4 common skincare myths debunked

4 common skincare myths debunked

Skincare can be a complex routine for some people, especially those who are not very well-versed with their skin types and are constantly experimenting with products. If you are dealing with some skin issues like acne or pimples, speak to a dermatologist who can give proper advice. Also, do your research before going to the doctor and be aware of certain myths that can complicate your skincare journey. Here are a few common skincare myths: Avoid facial oils for oily skin This is a common myth among people, especially those who have oily skin. If you are someone with this skin type, know that oil massages can greatly benefit your skin, as they help in keeping the barrier function healthy and balanced. All you have to do is speak to your dermatologist and understand what type of oil is best for your skin and the issues you are dealing with. Skincare that burns is skincare that is effective In a lot of skincare products, there are some active ingredients present. These active ingredients can be responsible for the tingly sensation you feel after application. This means that there is a chemical reaction that is helping to take care of your skin issues. However, not every tingly sensation implies that skincare is working. Always be sure to check the ingredients in the products and make sure you are not allergic to any of them. Sometimes the skin burns because of a side effect and not an active ingredient. Wear sunscreen only on sunny days Wearing sunscreen for skin protection is no secret. But what most people do not know is that sunscreen needs to be applied not just on sunny days but even on cloudy days. In fact, sunscreen should be applied every day after moisturizing, regardless of whether you are stepping out of the house.
7 harmful effects of smartphones on health

7 harmful effects of smartphones on health

From finding our way in unknown places to staying connected with loved ones and managing finances, all daily activities are compressed into one smart electronic device—a smartphone. Today, nearly 82% of people in the country own a smartphone. However, studies have shown that excessive use of smartphones can result in several health issues, including sleep deprivation, anxiety, and elevated stress levels. So, here are some adverse effects of smartphone usage: Eye-related issues Excessive use of smartphones can lead to several eye-related complications, including itchy and dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. This is because the blue light generated by smartphone screens causes eye strain, especially when one is overstimulated. So, it is advisable to view the smartphone from a distance of 20–28 inches and rest the eyes for 15 minutes every two hours. Disrupted circadian rhythm The brain is governed by an internal clock, called circadian rhythm, that governs the sleep and wakefulness cycles. The blue light from smartphones hampers the brain’s production of melatonin, the hormone regulating the sleep schedule. As a result, viewing the phone just before bedtime can severely affect sleep quality and duration and even induce nightmares. The National Sleep Foundation advises that phones should be put away at least half an hour before bedtime. Inculcating healthier habits like reading a book before sleeping can help one overcome excessive smartphone dependence and alleviate the adverse effects of the blue light emitted from phones. Tendonitis Tendonitis is a health condition characterized by inflammation of the tendons. Excessive smartphone use may cause or aggravate a type of tendonitis called “trigger thumb,” stemming from holding the smartphone in an awkward position for long periods. Smartphone tendonitis can also affect other tendons, including the forearms and wrists. Text-neck syndrome Text-neck syndrome is a condition caused by having the head bent forward for extended periods.
3 tips for improving posture and maintaining eye health

3 tips for improving posture and maintaining eye health

Science shows a correlation between one’s eyes and posture alignment. Human eyes send signals to the brain via the central nervous system. The brain interprets these signals and sends responses through the spinal cord to the rest of the body. When one does not maintain a good posture with natural erect alignment, this communication is hampered, causing health problems over time. So, here are some ideal postures for reading and sitting to maintain healthy eyesight. Postures for good eye health Straighten up the spine While the natural erect alignment of one’s spine can bring many health benefits, slouching can impact the connection between one’s spinal cord and brain. This, in turn, can weaken blood flow, affect sense response, including that of eyesight, and cause blurry vision problems. Ensure one’s spine is erect while standing, with the head held straight and the chin tucked in. Avoid bending forward while reading It’s easy to spend hours on one’s phone or reading with the head tucked in and body bent forward, but this can strain one’s spine, neck, shoulders, and eyes. To avoid this, one can stretch from time to time and better posture by keeping the computer screen parallel to one’s face. This ensures that the visual target is in one’s direct line of vision. Maintain enough distance from the computer Computers and other electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, emit blue light, which can affect one’s eyes. Therefore, a recommended distance to avoid eye strain is more than 30 inches from the computer screen. In this era of digital screens, it’s essential to prioritize posture to prevent eye fatigue, promote relaxation, and reduce eye strain. While it might not be possible to fix one’s posture constantly throughout the day, an ideal way to achieve this is to invest in comfortable furniture supporting one’s back.
5 common Botox mistakes to avoid for best results

5 common Botox mistakes to avoid for best results

These days, receiving a Botox treatment is easy due to its widespread popularity. It is a quick and pain-free treatment that a dermatologist can administer. Moreover, Botox has several skin and health benefits, such as reducing wrinkles, treating chronic migraines, reducing excessive sweating, and addressing neck spasms. However, one must avoid certain common mistakes before, during, or after the procedure to utilize this treatment’s benefits fully. Some common Botox mistakes to avoid are listed below. Getting a massage after the procedure Getting a massage after undergoing Botox treatment can be harmful. A massage causes the components of Botox to spread to other areas of the skin and unintentionally affects those muscles and tissues. Therefore, undergoing a massage right after Botox can have several undesirable results, such as unwanted stretching or loosening of skin in specific areas. To avoid such issues, it is advised to get a massage at least a week to 10 days after receiving Botox treatment. Exercising on the day of treatment The skin retains an element of sensitivity after Botox. Therefore, health experts advise people undergoing this procedure to avoid exercising for at least three to four hours after the treatment. Exercising involves wear and tear of the skin tissues and muscles. So, working out after Botox can cause long-standing damage to the skin. Health experts also suggest exercising the next day after the skin treatment. Exposure to the sun Another major Botox mistake people make is exposing themselves to the sun or visiting saunas right after the treatment. Sunlight can bring about pigmentation issues in the skin. Similarly, saunas can negatively affect the skin and create long-term skin complications in people. To avoid these issues, dermatologists usually advise people to stay away from the sun or saunas for up to 4 hours after a Botox procedure.
8 warning signs of poor blood circulation

8 warning signs of poor blood circulation

Good overall health indicates the presence of a proper lifestyle and the right food choices. Among other things, it also points to proper blood circulation. Poor blood circulation can lead to improper functioning of the organs and body systems. The condition can be caused by damaged or restricted blood vessels and plagued arteries, among other factors. Thus, it is crucial for one to be aware of the various symptoms of poor blood circulation. Cramping The painful cramping of muscles, even after minimal or a regular amount of activity, can be a sign of poor blood supply. The symptom is generally resolved after getting some rest. Numbness and tingling The feeling of numbness or tingling generally occurs in the body’s extremities. This is a sign and a result of poor blood flow to the limbs. If the sensation is chronic, it may also be caused by some underlying condition. Exhaustion and feeling cold A proper blood supply gives the body the energy to carry out organ functions, system activities, etc. It also fuels the maintenance of optimum temperature levels along with energy. If the blood supply to the body is compromised, it may lead to one feeling cold, lethargic, and fatigued. Poor cognitive function The proper functioning of the brain is based on the speed and quality of blood flowing to the organ. People that deal with poor blood circulation will also experience challenges focusing or concentrating on things and have a compromised memory, both short and long-term. Weak immunity With poor blood supply, the infection-fighting antibodies and cells become sluggish, resulting in a weak immune system. If you observe increased healing time for cuts and bruises or seem to fall ill frequently, you may want to consult a doctor. Constipation A slower blood flow can result in slowing down various body processes.
6 symptoms of esophageal cancer to pay attention to

6 symptoms of esophageal cancer to pay attention to

Esophageal cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the esophagus. The mutation usually begins in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus and could develop anywhere in this tube. Various treatments and natural remedies could help in managing the condition. However, one must visit a healthcare professional to diagnose cancer early and ensure the best treatment results. Understanding the warning signs of the condition is essential for early diagnosis and management. Trouble swallowing Sometimes people may have dysphagia, which is trouble with swallowing. And these symptoms may often be misdiagnosed as other health conditions, such as eosinophilic esophagitis – an inflammation of the esophagus caused by a specific white blood cell. However, difficulty with swallowing might also occur due to the growth of cancer cells in the esophagus. The trouble might be mild at first but worsen as cancer grows and the opening inside the esophagus gets smaller. Pain in the chest Pain or discomfort in the middle region or a burning, pressurized-like sensation on the chest is often associated with conditions like heartburn. But discomfort in the chest may also be a symptom of the development of esophageal cancer. Therefore, someone who experiences this sign should get an expert’s opinion immediately. Hoarseness A hoarse, scratchy voice or a cough that occurs occasionally could indicate a mild health condition that may go away in a few days. But if these symptoms persist, it could be a sign of esophageal cancer and must be checked by a healthcare expert immediately. The change in voice happens when the tumor squeezes up against one’s vocal cords. Vomiting As a tumor narrows the passage in the esophagus, it could become harder to push the food through, so when an individual eats a meal, they may vomit because the food gets stuck in the esophagus.
Arthritis – Types and early warning signs

Arthritis – Types and early warning signs

Arthritis is a term commonly used to describe a group of conditions that affect one’s joints. The bones are cushioned with cartilage, a slippery material that absorbs shocks and enables smooth movement. Arthritis develops when this cartilage wears down due to age or injury and does not function properly, leading to joint inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Here are the types and early warning signs of arthritis that one should be aware of. Types of arthritis The most common types of the condition include: Osteoarthritis It is a type of arthritis that affects the hips, knees, lower back, and other large joints that bear the most body pressure. Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints. It attacks the smaller joints first, including the fingers and toes, and gradually the whole body, making it systemic. Psoriatic arthritis Another autoimmune condition, psoriatic arthritis primarily affects those with psoriasis, characterized by skin inflammation and patchy or scaly skin. Psoriasis commonly affects the tips of the elbows and knees, the navel, and the skin around one’s genitalia. Gout This is a relatively rare type of arthritis that develops when the kidneys cannot process excess uric acid, which accumulates in one’s joints. Gout mainly affects the big toe and other parts of the foot. Early signs of arthritis Being a progressive disease, arthritis develops slowly over time, so it is easy to ignore the symptoms. Here are the early arthritis signs that should prompt one to consult a doctor: Inflammation and tenderness This is the most common sign of arthritis. Patients may experience swelling or tenderness in their joints, especially when the affected area is touched or pressed. The inflammation usually occurs when the lubricating fluids build up in one’s joints and restrict movement. Joint pain Arthritis may initially develop in smaller joints like the ankles, knees, wrists, fingers, or toes and cause gradual or intense pain in these areas.
7 early warning signs of weakening bones

7 early warning signs of weakening bones

Eating nutritious food, getting some exercise every day, and ensuring the correct levels of hormones keep the bones healthy. Health conditions like osteoporosis could weaken bones, making them brittle and leading to frequent fractures. While there are management methods, such as therapies and lifestyle changes, to improve weaker bones, identifying the complication at its earliest is crucial. An early diagnosis is only possible if one takes note of these early warning signs of weakening bones. Problems with holding objects An individual with osteoporosis might have trouble holding objects because of weaker grip strength. This is one of the most common signs of osteoporosis that occurs with age. Patients might have trouble pushing heavy doors, standing up, and rotating door knobs. Those with these symptoms must get themselves checked by a healthcare expert. Gum recession Gum recession is when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, exposing the underlying roots. Multiple factors, including aggressive brushing, genetics, and unhealthy lifestyle habits, could lead to this. However, sometimes it could be triggered due to the loss of bone mineral density. Since the teeth and jaw bones are connected, if the jaw starts to lose bone mineral density, it could result in receding gums. And this should be diagnosed by a healthcare professional immediately. Unexpected fractures One of the most noticeable symptoms of osteoporosis is frequent fractures. Since the condition leads to weaker bones, an individual may suffer a fracture even after experiencing a minor fall or applying too much pressure while stepping off a curb. Furthermore, such fractures may also be caused by a really strong cough or sneeze that is really strong. Such symptoms require immediate assistance from a healthcare expert. Stooped posture Several people who lose bone mineral density may develop compressed vertebrae. And this could result in a slight curving of the upper back, resulting in a stooped posture (kyphosis).
5 early warning signs of arthritis that shouldn’t be ignored

5 early warning signs of arthritis that shouldn’t be ignored

Arthritis is one of the most prevalent disorders in the country, with approximately 1 in 4 adults diagnosed with some form of the condition. There are over 100 different subtypes of arthritis, with each condition characterized by different symptoms. The most common indicators are joint pain and stiffness, which worsen with age. However, early diagnosis and prompt treatment can help patients manage symptoms. Some early warning signs that indicate arthritis are discussed below. Joint pain Arthritis mainly affects the joints with inflammation, leading to pain and tenderness in major bone and muscle groups. It is often coupled with stiffness that is prevalent in the morning and worsens with prolonged periods of inactivity. These flare-ups mainly trigger pain in the membranes connecting two joints. Skin nodules and lumps Arthritis patients often experience skin nodules or excess tissue growth under the epidermis. Inflammation is one of the main triggers of such growths on the knuckles, fingers, forearms, elbows, knees, and even behind the heels. In the case of osteoarthritis, one of the common subtypes, these lumps or nodules first appear on the big toe. Mobility issues Inflammation and pain affect vital muscle and joint groups, leading to mobility problems. The range of motion for the arms and legs becomes restricted as swelling and stiffness develop in the region. A limited range of motion will affect the most basic tasks like walking, sitting, standing up, or lifting objects. Fever Being an autoimmune condition, arthritis forces the immune system to attack healthy cells. It causes the core body temperature to shoot up and, as a result, triggers a fever. Fever can be mild that comes and goes with the flare-ups or may even persist with frequent inflammatory flare-ups. With a fever, the affected person might also develop a general feeling of being unwell or sick.
5 early signs of bone weakening that require immediate attention

5 early signs of bone weakening that require immediate attention

As we age, it is normal for loose skin elasticity and weakening of the bones, also known as osteoporosis. However, the condition may get noticed sooner if one pays close attention. Weak bones are often seen in elderly patients, but in some cases, people can lose bone density at a young age due to vitamin deficiency, poor eating habits, or cancer. So let’s learn more signs that indicate the weakening of the bones. Brittle fingernails Nails and bones have no direct connection, although brittle nails could indicate a weak bone condition. Also, if you regularly get your nails done, it contributes to the poor condition of your nails. It is better to get tested in time as brittle nails are a sign of weakening bones and developing conditions like osteoporosis. Receding gums Gums are another body part that can tell you how well your bones are doing. For example, receding gums could indicate that your body might lack the required amount of calcium or vitamin D. This is seen because the gums are losing their grip on the jaw bone. Therefore, if you experience receding gums, you should visit the dentist to seek appropriate treatment. Lower back pain A common symptom associated with loss of bone density is lower back pain. It is seen in aging patients and is likely to be diagnosed with osteoporosis. The increasing pressure on the lower vertebrae causes pain, and patients may experience collapsed or compressed vertebral columns. Stooped posture The weakening of bones can affect a person’s posture and bone health. For example, if you observe someone who has grown shorter by an inch or has developed a curve in their back, it might be a sign of bone weakening. Pain in the vertebrae could also be why a patient develops a stooped posture.
Autism – Common signs in early childhood

Autism – Common signs in early childhood

The symptoms of autism spectrum disorder differ significantly depending on various aspects, including the child’s age. The signs could be observed in their behavioral patterns as early as age one. Regardless of whether someone has the condition, all children should be screened for developmental delays and disabilities during regular healthcare appointments when they are 9, 18, and 24 or 30 months old. Here are the common autism signs in children in different age groups. Babies between six months and one year A few developmental differences might become more apparent when a baby becomes a toddler. Parents can identify autism by looking out for specific irregularities during this stage. For instance, the baby might: Not like seeing new faces. Not show any form of affection. Dislike being cuddled. Refrain from pointing their fingers at things. Show no response to their names when called. Make limited or no conversation. Shy away from initiating conversations in the form of “chatter” or “babble.” Avoid asking for help even if needed, and struggle with the activity instead. Rarely smile in social situations. Make limited to no eye contact. Not turn their head to locate sounds, nor react to loud noises. Display a lack of social anticipation (such as not understanding the game of “Peek-a-boo” and not reaching out their arms to be picked up). Indulge in unusual or repetitive body movements. Toddlers up to 24 months As the baby grows, the signs of autism may become more apparent. Parents may notice that an 18-month-old child still does not speak. Most children with autism are not diagnosed before age two because caregivers may misunderstand the signs as something else. The lack of access to specialists may also cause the misidentification of symptoms. Children with autism up to the age of 24 months may: Show limited interest in speech.
5 uncomfortable questions to ask a gynecologist

5 uncomfortable questions to ask a gynecologist

Whether it is the first visit to the gynecologist or the tenth, it is natural to feel uncomfortable when discussing vaginal health problems. Such issues can seem extremely private and, occasionally, a little scary. However, it helps to know that nearly everyone experiences hesitation while interacting with their gynecologist. So, here are a few questions to ask a gynecologist that can seem uncomfortable but are important for ensuring optimal health: Does the vagina look normal? This is one of the most common questions one might want to ask during a visit to the OB/GYN but skip due to embarrassment. But, it is perfectly okay to ask this question if one feels like they need to know more about the appearance of the vagina. Most of the time, differences in appearance are not a cause for concern, as there is no normal or standard structure of the vagina. No one vagina is like the other, and they are not meant to look alike. This is because the labia length differs from person to person. Moreover, there are differences in clitoral prominence and skin coloration. Why are there bumps down there? It is normal for bumps to develop in the intimate area. Often, they go away on their own. Acne, benign skin tags, or ingrown hair are common causes of such bumps. Shaving and waxing can also lead to bumps in the vaginal region, which tend to subside over time. However, such skin issues can be cause for concern if they last for a long period, possibly indicating ulcerative lesions. Here, one should get the bumps examined by a gynecologist. Why is there an odor? The intimate area consists of bacterial flora, which can cause a distinct smell in the vaginal region. This is absolutely normal and healthy. There is no need to worry about it unless the smell changes or is highly unpleasant.