10 best foods for healthy hair

10 best foods for healthy hair

Hair growth is influenced by several factors, such as age, health, genetics, environmental exposure, nutrition, and medical intervention. Maintaining a healthy nutrition plan can positively impact hair follicle growth and cellular turnover, which improves overall hair health, strength, and shine. According to certain studies, deficiencies of vitamins B12 and D, biotin, riboflavin, and iron can lead to hair loss. To maintain hair health and encourage growth, here are some foods to consider: Eggs Hair follicles are mostly made up of protein. To maintain their quality, it is essential to get the required amount of protein every day. Eggs are a rich source of protein as well as biotin, zinc, and selenium, which play a vital role in promoting hair growth and improving hair health. Berries Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are rich sources of antioxidants and vitamin C, which the body uses to produce collagen. Collagen supports hair strength, which is key for getting luscious locks. Vitamin C also helps absorb iron from food, and iron deficiency (anemia) has also been linked to hair loss. Greek yogurt Greek yogurt is packed with protein and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which are important agents in the fight against hair thinning and loss.  Spinach Cruciferous vegetables like spinach and kale are loaded with nutrients like folate, vitamins A and C, and iron. These are crucial for encouraging hair growth and repair. Experts recommend foods rich in these vitamins and minerals over supplements, as supplementing too much can have the opposite effect and cause hair loss. Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, a compound that turns into vitamin A in the body. It is crucial in producing sebum, which in turn helps maintain hair health. Carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and mangoes are also rich sources of beta-carotene, making them top foods for healthy hair.
Top 5 foods for managing ulcerative colitis

Top 5 foods for managing ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes ulcers and inflammation in the digestive tract. It usually affects the innermost lining of the large intestine and the rectum. In most cases, the symptoms develop over time and can be uncomfortable and draining. If left untreated, ulcerative colitis may even lead to further life-threatening complications. While the condition does not have a known cure, there are various methods to manage it. Managing ulcerative colitis – Foods to eat In addition to treatments and lifestyle changes, patients can alter their meal plans to manage ulcerative colitis. This includes adding healthy foods and avoiding ones that can trigger a flare-up. Here are some nutrient-rich foods to consider: Bananas Although doctors recommend avoiding raw fruits with this digestive disorder, one may benefit from ripe and soft bananas. Bananas are good sources of carbohydrates, which blend with protein and fats to produce energy. Patients can also consider other soft fruits, such as pears and peaches, to ease the digestive process and manage the symptoms. Applesauce Like soft bananas, applesauce can be easily digested and is, hence, recommended for those with this disorder. However, one must carefully check the labels of store-bought applesauce and choose unsweetened varieties, as added sugar can increase inflammation. If unsure, it is best to make applesauce at home by cooking sliced and peeled apples in water and pureeing the mixture. Yogurt Yogurt and other fermented foods are rich sources of probiotics. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that the gut needs to function efficiently. They live in the digestive tract and help digest food, strengthen the immune system, and even eliminate harmful bacteria. Some probiotic-rich foods healthcare professionals recommend for managing ulcerative colitis are yogurt, kefir, miso, and sauerkraut. Squash People with ulcerative colitis are often recommended squash. Squash is a healthy food to add to the meal plan because it contains high amounts of fiber and antioxidants like beta carotene and vitamin C.
6 IUD myths that need to be discarded

6 IUD myths that need to be discarded

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a modern form of birth control that are long-lasting, effective, and safe. They are shaped like a ‘T’ and fit inside the uterus. Their primary role is preventing sperm from reaching and fertilizing the eggs. IUDs may be hormonal or non-hormonal. However, there are several myths associated with IUDs and their usage that need to be debunked for the safety of women’s health. Here are six common myths to note. IUDs can only be used by older women IUDs are a safe and effective option for women of all ages. They are available in different sizes to suit the size of a woman’s uterus; it is not a one-for-all device. If a doctor recommends that one is too young to get an IUD, try getting a second opinion. IUDs can cause infertility While this may have been true for some intrauterine devices in the 70s, modern IUDs pose no risks to one’s fertility and are perfectly safe to use. IUDs lead to infections Earlier, IUDs (in the 1970s) were linked to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and had to be recalled for the same. IUDs today do not cause any infections. However, they also do not protect against sexually transmitted infections or diseases, so it is advised to always use a condom, even with the implant. Getting an IUD requires a PAP smear It is possible to get an IUD without a PAP test as well. PAP smears are used to check the presence of cervical cancer cells and do not correlate with birth control. IUDs are always expensive Some IUDs may be expensive and cost as much as $1300, but that isn’t always the case. According to health agencies, it can cost as little as $0 to have an IUD inserted, depending on insurance and available healthcare assistance packages.
5 smoothies to help curb arthritis and joint pain

5 smoothies to help curb arthritis and joint pain

The pain caused by arthritis is often agonizing. It is a broader term for joint pain or joint diseases, and its effects can be disabling and prevent one from indulging in regular activities. Eating certain foods may also help one tackle the symptoms of arthritis. However, constantly having limited meals can be tiresome. Therefore, here are six healthy and delicious smoothie ideas to help one manage arthritis and joint pain. Pineapple anti-inflammatory smoothie Pineapple juice is rich in enzymes like bromelain that can reduce pain caused by arthritis. You can make a delicious smoothie by mixing other ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties, like romaine lettuce, cilantro, and ginger, to create a healthy smoothie. Add water occasionally until the blend reaches a consistency of your liking. Blueberry kale smoothie Berries like blueberries are known for their rich antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Blend three-quarters of the food with a cup of kale, bananas, two pitted dates, and half a tablespoon of almond butter, and top it with low-fat milk. This combination may help fight the effects of arthritis pains. One can also try making a smoothie with other berries, including blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries, as they have similar properties that may help curb arthritis inflammation. Vanilla matcha protein smoothie Matcha is a powdered green tea leaf rich in antioxidants known to reduce inflammation and curb cartilage breakdown. To make the smoothie, you will need a scoop of vanilla powder, half a teaspoon of honey, fresh vanilla bean, two teaspoons of matcha green tea powder, and a cup of low-fat milk or almond milk. Combine these properties in a blender, and you’ve got yourself a healthy smoothie for joint pain. Broccoli smoothie Eating vegetables like broccoli could introduce multiple antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties essential to tackle arthritis. It is also easy to make as you only need a handful of broccoli, kale, half a cucumber, and a thumb-sized piece of ginger.
Eat these 5 foods to manage EoE and acid reflux

Eat these 5 foods to manage EoE and acid reflux

Acid reflux is an increasingly common digestive disorder affecting many people worldwide. The condition is characterized by a burning sensation in the throat and chest caused by the backflow of stomach acid. People with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) can have a more challenging time managing acid reflux as it causes inflammation and narrowing of the esophagus. To manage this condition, eating certain healthy foods is advised. Keep reading to learn more about them. Ginger A natural anti-inflammatory food, ginger can also help relieve the inflammation in the esophagus and alleviate acid reflux symptoms. Ginger has also long been used to help with digestive disorders and manage an upset stomach. Adding ginger to daily meals can prevent the acid from backing up into the esophagus and triggering EoE symptoms.  Oatmeal Oatmeal is high in fiber and low in fat content. It is a great breakfast choice for people with acid reflux and helps reduce the amount of acid that finds its way into the esophagus. In addition to that, it also provides a better satiety value and absorbs the excessive quantity of acid present in the stomach.  Bananas Bananas are one of the fruits people with acid reflux can eat without concerns. Its low acid and high fiber content favors acid reflux patients, helping them bring down the symptoms. A decrease in acid reflux and its symptoms also soothes EoE symptoms since it lowers the possibility of stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus.  Leafy vegetables Leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach have low acidic content. They also pack a high fiber content making them a suitable food for people with acid reflux and EoE. The fiber content in these vegetables helps regulate digestion in patients and relieves them of acid reflux symptoms. A low possibility of acid finding its way into the esophagus also helps better manage EoE.
6 foods that help relieve bunions

6 foods that help relieve bunions

A bunion is a bony bump at the intersection of the big toe and the foot. It usually develops when constant pressure is applied to the big toe, causing it to push against the second toe. Individuals with bunions experience intermittent pain in the affected area and restricted mobility of the big toe. Besides seeking treatment and practicing natural remedies, adding certain foods to the meal plan can help control bunion symptoms better. Garlic Garlic contains high levels of diallyl disulfide, an anti-inflammatory compound that helps alleviate the symptoms of joint and muscle inflammation. Using up to two cloves of garlic in meals every day may be highly beneficial in controlling bunion symptoms. Berries Berries like strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are rich in anthocyanins, which help reduce inflammation. Consequently, they may relieve bunion symptoms. Patients may eat these fruits directly or add them to muesli, oatmeal, porridge, or fresh fruit juices and smoothies. Turmeric Curcumin in turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which help regulate bunion symptoms. Many studies also demonstrate the role of curcumin in reducing joint pain and promoting bone and joint health. Turmeric may be added to stir-fries, soups, and smoothies not only for health purposes but also for natural flavor enhancement. Turmeric tea is a popular beverage for incorporating turmeric into the meal plan. Fatty fish Fatty fish varieties like salmon, tuna, anchovies, and mackerel are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation and reduce the levels of proteins like C-reactive and interleukin-6 in the body. These inflammatory proteins worsen pain, discomfort, and stiffness associated with bunions. Thus, including fatty fish in the nutrition regimen is a good idea. Tomatoes Tomatoes contain the highest levels of lycopene, an antioxidant that inhibits the production of cytokines, which cause inflammation in the body. Thus, tomatoes may help reduce the effects of bunions.
3 ways to get rid of bunions without surgery

3 ways to get rid of bunions without surgery

Bunions or hallux valgus is a condition in which a bulge develops on the side of the foot along the joint of the big toe. This happens due to the wrong alignment of the bones and muscles surrounding the joint, leading to this bump. Bunions are very common and affect one in every third of individuals in the country; however, there are ways to handle pain without surgery. Here’s how. Hot and cold therapy This is a great way to manage the pain caused by bunions. These are natural treatments with no side effects and can easily be administered in the comfort of your home. Here’s what you need to know – when the bunions are swollen, you should apply cold therapy, like soaking your bunion in cold water to help reduce the inflammation. Cold therapy helps constrict the blood vessels, which is helpful. The cool water will also help relieve the foot, which has been irritated because of the bunion swelling. Heat therapies are helpful when the blood vessels don’t need constricting but need better blood flow and help relax the sore muscles and joints. Heat therapy should be applied if soreness and cramping are the pain symptoms in the bunion-affected area. Exercise and rest These may seem contradictory, but it actually means finding the right balance between exercise and rest. Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to strengthen the feet and muscles. Some specific toe exercises like toe curls or picking up marbles or socks with toes can be especially helpful in keeping the feet active and healthy. However, choosing to rest when bunion pain or other symptoms is equally important. Give your feet a break from exercising and let them rest, massage, and treat them with care to help relieve the pain symptoms. Comfortable shoes An essential part of managing bunion pain is having the right footwear.
4 smoothies to keep common cold and flu at bay

4 smoothies to keep common cold and flu at bay

Smoothies are so much more than just refreshment drinks, with their long list of health benefits almost always overlooked. One can concoct delicious smoothies for uses as varied as keeping the immune system healthy or strengthening one’s bones. In the cold and flu season, certain smoothies can help prevent the onset if consumed regularly. And the best part? The smoothies listed here are incredibly easy to make with daily groceries. Green tea and pineapple smoothie The first anti-flu smoothie combines an unlikely pair of green tea and pineapple to optimize the consumer’s health during the winter when most people are down with a cold or fever. To make this, one has to blend two cups of freshly-cut peeled pineapple slices, a tablespoon of honey, a cup of crushed ice, a cup of green tea made using loose leaves, and a finely chopped half ginger. One can serve this smoothie after decorating it with several different garnish combinations. Cold buster green smoothie As its name suggests, this smoothie contains loads of leafy green vegetables. To make this drink, one needs to blend 2 cups of spinach, three baby carrots, a banana, half an orange after peeling it, a cup of orange juice, half an apple slice, half a cup of ice, and half a cup of frozen pineapple. This smoothie can provide consumers with an adequate amount of essential vitamins for strength and energy. Green smoothie flu fighter To increase energy levels and keep the immune system in top health, one can make this nicely-named flu-fighter smoothie. To make this, one needs to use a powerful blender to concoct a mix of two peeled oranges, a ripe banana, an inch of a peeled ginger root, a dash of peeled lime, half a cup of parsley, a cup of spinach, half a slice of bell pepper, and water.
5 tips to manage the side effects of an IUD

5 tips to manage the side effects of an IUD

An intrauterine device (IUD) is an effective and practical method of contraception used by many women across the world. However, some may experience side effects like irregular bleeding, cramping, and hormonal fluctuations. Although these reactions are usually brief and temporary, they can cause discomfort and uneasiness. In this article, we’ll offer five tips to tackle IUD side effects. If a side effect lasts for an unusually long time, one should speak to a doctor immediately. Use heat therapy If one is experiencing intense cramping or backaches after inserting an IUD, they can try using a heating pad. Using heat can help relax and increase the blood flow to the muscles that contribute to cramping, thus reducing any painful sensation. Although this method can be comforting, one should avoid hot baths for 24-48 hours after insertion, as it may cause IUD expulsion. Give your body time to adjust Giving yourself some time allows your body to adjust and make changes for transitioning to a new method of contraception. It’s normal for the body to get used to a new method like an IUD. During this period, a woman may experience mild side effects like bleeding, cramping, or discomfort. Generally, the body can take roughly six to eight months to completely adjust to an IUD. Hence, it is important to give the body time to adapt. Monitor your symptoms Keep track of any adverse reactions and when they occur. This will help you recognize patterns and provide additional details to your healthcare professional. You can keep a journal or use smartphone applications to keep a tab on symptoms. Use different methods Consider dealing with hormonal side effects by exploring non-hormonal methods like applying a barrier method of contraception. One can speak to their physician to find which option is the most beneficial for them.
6 foods that can help prevent osteoporosis

6 foods that can help prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a widespread disease that affects 10 million people in the country. It is characterized by weakened bones that become more vulnerable to fractures. So, people with the condition are more likely to break a bone after a minor fall or accident. While many factors can contribute to its development, nutrition plays an integral role in preventing and managing this disease. Balanced, nutrient-rich meals can help prevent bone loss and strengthen the body.  Best foods Nutrition is essential in the prevention and management of osteoporosis. A food plan rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, vitamin D, and protein will help one maintain bone health and lower the risk of fractures. Further, increasing muscle strength can protect one against falls that could cause fractures. People with osteoporosis must consult a physician and registered nutritionist to create a nutritional regimen that meets their needs and helps them improve bone health. Here are some of the best foods for osteoporosis prevention: Dairy products Dairy products are excellent sources of calcium— a nutrient essential for strengthening bones. Three portions of dairy products daily, for example, foods with cheese, milk, or yogurt, can help lower the risk of osteoporosis. However, those with lactose intolerance or sensitivity may have to fulfill their calcium requirement through other sources, like nuts and seeds. Leafy greens Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli are packed with bone-friendly nutrients like vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium. These nutrients support bone health and help prevent osteoporosis. Adding various leafy greens to meals is a great way to improve bone health.  Salmon Salmon is a fatty fish rich in vitamin D—a nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium. As calcium is essential for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis, experts may recommend two portions of seafood, including salmon, each week for best results.
Parkinson’s disease prevention – 5 foods to stay healthy

Parkinson’s disease prevention – 5 foods to stay healthy

With the prevalence of various chronic health conditions, taking care of one’s health through a balanced nutritional plan has become all the more imperative today. There are certain conditions like Parkinson’s disease, which causes neurodegeneration or the progressive decline of neuron cells in the brain. However, certain food items contain neuroprotective properties that help manage such conditions better. Keep reading to learn more about safe foods to keep Parkinoson’s symptoms at bay. Parkinson’s disease Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative condition that affects the brain and nervous system. It is characterized by stiffness, tremors, and difficulties in moving. The estimates suggest that about 10 million people worldwide have Parkinson’s disease. Safe foods to manage Parkinson’s disease Food plays an integral role in the prevention of Parkinson’s disease. Certain foods are rich in substances and nutrients that include neuroprotective properties. They can also help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, two factors linked to the progression of the disease.   By incorporating the foods mentioned below into the daily meal plan, individuals can reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Berries Berries are an excellent food choice to promote brain health and lower the risk of developing PD. They are high in antioxidants, which fight oxidative stress, a significant cause of Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, berries are abundant in flavonoids, compounds that shield brain cells from injury and boost cognitive performance. Adding berries to your daily meal plan is simple; it can be eaten as an excellent snack, used in smoothies, or as a topping on yogurt or oatmeal. Leafy greens Green leafy vegetables are another essential food item that helps prevent Parkinson’s. They are loaded with nutrients like folate, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Adding leafy greens like spinach into your meal is simple and suitable for various dishes, including sandwiches, salads, and wraps.
10 foods to manage arthritis pain

10 foods to manage arthritis pain

Arthritis is a chronic condition that affects many people worldwide. It is characterized by inflammation in the joints, stiffness, and pain. While the condition cannot be cured completely, managing its symptoms through lifestyle changes, including one’s daily meals, can improve quality of life. Certain foods have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease some of the symptoms. This article lists ten foods that can help manage arthritis pain. Fatty fish Tuna and salmon are known for their high Omega-3 fatty acid content. They have anti-inflammatory qualities that help reduce joint pain and stiffness in arthritis patients. Regularly incorporating fatty fish into one’s meals can help improve joint health and reduce the need for anti-inflammatory health care. Turmeric Turmeric contains curcumin, which has strong antioxidant properties. Studies indicate that turmeric can help improve knee function. When taken in supplement form, high doses of curcumin can even provide pain relief. Adding turmeric to dishes and drinks or taking curcumin as a supplement can help alleviate arthritis symptoms. Cherries Cherries can help alleviate joint pain, a common symptom of arthritis. The fruit is particularly helpful in reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Research has suggested that drinking tart cherry juice can significantly improve stiffness, pain, and physical function in osteoarthritis patients. Broccoli Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable containing sulforaphane. According to a number of studies, sulforaphane blocks the enzymes responsible for joint destruction in arthritis. Adding broccoli to meals and snacks is a great way to reduce inflammation and improve joint health. Garlic Garlic contains allicin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is known to reduce cartilage damage due to arthritis. Additionally, rubbing garlic oil on the joints can help with inflammation or soreness. Ginger Ginger is a great root to boost overall immunity. Arthritis patients can benefit from its anti-inflammatory compounds.