Impact of sugar on cholesterol levels and ways to manage it

Impact of sugar on cholesterol levels and ways to manage it

Most individuals, especially those with a sweet tooth, find it hard to avoid sugary foods from their daily meal plan because sugar is an integral part of various food items. However, excessive intake of sugar is associated with many health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and even cholesterol. Some easy and effective strategies to reduce sugar intake and its direct impact on one’s cholesterol levels are listed below. Types of cholesterol There are two types of cholesterol- LDL (low-density lipoprotein), otherwise known as bad cholesterol HDL (high-density lipoprotein), otherwise known as good cholesterol LDL causes plaque buildup in one’s arteries, creates blockages, hampers blood flow, and raises the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Meanwhile, HDL helps the body to get rid of bad cholesterol. HDL carries LDL to the liver, where it is eventually eliminated from the body. Effects of sugar on cholesterol levels Healthcare professionals recommend exercising and reducing the intake of saturated fats for individuals with high cholesterol. However, unbeknownst to many, sugar is another hidden contributing factor to cholesterol. Some studies have shown that people who consumed more than half a cup of sugar daily had low HDL levels in the body. Similarly, people who got 10% of their calories from added sugar were thrice as likely to have low HDL cholesterol levels compared to those who had half as much sugar. Excessive sugar intake also results in one’s liver creating more LDL. It converts and stores the excess sugar into a fatty substance called triglycerides, which have similar effects on the body as LDL cholesterol. Simple ways to manage sugar intake Read food labels – Industries use various names for added sugar on store-bought, packaged, and processed foods. A few such names are molasses, corn syrup, fructose, rice syrup, agave nectar, cane juice, cane syrup, honey, and sucrose.
5 ways consuming sugary soda affects one’s health

5 ways consuming sugary soda affects one’s health

Sugar is one of the most commonly used condiments in daily cooking. In fact, most processed foods bought off the shelves in the supermarket contain some form of artificial sweetener added to enhance the taste. One example is the variety of carbonated beverages, flavored sodas, and fruit juices sold. A 12-ounce can of soda contains 10 teaspoons or 39 grams of sugar. Consuming sugary beverages affects one’s health in the following ways. Triggers type 2 diabetes Sodas are laced with artificial sweeteners that rapidly increase blood sugar levels in the body. Frequently consuming these sugary beverages causes healthy cells to become less resistant to natural insulin produced by the body. Insulin resistance combined with increased blood sugar severely increases the risk of diabetes. Leads to joint problems Fructose, a form of sugar, is one of the known risk factors linked to certain types of arthritis, mainly gout. It leads to the build-up of uric acid crystals in the big toe. Consistently consuming excessive amounts of sugar can trigger flare-ups associated with gout and worsen the pain. Causes dental problems Sugar left behind in the crevices of the teeth and healthy gums triggers problems like cavities and infections. That’s because the bacteria feed off excess sugar left behind after consuming sweetened juices, flavored sodas, and carbonated beverages. Also, most of these beverages are highly acidic and cause the enamel or outer layer of the teeth to wear out prematurely. Can lead to heart disease Excess sugar consumption is harmful to cardiovascular health. Increased blood glucose levels further trigger cholesterol-related complications and affect metabolic activities. These imbalances lower immunity and increase the chances of a heart attack, even for adults who are not at risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Triggers cognitive decline Studies suggest excess sugar consumption leads to early cognitive decline.
5 foods to avoid and limit for optimal lung health

5 foods to avoid and limit for optimal lung health

Daily nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining overall lung health. Foods and beverages should be consumed in such a manner that ensures the organ receives the necessary nutrients to perform at optimal capacity. However, many foods and beverages lead to the development of chronic discomforts ranging from shortness of breath to pain in the lungs. Here are five foods to avoid or consume in moderation for better lung health. Processed cuts of meat Deli meats are infused with additives and even artificial coloring or flavoring to enhance the taste. So, all cuts of processed meats like bacon, ham, sausage, hot dogs, and lunch meats are not recommended for regular consumption. Furthermore, if anyone is already experiencing respiratory disorders, it’s better to avoid processed cuts of meat. Many cuts contain carcinogens like sodium nitrate released upon cooking on a high flame. This increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), increasing lung discomfort and causing breathing difficulties. Sugary foods and beverages Sugar is empty calories meaning adding sugar to daily foods and beverages only enhances the flavor. There is no additional nutritional value gained from adding it. On the contrary, research suggests a link between regular sugar consumption and mucus production obstructing nasal passage. Excess mucus increases the risk of conditions like asthma that hamper the lung’s ability to absorb oxygen. This only worsens existing breathing difficulties experienced by patients and triggers unwanted flare-ups. Salty foods Salt introduces sodium content into the bloodstream. While sodium is essential for several bodily functions, excess sodium will trigger fluid retention and water buildup in the lungs. Salt is one of the significant condiments used in daily cooking, so one must use it in moderation. Patients with lung disease and underlying respiratory problems will experience severe breathing difficulties due to fluid buildup caused by sodium.
3 types of common signs of Huntington’s disease

3 types of common signs of Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease or Huntington disease results in a progressive breakdown or a degeneration of nerve cells in the brain. This is a rare disease, typically passed down through generations, which means it is inherited. It impacts the functional abilities of a person, leading to cognitive, movement, and psychiatric disorders. There is no treatment to cure the disease completely; however, there are options to help manage the symptoms. Here are common signs of the disease. Signs and symptoms of Huntington’s disease The symptoms vary from person to person, as there is a wide spectrum of signs to look out for. Here are some symptoms that can be observed in patients: Movement disorders This kind of disorder involves not just involuntary movement disorders but also impaired movement disorders. Examples include writhing movements called chorea or involuntary jerking. Muscle issues like rigidity or muscle contracture (also called dystonia), slow or unusual eye movements, difficulty with speech or swallowing, and impaired gait, posture, and balance are noted. These disorders may impact an individual’s day-to-day activities. As Huntington’s can affect one’s nerves and muscles, it may also adversely impact one’s digestive system and bowel movements, leading to constipation, incontinence, and diarrhea. Cognitive disorders The impairments associated with Huntington’s disease include difficulty in organizing, prioritizing, and focusing on tasks. There is also a symptom of being stuck on a thought, behavior, or action, which can get stressful. Lack of impulse control can also lead to behaviors like acting out without thinking or even sexual promiscuity. There is also a noticeable lack of awareness of one’s own behaviors and abilities, the inability to think fast, the difficulty in processing thoughts and forming words, and an unusual difficulty in learning new information. Psychiatric disorders One of the most common psychiatric disorders associated with Huntington’s is depression. It is to be noted that depression does not develop after the diagnosis of the disease but is developed because of the changes in brain function due to the disease.
9 warning signs that indicate bone cancer

9 warning signs that indicate bone cancer

Bone cancer occurs due to abnormal cell growth in a bone, usually the arm, leg, or pelvic bones, but sometimes the skull, hips, and ribs. In its advanced stages, bone cancer may spread to other body parts, including the surrounding tissues, bones, and organs. On the bright side, patients with bone cancer can recover completely if the condition is diagnosed and treated early. Understanding some of its early signs can help with timely diagnosis and intervention. Swelling Most individuals with bone cancer experience inflammation and swelling over the affected area, leading to restricted mobility, mainly if the cancer occurs in a bone close to a joint. Fever In some cases, bone cancer may escalate to fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Although the underlying cause of such fever is unclear, some studies suggest that it may be due to certain toxins produced in the bodies of patients with bone cancer. Bone Lump Bone cancer sometimes leads to the development of a lump on the affected bone. This lump may grow with the progression of cancer and may sometimes cause pain. Anemia and fatigue The bones in one’s body govern the production of red blood cells (RBC), which supply oxygen throughout the body. Bone cancer prevents RBC production, causing a lack of oxygen supply and fatigue. Moreover, lack of RBC can also cause the onset of anemia, which may worsen in some cases following cancer treatment. Night sweats Patients with bone cancer may experience night sweats, indicating that the body is attempting to fight against cancer cells. Hormone-level fluctuations due to bone cancer may also cause night sweats. Loss of appetite Fatigue due to bone cancer may trigger loss of appetite, a common symptom among patients with this condition. Limping Patients with cancer developing on their leg bones may experience difficulty walking, causing them to limp.
4 early signs of COPD to know of

4 early signs of COPD to know of

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung condition affecting millions worldwide. It is the third most significant cause of death in patients, claiming more than 3 million lives in 2019. However, it often remains undiagnosed until it reaches advanced stages, making early detection crucial for better management and improved quality of life. To do so, exploring the early signs of COPD and taking the necessary actions to mitigate them is essential. Chronic cough Chronic cough is among the earliest indicators of COPD. The persistent cough is commonly dismissed as a symptom of a minor infection or inhalation of allergens. It is typical for the cough to linger around for months. The primary cause for this persistent cough is the prolonged exposure of the respiratory system to chronic inflammation or irritation. Long-term exposure to environmental irritants like chemicals, dust, and other air pollutants can trigger it. Increased mucus COPD patients experience increased mucus production, often accompanied by persistent coughing. The mucus produced in such patients is thicker and stickier than in minor infections. Usually, the lungs produce mucus to protect the airway against irritants. The mucus traps pollutants that enter the respiratory system and eliminates them. When exposed to high levels of irritants, the body produces more mucus to fight off the invaders. Shortness of breath (dyspnea) COPD often presents an early warning sign known as dyspnea or shortness of breath during physical activity. At first, this may be attributed to the patient being unfit or the natural aging process, but as the disease progresses, it can significantly impact daily life. Airway obstruction is the primary cause of dyspnea in COPD. The persistent inflammation and structural changes in the airways result in reduced airflow in and out of the lungs, leading to a sensation of breathlessness. Wheezing Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that occurs when breathing.
5 warning signs of heart attack that should not be ignored

5 warning signs of heart attack that should not be ignored

As per research, about 800,000 people in the country suffer from a heart attack yearly. Given the severity of this cardiovascular disease, it is important for everyone to have basic knowledge of its early signs and symptoms. Like for any ailment, the human body shows early warning signs of heart attack too, and if recognized in time, it can help save one’s life. Here are some early signs of a heart attack one shouldn’t ignore. Pain in the upper body One of the earliest signs of a heart attack is experiencing discomfort or throbbing pain in the arms, neck, back, or jaw. Sometimes, this discomfort may even be felt in the upper part of the abdomen. Breathlessness and tightness in the chest If one suddenly experiences heavy breathing or breathlessness as if they have just run a marathon (when they have not), it might be a serious sign of a heart attack. Sometimes, the shortness of breath may also be felt along with a tightness in the chest. In such a scenario, one may need immediate medical attention. Indigestion Sometimes, the early signs of a heart attack can also include indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. These may not necessarily indicate a heart attack but they should not be dismissed. It is always advisable to see a healthcare practitioner when in doubt. Unexplained fatigue or dizziness If one suddenly feels tired without any physical activity, or experiences sudden dizziness, they need to contact someone immediately. They may require urgent medical attention. Cold sweats Sweating in a hot environment, or due to physical activity is normal. But suddenly breaking out in sweats can be a sign of a heart attack. Sometimes, one may experience cold sweating with other symptoms, such as nausea, breathlessness, or chest discomfort. Either way, they need to consult a medical professional urgently.
5 common mistakes to avoid with dental implants

5 common mistakes to avoid with dental implants

Dental implants are tooth-like structures that are inserted by certified dental surgeons into the patient’s jawbone. In most cases, these are custom-made according to the patient’s needs. Furthermore, implants are suggested when patients lose one or more teeth. It aids in improving their chewing function. However, it is important to avoid certain mistakes in order to ensure a successful outcome. Therefore, here are some common mistakes to avoid with dental implants. Choosing inexperienced dentists Dental procedures, especially implants, are complex. If a patient chooses an inexperienced dentist for the procedure, it can result in certain mistakes that can seriously affect the patient’s health. For instance, if the implant is placed in the wrong position, it may not bond with the jaw bone, leading to further discomfort and issues. Hence, patients are suggested to choose qualified and experienced dentists for the procedure. Not communicating about personal medical history One of the most significant mistakes to avoid when working with dentists for dental implants is not informing the medical personnel about one’s medical history. This is because some health conditions like cancer, uncontrolled diabetes, and gum disease can affect the outcome. So, patients must ensure that they communicate their complete medical history during the initial evaluation. Not reporting problems immediately Typically, post dental implant procedures, patients can expect pain, discomfort, bleeding, and swelling in the area. However, in most cases, these subside after a few days. When these issues are not resolved, one must reach out to the dentist for further instructions. While some causes can be minor, others, like allergic reactions, can be severe. Thus, it’s important to consult the dentist when experiencing such issues. Not maintaining oral hygiene Usually, good oral hygiene ensures that the teeth and gums remain healthy. However, in cases where there are food particles or bacteria buildup in the implant site, it can lead to failure of the procedure due to infections and gum irritation.
Top 5 foods that fight bad breath naturally

Top 5 foods that fight bad breath naturally

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing and socially uncomfortable condition. It is often caused by bacteria in the mouth breaking down food particles and producing foul-smelling gasses. While regular oral hygiene is crucial, certain foods can naturally aid combat bad breath by helping to neutralize odor-causing compounds and promote healthier oral hygiene. Here are the five foods that can fight bad breath naturally and should be added to one’s food regime. Apples An apple a day not keeps the doctor away but can also help keep bad breath at bay. Fiber-rich apples aid in saliva production. Saliva is the natural cleansing agent of the mouth. It helps rinse away odor-causing bacteria and food particles that may linger in the mouth after eating. Additionally, the natural sweetness of apples can temporarily mask any unpleasant odors. Yogurt Yogurt, particularly the plain and unsweetened variety, is packed with probiotics and beneficial bacteria. These probiotics help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which are often responsible for causing bad breath. Yogurt also contains lactoferrin, a protein that has antimicrobial properties, further contributing to a fresher breath. Parsley Parsley isn’t just a garnish; it can be a powerful weapon against bad breath. It contains chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for its green color, which has natural deodorizing properties. Chlorophyll neutralizes odors by binding to odor molecules and neutralizing them. Chewing on a few sprigs of fresh parsley after a meal can leave breath smelling fresher. Green tea Green tea, well-known for its numerous health benefits, can also combat bad breath. It contains polyphenols – natural antioxidants – that inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth. These polyphenols can help reduce the production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) responsible for the foul odor associated with bad breath. Additionally, the act of sipping on green tea can help to rinse away food particles from the mouth.
13 things to avoid for heartburn and related discomfort

13 things to avoid for heartburn and related discomfort

Heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest and throat, is a common discomfort that many people experience due to acid reflux. While it is not a life-threatening condition, chronic heartburn can cause some serious health problems when left untreated. To prevent heartburn and its associated discomfort, it is essential to be mindful of certain triggers and make some healthy lifestyle changes. Here are some things to avoid for heartburn relief. Spicy foods Foods such as hot peppers and curry can trigger heartburn by irritating the esophagus. Avoiding these can help reduce the our risk of heartburn. Citrus fruits Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and their juices are acidic and can exacerbate heartburn symptoms. Opt for less acidic fruits like bananas or apples instead. Tomatoes and tomato-based products Tomatoes and tomato-based sauces are also acidic and can cause heartburn. Try using a low-acid tomato sauce or alternative sauces when cooking. Fatty foods High-fat foods like fried foods, fatty cuts of meat, and rich dairy products can relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. So, opt for leaner options to reduce the risk of heartburn. Chocolate Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which can relax the LES and lead to acid reflux. If one has heartburn, they must limit their chocolate intake. Caffeine and carbonated beverages Coffee, tea, soda, and other caffeinated and carbonated beverages can contribute to heartburn by increasing stomach acid production. Opt for caffeine-free alternatives or herbal teas. Mint and peppermint While mint is often associated with soothing digestive discomfort, it can relax the LES and lead to heartburn for some individuals. If one is prone to heartburn, they must avoid mint. Large meals Overeating can put extra pressure on the LES and increase the likelihood of acid reflux. Try eating smaller meals more frequently to prevent heartburn.
5 early signs of vasculitis

5 early signs of vasculitis

Vasculitis is commonly referred to as a blood inflammation disease that affects the blood vessels in circulation. The red blood cells carry freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs, pumped by the heart, to all organs and extremities of the body. Inflammation of these healthy vessels can result in blockages, causing circulation to drop. Vasculitis can affect one or multiple organs, depending on the type of inflammation and the intensity of the disease’s progression. Here are the five most common symptoms to look out for early on: 1. Breathing difficulties When vasculitis develops in the lungs, it can cause cavities to manifest in the healthy tissue and affect respiratory function. As a result, one might experience pneumonia-like symptoms, including breathlessness, which worsen with any physical activity. Some people even develop a bloody cough triggered by internal lung bleeding caused primarily by tissue damage. 2. Pain and numbness Vasculitis can also spread and affect the peripheral nerves, causing shooting pains in the body’s extremities connected to the arms and legs. This is often simultaneous with numbness and a sensation of tingling that develop in these regions. Inflammation of the blood vessels will also cause pain under the skin’s surface. 3. Fatigue and weakness Some people also complain of weakness that develops only on one side of the body, along with fatigue that is prevalent with the progression of inflammation in the blood vessels. Many people experience a general feeling of sickness as their immunity is compromised due to the progression of these symptoms. 4. Joint problems Vasculitis also develops and spreads, affecting vital joints. Inflammation of the blood vessels in and around the joints can trigger sharp bouts of pain and make it difficult for a person to go about their daily routine. The intensity of the pain will vary depending on the severity of the inflammation and the underlying cause of flare-ups in that region.
5 tasty and nutritious snack options for diabetics

5 tasty and nutritious snack options for diabetics

The next time a sugary treat entices you at the supermarket, consider the fact that almost 11% of the country’s population grapples with diabetes. Easy access to foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats has spurred an unprecedented increase in the number of individuals with diabetes. However, on the bright side, here’s a list of delicious and nutritious foods to indulge in without worrying about a spike in blood sugar levels. Hard-boiled eggs Hard-boiled eggs are high-protein, low-carb food sources that slow glucose absorption and aid digestion. Research suggests that consuming approximately two eggs a day has no adverse effects on the body in terms of cholesterol, blood sugar, and other parameters. Moreover, it typically enhances one’s fasting blood sugar levels. Boiled chickpeas The American Diabetes Association recommends chickpeas as high-fiber foods linked with low blood sugar levels. A bowl of boiled chickpeas garnished with pepper, lemon juice, and coriander leaves can fill one up till dinnertime! Fresh berries Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are great additions to one’s meal plan if they have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Berries typically have a low glycemic index and are packed with essential vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. One may consume them directly or add them to their porridge and smoothies. Nuts One may stock up on walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, and peanuts, as these contain vitamin E, fiber, carotenoids, antioxidants, and healthy fats, making them ideal snacks for people with diabetes. However, avoid salted nuts as these are highly processed and may increase one’s risk for auto-immune conditions. Green soups and smoothies Broccoli, spinach, beet greens, kale, cabbage, and the like are considered nutritious leafy greens for individuals with diabetes as they have a low glycemic index, low starch, and high vitamin A and E levels. Thus, soups and smoothies with leafy greens, seasoned with some pepper and lime juice, are healthy, sumptuous snacks for regulating sugar levels.