5 signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar intake

5 signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar intake

The kidneys help filter and remove waste and additional water to make urine. The organ is susceptible to complications that may stem from a range of underlying factors, including excessive sugar intake. However, an obstacle individuals face in this regard is identifying whether a particular symptom results from eating too many sugar-rich foods or another underlying health complication. Therefore, here are five signs of poor kidney health due to excess sugar intake. Sudden loss of pounds There are many reasons one may lose a couple of pounds, including regular exercise, ongoing treatments, and a change in eating habits. However, a sudden reduction might indicate the onset of type 3 diabetes. This may occur due to excess glucose circulating in their body, which is transferred to urine. One may not put on additional pounds even if they eat more to satisfy their hunger. Frequent infections It is normal to contract an infection at some point in life. However, people who ingest too much sugar may suffer from such complications regularly. The inability of the kidneys to filter out excess sugar from the blood could cause the property to mix with urine. And this may lead to frequent urinary tract or yeast infections. Polyuria Polyuria (frequent urination) is one of the first signs of excessive sugar intake. It results in the build-up of sugar in the bloodstream. While the kidneys are responsible for filtering out unwanted glucose, they may not keep up with the excess amount and cause it to leave the body through urine. Therefore, if one eats excess sugar-rich foods, they may experience symptoms like polyuria. Fatigue One of the functions of the body is to break down food into simple sugars (glucose). The cells use insulin generated by the pancreas to absorb the broken-down ingredient and use it to generate energy.
5 common signs of gastrointestinal disorders due to excessive sugar

5 common signs of gastrointestinal disorders due to excessive sugar

Your body needs some percentage of sugar to generate energy for the cells and organs. So it is okay to have sugar in your meals and snacks in moderation. When you start having excess sugary foods, the body cannot utilize the extra sugar. This leads to several health disorders, including issues related to your digestive system. On that note, here are a few signs of gastrointestinal disorders due to excessive sugar. Bloating and gas Eating too much dessert or other sugar-based foods can make you feel good—but only for a while. However, you will soon feel bloated due to the increased gas production in your intestines. In addition, the sugar prevents the appropriate absorption of water in the intestines, causing you to feel a lot of bloating. The gas and bloating can cause a lot of discomfort. Diarrhea or constipation Consuming excessive sugar can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria in your digestive system. This can cause changes in your bowel movements. Also, there is barely any fiber or fluid in most sugar-based foods, such as pastries, cookies, and cakes. These factors can lead to diarrhea or constipation, affecting your gastrointestinal health. Abdominal pain or cramping You can experience these gastrointestinal signs due to excessive sugar, especially when the foods contain sorbitol and xylitol. These chemicals are added to certain processed foods to give them a sweet flavor. These foods include baked goods, chocolates, frozen desserts, hard candies, sugar-free chewing gum, and snack bars. Although these chemicals are present in certain fruits and vegetables, the artificially processed ingredients can give your stomach pain and cramps when you have them in excess. Acid reflux or heartburn Sugar in itself doesn’t cause heartburn. However, when combined with other triggering ingredients and foods, it can cause an increase in the production of stomach acid.
4 cancer signs that worsen with high sugar intake

4 cancer signs that worsen with high sugar intake

The intake of excessive sugar is associated with multiple health complications, including cancer. The cells in the body, including cancerous ones, use glucose to survive, grow and spread. Glucose may not be directly responsible for the onset of cancer. However, having sugar in excessive amounts may increase the risk of the disease and worsen its symptoms. So, here is a look at how high sugar intake can worsen common symptoms of cancer: Fatigue Sugar can help temporarily boost energy levels. The pancreas produces enough insulin to break down food into simple sugars, which are then utilized by cells to stay energized. However, sometimes the pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin, which could lead to excessive sugar in the blood, causing fatigue and weakness. Further, if one is at risk for cancer or is affected by the disease, the body needs more energy to fight the abnormal cells. So, fatigue is a common sign of cancer that can worsen when dealing with high blood sugar. Frequent infections If one is dealing with cancer, the weakened immune system is already prone to frequent infections. The immune system requires balanced nutrition, such as healthy amounts of minerals and vitamins, to thrive and fight diseases, including cancer. However, when cancerous cells spread, they may prevent the immune system from absorbing these nutrients. Further, sugar encourages the production of inflammatory proteins, making one more susceptible to illnesses.  Frequent pain One may usually experience pain for reasons including strenuous exercises or injuries. However, the symptom is an early sign of cancer. Cancerous developments may often press against the nerves across areas of the body, which could lead to pain. Further, sugar can worsen the pain by triggering inflammation. So, when experiencing persistent pain, one should consult a doctor to determine the underlying causes and if limiting sugar intake might be the solution.
5 signs of hearing difficulties due to excessive sugar

5 signs of hearing difficulties due to excessive sugar

The excessive consumption of sugar has long been associated with several health disorders, including those related to the gastrointestinal system, diabetes, heart problems, and so on. In addition to these health issues, eating too much sugary foods can also lead to various auditory issues over the long term. It can cause different problems, including hearing loss. Here are some common warning signs of poor hearing caused by excessive sugar in meals and snacks. Difficulty understanding speech Excessive sugar consumption over several years can gradually cause hearing loss. As a result, you may struggle with understanding conversations. When talking to others, you may often ask them to repeat themselves several times. It happens because high blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and small blood vessels in the inner ear. There is ringing in the ears or tinnitus The high intake of sugar over several years has been known to trigger inflammation. If this inflammation occurs in the nerves close to the ears and the brain, it can cause persistent ringing in your ears, which do not come from external sources in your surroundings. Also known as tinnitus, this ringing sensation in the ears occurs due to nerve damage due to inflammation. The sensitivity to sound decreases Another sign of poor hearing due to excessive sugar is reduced sensitivity to different sounds. It becomes difficult to hear sounds of low and high frequencies. People experiencing this symptom may be unable to perceive certain pitches in conversations, songs, or their surroundings. There is trouble hearing in noisy environments Eating too many sugary foods such as desserts, baked goods, beverages, processed foods, and so on can negatively affect auditory processing. It can make it harder to hear different sounds in extremely noisy environments. You will find it challenging to follow conversations in loud or crowded places.
5 signs of liver disease linked to high sugar intake

5 signs of liver disease linked to high sugar intake

The liver is a vital organ responsible for carrying out essential functions in the body, like removing toxins, metabolizing nutrients, and regulating blood sugar. Excessive sugar intake can take a toll on the liver, leading to health complications. Sugar can also increase the risk and worsen the symptoms of liver disease. Recognizing the effects of high blood glucose can help one make necessary changes to prevent any harm to the liver and overall health. Fatigue and weakness One of the early signs of liver problems linked to high sugar intake is fatigue and weakness. The liver plays a crucial role in converting sugar into energy. When dealing with excessive amounts of sugar, the function of the organ may be compromised. This can lead to a lack of energy. Frequent digestive issues Liver issues linked with high sugar intake can also manifest as recurring digestive issues. The liver produces bile, a substance necessary for the digestion and absorption of fats. But, when dealing with liver dysfunction brought on by excessive sugar, one can experience digestive problems like bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. Elevated blood sugar The liver plays a pivotal part in regulating blood sugar by storing and releasing glucose as required. However, excessive sugar intake can overwhelm the liver, making it difficult for the organ to maintain optimal blood sugar balance, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Those with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing fatty liver disease. Abdominal pain and swelling Liver disease can lead to abdominal pain and swelling. Further, the liver can become inflamed and enlarged when one has too much sugar, resulting in discomfort and tenderness in the abdominal area. If one experiences persistent or worsening abdominal pain or notices unexplained swelling in the abdomen, they should seek medical advice to determine the underlying cause.
Top signs of joint pain due to excessive sugar

Top signs of joint pain due to excessive sugar

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is the term used to refer to a condition that results in excessive blood glucose or sugar levels. It generally occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin or use it effectively. When left unmanaged, high blood sugar levels can cause several complications. One of these complications is joint pain. Signs and symptoms of some diabetes-induced conditions that may cause joint pain include the following: Diabetic Arthropathy High blood glucose levels can damage the nerves, causing diabetic neuropathy that can also affect the joints, known as arthropathy. Some conditions that fall under this category include: Charcot’s foot This condition affects the foot joints, causing them to deteriorate over time. It may also cause symptoms such as joint pain, swelling, redness, numbness, the area being hot to the touch, or changes in the appearance of the feet. Diabetic hand Some people with diabetes may experience shoulder pain and limited mobility due to a frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Arthropathy may also affect joints in the hand by causing conditions such as: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: This occurs when the median nerve is compressed. It may cause symptoms such as tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand. Trigger finger: This condition causes inflammation in the fingers, making it difficult to bend or straighten them. Other symptoms also include pain, numbness, or tingling around the thumb. Dupuytren’s Syndrome: Dupuytren’s Syndrome causes nodules under the skin in the hands, which can severely limit mobility. This condition gets worse over time. Osteoarthritis This is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage between the joints wears down. Those with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing this condition. Some common symptoms include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and lack of joint flexibility or movement. Osteoporosis This condition causes bones to become weak, thereby increasing the risk of fractures.
Common signs of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar intake

Common signs of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar intake

Today, sugar-laden treats are readily available, which tempt one at every turn. While the occasional sweet indulgence may seem harmless, excessive sugar consumption can silently or indirectly impair one’s immune system, the body’s defense mechanism against illness and infections. It’s essential to recognize the impact of sugar on one’s immune health. Here are a few common indicators of a compromised immune system due to excessive sugar intake. Check them out. Effect of glucose on one’s immune system Glucose is needed for the body to produce energy. In moderate amounts, it can support one’s daily activity. Still, excessive consumption of refined sugar and carbohydrates can cause various health issues, including a higher risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. It also affects one’s immune system, a complex network of cells and tissues that work in tandem to defend one’s body from foreign invaders and maintain one’s overall health. Any spikes in sugar intake suppress the optimal functioning of one’s immune system. Those with type 2 diabetes, a common autoimmune disease marked by high blood glucose levels, are among those who get affected the most. A diabetic person’s immune system recognizes sugar as a harmful substance and triggers an inflammatory response. This inflammation can damage the pancreatic cells, which are tasked with producing a sugar-regulating substance called insulin. This, in turn, makes the body more vulnerable to infections as one’s immunity struggles to control harmful bacteria and viruses. Signs of a compromised immune system due to high sugar Here are a few signs to be aware of: Frequent infections: White blood cells responsible for combating harmful viruses and bacteria become less effective in targeting and neutralizing these when one’s glucose levels are high. This makes people catch infections like the flu, a cold, or other viral infections more frequently and easily. Delayed wound healing:
How does diabetes affect heart health

How does diabetes affect heart health

The human heart supplies oxygen to different parts of the body, maintains blood pressure, and expels carbon dioxide through exhalation. But with an increasing frequency of heart conditions, as per 2021 reports, heart disease costs the country a whopping $239.9 billion each year. Heart problems may have various underlying causes; however, diabetes is often responsible for triggering or worsening them. Some heart problems caused by excessive sugar intake and diabetes are as follows: Arrhythmia Arrhythmia refers to irregular heartbeats. Since diabetes disrupts the heart’s structure, the condition may be caused or worsened by diabetes. Individuals with this condition experience shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, fainting, etc. Stroke Diabetes pathologically alters the body’s blood vessels, which can trigger the onset of stroke. Studies have also shown that survival rates of individuals with stroke are lower among patients with diabetes. Heart attack Patients with type-2 diabetes are twice as susceptible to heart disease as those with regular blood-sugar levels. Individuals with diabetes may also develop silent heart attacks, which do not have any initial symptoms. Patients having suffered a heart attack may experience swelling in their legs or ankles, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, and nausea, among other symptoms. Atrial fibrillation According to research reports, diabetes significantly increases one’s risk of developing atrial fibrillation. This is because diabetes causes electric, structural, and autonomic alterations to the heart, which can increase one’s vulnerability to atrial fibrillation. Lightheadedness, chest pain, and fatigue are some atrial fibrillation symptoms. Heart valve disease Heart valve disease occurs when one or more of the valves in one’s heart do not function optimally. This condition affects blood flow to the heart and is more common among individuals with diabetes. Moreover, its progression is faster among patients with high blood sugar levels. Diabetes adversely affects one’s heart functioning in several ways, from causing damage to the heart’s blood vessels to increasing LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are major risk factors for cardiovascular conditions.
8 signs of dental issues due to high sugar intake

8 signs of dental issues due to high sugar intake

Sugar has become an integral part of modern lifestyle and eating habits. It is present in most store-bought foods, from packaged snacks, cereals, and baked goods to sauces and energy drinks. While sugar can provide a momentary burst of pleasure to taste buds, excessive consumption can harm one’s dental health. Therefore, recognizing the early signs of these dental issues due to high sugar consumption is crucial for early intervention and optimal oral health. Tooth decay and cavities The bacteria in one’s mouth feed and thrive on the sugar consumed through food and produce acids. These acids erode tooth enamel, leading to the formation of cavities. Tooth sensitivity Sugar-rich foods can lead to enamel erosion, exposing the sensitive dentin underneath. As a result, individuals may experience discomfort or pain when consuming hot, cold, or sugary foods and drinks. Toothache As cavities progress, they can cause toothaches characterized by sharp or throbbing pain. The pain may worsen when biting down or consuming cold or sugary foods. Tooth discoloration Sugar is a major food source for harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to the formation of plaque and tartar. Over time, these substances can stain the teeth, resulting in a yellowish or brownish appearance. Persistent bad breath Sugar is fuel for bacteria in the mouth, which can produce foul-smelling byproducts and lead to persistent bad breath. This condition, known as halitosis, may indicate dental problems or cavities. Holes in teeth Sugar causes plaque on one’s teeth and disturbs the pH balance in one’s mouth, making it more acidic. This acid erodes tooth enamel and causes visible pits or holes in the affected areas. Gum inflammation and gum disease Those with high sugar levels or diabetes should be more careful since they are more prone to gingivitis or periodontitis. Bacteria thrive when one consumes more sugar, which causes the accumulation of plaque and tartar along the gum line.
6 ways excess sugar intake disturbs sleep

6 ways excess sugar intake disturbs sleep

With the fast-paced world, getting a good night’s sleep is becoming harder. We often attribute sleep loss to external factors like stress or technology, but sugar can also be a culprit that we tend to overlook. Despite its seemingly harmless nature, sugar can negatively affect our sleep patterns and overall health. Many people are unaware of sugar’s harmful impact on sleep and its correlation with sleep disturbances and constipation. Here’s everything you should know. Disrupts the sleep-wake cycle Consuming excessive sugar close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle. Sugar stimulates insulin release, leading to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. This spike in energy can make it difficult for your body to relax and enter the sleep phase, causing insomnia or fragmented sleep. Promotes restless sleep Sugar can contribute to restless sleep by causing blood sugar fluctuations throughout the night. As your blood sugar levels rise and fall, your body may experience sudden awakenings or interruptions in sleep. These disruptions can leave you tired and groggy in the morning, even after a seemingly long night of rest. Increased risk of sleep disorders Studies have shown that high-sugar foods are associated with an increased risk of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring. Excess sugar consumption can lead to body mass gain, a common risk factor for sleep disorders. Furthermore, sugar-induced inflammation can contribute to airway inflammation and breathing difficulties during sleep. Disrupts digestive function Too much sugar can negatively affect your digestive system, causing constipation and other bowel issues. This is because sugar can slow down the movement of food in your digestive tract, leading to it lingering in your intestines. As a result, your sleep quality may also be impacted as discomfort, and the need to use the bathroom can disrupt your sleep. Imbalanced gut microbiome Consuming too much sugar can harm the helpful bacteria in your digestive system, known as the gut microbiome.
Here’s how sleeping posture affects quality of sleep

Here’s how sleeping posture affects quality of sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is critical to having a productive and stress-free routine. The mind and body require adequate rest to recoup and revive after a tiring day. But have you ever thought about understanding the various sleeping positions you adopt subconsciously? Every position has a unique advantage and disadvantage and greatly impacts your sleep quality. So here are the best sleeping positions to try out and find a suitable posture. Sleeping on the side Sleeping on one side has a number of health benefits. Doctors suggest sleeping on the left side to improve digestion, as the angle of the stomach makes food move along the digestive tract easily. This further lowers the incidence of heartburn as the stomach acids cannot be churned up the esophagus due to the tipping angle. Sleeping on the side also lowers the pressure put on the neck and esophagus, preventing obstruction of the airways. However, sleeping on the side may cause the shoulders and jaw areas to become stiff due to the body weight shifting on one side. It’s best to support the position with multiple pillows to avoid pain and discomfort. Sleeping on your back This is a common position that is restful and promotes a good night’s sleep. Sleeping flat on your back protects the spine’s natural curvature and prevents pain from developing in the lower back. The body is at a more rested angle, so it’s also easier to get a good night’s sleep. Adding a pillow behind the knees in this position relieves pressure from the area so you can rest peacefully. However, the only drawback of sleeping on the back is the increased risk of snoring and possible sleep apnea developing as a result. Lying face down Though it might not sound very comfortable, many people prefer sleeping face down lying flat on their stomachs.
6 home remedies to manage frequent urination

6 home remedies to manage frequent urination

Day or night, making frequent bathroom trips can be annoying for any individual. A symptom of an overactive bladder, frequent urination can affect one’s work and personal life. However, with proper treatment, it is possible to control frequent urination. Various home remedies, including nutritional changes and behavioral therapies, can help retain the bladder and prevent the need for frequent bathroom visits. Keep reading to learn about a few such helpful home remedies. Kegel exercises Kegel exercises can be beneficial in managing frequent urination problems. They repeatedly contract and release the pelvic floor muscles, building their strength. The increased strength can help improve bladder control and lower urination frequency. Bladder training Bladder training goes a long way in helping patients with an overactive bladder. At first, patients might find it difficult to hold in their urine for longer than usual. However, maintaining this practice for weeks retrains the bladder and reduces the urination frequency. Eating healthy foods One cool trick to managing frequent urination is avoiding foods and drinks that act as a diuretic or could irritate the bladder. It could include caffeine, carbonated beverages, spicy foods, tomato-based foods, and even chocolate. Adding more fiber to the meal can help relieve constipation and frequent urination problems. Being constipated can add more pressure to the bladder, causing the individual to make multiple bathroom visits. Adjusting the amount of fluid intake and doubling down on food that relieves constipation can also help with bladder issues. Stop the “just-in-case” visits One mistake people often make is going to the bathroom when there is no need to. The “just-in-case” visits might, in fact, be worsening the problem. Routinely trying to empty your bladder before it is necessary can retrain the brain and the bladder to signal early elimination of urine. Kohki tea Kohki is a sweet beverage that comes with an abundance of antioxidants.