4 early signs of an overactive bladder

4 early signs of an overactive bladder

Overactive bladder or OAB is a condition that groups some urinary symptoms, pointing toward bladder problems. It is not a disease but a set of symptoms. For some people, the symptoms can get so severe that it affects their social and work life and sleep. The frequent bathroom breaks can also dent one’s confidence, making them feel isolated and lonely. Here are some signs to notice and management tips to follow. Signs and symptoms Some signs and symptoms, if mild, may seem like regular bowel movements. However, observing and recognizing irregularities is essential for early detection, treatment, and management. Here are some signs to notice: Urgency to urinate Having a frequent urge to urinate is the most common and major symptom of OAB. The individual cannot ignore the strong and sudden urge to urinate; in fact, some people are afraid that there will be a leak if they do not use the bathroom immediately. Leaking urine Urge incontinence is another symptom. Under this, the urine may leak when there is a sudden urge to go to the bathroom. However, it is not to be confused with stress urinary incontinence. In Stress urinary incontinence, the person may leak urine during sneezing, laughing, or other physically strenuous activities. Urinate frequently Apart from the sudden urge to urinate, one may have to go to the bathroom frequently throughout the day. Experts suggest that going to the bathroom more than eight times daily is “frequent urination.” Waking up at night due to urgency If someone has to wake up at night in the middle of sleep, more than once, to relieve themselves, then it may point towards OAB. Management tips There are several treatment options for OAB, which may work for different individuals. Lifestyle changes can help control frequent urination. One of these changes is to limit the intake of certain foods and drinks that may irritate the bladder.
8 sunscreen mistakes that could harm the skin

8 sunscreen mistakes that could harm the skin

Direct and prolonged exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can increase one’s risk of sunburn, premature aging, wrinkles, fine lines, skin damage, or even cancer in extreme cases. When it comes to protecting one’s skin from sun rays, sunscreen is a crucial tool. However, many individuals make common sunscreen application mistakes that can do more harm than good. Here are some mistakes that should be avoided for optimal skin protection: 1. Not reapplying the product Sunscreen’s efficacy diminishes over time and needs to be reapplied regularly, especially if one is spending time outdoors. Failing to reapply every two hours or after swimming, sweating, or towel-drying can lead to sunburn and long-term skin damage. 2. Not using enough sunscreen Many people underestimate the amount of sunscreen needed to provide adequate protection. It’s recommended to coat the skin with at least an ounce of the product to shield the skin effectively, for instance, on a beach day. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends applying a nickel-sized portion to one’s face on regular days. 3. Neglecting sensitive areas It’s easy to forget those often neglected areas, such as the ears, lips, and the back of the neck. To avoid harm, one should use sunscreen generously on all exposed skin. 4. Overlooking the neck and chest The face isn’t the only area that requires protection. The neck and chest are often exposed and susceptible to sun damage. Extend your sunscreen application to cover these areas and maintain healthy, youthful skin. 5. Using expired sunscreen Using expired sunscreen can be ineffective and even harmful. Check the expiration date on the sunscreen and discard any that have passed their prime. If there is no expiration date, replacing sunscreen every year is generally recommended. 6. Relying on makeup with SPF While makeup products with SPF can offer some protection, they are not a substitute for dedicated sunscreen.
6 signs of ulcerative colitis to look out for

6 signs of ulcerative colitis to look out for

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine. Along with the inner lining of the large intestine, it can also affect the rectum and the colon. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis can be discomforting and lead to severe complications if left untreated. Hence, it is crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis for timely diagnosis and management. Abdominal pain and cramping A common sign of this disease is abdominal pain and cramping. It can range from mild to severe and may come and go, but it is often exacerbated during flare-ups. If a person is experiencing pain in their left side, it may indicate left-sided colitis. Diarrhea Another telltale sign of ulcerative colitis is frequent diarrhea. Also, it is usually followed by an urgent inclination to pass stool. This symptom can be distressing and disruptive to daily life. The diarrhea may also be accompanied by mucus and can increase during a flare-up. Blood in stool The presence of blood in stool is a concerning symptom of ulcerative colitis. This symptom can result from inflammation and ulcers in the colon’s lining. Along with blood, pus and mucus can be present in stools. Nausea People with this condition may experience periods of nausea, which can contribute to an overall sense of discomfort. Nausea is also linked to the ulcer and inflammation in the large intestine. Fatigue An overwhelming sense of weakness and fatigue may also indicate ulcerative colitis. This fatigue can worsen if a person experiences multiple episodes of diarrhea in a day, which can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. Also, the weakness is caused due to blood loss that has occurred via stools. Inability to pass stools, despite the urgency In some cases, people with ulcerative colitis may also experience an inability to pass stools despite having an urgent inclination to do so.
3 mistakes to avoid while buying contact lenses online

3 mistakes to avoid while buying contact lenses online

Buying contact lenses online is an easy and convenient process. Additionally, online retailers often offer lower prices, making it a lucrative option. However, there are several ways in which the purchase can go wrong, like receiving the wrong product or the risk of eye infection. To ensure that one gets the best value for money and an authentic product, it is important to avoid these common mistakes when purchasing contact lenses online. Not providing prescriptions to the online supplier The only way to buy correct contact lenses is through an eye exam conducted by an ophthalmologist. They will then prescribe the type of contact lenses one can wear. This prescription needs to be checked by the online supplier before one places an order for the lenses. If the prescription is not provided, one will likely end up with the wrong pair of lenses. So, always buy from online suppliers and retailers that check the prescription before taking an order. One can provide the prescription by scanning it or taking a photograph and uploading it online or through the mail, whichever method has been specified by the retailer. Not researching the supplier properly This is a common mistake that many people make while buying contact lenses online. One should commit enough time to do some background research on the supplier or retailer they are planning to buy the lenses from. One can look into the number of years the supplier has been in the business, their geographical presence, and what customers say about them. It is important to know that the retailer is credible and reputable. This will ensure that one buys authentic and genuine products. Not researching the product Every supplier or retailer will have a wide range of lenses. It can be an overwhelming task to pick the right lenses, even with a prescription.
Chronic bronchitis – Signs and management tips

Chronic bronchitis – Signs and management tips

Chronic bronchitis is caused by the long-term inflammation of the airways. This causes excess mucus production. In addition, there is a higher risk of lung infection. Those who have chronic bronchitis are also diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD, or chronic bronchitis, often occurs through periodic flare-ups. A chronic bronchitis flare-up or exacerbation is a sudden worsening of symptoms. These flare-ups are generally preceded by the following signs: Signs of chronic bronchitis flare-up The signs of a flare-up can last for two days. In some cases, it lasts for several days. The intensity of the symptoms is usually more severe than usual. A person may have to go to the emergency room if they experience a full-blown exacerbation during a flare-up. Some of the common signs that indicate an incomplete flare-up include the following: Wheezing and noisy breathing sounds Coughing accompanied by more mucus than usual Change in the color of mucus Trouble catching breath Discomfort in the chest Tiredness or fatigue Some other signs include the following: Unable to take deep breaths Trouble sleeping Headaches after waking up Stomach pain Frequent bouts of anxiousness Swollen ankles and legs Drowsiness Unable to think clearly Frequent mood changes Pale skin Changes in nail and lip color Difficulty talking Tips to manage signs of a chronic bronchitis flare-up Here are a few tips to manage chronic bronchitis symptoms: One should not panic as soon as they start experiencing the first symptom. This can help prevent further worsening of the symptoms. Oral treatment options given by the doctor for flare-ups must be taken as directed. An effective way to slow down breathing and save energy is to use the technique of pursed lip breathing. This will help to relax as well. If the symptoms do not improve after 48 hours or worsen further, seeking immediate medical care or going to the emergency room is crucial.
12 known warning signs of vasculitis

12 known warning signs of vasculitis

Vasculitis is a general term used to describe a group of conditions that can damage the blood vessels due to inflammation and swelling. Depending on the part of the body it affects and the symptoms it exhibits, it can be classified into different types, like Buerger’s Disease, Cogan Syndrome, and hypersensitivity vasculitis, among others. This article explores some of the warning signs of vasculitis so one can stay informed and seek medical intervention promptly. The most general signs and symptoms of vasculitis include fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches and pains. Other signs and symptoms are related to the part of the body it affects, which include: Gastrointestinal tract When vasculitis affects the digestive system (organs like the esophagus, stomach, and intestines), one may experience symptoms such as open sores in the mouth or stomach area, diarrhea, vomiting, blood, and pain in the abdominal region. Ears and nose When the ears and nose are affected by vasculitis, individuals may experience sinus infections, inner ear infections, a runny nose, dizziness, hearing loss, ringing in the ear, or even deafness. Eyes When it affects the eyes, vasculitis may cause symptoms such as redness, itching, burning, and vision changes. Those with giant cell arteritis may also experience double vision or temporary or permanent blindness in one or both eyes. Lungs If the lungs are affected, symptoms may also include shortness of breath, bleeding within the lungs, and coughing up blood. Skin Some people with vasculitis may develop skin rashes, purple or red spots or bumps, bruises, hives, or itching. The condition may also lead to the formation of lumps or open sores on the skin. Joints When vasculitis affects the joints, symptoms tend to vary greatly in intensity. Those undergoing this condition may experience joint pain ranging from mild pain without any swelling (arthralgias) to full-blown arthritis.
Symptoms, causes, and remedies for atopic dermatitis in children

Symptoms, causes, and remedies for atopic dermatitis in children

Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that commonly affects infants and children. The term is used to describe several types of conditions that lead to reddened, scaly, itchy, and aggressive inflammation of the skin of children and infants. Knowing more about this disorder helps parents and healthcare professionals aid their children with this condition better. Thus, here are the symptoms, causes, and foods to eat to alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis: Atopic dermatitis symptoms These are the typical indicators of atopic dermatitis in children or infants: Rashes Atopic dermatitis can be diagnosed on the basis of skin infection and rashes on the inside of elbows and behind the knees in children. Apart from these, rashes can appear in other areas such as the neck, wrists, ankles, the area between the buttocks, or the creases on top of the child’s thighs. Children end up rubbing and scratching these areas vigorously to get some relief from the incessant itchiness. Itchy skin As mentioned above, a characteristic aspect of atopic dermatitis is itchiness. This condition tends to dry the skin, making it highly irritable and itchy. Despite the itchiness, it is recommended for kids not to scratch their skin too much as that results in rashes and further skin damage. Atopic dermatitis – Causes and aggravators Atopic dermatitis in children is mainly caused or aggravated by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, some of which include: Immune system reaction A baby’s immune system tends to be very reactive against foreign entities such as viruses and bacteria to prevent making the child sick. Genetically-caused atopic dermatitis in children often forces the immune system to overreact and mistakenly attack healthy skin cells. This results in skin damage and infection, which may lead to atopic dermatitis symptoms in infants or babies. Genetics Changes to the DNA that take place when a baby’s genes form can cause issues in the baby’s body, cells, and skin.
12 early signs and symptoms of ALS

12 early signs and symptoms of ALS

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS, is Lou Gehrig’s disease. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects the motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. This leads to a gradual but inevitable decline in muscle function. As the disease progresses, individuals may face challenges in basic activities such as walking, speaking, and breathing. While there is currently no cure for ALS, early identification can significantly enhance the quality of life for those affected. Here are a few signs to know about: Muscle twitching and cramping In the initial phases of ALS, individuals may notice fasciculations, also known as involuntary muscle twitches. These sporadic movements are indicative of the underlying disruption in nerve signals. Additionally, muscle cramps may occur, causing discomfort and further highlighting the neurological changes taking place. Difficulty swallowing ALS can impact the muscles involved in swallowing, leading to difficulty moving food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach. This may result in coughing or choking during meals, eventually leading to proper nutrition challenges. This is also known as dysphagia. Slurred speech As the condition progresses, the muscles responsible for speech can weaken, which is called dysarthria. This leads to slurred or unclear speech. Changes in voice quality and difficulty articulating words become noticeable, potentially affecting communication. Fatigue and weakness Initially, individuals might perceive a subtle decline in overall strength, often attributed to fatigue. Simple tasks that were once routine, like lifting objects or climbing stairs, become progressively more arduous due to underlying muscle weakness. Unexplained muscle loss ALS can lead to an unintended and gradual loss of muscle mass. This is particularly significant when no changes in eating habits or exercise routines are observed. Monitoring body mass changes becomes important for overall health management in this condition. Stiffness and muscle cramps Individuals may experience muscle stiffness during the early stages, especially in the limbs.
7 heart-healthy breakfast ideas to kickstart the day

7 heart-healthy breakfast ideas to kickstart the day

Research has shown a correlation between nutritional choices and heart health. Out of all meals, breakfast plays an important role when it comes to reducing the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. A heart-friendly breakfast can set the tone for the rest of the day, providing essential nutrients and energy to keep one going. So, here are 7 heart-healthy breakfast ideas that are not only delicious and nutritious but also easy to make: 1. Overnight oatmeal Rolled oats soaked overnight in milk or dairy-free alternatives with a sprinkle of chia seeds, a touch of honey, and fresh berries can be a filling, heart-healthy breakfast. The fiber in oats helps lower bad cholesterol levels, promoting heart health. 2. Avocado toast Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, which have been linked to lower levels of bad cholesterol and a reduced risk of heart disease. Here, one can layer thin avocado slices on whole-grain toast and season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Fresh herbs, lemon juice, or even a poached egg can also be added to the recipe. 3. Vegetable smoothies Smoothies with leafy greens like spinach or kale, along with cucumber or celery, can be nutritious, as these veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to better heart health. One can add strawberry, pineapple, mango, or peanut butter to the smoothie for natural sweetness. 4. Smoothie bowls This recipe calls for a thick smoothie base made of fruits or veggies, cereals, yogurt or milk, and nut butter blended together. Avocados, carrots, leafy greens, papaya, bananas, frozen berries, peaches, and low-fat yogurt are usually added to smoothie bowls. These ingredients contain antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, which support heart health. One can top the bowl with nuts, seeds, and fresh fruit for added texture and flavor. 5. Cottage cheese with fruit Cottage cheese provides protein, calcium, B vitamins, and phosphorus, making it a filling and nutritious breakfast option.
6 ways to deal with loneliness

6 ways to deal with loneliness

Loneliness is a common and deeply human experience that can affect anyone at various stages of life. It is also a complex emotion often arising from social isolation or the feeling of being disconnected from other people, among other factors. The good news is that there are practical ways to deal with such feelings while also fostering meaningful connections. So, here are a few ways that can help overcome loneliness: Engage in prayer Prayer can involve meditation, reflection, or quiet contemplation, all of which help by offering hope and faith in a better future. Additionally, engaging in this practice can help one find inner peace, possibly reducing feelings of loneliness. Spend time outdoors Connecting with nature can be a rejuvenating activity. Whether it is a leisurely stroll in the park, a hike through the woods, or enjoying the sun, stepping outside can help one experience a sense of peace and a connection to their surroundings. Volunteer for a cause Giving back to the community can be a fulfilling way to not just help but also connect with others. This way, volunteering provides a sense of purpose and belonging. Whether it is lending a hand at a local shelter or hospital, reading to children, or participating in neighborhood clean-up drives and other community initiatives, volunteering is a great way to make new connections. Try yoga or group fitness classes Exercise is known to boost physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here, joining a yoga class or a group fitness session offers an opportunity to improve health and also meet new people in the process. These group settings can create a supportive environment where one can connect with others through shared experiences and fitness goals. Read books or listen to podcasts Hobbies like reading a book or listening to podcasts can be intellectually stimulating and emotionally fulfilling experiences, activating dormant parts of the brain.
5 essential supplements to improve bone density

5 essential supplements to improve bone density

The bones work with muscles and joints to hold the body together and support movement. They require continuous nutrition to perform this function efficiently. Ignoring this can weaken a person’s bones and significantly raise the risk of osteoporosis. The best way to improve bone strength and density is to get sufficient nutrients from food. But if that isn’t enough, experts may recommend supplements rich in specific elements like the following: Boron Boron is necessary to build and preserve bones. While one does not require much of it, the element is necessary because it helps the body effectively use calcium. Boron supplements may also support osteoporosis treatment as they activate the vitamins and minerals required for bone formation. Magnesium Magnesium works in combination with calcium to improve bone strength and support overall health. About 60% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the skeletal system, which makes it essential to get enough of this nutrient through meals. If that does not suffice, one could consider magnesium supplements for improved bone density after consulting a healthcare expert. Calcium A large amount of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth, which makes it a vital nutrient. Calcium makes the bones hard and strong. If the body does not get enough from a meal regime, it may pull this mineral from the bones, making them weak and brittle. An expert may recommend calcium supplements to counter this impact and balance the mineral levels. Vitamin K This vitamin comes in two forms: K1 and K2. While both are essential, vitamin K2 may have a more protective effect on one’s bones than vitamin K1. However, a deficiency of either may lead to weak bones. Supplements are ideal for those who do not acquire sufficient vitamin K from foods like leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables. Vitamin D Vitamin D helps the body absorb sufficient calcium in the gut.
4 vitamins and minerals to boost metabolism

4 vitamins and minerals to boost metabolism

Metabolism is the chemical process by which food is converted into energy. There are multiple chemical processes involved in metabolism. Certain minerals and vitamins can boost this process. Also, what one consumes greatly influences the speed and quality of their metabolism. Therefore, consuming foods rich in certain minerals and vitamins can seriously increase one’s energy throughout the day. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals that boost one’s metabolism: 1. B vitamins This family of vitamins is critical for energy metabolism in the body. Essentially, if one does not consume these vitamins, they may have digestive issues. The various B vitamins are B-12, biotin, folate, B-6, pantothenic acid, or B-5, niacin, or B-3, riboflavin, or B-2, and thiamine, or B-1. Out of these vitamins, B-12 is responsible for the metabolism of fats and proteins. Vitamins B-6 and folate help facilitate this process. Thiamine enables metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, while B-6 helps metabolize some key proteins. Vitamin B-rich foods include whole grains, dairy products, eggs, lean meats, seafood, nuts, seeds, spinach, potatoes, squash, bananas, apples, grapes, and watermelons. 2. Vitamin C Vitamin C is used up by the body when a person is stressed. At the same time, the body releases a lot of cortisol when a person is stressed. Cortisol tends to put a person’s body into fight or flight mode and pauses several bodily functions. Effectively, a lack of vitamin C can result in stress and greater percentages of cortisol in a person’s bloodstream. To address stress and prevent the body’s metabolism from grinding to a halt, one needs to consume more vitamin C daily. Oranges and fresh or frozen berries are rich in vitamin C. 3. Iron This chemical is essential for revving up an individual’s metabolism. Iron is responsible for transporting blood and oxygen to various body parts.