5 mistakes to avoid while taking supplements

5 mistakes to avoid while taking supplements

Taking supplements is normal and shouldn’t be shied away from. However, it is important to be aware of certain considerations and avoid common mistakes if you are new to taking supplements. Before you start on it, consult your doctor before prescribing any vitamins to yourself and wait for a proper diagnosis to determine the right health plan for you. Also, allow a sustainable approach to let these supplements work well for your body. Neglecting a balanced meal plan One of the biggest mistakes anyone makes while taking supplements is relying on them for all their nutritional needs. Supplements are a way to complement a well-balanced meal plan, not replace it altogether. You need enough calories in the day to satiate the body’s need to function better and stay healthy. Consult a nutritionist who can put you on a good meal plan that caters to your body’s needs. All kinds of food groups should be included in the meals, like proteins, carbs, and fats. However, you should always avoid ultra-processed foods and find better alternatives for those cravings, if any. Eating fatty food is not wrong, but eating the wrong kind of fatty food should be avoided at all costs. Not consulting a professional It’s best to speak with a nutritionist instead of solely relying on the internet to understand your body’s nutritional needs. They can provide insight into your food habits and recommend necessary nutrients that may be absent from your meals. They can also then suggest specific blood tests to help diagnose the nutrients and vitamins that may be lacking. The professional will most likely not just suggest specific supplements but also change some of the eating patterns and ask you to add or edit out certain food groups from your meals until your goals are met. Skipping reading labels All supplements come with instructions on how to consume them and the amount that can be consumed in a day.
7 common questions to ask an oncologist

7 common questions to ask an oncologist

If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer, it is understandable that you might have a lot of questions and doubts in your mind. However, the specific queries of each person fighting the battle against this disease will vary. It can be challenging to determine what to ask the consulting professional to get a clear picture of the condition and its related treatment plan. Here’s a compiled list of questions for an oncologist after the first cancer diagnosis. What is the name of my cancer or condition? When you meet with your doctor on your first appointment, they must clearly explain your cancer diagnosis, including the name, type, and stage. This information will further determine your treatment plan and help in the prognosis. To prepare for a proper appointment, writing down your health history, including symptoms, past illnesses, and treatments, and collating all the past tests is helpful. Is it slow or fast-growing? The growth rate of tumors can change depending on the class and stage of the disease. Each case is unique, and the metastasizing can also be influenced by individual factors such as the type of cancer and the present condition of the disease. Confirm with your doctor whether the malignancy can be slowed down if it progresses and can be cured with a systematic treatment approach. If so, ask him about the therapy options. Should I get a second opinion? Cancer is a severe disease. Still, patients often avoid asking for a second opinion out of concern for their doctor’s feelings. However, not all physicians master knowledge in every area of cancer and have their specialty. Consulting a doctor specializing in the type of cancer a patient has can provide them with more detailed information about treatment options. What are the benefits and risks of getting a diagnostic test?
4 clear warning signs of a bad dentist

4 clear warning signs of a bad dentist

A dentist’s visit can be an intimidating experience, so you must pick a competent doctor you can trust. The best way to find a good dental surgeon is to seek personal recommendations from people around you and read patient reviews on online portals. While doing so, you should watch for the warning signs of a bad dentist. Doctors or clinics that showcase the following signs should be avoided at all costs. A lack of cleanliness and hygiene Every doctor’s office should be well-sanitized and thoroughly cleaned to prevent infections from spreading. This includes sterilizing equipment like scrubs, masks, and gloves before each use and, in applicable cases, removing tools from a sealed package before a procedure. If the cleanliness and hygiene protocols are not followed in any dentist’s office, it is a warning sign to drop this specific doctor and look for a more suitable one. No discussion of dental health and history Dentists are required to conduct a comprehensive dental exam before recommending treatment for their patients. A person’s past health records give the doctor a basic idea about their current dental situation. It also helps the dentist point out underlying conditions that might have gone unnoticed. Not going through the patient’s details is considered an unethical practice. If a dentist ignores their patients’ oral health history and starts from the present situation, it is a warning sign that should not be ignored. Out-of-date methods and equipment Thanks to developments in health technologies, it is now much easier for dentists to provide efficient and affordable treatments. For instance, digital X-rays help dental surgeons conduct a thorough teeth inspection to diagnose oral disorders better. If you see a dentist’s office with outdated treatment machines or tools, it is a sign to start looking for an alternative. Some dentists offer low-quality services and equipment to save time and make money.
4 foods that worsen atrial fibrillation

4 foods that worsen atrial fibrillation

A person’s daily meals are vital for their overall cardiovascular health. Regularly consuming healthy and nutrient-rich foods can help one’s heart and circulatory system function efficiently, providing oxygen and nutrients to all body parts. However, certain foods can worsen symptoms of conditions like atrial fibrillation, where the heart beats too quickly. This article discusses 4 foods to avoid to prevent the development or worsening of such conditions. Read on to learn more. Salted chips Salt is a major cause of heart issues in individuals, so healthcare experts advise people with existing heart conditions to consume it in moderation (only 1,200 milligrams of sodium daily). Salt contains sodium, which increases the blood volume and makes it harder for the heart to pump it. This leads to atrial fibrillation or a worsening of the condition’s symptoms. Salted potato chips contain massive amounts of salt, making them one of the worst foods for those with atrial fibrillation. High sodium levels in the blood can also cause potassium levels to decrease. Potassium is essential for the heart to work properly and efficiently. Therefore, a potassium deficiency can lessen the effectiveness of one’s cardiovascular system. White bread Gluten is just as bad as salt for people with heart conditions. Gluten has been medically known to trigger heart conditions like atrial fibrillation. It raises the inflammation levels in the body, which negatively affects the pacemaker nerves of a person’s heart. This brings about wild fluctuations in heart rates and worsens atrial fibrillation. White bread (and most other kinds of bread, except those distinctively marked “gluten-free”) is loaded to the brim with gluten. Therefore, people with cardiovascular problems are discouraged from consuming white bread, pasta, cereal, and other gluten-filled foods. Coffee Although caffeine-rich foods stimulate one’s body, they are also known to drastically increase heart rate and worsen blood pressure issues.
4 signs of poor eye health due to high sugar

4 signs of poor eye health due to high sugar

High blood sugar can lead to several diabetic eye diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and diabetic macular edema. Several signs of poor eye health usually precede these conditions. If not treated on time, these can lead to permanent eye damage, including blindness. Thus, it is recommended to undergo eye exams regularly when a person has high blood sugar, but before that, here are some warning signs to be aware of. Poor eye health signs to look out for Blurry vision One of the most common signs of poor eye health due to high sugar levels is blurry vision. If the level of sugar in the blood exceeds a certain limit, it can cause the eye lenses to swell. This affects the vision, making things appear blurry and unclear. Many people often mistake this sign for a change in the power of their prescription glasses. However, if someone has high blood sugar, it is best to get the sugar levels checked and consult a doctor. Experiencing a glare in vision High sugar levels can make the lens of the eyes cloudy. The internal lens of the eyes work similarly to a camera. So whenever the lens gets cloudy, the eyes cannot focus on objects and cannot see properly. This causes a person to experience glares in their vision. The sign usually indicates the formation of cataracts in the eyes. Seeing floaters Floaters are translucent or white spots that seem to appear in front of the eye or in the peripheral vision. These are like visual blockers that disappear to appear again after a while. These may be triggered by bright lights or just appear out of nowhere. These signs are usually experienced due to damage in the blood vessels of the retina. For those with high sugar, floaters usually indicate diabetic retinopathy or diabetic macular edema.
5 lung conditions that can make breathing difficult

5 lung conditions that can make breathing difficult

Lung conditions can affect anyone, irrespective of age, gender, or geographical location. While each lung disease has unique characteristics, they usually trigger a common symptom: breathing difficulty. The struggle to breathe can be terrifying. It can affect a person’s performance in routine activities and lower their quality of life. This post lists a few common lung conditions that can cause breathing difficulty. Those with these disorders should visit a healthcare provider for timely treatment. Emphysema Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that primarily affects the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. The air sacs lose their elasticity and thus cannot expand and contract efficiently. As a result, the patient suffers from airflow obstruction and breathing difficulty. Besides shortness of breath, one may develop chronic cough, wheezing, and fatigue when diagnosed with emphysema. The condition is usually caused by long-term exposure to irritants like air pollution, dust, and chemical fumes. Pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism is a severe lung condition that can cause breathing difficulty. It occurs when a blood clot, usually originating in the legs (deep vein thrombosis), travels through the bloodstream and lodges in the lungs’ arteries. This blockage restricts blood flow to the affected lung area, leading to potentially life-threatening consequences. It is essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism. Common indications include sudden and severe shortness of breath, which may worsen with physical activity. Acute respiratory distress syndrome Acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, can result from various factors, including severe infections, injuries, or inhalation of harmful elements from the air. The condition impairs the lungs’ ability to oxygenate the blood, leading to breathing difficulty and respiratory failure. Its symptoms include severe shortness of breath, rapid breathing, blue-colored lips or nails, and confusion. Intensive care may be necessary for managing ARDS.
5 lung conditions that cause breathing problems

5 lung conditions that cause breathing problems

Breathing is our bodies’ innate and essential function, allowing us to absorb life-sustaining oxygen. That said, various lung conditions can disrupt this natural process, leading to breathing difficulties and significant challenges to individuals’ overall well-being. This article attempts to shed light on some of the most common culprits behind breathing difficulty, highlighting the importance of understanding these conditions to promote early detection, effective management, and improved quality of life. Common lung conditions that can cause breathing difficulties The respiratory system is a complex network of organs, including the lungs, bronchi, and airways, that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. When this intricate system encounters disruptions, breathing difficulties can arise. Here are a few common lung conditions that can contribute to this challenge: Asthma: Asthma, a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, affects millions worldwide. It causes the airways to become narrow, leading to symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Triggers like allergens, exercise, and stress can provoke asthma attacks, making breathing difficult for those affected. Fortunately, asthma can be effectively managed with proper diagnosis and lifestyle modifications. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): One of the leading causes of breathing difficulty is COPD. COPD is a progressive lung disease encompassing chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Long-term exposure to irritants such as air pollution or occupational hazards commonly causes it. Breathing difficulties arise due to narrowed airways and damaged lung tissue, leading to symptoms such as persistent coughing, excessive mucus production, and shortness of breath. Although COPD has no cure, early diagnosis and appropriate interventions can significantly slow its progression and improve quality of life. Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD): Interstitial lung disease refers to a group of lung disorders that cause progressive scarring of lung tissue. This scarring makes the lungs stiff and affects their ability to expand and contract properly during breathing.
Top 5 early signs of menopause

Top 5 early signs of menopause

The end of a woman’s menstrual cycle, known as menopause, typically occurs in the late 40s or 50s. It is a natural biological process that marks the end of the reproductive years and is typically diagnosed when a woman has gone through 12 consecutive months without having a menstrual period. Women may experience various uncomfortable signs and symptoms leading up to this period, making daily activities challenging. Here are some indications of menopause. Anxiety The menopause period brings a lot of hormonal changes that can have physical and psychological effects. Commonly experienced feelings include stress, anxiety, and depression. Seeking the help of a therapist is usually recommended to manage these emotional changes. Additionally, joining a support group can benefit those going through these changes. Difficulty sleeping It can be challenging for women experiencing menopause symptoms, especially when getting enough sleep. Insomnia is a significant concern for many women due to the various symptoms they may be experiencing, such as anxiety, hot flashes, and night sweats. While treatments are available to help with sleep, it’s important to note that these symptoms can persist for years and won’t go away quickly. Seeking guidance from a healthcare professional can help manage these symptoms. Hot flashes It can be frustrating and uncomfortable to experience sudden changes in body temperature, especially during menopause. Hot flashes are a common symptom that can occur at any time of day or night, leading to night sweats and feelings of anxiety. These hot flashes often affect the neck, face, and chest and can cause the skin to become red and sweaty. Heavy menstrual bleeding The transition to menopause, known as perimenopause, can bring about a range of symptoms and changes in a woman’s body. While not all women will experience the same symptoms, the intensity and duration of these symptoms can vary widely.
6 dental problems caused due to excess sugar

6 dental problems caused due to excess sugar

A bright smile can go a long way in brightening someone’s day, and healthy, white teeth are a valuable addition to that smile. However, neglecting dental care can lead to tooth decay over time. Consuming too much sugar is linked to declining oral health and can cause various dental and gum diseases. Additionally, if one has diabetes, these health issues may take longer to heal. Below are some signs of dental problems caused by excess sugar. Abscess According to experts, sugary beverages like soft drinks give rise to certain acids in the mouth, which may combine with oral bacteria, causing dental abscesses. These abscesses typically cause considerable discomfort and involve reddening within and outside the mouth. Cavities When sugar enters the mouth, oral bacteria break it down, producing acid that can harm the tooth enamel and dentin, causing cavities. Food particles entering these cavities can cause further tooth decay and other dental problems. Therefore, a diligent oral health routine must be followed to avoid the formation of cavities caused due to excessive sugar. Plaque It’s important to keep your teeth clean to prevent the buildup of plaque or tartar, which can lead to dark stains, bad breath, and even bleeding gums. Sugary foods can be particularly problematic, as they combine with oral bacteria to form tartar, which can cause tooth decay and other dental issues. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups can help keep your teeth healthy and free of tartar buildup. Teeth sensitivity Excessive sugar intake can cause the weakening of one’s enamel over time, which may trigger teeth sensitivity. When one consumes extremely hot or cold foods, sharp, intense pain in the bones is a sign of teeth sensitivity. Gum disease Sugary beverages may enter the gaps between one’s teeth, giving rise to bacteria in these areas. Such bacteria cannot be eliminated quickly, even with regular oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing.
7 signs of poor heart health due to excessive sugar

7 signs of poor heart health due to excessive sugar

In a world filled with tempting treats and indulgent delights, it’s crucial to understand the hidden risks that come with our love affair with sugar. Beyond the immediate gratification and sugary bliss lies a potential threat to human heart health. From persistent fatigue and frequent mood swings to elevated blood pressure and digestive issues, each sign serves as a wake-up call to reassess our sugar habits. Don’t overlook the subtle warning signs, as they can be an indication of something more serious. Persistent fatigue Excessive sugar intake can be a leading cause of low energy levels and persistent fatigue. Both of these signs can be an early indication of heart disease. Excessive sugar intake can cause an imbalance in blood sugar levels, eventually leading to energy crashes. It can contribute to the persistent fatigue some people experience. Additionally, excessive sugar intake can contribute to metabolic syndrome, which can increase the strain on the heart and lead to fatigue. Frequent mood swings Frequent fluctuations in a person’s blood sugar levels can be caused by their increased tendency to include sugary foods and beverages in their day. This can severely impact their mood stability. Individuals might experience increased irritability and mood swings and have a difficult time managing their stress levels. Changes in their emotional stability can directly affect their cardiac health. The elevated blood pressure and the higher risk of cardiovascular events are good enough reasons to lay off high sugar intake. Elevated blood pressure Higher intake of sugary foods can be easily linked to higher blood pressure levels. The repetitive intake of high amounts of sugar can be a contributing factor to the development of hypertension. High blood pressure is one of the factors that contribute to a significant risk for heart disease. It is important to monitor and manage blood pressure levels to be able to maintain a healthy heart and body.
6 signs of poor vision caused due to excessive sugar intake

6 signs of poor vision caused due to excessive sugar intake

The eyes are one of the most vital parts of the human body, enabling one to see and indulge in daily activities. However, like other organs, the eyesight may deteriorate due to age and genetics. Other factors may lead to poor eyesight, such as eating sugar-rich foods, which could lead to diabetes. These signs can be prevented and managed if one’s aware of them. Here are six signs that may indicate vision problems due to excess sugar intake. Blurry vision Blurry vision may occur due to several factors, including an individual’s age. However, if the symptom transpires early, it might indicate a spike in an individual’s glucose levels. This may cause fluid to leak into the lens of the eye and cause it to swell and change shape. Therefore, it is important for one to control their sugar intake to manage eye health. They must also see a doctor if the symptom does not go away. Black spots The spots in the eyes are caused by eye floaters, which may result from aging, a retinal tear, or health conditions like inflammation. However, someone with diabetic retinopathy or diabetic macular edema may also be at risk of developing the symptoms. Floaters may take on various shapes, including circles, lines, specks, and spider webs that appear in one’s vision. Fluctuating vision Another common sign of diabetes is fluctuating vision as a result of damage to the blood vessels in the retina. The eyes contain a clear fluid that contains nutrients, including glucose, to keep the cells healthy. However, increasing blood sugar levels may result in excessive spillage into the eye, which can mix with the clear fluid. As a result, the lens may swell, shifting the focus and affecting vision. Therefore, if one notices vision that fluctuates following meals, they might need to check their blood sugar levels with the help of an expert.
4 signs of poor immune system due to excessive sugar

4 signs of poor immune system due to excessive sugar

The immune system is a complex system that helps keep the body safe from foreign viruses and bacteria. Once an immune system has defeated any foreign microbe, it takes note of it and always treats it as an enemy. Sugar is one of the foods that can compromise the immune system if consumed excessively. So one must always be sure of one’s meal choices. Here are 4 signs of a poor immune system due to excess sugar. Frequent illnesses One of the easy indicators of a weakened immune system is the frequency of illness and susceptibility to infections. This can be caused by excess sugar intake, which leads to chronic inflammation. Studies suggest that a spike in sugar levels suppresses the immune system and that healthy cells are damaged more with high sugar. When there are few healthy cells in the body, it is easy for bacteria and viruses to attack the immune system and are not easily warded off, resulting in frequent illnesses. Chronic fatigue As per studies, being frequently exhausted is a sign of a compromised immune system. Research suggests that chronic fatigue syndrome is often referred to as immune dysfunction syndrome. Excessive sugar consumption may also contribute to chronic fatigue by causing a rapid rise and subsequent crash in glucose levels. This cycle of fluctuating sugar levels can strain the immune system and also make the body feel lethargic. Constipation Eating too many sugary foods or drinks leads to constipation. This is because all sugary foods are low in fiber and fluids but high in fats, so when there is less soluble fiber in the system, it makes bowel movement difficult. During constipation, what happens is that the peristaltic action in the intestines slows down, which means that the organ is not contracting and relaxing. This is an important part of digestion because a lot of nutrients are absorbed, and the waste is removed from the body.