Top 4 food items that guarantee healthy hair

Top 4 food items that guarantee healthy hair

Nutrition plays a crucial role in a person’s general health. The food one eats regularly helps keep the skin and hair healthy. Further, foods also impact the hair’s volume, growth, and strength. However, the speed of growth and hair strength may also depend on various factors such as genetics, age, overall health, and environmental exposure. Although one cannot change these factors, one can adjust the daily meal plan to ensure proper nutrition. Foods for healthy hair Vitamins and minerals in food play a pivotal role in the growth cycles of hair follicles. Hence, healthcare professionals suggest a meal plan encompassing all the vital nutrients for healthy hair. Some of such healthy food choices are listed below. Salmon Fishes like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. As the body cannot produce these fats, one can add these fish to their meal plan to ensure nutrition. Further, the fatty acids also protect the body from diseases and ensure the growth and shine of the hair. Eggs A good source of protein and biotin, eggs are essential for hair growth. As hair follicles are made up of protein, one must ensure regular protein intake to ensure minimum hair loss. Furthermore, research has shown that the intake of increased amounts of biotin may help improve hair growth. Also, eggs are rich in zinc, selenium, and other nutrients the hair needs. Chia seeds A nutritional powerhouse, chia seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, they are filled with fiber and antioxidant properties that promote healthy and beautiful hair. Further, the seeds also contain copper and zinc, the key minerals for hair health. While zinc stimulates protein transformation, copper aids in the regeneration of new hair. Spinach Spinach is a leafy green packed with nutrients and contains iron, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
5 unexpected things that may increase one’s cancer risk

5 unexpected things that may increase one’s cancer risk

The incidences of cancer have been estimated at 442.4 per 1,00,000 men and women in the country. This health condition has emerged as a major cause of concern. However, interventions for cancer are becoming more advanced and successful. Following a prescribed treatment course and making some lifestyle changes can help in the symptom management of cancer. But here are some things you probably never knew could increase one’s risk for this disease. Chimneys Chimney sweeping results in exposure to large volumes of soot and dust. Ingestion of wood fumes, coal, and other burnt substances have been found to cause scrotal skin cancer or scrotal carcinoma, now commonly called as Pott’s cancer. Historically, children, particularly young boys, were ordered to clean chimneys due to their petite sizes. The prevalence of chimney sweep cancer among these children led to the discovery of this cancer type by doctor Percivall Pott in London in 1775. Hair straighteners According to recent studies the use of hair straighteners and relaxers may increase women’s susceptibility to uterine cancer. Moreover, it suggested that women of African descent may be at higher risk for this type of cancer than others.  Scented candles Scented candles are often the ideal props to set up the perfect romantic dinner or date night. However, studies have found that scented candles emit certain cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene. Although occasional burning of scented candles is unlikely to trigger cancer, repeated exposure to these candles in poorly ventilated spaces can increase one’s susceptibility to bladder cancer. Grilled foods Cooking over high flame releases heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These elements are carcinogens that may increase one’s risk for cancer. The grilling process as well as grilled foods can contribute to cancer; therefore, one should limit the intake of grilled foods and protect one’s skin from carcinogens by wearing appropriate clothing while grilling.
4 foods to avoid while dealing with cold sores

4 foods to avoid while dealing with cold sores

Cold sores are a problematic symptom of the Herpes Simplex Virus that can derail your plans. They often appear when you are already under the weather, making them even more challenging to eliminate. Furthermore, they are not as quick to leave as they are to arrive. They linger around for longer and might feed off some healthy food you eat to boost your immunity. Here are some foods to avoid while dealing with cold sores. Chocolate Chocolate has often been touted for all the health benefits it brings. It is also loaded with antioxidants; the darker the chocolate, the higher its protein and fiber content will be. But chocolate is best avoided for people with cold sores because of its high arginine content. For people who prefer hot chocolate in the winter, switching to alternatives like cappuccino will help save some discomfort. Pickles Foods with high salt content, like pickles, are another no-no for people with cold sores. Not only does high sodium content further irritate the skin it also interferes with macrophage activation. Since macrophages are essential to bringing down the inflammatory markers in the body, eating foods like pickles can prove counter-productive to cold sores treatments. Oranges Stress is one of the most common reasons behind cold sores, as it impairs the immune system’s functioning. One of the most effective ways to strengthen the immune system is by adding vitamin C-rich foods and supplements to daily meals. However, when people with cold sores eat acidic foods like oranges, it interferes with the healing process and prevents scabs from forming over cold sores. Oranges, one of the most accessible and effective ways of adding vitamin C to the daily meal plan, must be avoided owing to their acidic nature. Instead, one can choose non-citrus sources of vitamin C, like bell peppers.
6 foods that can worsen hearing problems

6 foods that can worsen hearing problems

Research indicates that one in eight people in the country, aged 12 years or older, lives with hearing loss in both ears. Thus, loss of hearing is a prominent issue that needs to be addressed. Recent technological advancements have resulted in several interventions to enhance hearing, including hearing aids, brainstem implants, and other assistive devices. In addition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding certain types of food can contribute to healing from hearing loss. Red meat Red meat is high in saturated and trans fats, which can cause plaque to generate in the arteries and impede blood circulation. Sometimes, poor blood circulation can contribute to hearing impairments, such as tinnitus. Baked foods Baked foods contain large amounts of refined sugar and carbohydrates, especially store-bought products like cakes, pastries, and puddings. High glucose levels in the blood can damage the small blood vessels and nerves present in the inner ear. Monosodium glutamate Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an excitatory neurotransmitter that can cause neurological damage, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Thus, it is advisable for individuals at risk of or grappling with hearing loss to avoid or limit foods from restaurants or ready-to-eat foods, which usually contain MSG. Caffeine Excessive intake of caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee can increase one’s blood pressure, triggering a ringing sensation in the ears and conditions like tinnitus. While caffeine in limited quantities has beneficial antioxidants, one must reduce excessive caffeinated beverages while recovering from hearing problems. Salt Although salt is practically unavoidable from the daily meal plan, foods containing large salt concentrations can increase blood pressure, which can impede blood circulation and contribute to hearing loss. Excessive salt content is typically found in readymade chips, fries, and ready-to-eat products, and these foods should be limited or avoided. Pickles Pickled foods also contain large quantities of salt, which can elevate blood pressure.
7 foods that may help prevent cancer

7 foods that may help prevent cancer

The food we consume has a massive impact on our overall health. Not only does it impact the occurrence of gastrointestinal conditions, but it also governs the development of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. To take better care of one’s health, it can help to eat well-balanced meals with foods that contain cancer-fighting nutrients such as carotenoids, polyphenols, allium, antioxidants, calcium, iodine, vitamins A, B, D, and K, fiber, and protein. Specific foods that may help reduce the risk of cancer Broccoli Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is believed to have anticancer properties. It is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals, which can help fortify one’s body against developing cancer, particularly colorectal and colon cancer. Ideally, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli must be consumed a few times a week. Carrots Eating more carrots has been reported to reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as lung, stomach, and prostate cancer. Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene and phytochemicals that reduce the damage from toxins and can slow down the growth rate of cancer cells. They also contain falcarinol, which has anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Cooked carrots can deliver antioxidants better than raw carrots. Cook (steam or boil) them whole before cutting to prevent nutrient loss. Cinnamon Cinnamon has plenty of health benefits, including reducing blood sugar and inflammation. Having 2-4 grams of cinnamon per day can help reduce the risk of cancer, or slow down the spread of cancer cells, due to the presence of cinnamaldehyde. Fatty fish According to some studies, a higher intake of fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, and anchovies has been linked to a reduced risk of digestive tract cancer. This is because fatty fish contain anti-inflammatory compounds such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Experts recommend having two servings of fatty fish a week to boost gut and heart health and protect against cancer.
7 food items to avoid for healthy skin

7 food items to avoid for healthy skin

Food is fuel for the body, and the organs depend on a delicate balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for better functioning. Abrupt changes in daily foods can trigger increased blood pressure or blood glucose. Also, the skin is the body’s largest organ, weighing 8 pounds and stretching over 22 square feet for a full-grown adult. Daily nutrition directly affects skin health, so the following foods should be eliminated to preserve skin integrity. Sweets and desserts Candies, sweets, ice creams, baked goods, sweet confectionaries like pastries, and doughnuts are all made from refined sugars. These are empty calories that the body cannot process, only to a spike in blood glucose levels. Sugar primarily breaks down elastin and collagen, two important components for maintaining skin texture and sheen. Chocolate Chocolate is a deadly combination of sugar and caffeine, two ingredients that harm skin health. The body metabolizes these empty calories, leaving sugar in the bloodstream. An imbalance in blood glucose levels triggers a sudden increase in sebum production (the oils that fill up pores, causing acne), increasing the risk of breakouts. Consuming chocolate in moderation or eliminating it is better to avoid acne flare-ups. Deli meats Bacon, hot dogs, and pepperoni are popular cuts of meat sold at deli counters across the country. However, these cuts of meats are laced with nitrates and preservatives that trigger skin inflammation. Inflammation causes the skin to lose texture and form fine lines or wrinkles. Such cuts of meats also contain salts added during the curing, frying, or baking process. High levels of sodium affect collagen production, which is necessary to maintain good skin health. Processed foods Fast food favorites, including burgers, fries, sandwiches, hot dogs, chicken wings, nuggets, potato chips, and fried foods, contain excess saturated fats, trans fats, preservatives, and salts. These foods add no nutritional value, increase blood pressure, and cause an imbalance in blood glucose levels.
6 foods to avoid for managing eczema

6 foods to avoid for managing eczema

Eczema is a condition that can cause dry, itchy, or inflamed skin. It is a chronic condition that is common among young children. Common triggers include irritants such as harsh soaps, environmental factors such as cold or dry weather, or allergens such as dust mites, pet fur, pollen, or mold. It is important to manage inflammation during a flare, and nutrition is essential to controlling the symptoms. Avoiding the following foods may help one manage eczema better: Dairy products Milk and milk products are a common group of allergens. They can worsen eczema flare-ups among those with allergies, which is why most people with eczema tend to avoid dairy products. Unless one is severely allergic, it is advisable not to eliminate dairy products without consulting a physician first, as they are an important source of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. Speak to a qualified nutritionist or a doctor about replacements or alternatives for dairy products. Eggs Egg allergy is another commonly occurring one. Children may be allergic to certain proteins found in eggs, which could trigger eczema flares. This also includes foods with eggs as an ingredient, such as baked goods. However, most egg allergies in children resolve by the age of 5. Try to maintain a food diary and talk to a certified healthcare professional regarding any symptoms caused due to eggs. Soy Soy products like soy milk, tofu, or edamame can trigger an immune response in those with soy allergies, leading to an increased risk of inflammation. Soy sauce is also rich in amine and MSG, which may trigger eczema and worsen flares. Wheat Wheat is the grain used to make cereals, pasta, bread, baked goods, and more. It is also commonly added as a thickening agent to soups and candies. It contains a protein called gluten, which everyone may not easily digest.
Foods to eat for better lung health

Foods to eat for better lung health

Daily nutrition impacts how the organs in our body perform day in and out. For instance, healthy, well-balanced meals with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients boost immunity and lower the risk of serious complications. On the other hand, poor eating habits affect the functioning of specific organs, increasing the risk of diseases. This post lists the top foods nutritionists recommend adding to regular meals for boosting lung health and preventing chronic respiratory complications. Apples Apples are an excellent fruit to eat raw. They are rich in fiber and have a potent antioxidant called quercetin. Quercetin reduces the damage lung tissues suffer due to underlying respiratory disorders. Nutritionists recommend eating five or six apples a week for healthy lungs. Assorted berries Blueberries are among the richest sources of antioxidants that counter the inflammatory responses triggered by chronic respiratory disorders. A specific pigment in them called anthocyanins helps protect lung tissue from oxidative damage and slows down lung disease progression. Raspberries and strawberries are other antioxidant-rich berries to include in the daily nutrition plan for boosting lung function. Tomatoes Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a carotenoid that prevents airway inflammation and slows down lung function decline caused by respiratory disorders. Tomatoes are also a rich source of vitamin C, which helps boost immunity and lowers the risk of autoimmune responses that affect lung function. These properties make them a top food for healthy lungs. Leafy green vegetables Swiss chard contains magnesium, an essential nutrient that relaxes the bronchioles in the lungs to prevent airway inflammation. Similarly, kale and spinach have rich sources of essential phytochemicals and vitamins A, C, and E that also counter inflammation and boost immunity. Broccoli is a potent dark green veggie that contains sulforaphane, a compound that protects lung cells from toxic damage. Beet greens Beetroots contain nitrates, one of the most potent compounds that help lower blood pressure, optimize oxygen absorption, and help relax blood vessels to improve circulation.
4 things to avoid before bed for managing migraine

4 things to avoid before bed for managing migraine

Migraine is a condition with a persistent and painful headache that is felt around the temples of the head. These can be triggered by loud noise, bright light, or some foods. And if a person regularly experiences migraine headaches, one should try making changes to one’s pre-bedtime routine to manage the triggers. This article discusses 4 things to avoid before going to bed to manage them. Read on to learn more. Irregular sleep schedule Not getting enough sleep or oversleeping can both trigger a headache. Experts suggest that following a strict sleep schedule can be extremely useful in keeping that migraine away. Going to bed at the same time and waking up around the same time will channel one’s body to get the appropriate amount of rest needed every night. This applies on the weekend too. This might be a good hack to try if one easily gets triggered by headaches. Bright room with too much noise This is especially important to avoid for those dealing with migraine attacks. A dark room with a comfortable bed and no noise is highly appreciated. According to the National Sleep Foundation, keeping the room temperature to 68 Fahrenheit is the ideal way to get the most restful and comfortable sleep. If it is too quiet, a fan or white noise machine can be added to the room. Remember, the bedroom is not the workroom. It is only for a person to come to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Scroll through social media  Keeping electronics on before going to bed can be a stressful experience as there is too much information loading. This prevents the brain from relaxing and preparing itself to fall asleep peacefully. It is advised to keep all electronics off for at least one hour before going to bed to help achieve a calm state of mind for a good night’s sleep.
5 habits to avoid before bed for managing migraines

5 habits to avoid before bed for managing migraines

Migraine is a neurological condition that leads to severe headaches, usually on one side of the head. It may also cause nausea and vomiting in some cases. While a migraine is not life-threatening, it can cause immense discomfort when ignored. Research shows that poor sleep and a disrupted sleep schedule are potential triggers for migraine headaches. So, improved sleep hygiene can help patients better manage their condition in the long term. Things to avoid before bed for managing migraines Experts have narrowed down a few unhealthy bedtime habits that prevent people from getting quality sleep, which, in turn, triggers a migraine attack. A few of these unhealthy habits are discussed below: Staring at a screen Electronic devices like TVs, smartphones, and tablets must be avoided before bedtime. The screens of these gadgets emit a blue light that upsets the circadian rhythm or the body’s internal clock. It also prevents the brain from shutting down, leading to sleep deprivation. Experts recommended putting away all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime for better sleep quality. Staring at bright lights before bedtime can have a similar effect as blue light and must also be avoided. Eating large meals Food and liquid intake can influence one’s sleep quality, making them a potential migraine trigger. For instance, a large meal before bedtime can lead to digestion problems, causing a person to stay up late. Instead of eating a large meal close to bedtime, one can opt for light snacks rich in carbohydrates. Carbs promote the production of serotonin, a chemical that makes an individual feel calm and sleepy, ensuring sound sleep throughout the night. Skipping meals Skipping dinner does no good for people with migraine. Studies have shown that skipping meals can trigger a migraine headache in 57% of patients. It happens because intentional fasting causes blood sugar fluctuations, which, in turn, triggers headaches.
8 delicious foods to improve heart health

8 delicious foods to improve heart health

The heart is a vital organ of the circulatory system that pumps blood containing oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. It also serves other functions like controlling blood pressure and heart rate. Heart health depends on several factors, including family history and personal health. The food a person eats also determines the overall health of their heart. Here are eight delicious and nutritious foods one should eat to improve heart health. Dark chocolate Those who enjoy dark chocolate might be overjoyed to know that the cocoa-rich product does wonders for the heart. Its high cocoa content is a significant source of antioxidants and minerals. Eating it can help protect one from heart disease. However, dark chocolate contains sugar and calories, which is why it must be eaten in moderation to avoid any side effects. Almonds Eating a cup of almonds daily can help nourish the body with minerals and vitamins essential for heart health. Almonds contain nutrients like monounsaturated fats and fibers that are essential to protect a person from heart diseases. Eating almonds can also help improve good cholesterol (HDL) levels, which may help reduce the buildup of plaque and keep the arteries clear. One should keep in mind that almonds are also rich in calories. They must be eaten in moderation to avoid any negative impact on the body. Avocados Including avocados in your daily meals can be highly beneficial. The fruit contains potassium, an element essential to boost heart health. Avocados also nourish the body with monounsaturated fat compounds that reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and prevent heart disease. Tomatoes Tomatoes are considered one of the healthiest food choices for heart health. They contain a natural plant pigment known as lycopene, which contains antioxidative properties. This helps eliminate harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative stress and inflammation. Adding tomatoes to certain meals can also contribute to improved blood pressure and endothelial function.
8 superfoods that help reduce cholesterol

8 superfoods that help reduce cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that circulates in the bloodstream. It is not inherently bad for one’s health. Good cholesterol helps in the absorption of nutrients, the building of cells, and other functions like metabolism and digestion of fat. However, excessive levels of cholesterol may lead to cardiovascular diseases or even stroke. There are some superfoods that support the functions of good cholesterol and flush out the bad cholesterol before it gets into the bloodstream. What is good and bad cholesterol? The particles that carry cholesterol from one’s bloodstream to the cells of the body are called lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins. The high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is considered to be the “good cholesterol.” HDL takes up the extra cholesterol in one’s blood and transports it back to one’s liver, where it is metabolized and expelled from the body. On the other hand, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the “bad cholesterol.” LDL accumulates on the walls of one’s blood vessels and hampers the blood flow, which may lead to health complications like a heart attack or stroke. Oatmeal Oats are an ideal food to reduce one’s LDL cholesterol and blood sugar level. A versatile food, oats are rich in soluble fiber and also help beat constipation. A bowl of overnight-soaked oatmeal provides about 3 to 4 grams of fiber. Oats can be teamed with a variety of milk, a choice of fruits like berries or bananas, and natural sweeteners like honey, making them an ideal, nutrient-rich, and quick breakfast option. Soaking oats overnight makes them easier to digest. Tree nuts Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and other tree nuts are rich in a variety of nutrients including soluble fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, and minerals. Apart from lowering LDL, nuts have also been shown to lower blood pressure and improve blood sugar levels.