raw or undercooked can carry the Hepatitis A virus. Lightly cooked fish and sashimi can have bacteria that can make one ill. Well-cooked fish (some types) can also have high levels of mercury. Caffeine Avoid caffeinated drinks as these can cause constipation brought on by loss of fluids.
Lung cancer – 8 foods to eat

Lung cancer – 8 foods to eat

Following a nutritious regime is essential for the body to maintain immunity and stave off infection. Cutting out a single nutrient, or even overdoing on any can harm the body in the long run. When it comes to lung cancer, there are few foods that one must avoid and must include for daily consumption. Below is the list of foods that need to be included in one’s food regimen when recovering from lung cancer. Chicken Protein-rich foods are essential in the fight against cancer as they are a necessary building block in cell and tissue repair. In fact, lean meats like fish and turkey in addition to chicken are a great option. However, ensure that the meat is cooked thoroughly to avoid food-related illness. Ginger Intake of ginger as an ingredient in food may lower the risk of metastases of an existing cancer and it is also known to reduce chronic pain. Whole grains Whole grain anything is a good choice because the carbs and fiber help keep energy levels stable. Choose from whole wheat breads, brown rice, and whole grain pastas. Apples Apples are packed with flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants and can help boost immunity, which is just what one needs. Avocado This superfood is chock full with good fats and is low in sugar. It is a good snack option and is useful in digestion. Moreover, avocados help control blood pressure and cholesterol. Salmon Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D. While the major source of vitamin D is the sun, getting that kind of light is not always possible, especially in colder climates. A healthy dose of vitamin D may help increase immunity. Tomatoes Tomatoes and sauces have a compound called lycopene that is known to be potent enough to fight cancer. Adding this to food regimes can give the body the anti-inflammatory boost it needs.
Top 3 counties with the highest cancer rates

Top 3 counties with the highest cancer rates

Not many people may realize this, but the location of an individual’s residence plays a huge part in their overall health. The pollution, changing climatic conditions, and exposure to carcinogens can lead to serious conditions, such as hypertension and cancer. Over the years, there has been significant research on which counties have the highest rates of cancer. This article talks about the top 3 counties in the country that qualify. Top 3 Counties with the Most Cases of Cancer Union County, Florida This county ranks first in the list of counties with the highest rates for all types of cancer. It ranks high for cases of lung cancer, leukemia, and colon and rectal cancer. Union County’s high rate of 1,135 cancer cases every 100,000 people is almost double the second entry on the list. It was recognized as the least healthy county in 2017. The lack of funds and poverty levels prevalent in the area could be the leading cause of cancer since it prevents citizens from accessing the health services required. Logan County, Nebraska With 677.2 cancer cases per every 100,000 people, this county comes in second on the list. It ranks high for the most Non-Hodgkin lymphoma fatalities. Research states that, in general, men are more likely to die from cancer than women, while individuals of African descent have the highest cancer mortality rates. Other factors, such as environmental risks, poverty, and lack of medical supplies or care, also play an important role. These disparities are not the same in all U.S. counties, but certain risk factors specific to Logan County may explain the high deaths from cancer. Powell County, Kentucky Powell County is third on the list, with 646.2 cancer cases for every 100,000 people. It ranks high in lung cancer deaths too. Geography plays an important role in the distribution of lung cancer cases and deaths.
Foods that help reduce the risk of melanoma

Foods that help reduce the risk of melanoma

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that develops in the cells that produce melanin. Melanoma can also form in the eyes and, in rare cases, the nose or throat. The cause of the condition is unknown, but there are many factors that can contribute to its development. In this article, we shall discuss how certain foods affect melanoma. Continue reading to see which ones can help you fight this condition. Foods with high protein content When it comes to managing melanoma, it is important to add protein-rich foods to your meals. This is because protein is one of the building blocks of the human body, and they contribute to a lot of essential body functions. Proteins help with repairing cells and rebuilding tissue. They also help strengthen the immune system and help the body recover from illnesses. Whole grains Whole grains are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. They are a great source of both fiber and carbohydrates that help the body stay energized. Individuals can add foods like oatmeal and brown rice to their meals instead of processed and refined grains. Fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. Antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Certain fruits and vegetables also have lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage. Foods with healthy fat content When it comes to avoiding and fighting melanoma, people can also try adding foods with healthy fat content such as omega-3 fatty acids to their meals. This is because omega-3 fatty acids inhibit COX-2, which promotes the progression of skin cancer in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce inflammation and help the body stay healthy. It is recommended to try adding foods such as salmon, sardines, walnuts, and flaxseed to get the required amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
4 foods to relieve migraine symptoms

4 foods to relieve migraine symptoms

Migraines are headaches that cause severe throbbing and pulsing sensations, typically on one side of the head. Patients may also experience nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. While there is no cure for migraines, specific treatments can help manage the symptoms. Furthermore, nutrition plays a vital role. Certain foods can help reduce migraines, whereas others can act as triggers. This article discusses the different foods that can help relieve migraine symptoms. Foods rich in magnesium Foods with high magnesium content can help relieve migraines because magnesium can block brain signals that lead to these headaches. Some foods rich in this element include bananas and avocados. Bananas also have high energy content, which works as a great reliever during a severe headache. Foods with omega-3 fatty acids Studies suggest that getting the required amounts of omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the overall frequency as well as the intensity of a migraine attack. Foods high in omega-3s include fatty fish, such as mackerel and salmon, and seeds and legumes. Ketogenic foods Although elimination meal regimes do not work for everyone, a few studies show that a ketogenic meal plan can help patients find relief from migraine symptoms. However, note that certain ketogenic foods can have the opposite effect. Therefore, individuals should talk to a doctor before making massive changes to their food habits. Hydrating foods Dehydration is one of the most common causes of migraines. This means drinking sufficient water and eating hydrating foods can help relieve or even prevent migraine symptoms. The best foods to stay hydrated include fresh fruits like bananas, veggies like cucumbers, and soups. Besides foods, one can find relief from migraine symptoms by using treatment options like Nurtec® ODT and Excedrin®: Nurtec® ODT (rimegepant) Rimegepant, available under the brand name Nurtec® ODT, is an approved fast-acting treatment to prevent migraine symptoms.