3 major warning signs of hemophilia

3 major warning signs of hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare medical condition, typically inherited, that develops if the body does not make enough protein (clotting factors) to form blood clots. This disorder can lead to spontaneous bleeding or excessive bleeding following an injury or surgery. The disorder is usually treated by regularly replacing the blood’s clotting factor. However, to receive timely treatment, it is important to keep an eye out for the following warning signs of hemophilia:  1. Excessive external or internal bleeding Bleeding may be of two kinds–internal or external. The severity of bleeding may differ from person to person; however, upon bleeding externally, one may observe the following signs here: – Bleeding in the mouth and gums or bleeding that is difficult to stop after losing a tooth – Bleeding after circumcision – Unexplained nosebleeds – Heavy bleeding, even from minor cuts – Bleeding from a cut that resumes after a short pause Internal bleeding can manifest as the following: – Blood in the urine, as a result of bleeding in the bladder – Blood in the stool due to stomach or intestinal bleeding – Bleeding into the skin, muscle, or soft tissue, leading to the formation of bruises due to blood build-up in the area (also called hematoma) 2. Joint pain and swelling Those with hemophilia may also experience bleeding in the knees, elbows, or other joints, even without any obvious injury. At its onset, the bleeding causes soreness or tightness in the joint but does not show any visible signs. This makes the joint inflamed, painful, and hot to the touch. As the bleeding continues, it impacts the joint’s range of motion. If left untreated, this could result in severe pain and damage to the joint. 3. Bleeding into the brain Some people may also experience bleeding in the brain after a small bump or injury.
7 health issues that excess sugar intake may cause

7 health issues that excess sugar intake may cause

A sugary treat after a sumptuous meal seems like the perfect conclusion to lunch or dinner. However, excessive sugar intake is linked to a host of health conditions that can eventually weaken the immune system and affect one’s overall well-being. Contrary to popular belief, it is essential to limit one’s food intake from the early years to prevent the onset of such health problems. Here are some common health issues associated with excessive sugar intake: Health issues caused by excessive sugar intake Diabetes Excessive sugar consumption is directly linked to the onset of hyperglycemia and type-2 diabetes, caused by high glucose levels in the body. Chronic hyperglycemia can trigger diabetes-related complications, such as diabetic retinopathy, kidney disease, and nerve damage. Sleep problems The body typically produces high insulin levels to manage elevated blood sugar levels. The consequent drop in blood sugar releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which affect not only sleep duration but also sleep quality. Studies have demonstrated the link between sugar intake before bedtime and hampered sleep quality. Cholesterol Elevated LDL cholesterol levels and reduced healthy cholesterol are common consequences of increased sugar consumption. Conversely, studies have demonstrated an association between low sugar intake and lowered LDL cholesterol in the body. Dental problems and tooth decay Studies have shown that sugar gradually dissolves enamel in the teeth, causing tartar, cavities, and eventual tooth decay. Essentially, sugar integrates with oral bacteria 20 minutes after it is consumed, leading to the formation of an acid that can damage the teeth. Elevated blood pressure Certain studies have linked excessive sugar intake with elevated blood pressure, which puts extra pressure on the heart and blood vessels. Eventually, chronically high blood pressure can weaken the body organs and the immune system. Bowel problems Damage to the body’s nerves and blood vessels due to excessive sugar intake can affect intestinal activity, either slowing it down considerably or accelerating it.
7 foods that can cause water retention

7 foods that can cause water retention

Water retention is a health problem where the body can’t flush out excess fluids, which begin to build up in the tissues. The ailment leads to swelling in the hands, legs, ankles, feet, and other body parts. Water retention can result from several factors, including underlying health conditions. However, nutrition also plays a significant role in its development. The following foods are known to cause water retention and should be avoided. Carbonated soda Carbonated beverages contain a lot of carbon dioxide and artificial sweeteners, which cause the body to retain excess water. When thirsty, individuals should avoid these and opt for natural fruit juices and healthy fluids. Sausages Deli meats like sausages, bacon, pepperoni, and salami have high sodium. Sodium helps preserve the meat and gives it a unique flavor. However, an excess can cause the body to retain more water. Hence, one should limit deli meat intake to maintain a healthy sodium-to-water ratio. Mozzarella sticks Appetizers like mozzarella sticks, chicken fingers, potato boats, and chicken nuggets taste great and satiate cravings. However, these foods are likely to cause water retention owing to a higher amount of unhealthy fats and sodium. Salted nuts Seasoned flavored nuts like chili almonds and salted mixed nuts are often staples during snack time. However, eating too many of these over an extended period can cause the body to retain excess water, increasing the risk of swelling. Pasta Pasta varieties made from white refined flour are high in simple carbohydrates. The body converts these carbohydrates to glycogen to supply energy to the cells. For each gram of glycogen, the body retains at least three grams of water. So, the more one eats pasta, the higher the water retention. Cookies Baked goods like pastries, cookies, and cakes contain an abundance of simple carbs and refined sugar.
5 foods to avoid for high blood pressure

5 foods to avoid for high blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most prevalent health problems globally. While it is a lifelong disorder with no cure, high blood pressure can be managed through treatments and lifestyle modifications. One of the crucial aspects of managing it is eating the right foods and avoiding others. Fresh fruits, green vegetables, and whole foods are often recommended to maintain safe blood pressure levels. Equally importantly, one must avoid fried and fatty foods, among others. 5 foods to avoid that increase blood pressure Cold cuts and cured meats Salami, sausages, pepperoni, bacon, prosciutto, and hot dogs contain a high amount of sodium. The high level of sodium is necessary to preserve the meat. It also gives the cold cuts and cured meats their flavor. However, for those with high blood pressure, eating these meats on a regular basis will worsen the symptoms. Packaged sandwiches Sandwiches can be healthy meal options. However, the nutritional value and whether they are safe for high blood pressure or hypertension greatly depends on the ingredients used. Most packaged sandwiches use white flour-based bread, deli meats, cheese, pickles, and other condiments. All of these make these sandwiches high in sodium, which is bad for managing high blood pressure. Instead, homemade sandwiches with fresh vegetables, whole-grain bread, and non-sodium-rich ingredients are a better alternative. Frozen pizza This may seem like a quick and convenient alternative to cooking a meal. However, frozen pizzas can potentially make hypertension worse, especially when consumed on a regular basis. This is because they have high amounts of saturated fats, sodium, and sugar. All of these can increase blood pressure levels and aggravate symptoms. Sweetened beverages Packaged sweetened beverages contain huge amounts of artificial sweeteners and sugars. From packaged fruit juices, milk shakes, to carbonated beverages, all of these can do more harm than good in the case of hypertension.
8 warning signs of MAC lung disease

8 warning signs of MAC lung disease

Our lungs are susceptible to various health complications, including mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease. MAC is a group of bacteria that usually triggers infections in people with weaker immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS and other underlying lung conditions. However, it is also seen in healthier individuals. Various symptoms of MAC lung disease could help diagnose it early and seek appropriate treatment. Here are eight warning signs of the condition. Pain in the chest Someone who develops pain in their chest should see an expert and determine the underlying cause. The pain could result from MAC lung disease and may require immediate treatment. The symptom’s intensity may range from mild to severe and worsen by deep breathing or coughing. Clubbing of the fingers Another warning sign of MAC lung disease is the clubbing of one’s fingers. The individual may find their fingers becoming enlarged and rounded at the tips. This symptom might be associated with the advanced stages of MAC lung disease and could indicate lower oxygen levels in the blood. Shortness of breath Among the first noticeable signs of MAC lung disease is shortness of breath, which worsens during physical activity. It is usually triggered by lung tissue damage. Persistent cough People who develop a cough that does not go away for several months should get tested for this lung disease. The cough may initially be dry but worsen over time, producing mucus or phlegm. Fever Fever and chills can result from several factors, including a viral infection. However, one might also develop these signs due to MAC lung disease. Fatigue One can get fatigued due to multiple factors, such as age and excessive exercise, which could make daily activities more tedious. However, fatigue could also occur due to MAC lung disease, so one must consult an expert immediately.
5 foods that help manage acid reflux

5 foods that help manage acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition that can cause a burning sensation in the chest, accompanied by other symptoms such as regurgitation of food or sour liquid, chest or stomach pain, and difficulty swallowing. Sometimes, it may also lead to the development of a lump in the throat. These symptoms occur when the esophageal sphincter fails to function correctly, causing digestive juices and stomach contents to rise through the food pipe. However, certain foods can help in providing relief. Bananas This fruit has low acid content and is highly alkaline, which can help neutralize the stomach acid that causes irritation of the esophageal lining during acid reflux. Moreover, bananas are a rich source of pectin, a type of soluble fiber. This slows down the movement of food through the digestive tract smoothly. Additionally, the fiber helps to keep the stomach feeling fuller for a longer period of time, which can prevent overeating, a major cause of acid reflux. Honey The viscosity or thickness of honey is relatively high. It neutralizes the stomach acids and forms a physical barrier between the esophagus and the stomach. Moreover, it can coat the mucus membrane of the esophagus to protect it against the irritating effects of the refluxed stomach acids. A teaspoon of honey can help provide relief from some of the symptoms of acid reflux. Watermelon Watermelons boast a high water content and are also enriched with vitamins and minerals. This combination of nutrients can help dilute and weaken the refluxed stomach acid, providing relief from acid reflux. Eating bite-sized pieces of the fruit instead of drinking watermelon juice is recommended to reap the best benefits. This is because chewing the fruit stimulates the production of saliva, which further neutralizes the stomach acid. Lean meat Chicken, turkey, and other lean meats are considered low-acid foods, so including them in meal plans can help maintain optimal levels of stomach acid.
5 foods to avoid for patients with short bowel syndrome

5 foods to avoid for patients with short bowel syndrome

Short bowel syndrome refers to a condition that occurs when a major portion of a person’s small intestine has been removed. The small intestine is responsible for absorbing nutrients and water from the food one eats. Therefore, the removal of a major portion of it can significantly impact this absorption process. Consequently, people with short bowel syndrome need to change their food regimen. This includes avoiding certain foods, such as the following: Foods with high sugar content Sugar-rich foods can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This can cause one’s body to draw excess water into the bowels, leading to loose stools and frequent bowel movements. This further causes dehydration and loss of nutrients. Hence, patients with short bowel syndrome must avoid sugary foods such as candies, sweets, pastries, cakes, cookies, etc. They must also avoid sodas and sugary beverages, which often contain high fructose corn syrup. Foods with high fiber content Due to the reduction in the size of the small intestine, it gets harder for the body to absorb fibers, especially insoluble fiber. Hence, patients with short bowel syndrome must avoid foods with high amounts of fiber (particularly insoluble fiber). These include whole-grain products (like whole-wheat bread and bran products), legumes (like beans, lentils, and chickpeas), and certain vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts. High-oxalate foods Patients who have their colon intact after the bowel surgery may need to stop consuming foods with oxalate. Oxalate is a compound found in certain foods that can lead to the formation of kidney stones, which is why it must be avoided. Certain food items that contain high amounts of oxalate include spinach, coffee, chocolates, soy, rhubarb, strawberries, kiwis, beets, etc. Whole nuts and dried fruits Whole nuts can be particularly difficult to digest. Moreover, they are also high in fiber as well as oxalate.
12 Useful Ways to Maintain Eye Health

12 Useful Ways to Maintain Eye Health

Our eyes help us see what’s around us so that we can react accordingly. Since they perform such a crucial function, we must maintain them by following healthy practices. Sadly, many ignore eye care and increase their risk of ocular conditions. These conditions are usually treatable with timely intervention, but prevention is always better than cure. Below are a few simple yet practical ways to maintain eye health in the long run. 1. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help improve the functioning of the meibomian gland. This oil gland protects against age-related macular degeneration and dry eye disease. Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids and should be a part of one’s meals to protect the eyes. Nuts like walnuts and seeds like flax and chia seeds are also rich in this essential nutrient. 2. Maintain an active lifestyle Moderate-intensity exercises considerably reduce eye pressure, lowering one’s risk of glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and other eye disorders. Hence, individuals should avoid a sedentary lifestyle and incorporate walking, jogging, skipping, cycling, swimming, or other exercises into daily workouts. 3. Wear shades while stepping out during the day In the long run, persistent and direct exposure to sunlight can trigger several eye diseases, including macular degeneration, corneal damage, and cataracts. While stepping out in the sun is often inevitable, one should wear protective shades to prevent eye damage caused by UV rays. 4. Include foods with beta-carotene The body transforms beta-carotene into vitamin A, an essential nutrient that supports eye health and helps prevent ocular diseases. Carrots, leafy greens, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, papaya, and red bell peppers are a few foods high in beta-carotene. 5. Avoid overuse of electronic devices It’s hard to imagine a life without gadgets today.
7 commons signs of lung congestion

7 commons signs of lung congestion

Chest or lung congestion often occurs due to a common cold. Sometimes, an underlying medical condition like bronchitis, COPD, and so on can also cause persistent lung congestion. Additionally, excess fluids, such as mucus, can accumulate in the lungs, adding to the congestion. This also causes swelling of the lungs along with constriction of the airflow, which makes breathing difficult. Therefore, it is imperative to look at the signs and manage them through treatment options. Signs of congestion in lungs An affected person may experience: A hacking cough with clear, green, or dark yellow mucus A feeling of tightness in the chest A sore throat Constant body aches and frequent chills A persistent headache High fever that may last for a few days Shortness of breath or wheezing Most of the symptoms of chest congestion usually subside within a few days. However, the cough may persist for a couple of weeks as the bronchial tubes complete their healing process. If the cough lasts for more than 14 days, it is advisable to consult a doctor at the earliest. This sign might be an indicator of other serious health conditions, such as pneumonia. Tips for managing the signs of lung congestion In most cases, lung congestion can be effectively treated by rest and waiting for the virus to clear. Additionally, certain home remedies and management options can provide relief from symptoms. Drinking enough water and clear fluids is essential to keep the body hydrated. It also helps thin out the mucus in the lungs and throat. Placing a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in the room can provide relief from lung irritation. For those experiencing difficulty breathing, one should sleep with their head elevated on several pillows. This helps improve breathing and prevent mucus from accumulating in the chest overnight. Taking a hot shower while breathing in the steam also alleviates some of the discomfort caused by chest congestion.
8 Ways to Maintain Eye Health

8 Ways to Maintain Eye Health

Eye-related health issues are pretty common across the country. As per a 2022 study, about 12 million people aged 40 and above have vision impairment and about a million experience blindness. All these issues stem from bad lifestyle habits, using eye lenses incorrectly, consuming the wrong foods, and, usually, negligence. There are plenty of ways in which one can keep one’s eyes healthy. Here are some ways to keep the eyes healthy: 1. Protecting the eyes from the sun UV rays and sunlight can be the eyes’ worst enemies. Both of those elements significantly increase a person’s risk of age-related macular degeneration, photokeratitis, or corneal sunburn. Therefore, wearing sunglasses to protect one’s eyes from sun rays and UV rays is a wise thing to do. If one does not intend to purchase and wear sunglasses, then wearing UV-protected eye lenses, eyeglasses, or contact lenses will also do. Also, wearing visors, face scarves, caps, and hats is advisable. 2. Exercising often Exercising is a sure-shot way to get healthy in multiple ways. For instance, if an individual works out regularly, their blood circulation occurs smoothly. This ensures that bodily organs such as the eyes receive optimal blood and nutrition. Excessive calories, blood sugar, or cholesterol lead to diabetes or cardiovascular problems, both of which can cause vision impairment in people of all ages. The exercise does not even have to be extensive. Just an hour of walking briskly or skipping a rope for about 15 to 20 minutes is good enough body movement. 3. Giving one’s eyes a break Today, it is not uncommon for people to spend hours upon hours in front of books or smartphones. Bad lifestyle habits also lead to people developing issues such as insomnia. Basically, the eyes get little to no rest throughout the day. Over time, this causes long-term vision impairment and other ocular problems such as myopia, blurry vision, poor eyesight, and other similar problems.
3 mistakes to avoid when taking medicare coverage

3 mistakes to avoid when taking medicare coverage

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for those aged 65 and above. Others who qualify for this plan include people with disabilities, End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure), or Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS). Given the complexities associated with these plans, some people may find it challenging to navigate the insurance landscape. To simplify this process, this article lists three mistakes people must avoid making when taking Medicare plan coverage. Missing the deadlines Missing the Medicare sign-up deadline is one of the biggest mistakes when taking Medicare plan coverage. Those receiving social benefits over 65 are automatically enrolled in the program. However, others need to enroll for Medicare in the initial enrollment period, which: Starts three months before one’s 65th birthday Includes the month one turns 65, and Ends three months after one turns 65. Failing to enroll in Medicare in this period could result in a coverage gap. It could also lead to a lifetime late enrollment penalty, increasing with age. Assuming spouse coverage Unlike employee insurance programs, Medicare does not automatically cover the entire family. It is meant to provide insurance at an individual level. Those with spouses under 65 may need to opt for alternative insurance plans for their partners, such as an employer-based plan, a COBRA plan, or an individual health insurance policy. Not having the right Medicare coverage One may be eligible for four parts of Medicare – parts A, B, C, and D. Part A (inpatient coverage) is usually free. However, the others require the payment of a monthly premium. Medicare Part B covers outpatient care and doctor’s visits. Private companies offer Part C (or Medicare Advantage) for improved coverage, with many plans including vision, hearing, and dental coverage. Medicare Part D offers prescription coverage as set by Medicare. Signing up for the right Medicare plans based on one’s medical needs and expenses can help reduce health-related expenses and save money.
5 foods that help prevent under-eye circles

5 foods that help prevent under-eye circles

Dark circles under the eyes are quite common. It can be due to stress, allergies, dehydration, prolonged screen time, and hyperpigmentation. While there are no overnight fixes to get rid of dark circles, making certain lifestyle changes can help to manage the problem in the long term. One of these changes is adding certain foods to one’s meal plans. These foods are rich in essential vitamins and nutrients that promote healthy skin under the eyes and prevent dark circles. Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and are a great source of lycopene, which gives them their red color. Lycopene is known for its ability to protect blood vessels from damage, which helps with blood circulation. Additionally, tomatoes contain quercetin, an anti-inflammatory compound that makes them effective in managing dark circles. Cucumbers Cucumbers are often used as a home remedy to reduce eye puffiness. Sliced cucumbers are placed on the eyes to help the skin relax. However, cucumbers can also be eaten for their eye health benefits. They contain a high percentage of water, which helps to deal with the dark pigmentation under the eyes. Additionally, cucumbers have a high concentration of silica that effectively improves collagen production for healthier skin. Berries Blueberries, blackberries, black currants, and other dark berries contain high levels of anthocyanin, a type of antioxidant that gives these berries their blue, purple, and black colors. Additionally, anthocyanin helps to improve blood circulation around the eyes and boosts oxygen levels, preventing dark circles from developing under the eyes. Watermelon With a high percentage of water content and lycopene, watermelons offer the benefits of both tomatoes and cucumbers in preventing the formation of under-eye dark circles. Moreover, this fruit is high in fiber, which promotes a healthy gut and ultimately enhances skin health. Sesame seeds Sprinkling toasted sesame seeds on salads, soups, dips, and stir-fries is an excellent way to add them to meals while trying to reduce dark circles.