Top 4 foods for a healthy heart

Top 4 foods for a healthy heart

Heart health is important for living a long, fulfilling life. With so many options of processed foods available in the market, it is crucial to make wise choices and add fresh and preservative-free produce to one’s daily meal plans. Moreover, there are some foods that should especially be added to one’s meals every week to keep their heart healthy. Here are the top four foods that could save one’s heart. Black beans These are not only protein-rich foods but also packed with folate, antioxidants, and magnesium. These are all heart-healthy nutrients that help keep blood pressure in check. Other nutrients to look for include fiber, which is not just great for the gut but also helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body. This can be an easy addition to curries or salads. However, it is important to wash the beans if one is using a canned product, as it has too much salt as a preservative. Moreover, one can always make their own black beans by soaking them overnight and boiling them the morning after. Salmon A great source of omega-3 fatty acids, this fish is known to be a superfood when it comes to heart-healthy meals. The omega 3s are known to be healthy fats that decrease the risk of heart rhythm disorders. These nutrients also help in lowering blood pressure, which keeps the heart healthy. Other benefits of salmon include reducing inflammation and lowering triglycerides. One of the easiest ways to include salmon in one’s meals is to simply bake it with some herbs and vegetables and eat it with rice or add it to salads. Olive oil Talking about healthy fats, olive oil is another good source. This oil has heart-healthy antioxidants that may help in protecting the blood vessels. It is usually recommended to replace saturated fats with healthy fats like olive oil to help control cholesterol levels in the blood.
Common causes of shortness of breath

Common causes of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath occurs when the lungs are not able to absorb oxygen to support vital organs and functions that rely on fresh air. It is one of the most commonly observed discomforts of known health complications that affect respiration. The intensity of breathlessness varies depending on the underlying cause and severity of the triggers. Here are the most common causes of shortness of breath that can affect young children, men, and women. Existing diseases and disorders Shortness of breath is one of the primary noticeable discomforts triggered by health complications that affect respiration. These could range from a panic attack to pneumonia, and even serious asthma flareups. In addition, seasonal allergies causing inflammation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and even chronic respiratory failure can worsen breathlessness. The severity of the symptom will vary depending on the underlying disease. Pollution Exposure to polluted air can also trigger shortness of breath due to the particulate matter irritating the respiratory tract. Carbon monoxide is one of the more dangerous gases that affects breathing and impairs respiratory function. It’s a common pollutant in the atmosphere released during forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and even lightning strikes. Carbon monoxide is also an industrial pollutant that is released due to burning of fossil fuels for powering vehicles and machinery. Increased amounts of carbon monoxide in the air impacts the blood’s ability to transport fresh oxygen. This triggers severe shortness of breath. Lung problems Pleurisy, or inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs, can impact the ability to absorb oxygen, causing shortness of breath. An excess buildup of fluid caused by pulmonary edema also leads to impaired respiratory function. In some cases, the lung tissues that absorb fresh oxygen can get damaged due to scarring caused by pulmonary fibrosis. Anemia Anemia is a condition where the body produces less red blood cells to carry oxygen from the lungs to vital organs and extremities.
6 common mistakes that can worsen constipation

6 common mistakes that can worsen constipation

Just like cleaning one’s surroundings is necessary to prevent waste accumulation, one’s body must also destroy toxins and undigested matter to ensure health and well-being. Constipation is a significant health issue today, with about 16% of adults worldwide showing signs of the condition. Although not life-threatening, severe constipation can cause complications like fecal impaction, hemorrhoids, and bowel incontinence. Some common mistakes to avoid to manage constipation and its symptoms are discussed below. Excessive soluble fiber intake It is important to understand the difference between the two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber, found in foods like lentils, barley, beans, oats, and bran, forms a gel-like substance in the stomach, which delays digestion and is helpful for individuals grappling with diarrhea symptoms. However, too much soluble fiber can worsen constipation. Therefore, individuals who are constipated should limit their soluble-fiber intake and increase their proportions of insoluble fiber, which does not convert to a gel-like formation and moves faster through the digestive system, preventing constipation. Insoluble-fiber sources include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leafy greens, blackberries, and potatoes. Depending on laxatives to pass stools While laxatives may help prevent constipation, studies indicate that they can cause damage to the nerve cells in the colon. Moreover, the intestines may eventually lose muscle and nerve response due to repeated use of laxatives, increasing one’s dependency on them. Therefore, it is best to avoid laxatives, focus on leading a healthy lifestyle, and follow a balanced meal plan rich in vital nutrients to prevent constipation. Leading a sedentary lifestyle Lack of body movement can slow down the process of food’s passage through the colon, leading to or worsening constipation. Workout relaxes the large intestinal muscles, increasing movement in the digestive tract. Exercises like running, swimming, brisk walking, aerobics, dancing, and other cardio workouts can play a crucial role in preventing constipation.
Impact of household cleaning products on lung health

Impact of household cleaning products on lung health

Several cleaning products are currently available in the market, and various brands are working on making household and industrial cleaning possible with easy options. However, unbeknownst to many, these cleaning products are made of harsh chemicals, and prolonged exposure to them can lead to health issues that are not easily addressed or recognized. Therefore, it is important to be aware of ingredients used in cleaning products to ensure optimum health and environmental safety. Respiratory risks caused by cleaning products Several health risks are linked between cleaning products and one’s body, especially the lungs. Research carried out by the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine points towards how cleaning products can reduce lung function, especially among women exposed to more spray cleaning chemicals than women not exposed to them. Evidence suggests that exposure to toxic chemicals in cleaning products creates more complications for people with asthma, COPD, or respiratory allergies. Impact of chemicals in cleaning supplies on health These products contain ingredients like volatile organic compounds or VOCs, which vaporize at room temperature and can irritate the eyes and throat, leading to headaches and other respiratory issues. Studies suggest that exposure to these cleaning chemicals can increase the risk of occupational asthma and other related lung disorders. Some products that may contain the harmful VOC substance are oven cleaners, chlorine bleach, air fresheners, dry cleaning chemicals, furniture and floor polish, rug, and upholstery cleaners, detergent, dishwashing liquid, and aerosol sprays, which can be used in some beauty products as well. Tips for safer cleaning options Cleaning is essential to maintain a neat and livable home space, so there is no way to avoid it; however, you can use better alternatives that do not cause harm to you, your kids, your pets, or the environment. Here are some tips to consider- Switch over to some DIY cleaning options It may seem like a lot of work, but when one prioritizes health, one can manage the extra work.
5 uncomfortable questions to ask a gynecologist

5 uncomfortable questions to ask a gynecologist

Visiting the gynecologist once a year is important. However, you may feel nervous about scheduling an appointment, with concerns like the need for grooming before a checkup and discomfort you may experience during the examination. Additionally, being on your period can make you put off the visit. This embarrassment can also keep you from asking important questions during your visit. But here are a few seemingly uncomfortable questions you can ask your doctor: Should I be worried about bumps down there? Bumps in intimate areas may not always be a cause for concern. There are numerous reasons for the vaginal area can develop acne or bumps, including shaving. Other reasons could be sebaceous cysts, skin tags, or gentle warts. You do not have to be embarrassed to ask your gynecologist about such skin issues, especially if you experience any pain or changes in the color or size of the bump. Is my vaginal discharge concerning? Vaginal discharge is part of normal reproductive health. However, if the discharge causes discomfort like itching or pain, you should speak to your OB/GYN about it. A cottage cheese-like discharge could be an indication of a yeast infection, while greying vaginal discharge with a raw egg-like odor can be a sign of bacterial vaginosis. The doctor can help determine the cause. Why is intercourse painful for me? Pain during sex is not an issue you should overlook. Psychological factors, lack of lubrication, infection, or uterine fibroids are just some of the reasons that could make intercourse a painful experience for you. Your gynecologist can help you get the appropriate treatment when you ask the necessary questions. Moreover, if you choose to use birth control, your gynec can guide you safely about birth control depending on your medical history. Why is my libido so low? Thyroid issues, changes in hormonal levels, or even age can be the answer to this question.
4 unusual questions to ask an oncologist

4 unusual questions to ask an oncologist

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatments, it can be an overwhelming experience. It takes a toll on your physical and mental health. Sometimes there can be concerns about health that you may not have an answer to, and you may feel embarrassed talking to an oncologist. However, there is nothing wrong with asking those questions. Here are some of those embarrassing questions that you can ask an oncologist. Does cancer treatment affect bowel control? Some side effects of cancer treatments like surgery or radiation therapy can involve some bladder and bowel complications. This includes symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, or even urinary incontinence. It is important to understand the extent of these side effects and prepare yourself to prevent any shocks. Does chemotherapy or radiation affect sex life? Studies have suggested that going through long phases of chemotherapy or radiation can possibly cause sexual dysfunction in some people. This can mean side effects like erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and also decreased libido. Usually, the side effects are temporary and last till the treatment process. However, sometimes, there may also be long-term side effects. This may also depend on the dosage of the treatment and the duration of it. Having an honest conversation with your oncologist about these concerns will help clear out doubts. Does cancer treatment lead to hair loss? Hair loss is a common side effect during chemotherapy in some patients. Radiation can also cause hair loss, but usually, it is contained to just the area of treatment. This affects all patients differently, but it is best to be mentally prepared for it. Also, due to the cancer treatments, the appetite may also be affected. However, this depends on the duration of the treatment and also on the treatment type and dosage. Speaking to your oncologist about the specific side effects is recommended.
Lifestyle factors that may affect one’s menstrual cycle

Lifestyle factors that may affect one’s menstrual cycle

There can be minor variations in a woman’s menstrual cycles. While the average cycle lasts 28 days, it can, at times, occur after every 24 to 31 days. When a woman’s cycle unexpectedly falls outside of the usual range, she may be experiencing irregular periods. A disrupted menstrual cycle can lead to excruciatingly painful symptoms. A number of factors can be responsible for this, some of which are listed below. The reasons for irregular menstrual cycles The following are the primary causes for skipped or irregular menstrual cycles. An unhealthy meal plan The thyroid and adrenal glands are affected due to a meal plan that’s high in stimulants but lacking minerals, antioxidants, and probiotic foods. For instance, a meal plan high in sugar, hydrogenated fats, and chemical additives has been related to thyroid problems and adrenal exhaustion, which can cause cortisol to rise. This could lead to a longer cycle and anovulation. If cortisol remains high for an extended time, periods can become irregular or even less frequent. To avoid this, make sure to eat foods that are nutrient-dense and contain enough protein. Low BMI A low body mass index (BMI) of below 18 or 19 may lead to irregular periods. Women with low BMI do not produce the required amount of estrogen. An abnormal menstrual cycle or amenorrhea can occur as a consequence. Extremely low-calorie meal plans can cause nutritional deficiencies, leading to irregular periods. Food sensitivity and allergies A woman’s hormone levels can be impacted by celiac disease or gluten sensitivity that has not been adequately identified. These disorders have the potential to cause nutrient deficiencies, have a terrible impact on intestinal health, and put chronic stress on your adrenal glands, which can impair the synthesis of sex hormones. Exercising excessively Moderate exercise is vital for heart health, mental health, and a regular sleep schedule.
10 warning signs of eczema to watch out for

10 warning signs of eczema to watch out for

Eczema is a chronic, non-contagious skin disorder where the patient experiences recurring, painfully itchy rashes. It affects people of all ages worldwide, especially infants and young children. The skin barrier plays a vital role in the human body. Conversely, eczema weakens the skin barrier, making it vulnerable to infection and dryness. Though the illness has no known cure, there are several strategies to help people manage their symptoms. Some of the common warning signs of the condition are discussed below. Warning signs of eczema Persistent itching Eczema or atopic dermatitis is characterized by itching that triggers rashes. Itching is one of the first warning signs of the condition. Some people experience mild itching, while for others, it can disrupt their work and sleep. Therefore, itching is one of the symptoms to watch out for to initiate prompt treatment for eczema. Flu or cold Eczema may worsen if the patient is bedridden with an illness like the flu or a cold. An upper respiratory infection can cause inflammation and an eczema flare, even if it is not the main trigger. Dehydrated skin It may feel tight and dry even before the skin itches or turns red from eczema. It is because dryness indicates the malfunctioning of the skin barrier. Dehydrated skin can easily turn brittle, tight, or scaly, leading to flare-ups of eczema symptoms. Seasonal allergies Seasonal allergies, hay fever, food allergies, asthma, and eczema are health conditions often linked. Environmental factors such as mold, pollen, pet dander, and dust mites can lead to eczema outbreaks. Changes in nail color or structure Nail changes can occur in patients with persistent dyshidrotic eczema. The nails may thicken, discolor, and develop pits and ridges. Skin discoloration Eczema can result in regions of skin that appear either lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.
7 warning signs of poor lung health

7 warning signs of poor lung health

People often overlook a persistent cough or mucus build-up in the throat amid their busy schedules. But these could be symptoms of developing lung conditions. The lungs are vital organs that keep us healthy and ensure the human body’s proper functioning. Several factors, from pollution and radiation to infection, can affect the lungs. Therefore, one should learn about the warning signs that indicate poor lung health and take steps to protect the organ. Signs of poor lung health Lung diseases like asthma, COPD, and lung cancer progress slowly. By being aware of their signs, one can get timely diagnosis and treatment and prevent complications. Here, we have listed seven common warning signs that indicate the lungs are not functioning correctly: Difficulty breathing Lung function usually declines with age, so one may have trouble breathing as they grow older. However, when a person notices sudden shortness of breath without apparent reason, it could be a sign of lung disease. Many lung conditions compromise lung health and make people feel out of breath or energy, even without physical exertion. Chronic cough When a cough lasts more than eight weeks, it should not be ignored. Chronic cough is an early symptom of many lung diseases that damage the organ. Those experiencing this symptom should visit a health expert to determine the cause. Excess mucus in the airways The lungs’ airways create mucus, sputum, or phlegm to protect themselves from diseases or irritations. However, excess mucus in the airways for over a month could be a sign of lung disease and should not be ignored. Coughing up blood Coughing up blood is a symptom of a severe lung disease that calls for immediate expert attention. Blood in the phlegm usually occurs due to damage in the upper respiratory tract or lung cancer. Chest pain or discomfort Chest pain or discomfort is a hallmark sign of heart disease, but the lungs, too, can induce the pain.
5 warning signs of poor blood circulation

5 warning signs of poor blood circulation

Your body’s organs, particularly the extremities, get insufficient blood flow when poor blood circulation occurs. The condition can be caused by diseases such as diabetes, varicose veins, peripheral artery disease, or even factors like a sedentary lifestyle. It can result in minor aches, nerve damage in the feet, and even heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of warning signs of poor blood circulation to address them quickly. Poor blood circulation warning signs Here is a list of five typical warning symptoms of poor blood circulation to help you know what to look for: Having trouble standing up When you feel dizzy upon standing up from a chair or sofa or engaging in any mild physical activity, your brain is probably not receiving enough blood. A decreased blood volume that causes insufficient blood flow could be the root cause. Wounds that heal slowly Circulation is crucial to the healing of wounds. When you are hurt, your blood distributes oxygen, additional nutrients, and white blood cells to the affected tissue. Poor circulation, on the other hand, prevents adequate blood from getting to the wound and slows recovery. An injury’s risk of infection and other problems, like an amputation, increases with time. Tingling in the hands and feet You’ve probably felt an itching or tingling sensation, frequently referred to as “pins and needles,” after sitting on your hand or lying on your arm for an extended period. This sensation occurs because you may have put too much pressure on specific parts of your body, stopping blood flow. However, if you feel tingling without apparent cause, such as when you’re simply sitting down, you might have inadequate blood circulation. Cold feet and hands Cold hands and feet frequently indicate circulation issues. The extremities may feel extremely cold even though the rest of your body is at an average temperature because less blood flows.
Common causes and symptoms of tinnitus

Common causes and symptoms of tinnitus

Tinnitus is a widespread illness that affects millions of people globally. It can be identified if a person can hear in their brain or ears but not from an external source. Noises akin to ringing, buzzing, humming, and hissing are the hallmarks of tinnitus. While tinnitus is not a disease in and of itself, it can be a symptom of other conditions such as hearing loss, ear or head trauma, or circulatory issues. Common causes of tinnitus Given that the illness can have a variety of causes, it may occasionally be challenging to determine the exact underlying cause of tinnitus. Some of the most frequent tinnitus causes are listed below: Loud noise exposure Loud noise exposure, whether from a single incidence or recurrent exposure, can damage the hair cells in the inner ear and result in tinnitus. Hearing loss as people age Tinnitus and hearing loss are brought on by harmed or dying inner ear hair cells. Earwax buildup Blocking sound waves in the ear canal when earwax builds up might result in tinnitus. Pharmaceuticals Some anti-inflammatory prescription treatments can cause tinnitus as a side effect. Medical issues Conditions like Meniere’s disease, high blood pressure, and temporomandibular joint abnormalities (TMJ) can cause tinnitus. Injuries to the head and neck Tinnitus can be brought on by head and neck injuries like whiplash. Stress and anxiety In rare instances, emotional tension and anxiety may cause tinnitus. It’s important to remember that there are numerous contributing factors because the exact cause of tinnitus is frequently unclear or complex. A hearing healthcare professional can make appropriate treatment recommendations and help determine the underlying cause of tinnitus. Symptoms of tinnitus The underlying cause might affect a person’s tinnitus symptoms, which can vary from person to person. However, typical signs include the following: Difficulties with sleep or concentration that are intermittent or constant Hearing ringing, buzzing, or similar noises in the ears or brain.
4 worst foods for teeth

4 worst foods for teeth

The foods we eat play a significant role not just in maintaining our physical health but also our oral health. There are several foods that act as natural mouth cleansers, while others are a big no no for oral health. These are foods that can cause tooth decay, leading to cavities and other such issues. It is important to know which foods to avoid to eliminate the risk of tooth decay. Bread This is a staple in a lot of cuisines. While bread tastes delicious, it is also something that affects teeth health. As it turns into a chewy substance inside the mouth, the bread crumbs can easily get attached to the crevices in the teeth. This can lead to build up and potential tooth complications. Carbonated drinks Drinking carbonated sugary drinks is never a good idea. The bacteria in the mouth feed on the high amount of sugar present in them. This can result in tooth decay and other oral hygiene issues. Drinking too much soda coats the teeth in acid, which affects the tooth enamel, leading to its decay. Carbonated drinks also causes your mouth to dry. This leads to lower saliva levels, which could result in tooth decay. Citrus foods Fruits like oranges and grapefruits are a great addition to meals as they have several vitamins and minerals. However, when consumed in excess, these fruits can be bad for your teeth. The high amounts of citric acid can lead to the erosion of enamel. Even lemon in water and drinks can be harmful for the teeth, so always be mindful of the amount of citrus you eat. Potato chips These chips are tasty and addictive due to starch and salt. The starch turns into sugar, which gets trapped between the teeth and leads to the development of bacteria in dental plaque.