4 known causes of excessive daytime sleepiness

4 known causes of excessive daytime sleepiness

Life can be tedious at times, and in such conditions, it is okay to feel tired or catch a nap. Daytime sleepiness generally happens when the sleep during the night isn’t restful. However, excessive daytime sleepiness is a more severe condition than one feeling fatigued all the time. It is a type of hypersomnia that causes an overwhelming urge to sleep during waking hours. Here are some known causes and triggers of excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep deprivation Sleep deprivation is a state in which the individual has been consistently getting less than enough sleep. Frequently sleeping for a short time can impair the body’s rest, recovery, and restore function. It can lead to the individual experiencing various psychological and physical symptoms. One of the symptoms is excessive daytime sleepiness. When the individual is operating on less sleep for a longer period, they might get urges during the day to sleep. Research suggests a large number of adults have confirmed falling asleep without intending to, at least once a month. Sleep apnea Another common cause of excessive daytime sleepiness is sleep apnea. It is a condition in which one experiences a disruption in their ability to breathe when sleeping. Narrowing or collapsing of the upper airway when sleeping can interrupt the person’s breathing, and is known as obstructive sleep apnea. Similarly, central sleep apnea occurs when there is a miscommunication between the respiratory muscles of the individual and their brain. Sleep apnea can cause disruptions in breathing as well as sleeping, making it difficult for individuals to get some restorative sleep. Anemia Lack of appropriate amounts of red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the body can lead to a condition known as anemia. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transfer of oxygen throughout the body. If the cells are not delivered the right amount of oxygen, it can cause a drop in the oxygen level in the body’s cells and blood.
4 common mistakes that make one’s lips dry and damaged

4 common mistakes that make one’s lips dry and damaged

Healthy lips are one of the major indicators of overall well-being. When one does not care for their lips, it leads to uncomfortable dryness and chapping. Luckily, lip care is not complicated. Simple lifestyle changes like moisturization and eating healthy foods can help individuals maintain soft, supple lips. At the same time, one should avoid a few common mistakes while going about their day that could make the lips dry and damaged. Not drinking enough water Water plays an important role in maintaining the health and appearance of one’s lips. When the body gets less water, it first nourishes vital organs and systems, leaving the lips dry. So, it’s no surprise that dry and chapped lips are often the first signs of dehydration. Choosing the wrong lip care products Many lip care products contain harsh ingredients like menthol and camphor, which can lead to further dryness. That’s why one should buy balms and glosses with natural moisturizers like beeswax or shea butter. These ingredients help retain moisture and do not strip the lips of natural oils. Being harsh during exfoliation The skin on the lips is much thinner and more delicate than the rest of the body, making it more susceptible to damage. So, one should be gentle during exfoliation. Gentle exfoliation removes dead skin cells without stripping away the essential moisture barrier that protects one’s lips. On the other hand, excessive scrubbing removes the lips’ natural moisture barrier, causing dryness and increased sensitivity. Experts say one should gently exfoliate once a week with products that contain soft, natural ingredients for the best outcome. Exposing the lips to harsh weather Exposure to extreme weather conditions can severely impact lip health. During the harsh winter, one should protect their lips with a more substantial lip balm and cover them with a scarf if necessary.
4 mistakes to avoid when using toothpaste

4 mistakes to avoid when using toothpaste

Brushing one’s teeth sounds like a simple, everyday task, right? Turns out , there’s a little complexity to it. From choosing the right toothpaste to using the right amount, there are many little things people need to be aware of to avoid tooth decay and maintain good oral health. Since these things aren’t commonly discussed, many make mistakes when buying or using toothpaste that gradually affects their teeth and leads to unnecessary oral issues. Applying too much toothpaste No one stops to think about the right amount of toothpaste, making it one of the most common mistakes. This habit not only wastes money but also weakens the teeth over time. Experts say adults must use a pea-sized amount while brushing their teeth, while kids must be given even less than that. Using the wrong type of toothpaste There are tons of toothpaste to choose from, each with special features. That’s why one must exercise caution when buying. While it’s generally advisable to look for an option that is ADA-approved, one must also consider other factors: Tartar control: Some people are more prone to plaque build-up. In such cases, it’s advisable to use tartar-control toothpaste. Whitening: Whitening toothpaste may work wonders to get rid of stains on the teeth. But one should ensure it isn’t too abrasive, as that may have the opposite effect. Desensitizing: For those with sensitive teeth, desensitizing toothpaste may be beneficial. These toothpastes are enriched with chemical compounds that block the holes in the enamel, avoiding the stinging sensation that occurs when eating hot or cold foods. Age: Children’s teeth are much more delicate than those of adults. That’s why it’s best to choose a paste suitable for them. Brushing with a sugar-filled toothpaste Some toothpaste formulations contain sugar for better taste. While this may sound delicious, it can significantly impact dental health.