9 tips to relieve nasal congestion naturally

9 tips to relieve nasal congestion naturally

Nasal congestion occurs due to excess mucus in the nasal passages. It can cause the blood vessels and tissues in these passages to get inflamed, blocking airflow and leading to pain and discomfort. Mucus buildup can result from several factors like colds, allergies, sinusitis, and changes in the weather, but it is usually temporary. Here are a few simple tips to relieve nasal congestion or stuffy nose naturally at home. Try steam inhalation Inhaling steam is a classic remedy for nasal congestion. Individuals should fill a bowl with hot water and place their face over it, covering the head with a towel to trap the steam. One should then breathe deeply for a few minutes. The steam helps loosen and clear the mucus, making breathing easier. Humidify the air Since dry indoor air can worsen nasal congestion, experts recommend using a humidifier. The machine adds moisture to the air, which in turn moistens the mucus, making it drain easily. Humidifiers can also soothe inflamed nasal tissues, ease irritation, and help one sleep better. However, individuals should clean the humidifier regularly to prevent mold growth. Stay hydrated Drinking sufficient fluids is one of the simplest yet helpful ways to relieve nasal congestion. Hydration helps thin the mucus, making it easier to expel from the nasal passages. Besides water, one can drink herbal teas with honey and lemon for quick relief. However, individuals should not reach for caffeinated beverages since they may dehydrate the body. Consider nasal sprays Nasal sprays, readily available in the market, are saltwater solutions that can help moisten and clear one’s nasal passages, providing instant relief from congestion. Apply a warm compress Applying a warm compress over the nose and forehead can help relieve swelling and loosen congestion. The process may be repeated as many times as needed.
8 warning signs of viral infection

8 warning signs of viral infection

Viral infections are quite common and can affect any individual. When viruses, which are a type of microscopic pathogen, enter the body and start replicating, they cause illnesses that are commonly called viral infections. Different viral infections affect different systems, like the respiratory and digestive systems. These infections also show certain signs that one should be aware of to take appropriate action. The following are a few common signs of viral infections: 1. Fever and chills A sudden rise in the body’s natural temperature, generally 98.6°F (37°C), is considered fever. It is the body’s natural response to infections. Hence, if one experiences a sudden increase in their body’s temperature, it can be a telltale sign of an infection, which could also be viral. Fever is often accompanied by chills, characterized by feeling cold, shivery, and sweaty. 2. Cough If the viral infection affects one’s respiratory functions, it may lead to chronic coughing. If the cough is persistent, dry, and without mucus production, it could be a sign of the flu. On the other hand, if one is experiencing coughing with phlegm, it may be indicative of a cold. 3. Sore throat A sore throat is also commonly noticed in certain viral infections, including colds and flu. One may notice pain, irritation, or a kind of discomfort in their throat, which may also lead to difficulty swallowing. 4. Headaches and body aches Persistent headaches and body aches are common signs of viral infections and often accompany other symptoms like fever. One may also experience pain in their muscles. 5. Fatigue Fatigue and weakness, which contribute to a general feeling of being unwell, may also indicate viral infections. Fatigue also usually accompanies other symptoms, like fever and body aches. 6. Runny nose When a viral infection affects the respiratory system, it may trigger mucus production, which can lead to a runny or stuffy nose.
5 common mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

5 common mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

Hearing aids are a blessing for individuals with hearing loss. These devices amplify and clarify sounds, transforming the wearer’s life and making daily tasks more accessible. However, those new to using hearing aids often find adapting to them and learning their functions challenging during the initial days. Consequently, many people make mistakes when using hearing aids for the first time, compromising efficiency. Here are a few such mistakes to avoid. Not giving oneself enough time to adapt Individuals new to hearing aids may find it difficult to adjust to them at first and may avoid wearing them due to the discomfort. However, one must understand that adapting to these new devices takes time. Users need to get used to wearing them throughout the day and processing unfamiliar sounds in the surroundings. Neglecting to read the instructions Another mistake individuals must avoid when new to hearing aids is neglecting to read the instruction manual. This document explains the device’s functions and adjustments in detail. Adhering to the instructions can prevent a person from misusing the product, which can lead to inadequate performance and unsatisfactory results. Not adjusting the settings Each individual with hearing loss may have different requirements. To address these diverse needs, hearing aids have customizable settings and adjustable volume levels. Before using the product, one must get its settings adjusted as per their requirements from an audiologist. Not adjusting the settings or adjusting them incorrectly can lead to insufficient results. Not cleaning the hearing aids Over time and with usage, hearing aids can gather earwax and debris, which must be cleaned to ensure they continue to function correctly. Failing to clean the device regularly can lead to impaired functioning. Individuals must clean their hearing aids using the recommended tools and methods to avoid damage. Not storing them properly Besides cleaning the device regularly, users must store it properly to ensure optimal performance in the long run.
5 ways to prevent hearing loss when using headphones

5 ways to prevent hearing loss when using headphones

Today, headphones have become a vital part of daily lives, whether one uses them to listen to their favorite music and podcasts or simply to make calls. But, prolonged and unsafe use of headphones can cause hearing issues. However, taking the right precautions can help one safely use earphones without compromising the audio experience or auditory health. So, here are a few things that can help prevent hearing loss when using headphones: 1. Use the right type of headphones Headphones come in many sizes, and it is imperative to choose the right type and size to prevent any lasting harm to the ears. Here, earbuds create a seal in the ears when inserted into the ear canal. These tiny devices not only amplify the bass of the audio but also increase the pressure created by the sounds and have the potential to cause harm to the eardrums. However, open-backed headphones allow air to flow in and out of the ears and help reduce pressure on the ears. These headphones also add distance between the earbuds and the audio. So, choosing the right headphones can be great for the ears. 2. Choose noise-canceling headphones One may often turn up the volume of the earphones to drown out the background noise. But one of the drawbacks of doing that is that the more background noise there is, the higher the volume one may have to maintain. But if one wants to enjoy their music without compromising ear health, noise-canceling headphones are the perfect option. Equipped with active noise reduction technology, the headphones eliminate background noise and let one concentrate on their audio without turning the volume all the way up. 3. Limit listening time on headphones One of the best ways to prevent hearing loss or damage associated with continuous use of headphones is to follow the 60-60 rule.
6 foods to whiten teeth naturally

6 foods to whiten teeth naturally

Pearly white teeth are the essence of a confident and radiant smile. However, achieving and maintaining clean, white teeth requires a lot more than regular brushing and flossing; individuals also need to focus on nutrition. Besides serving as tasty and nutritious snacks, the following foods are known for their natural teeth whitening properties. They are great alternatives to commercial teeth whitening products, which often contain chemicals that can be harmful. Onions Onions not only add flavor to meals but also aid in improving oral health. They contain antibacterial sulfur compounds, which are crucial in preventing plaque formation. By averting plaque, onions help maintain strong, white teeth. Strawberries Strawberries are rich in malic acid, which acts as a gentle teeth whitener. It helps remove surface stains from one’s teeth and prevents plaque formation. Additionally, strawberries enhance saliva production, which is necessary for natural cleaning and whitening of teeth. Pineapples Besides being tropical treats, pineapples are known to clean and whiten teeth naturally. The fruit is packed with proteolytic enzymes, which help break down stains and prevent plaque, promoting a naturally whiter smile. Papaya is another fruit that has similar effects. Apples Apples are rich in malic acid, which contributes to natural teeth whitening. They are also known for their high water content, which enhances saliva production. Saliva helps naturally clean the teeth by washing away bacteria and debris. The crisp texture of apples also stimulates saliva production in the mouth. Oranges Oranges are rich sources of vitamin C and citric acid, which rinse the teeth and help eliminate harmful bacteria. They also enhance saliva production. These properties contribute to a healthier mouth and whiter teeth. Oranges and other citrus fruits also serve as a refreshing snack for everyone. Carrots Chewing on carrots not only provides a satisfying crunch but also contributes to better dental health.
10 types of common disabilities

10 types of common disabilities

A disability is a condition of the mind or body, making it challenging for an individual to do certain activities and interact with the world. The top disabilities encompass a broad spectrum of conditions, each with unique characteristics and challenges. Through awareness, education, and efforts to create inclusive environments, society can pave the way for individuals with disabilities to thrive and contribute to various facets of life. The article discusses different types of disabilities: 1. Mobility impairment or issues Some people face challenges with moving around due to conditions like paralysis or limb loss. They use tools such as wheelchairs, crutches, or scooters to move about independently. 2. Visual disabilities Some have difficulty seeing–this might mean partial sight loss or complete blindness. Those with visual disabilities navigate their surroundings with the help of guide dogs, canes, and devices like screen readers to access information. 3. Hearing challenges Hearing loss, whether partial or complete, can impact communication. Tools such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and sign language are essential for those with hearing impairment to communicate effectively. 4. Cognitive disabilities Conditions like dyslexia, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities impact learning and memory. Personalized learning strategies, assistive technologies, and supportive environments play crucial roles in the success and well-being of individuals with cognitive disabilities. 5. Mental health conditions Mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, are common and often misunderstood. Raising awareness, reducing stigma, and providing access to mental health resources are crucial steps toward supporting those with mental health conditions. 6. Autism spectrum disorders Autism spectrum disorders affect social interaction, communication, and behavior. Early intervention, specialized therapies, and inclusive educational environments contribute to the holistic development of individuals with ASD. 7. Speech and language issues Conditions like stuttering and aphasia impact verbal communication. Speech therapy, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, and supportive environments assist individuals with speech and language disorders in effective communication.
6 warning signs of eosinophilic esophagitis

6 warning signs of eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic digestive disorder that occurs due to an increased number of eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) in the esophagus. It could be a result of genetic factors, food allergies, or health conditions such as asthma and parasitic infections. When left untreated, it can lead to severe complications. This article explores the warning signs of eosinophilic esophagitis to help one recognize them and seek prompt treatment. Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) One of the most common signs of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is experiencing difficulty swallowing. It may affect people of all ages and is also known as dysphagia. This condition occurs due to swelling in the esophagus, which disrupts swallowing. As a result, people with EoE often have to drink lots of fluids to help them swallow their food. Moreover, in some cases, the esophagus may become too narrow. This can lead to food getting stuck in the esophagus (impaction), which can be life-threatening. Stunted growth Difficulties in swallowing may lead to nutritional deficiencies in children with EoE. Children with this condition may also become irritable, refusing to eat or drink. This can cause malnutrition and stunted growth, along with other symptoms such as decreased appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, and failure to thrive (FTT). Chest pain Many people with EoE may also experience chest pain and heartburn. This pain is centrally located and may not respond to treatment. As a result, it is often mistaken for a heart attack, making it imperative to receive a proper diagnosis from one’s healthcare provider. Regurgitation Some individuals with EoE may also experience a backflow of undigested food. This can cause nausea, vomiting, or regurgitation. Trouble sleeping In some cases, EoE may cause severe discomfort, making it difficult for one to sleep comfortably. Shortness of breath EoE can cause irritation and swelling in the tissues that line the esophagus.
4 ways coffee may help lower diabetes risk

4 ways coffee may help lower diabetes risk

Coffee can be more than just a part of the morning ritual. This pick-me-up is packed with antioxidants, one of the most beneficial nutrients for the body. Now, research suggests that regular intake of coffee might be associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. So, while one should not rely on the beverage to manage diabetes risk, regular coffee drinkers might benefit from understanding the link between coffee and diabetes. 1. Antioxidant activity Coffee is a beverage rich in antioxidants—compounds that combat oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress develops with an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, so the antioxidants in coffee may help neutralize these free radicals, shielding the body against cellular damage. 2. Influence on insulin resistance Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar. Reduced sensitivity to insulin is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. The compounds found in coffee are believed to have a positive impact on insulin sensitivity. So, by enhancing the body’s response to insulin, coffee may contribute toward improved blood sugar control. 3. Reduced inflammation Chronic inflammation is a known contributor to various diseases, including diabetes. Coffee, with its anti-inflammatory properties, might act as a shield against chronic inflammation. By calming down the inflammatory responses in the body, coffee may indirectly contribute to a reduced risk of developing diabetes. Further, new research suggests that coffee boosts levels of certain anti-inflammatory hormones and decreases levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and leptin—substances that promote inflammation. 4. Energy boost For many, a cup of coffee gives them a boost of energy to start the day. This energy spike might translate into increased physical activity, a key lifestyle habit that aids in diabetes prevention. This is because regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity and helps maintain overall health, both crucial factors in reducing diabetes risk.
4 pillow-assisted sleep positions for better health

4 pillow-assisted sleep positions for better health

When an individual sleeps, their body works to restore and repair itself. However, their sleeping position, especially with pillows, could affect this restoration process by influencing the spine’s natural curvature. To improve sleep quality and prevent discomfort, people with problems like back or neck pain, difficulty staying asleep, and waking up feeling unrested should change how they use pillows. Keep reading to find out five sleeping positions to try with pillows and their impact on health. Side sleepers When one sleeps on their side, they should use a medium-soft pillow. They would do well with a lofted pillow that fits between the neck and mattress and is sturdy enough to keep the head from sagging down. One should avoid pillows that are too firm, crane the neck upward, and may cause neck pain. A side sleeper could also put a thick, firm pillow between their legs, with the knees even or the top knee narrowly staggered to keep the hip from pulling forward and straining one’s lower back. Back sleepers Some people may sleep on their backs, which is ideal to prevent neck and back pain. Such individuals must pick a thin pillow with a lower loft to keep the neck in a neutral position. It may also be helpful to find material with more body, such as a feather or buckwheat pillow. These options help fill the space between the neck and mattress while supporting the neck. Stomach sleeping While stomach sleeping is usually discouraged, it might work for those with respiratory complications and acid reflux. When sleeping on the stomach, the waist may tilt forward, making the position stressful for the lower back. So, for maximum comfort, one should put a pillow under their pelvis, which may help maintain spin alignment. A thicker pillow may force the neck to tilt back too far.
Top 5 items to pack for a hospital stay

Top 5 items to pack for a hospital stay

A stay at the hospital is stressful regardless of the duration of the stay or its reason. While most hospitals strive to provide patients and guardians with adequate comfort, it is difficult to feel at ease away from home. Therefore, putting thought into what to pack is important. One must pack all the essentials and things that can make the stay more comfortable. To get started, here is a quick checklist that can help. Toiletries Always pack these basic necessities first: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, hairbrush, moisturizer, contact lenses, and their solution or eyeglasses. Preferred blankets and pillows from home Hospitals provide pillows, blankets, and bedding to all their patients. Yet one might not always find these comfortable. The blanket might be prickly, or the pillows might be too lumpy. Also, these are often plain in color and pattern, which may seem drab, particularly to young children, teenagers, or the elderly. So always pack in the comfiest pillows, blankets, and bedsheets from home according to the need. Favorite pairs of socks and sweaters Hospitals are usually quite cold due to the air conditioning turned down really low. Bringing along one’s favorite pair of songs and sweaters is, therefore, a good idea. Also, don’t forget to pack compression socks or stockings, especially if one is expected to sit or lie down for a long time during the hospital stay. These socks will help to improve the flow of blood through the veins in the legs. This will, in turn, prevent clots from forming, which is quite common for individuals who are on bed rest for a long duration. Favorite books, journals, toys, or games Staying at the hospital can be distressing or even dull sometimes. To keep one engaged, make sure to pack one’s favorite books or journals if one likes writing and reading.
5 key health benefits of fish oil supplements

5 key health benefits of fish oil supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that support the proper functioning of the human body – from babies to seniors. These healthy fats help support brain development and reduce cognitive decline. While fatty fish is one of the best sources to avail of the benefits of this nutrient, those who don’t eat fish can opt for fish oil supplements. Fish oil supplements offer multiple health benefits; below are a few important ones. Heart health Excessive triglyceride levels can cause an increased risk of heart disease, and Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements can help lower levels of this type of fat. Fish oil can also help bring down cholesterol and blood pressure levels and prevent the formation of arterial plaque. Eye health Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is found in fish oil, is very important for eye health. Developing fetuses and children both need DHA for the development and maintenance of the retina, and those who consume fish or fish oil as a supplement can reap the benefits of healthier eyesight than those who do not. The omega-3 fatty acid content in fish oil can also help reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration and glaucoma. Skin health The skin is the largest organ of the body, and fish oil can help maintain the skin’s natural barrier and keep it hydrated. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have anti-inflammatory benefits and, therefore, could help those who suffer from skin ailments like psoriasis and eczema. Bone health It is well known that calcium and Vitamin D are crucial for bone health, but even Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial to some level. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA can have a positive effect on bone resorption and formation. Supplementation with fish oil can increase bone density and could, in turn, decrease the risk of hip fractures.
7 mistakes that can worsen period cramps

7 mistakes that can worsen period cramps

Many women experience period pain (dysmenorrhea), which develops because of contractions in the uterine muscles during menstruation. The discomfort can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, bloating, and headaches. While there are a few ways to manage and reduce the pain, some mistakes can worsen the discomfort and make menstruation more painful. So, when experiencing excessive period cramps, one should avoid making the following errors: 1. Not getting enough sleep Sleep is crucial, especially while menstruating. Ample rest can help the body deal with cramps and also reduce mood swings, discomfort, and tiredness. On the other hand, not getting enough sleep can worsen cramping. 2. Skipping meals It may seem difficult to eat well during periods, but it is incredibly important. Skipping meals could lead to a drop in energy and blood sugar levels, increasing the intensity of cramps and causing fatigue. One should try to eat balanced meals with nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, leafy vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and nuts. 3. Ignoring symptoms Unfortunately, many people end up ignoring or underplaying their period pain. Because of this, they do not seek professional help, which reduces the chance of a formal diagnosis if dealing with a related problem. Women experiencing severe, disruptive, or debilitating pain for extended periods must consult their doctor and find appropriate management options. 4. Forgetting to drink water Dehydration during periods can worsen cramps and even cause dehydration headaches. It can also increase the risk of water retention and bloating, which adds to the discomfort. One can avoid this by drinking plenty of fluids and staying hydrated throughout the day. 5. Excessive salt intake Eating excessively salty foods increases the risk of water retention, which can worsen bloating and discomfort during periods. So, it is best to avoid adding too much salt to food if one is experiencing heavy period cramping.