6 frequent mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

6 frequent mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

Like every other body part, it is important to keep one’s bladder health in check. Unbeknownst to many, various urological conditions originate from the inability to maintain optimum urinary tract health. Accurate urination is crucial for safeguarding one’s bladder from health conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs) and urinary incontinence. To protect one’s bladder from long-term or short-term urinary issues, here are some common mistakes and habits one should avoid. Holding urine in While holding your pee becomes necessary sometimes, making it a habit can lead to long-term health complications. A full bladder becomes susceptible to the build-up of bacteria which triggers infections in the urinary tract. Therefore, following healthy drinking and urination habits should be prioritized. Incomplete urination Just like holding urine in, not completely emptying the bladder can aggravate one’s risk of urinary infections. Regardless of one’s tight schedule, spare time for nature’s call. Not observing urination patterns Frequent urination is a condition often overlooked by people. However, if a person is urinating more than usual in a day, it can indicate severe conditions like kidney stones, UTIs, or even diabetes. Not getting bladder examined Unexplained changes to urine color are another condition that necessitates healthcare intervention. For example, if one notices their urine appearing red, it might indicate severe conditions like cancer or kidney stones, which must be treated. Getting examined by a health expert regularly helps in the early management of conditions like UTIs, infections, or chronic kidney diseases (CKD). Unhealthy nutritional habits Keep a check on what you eat. Excessive caffeine intake can increase urination and cause an overactive bladder, causing inconvenience and disturbed sleep. For some people, acidic foods like tomatoes and orange juice can cause flare-ups and tend to irritate the bladder. Lack of physical activity It is possible to keep the symptoms of conditions such as UTIs at bay with the help of regular exercise.
Top 5 desserts for migraine sufferers

Top 5 desserts for migraine sufferers

With a migraine, anything one eats can be a trigger. But that does not mean that one needs to skip out on desserts and other foods they enjoy. Swapping out certain ingredients can help create a migraine-friendly meal plan and boost one’s health. Gluten and sugar, the main ingredients in most desserts, are also the biggest triggers for people with migraine. Try these five updated dessert recipes to continue enjoying one’s favorite foods even with a migraine: Carrot muffins Made with migraine-friendly ingredients like carrots, gluten-free flour, and cinnamon, carrot muffins are loaded with magnesium and antioxidants to help keep migraine headaches under control, making them a great dessert or snack option. “Chocolate” pudding For many people, the phenylethylamine in chocolate has been linked to migraine headaches. Try switching cocoa with carob powder and sweetening it with dates to create a chocolate-free “chocolate” pudding that tastes like the real deal. Using cooked millet instead of flour gives this dessert an added dose of magnesium. Almond-orange cake with cream cheese frosting Prepare a delicious almond-orange cake with almond flour, oranges, and eggs. It comes together quickly and is a delicious gluten-free low-carb option for migraine sufferers. Frost it with cream cheese to give it a birthday cake that looks perfect for any party. Not-ella Carob Butter This simple 5-ingredient recipe only calls for toasted sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, stevia, carob powder, and coconut oil. It is ideal for people missing out on name-brand chocolate spreads and can be paired with fruit for a quick, healthy, and migraine-friendly dessert. Strawberries and cream pop Are you missing ice cream? Here’s the perfect hack! Use a freezer pop maker to make some at home using coconut milk, strawberries, natural stevia, and vanilla extract. These candy pops are low in sugar and rich in antioxidants from berries and healthy fats from coconut oil.
10 foods that actively improve fertility

10 foods that actively improve fertility

Reproduction is a complicated process. Men and women must equally be healthy and fertile to start the process of conception from a single-cell embryo to a fully grown baby. That said, daily nutrition and lifestyle choices also impact an individual’s fertility process, blood flow, gut, and overall health. So, nutritionists recommend including certain fertility-boosting foods that increase the chances of getting pregnant. Here are ten superfoods to try and achieve successful conception. Pineapple Several studies are indicative of the benefits of eating raw pineapple. It is rich in vitamin C and bromelain, a plant compound that counters inflammation that affects fertility and prevents the body from suppressing ovulation. Eggs Egg yolks contain omega-3 fatty acids, a compound that promotes anti-inflammatory responses in the body. In addition, eggs are loaded with iron, calcium, vitamin B, zinc, and other fertility-enhancing nutrients. Citrus-rich fruits Oranges and grapefruits are the two most potent vitamin C-rich fruits that also boast potassium, calcium, and B vitamins content. The nutrients help regulate ovulation, create a suitable environment for the eggs, and increase sperm production. Pomegranates Studies done on men to test sperm motility showed the group that included pomegranates or its extract in daily meal plans had better chances of producing sperm that can conceive. The fruit is also a rich source of polyphenols, a potent antioxidant that prevents oxidative damage to the sperm. Lentils and beans Lentils are a rich source of polyamine spermidine, a potent antioxidant that prevents oxidative stress from affecting the quality of sperm. Also, beans contain fiber and folates that boost hormonal health to promote better fertility. Sunflower seeds Roasted sunflower seeds are a rich source of omega 3, and omega 6 healthy fats, folates, and selenium that promote fertility in both men and women. Sunflower seed butter is also an acceptable alternative.
Top 4 healthy foods to eat for seniors

Top 4 healthy foods to eat for seniors

Age is a crucial factor that determines a person’s food habits. For example, a certain food, which one can digest easily in their twenties, might not suit them after 50. So, older adults must be careful about their nutritional habits to maintain optimum health. Such individuals need a meal plan that involves nutritious foods that do not take much effort to digest. Keep reading to learn about the best foods for people over 60. Eggs High-protein foods are needed to stabilize the metabolism of the eaten meals in the digestive system. As people age, their caloric requirements decrease while their protein needs are enhanced to minimize muscle loss, a decrease in strength, and deterioration of vital body functions. Foods such as eggs are rich sources of naturally occurring protein. Usually, the recommended protein intake for people is about 0.8 grams of kilograms of their body weight per day. People over the age of 60 will require way more protein than that. Health and nutrition experts suggest that the figure should be at least 1.2 kilograms daily for effective metabolism and functioning. Oatmeal Like protein, fiber is essential for reinforcing the defense mechanism of one’s body as it ages. After 60, one must eat high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, chickpeas, quinoa, flaxseed, and chia seeds to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic disorders, diverticular disease, and other health conditions brought about by a weakening of the immune system. All these reasons make oatmeal one of the best foods for people over 60. Salmon Vitamin D is a vital nutrient needed to strengthen bone strength as people age. Dairy is a good source of vitamin D. However, fatty fish is arguably the best source of this vitamin. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and others also contain essential omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation, yet another health risk associated with advancing age.
5 mistakes that can affect lung health

5 mistakes that can affect lung health

Although breathing is a natural activity, several factors can lead to individuals breathing poorly for prolonged periods. Anxiety, poor sleeping habits, and underlying conditions can all lead to breathing issues. If you have trouble taking a deep breath, gasping for air, or finishing statements, you may have a respiratory problem. Coughing or wheezing are further signs that something is awry. So, here are six mistakes you could be making that result in poor lung health. 6 lung health mistakes to avoid Skipping breakfast It would help to start each morning with a nutritious meal to prepare for the day. Eating a healthy breakfast has numerous health benefits, including increasing metabolism, maintaining blood sugar levels, and improving focus. Starting your day without breakfast is like driving a car with little petrol capacity; it will get you there for a short time but quickly become slow before coming to a complete halt. Due to a lack of fuel, your body will collect fat, which it will utilize as energy throughout the day, increasing your risk of developing diabetes and excess fat, which, in turn, will affect the lungs. Having insufficient sleep You may recall your parents saying, “There aren’t enough hours in the day.” Now that you’re an adult, you probably understand why. But unfortunately, many people believe that the solution to this problem is to try to achieve everything in a single day, even if it means sacrificing sleep. According to research, sleep deprivation can severely impact your health regardless of how active or healthy you are. Researchers discovered that those who slept too little had a fourfold more significant risk of having heart disease and stroke in a study involving 5,600 healthy-weight participants. Establish a bedtime for yourself and stick to it to overcome this problem. Standing or sitting wrong When one is not in an upright position, the chest cavity compresses, limiting the diaphragm’s range of motion and intercostal musculature.
Implications of opting out of vaccination

Implications of opting out of vaccination

Immunization can be an important part of health, especially in our globalizing world, where one is exposed to many risks in the form of infections. Records for these risks are maintained by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and according to them vaccinations can help protect one from many of these diseases. Delaying or not choosing to vaccinate or be vaccinated could have some health and social implications. Here are the most common ones: Pregnancy complications Unvaccinated pregnant women may be at a higher risk of contracting infections or diseases and passing them on to their child. For instance, a woman who contracts rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy is at risk of transmitting congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) to her baby. CRS can cause heart defects, developmental delays, and even deafness. Potential risk to others Those who choose not to get vaccinated or not vaccinate their children against vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) also pose a health risk to others, especially those with compromised immune systems from cancer or auto-immune diseases. Social isolation Skipping vaccinations, especially for children, can also result in social exclusion. If an unvaccinated child is sick or dealing with a disease, they may need to be isolated from others and sometimes even the family. A disease or infection outbreak in the community may also require one to keep their unvaccinated child at home, further isolating or excluding them from social engagements and activities.  Risk to life Skipping or delaying vaccinations could have lifelong consequences. Those who are unvaccinated may require treatment that is more expensive or different when ill. There is also always the risk of healthcare professionals being unfamiliar with the care needed, posing a further health risk to those in need of medical attention. For children who haven’t been vaccinated, even basic infections such as the flu can be a risk.
5 mistakes that can worsen chronic pain

5 mistakes that can worsen chronic pain

Aches and pains can be tough to manage. An individual can experience many kinds of pain, including burning sensations, dullness, and even phantom emotions. It makes you feel irritable and indifferent. Managing discomfort becomes difficult when we are oblivious to our mistakes. It gets even more challenging when we do not improve it or bring a change in our lifestyle. Here’s how some behaviors and actions can lead to the worsening of chronic pain. Not consulting a doctor Ignorance is one of the leading causes of persistent aches and pains. Many people in pain put off seeing a doctor for months, hoping it will disappear. However, if you have pain or discomfort that lasts more than four days, you should consult a doctor instead of opting for self-treatment methods. Not considering alternative therapies If you are hesitant or are experiencing adverse effects, you may want to try alternative approaches to pain treatment. For example, acupuncture has been known as a natural treatment for sciatica, lower chronic pain, and osteoarthritis pain. Yoga and herbal remedies have also helped millions of people who suffer from pain. Unwilling to exercise Exercise can alleviate all types of suffering. A few exercises can assist in lubricating and strengthening your joints. Furthermore, exercise produces endorphins, which naturally alleviate pain and inflammation. One should begin exercising cautiously and gradually increase the intensity. Considering surgery too soon Surgery is one of the most dependable therapies for most conditions, yet it can be ineffective for pain. It is advisable to use physical therapy or exercise to relieve pain or discomfort. Surgery should only be done as a last resort because it may worsen the issue. Overuse of prescriptions It may be tempting to take a few additional treatment options to help your back pain, but doing so might be exceedingly dangerous if you use certain prescriptions.
7 superfoods for blood sugar management

7 superfoods for blood sugar management

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential for overall health and well-being. Fluctuations in blood sugar can cause mood swings and energy crashes and even increase the risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, kidney failure, or cardiovascular problems. While lifestyle changes and prescriptions are commonly used to manage diabetes, incorporating certain foods into your meals can also positively impact you. Here are some superfoods that can help lower blood sugar levels. How does the body regulate blood sugar? When one eats, the carbohydrates in the food are broken down into glucose which enters the bloodstream. The pancreas releases insulin that signals cells to use glucose for energy, thus lowering blood sugar levels. If glucose is too high, the pancreas releases more insulin; if too low, it releases glucagon to raise it. This delicate balance maintains healthy blood sugar levels in one’s body. Diabetes is a condition where the body doesn’t produce or respond well to insulin. Besides diabetes, hormonal imbalances, stress, illness, poor lifestyle, or genetics can also affect blood sugar regulation. Seven superfoods to improve blood sugar levels Whole grains Whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread are high in fiber and magnesium. These foods can slow down the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream, prevent spikes in blood sugar levels, provide sustained energy, and reduce cravings. Avocado Avocado is a nutrient-dense fruit high in fiber and healthy fats, which has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Avocado is also an excellent potassium source, a mineral linked to better insulin sensitivity. Berries Blueberries and strawberries are low-sugar fruits with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help lower blood sugar levels. These versatile fruits can be eaten as a snack or added to smoothies, yogurt, or oatmeal. Broccoli Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
5 uncomfortable truths about eczema

5 uncomfortable truths about eczema

Eczema is a health condition in which the skin gets extremely dry, leading to itchy patches. A disciplined lifestyle can help manage the symptoms, but since this is a chronic disease, it can get increasingly uncomfortable and overwhelming. Therefore, loved ones should provide those with eczema a safe space to share their troubles and educate others on the subject. Here are some facts about eczema to create more awareness and empathy. Eczema is not “just a rash” Unlike what most people falsely assume, eczema is more than just a rash. It is a chronic condition that needs extreme care and attention to be managed on a daily basis. This involves staying away from environmental triggers, soaps, shampoos, and any product that may lead to unprecedented flare-ups. Even food choices need a lot of screening. Itchy skin can cause insomnia Eczema flare-ups can also occur during the night. When that happens, it gets incredibly uncomfortable for patients to sleep due to itchy skin. This sleep disruption affects anywhere between 33% to 87.1% of adults and close to 83% of children with the condition. A lack of sleep, in turn, causes other complications like stress and irritability. Poor hygiene is not the cause Eczema is an auto-immune disease and does not occur due to poor hygiene. However, those already suffering from the condition may experience flare-ups due to improper hygiene. Therefore, patients need extreme care when it comes to cleanliness. Choosing shampoo, soap, cleaning products, and even clothes can be difficult, and keeping a checklist of things can get exhausting. It affects mental health While eczema is a physical condition, its complications and flare-ups can easily lead to stress and anxiety, not to mention the taboo around the disease and social perception, which can give rise to alienation and loneliness. It is important for patients to have a support group that helps them navigate through the complicated emotions they may experience while battling the disease.
4 easy hacks to cope with a heavy flow

4 easy hacks to cope with a heavy flow

Heavy periods are called menorrhagia in medical terms. Many menstruators often experience heavy periods in certain months of their menstruation cycle. It is quite normal to have heavy flow once in a while. Despite being infrequent, heavy flow can cause discomfort and inconvenience. It can disrupt carrying on routine everyday activities. However, there are ways to deal with heavy periods. Here are a few simple hacks to cope with a heavy flow. Keep sanitary products everywhere One of the ways to make it easier to cope with a heavy flow is stocking up on sanitary products. Ensure to buy the bigger sizes so that there is never any chance of running out. From sanitary napkins to tampons and menstrual cups, make sure there is enough backup for everything. Keep these in all the handbags that are used on a regular and not-so-regular basis. Ensure to keep extra supplies in the drawers at home and work, the bathroom, the bedroom, and every single bag. Wear period underwear Period underwears are an essential element that many are not aware of when it comes to dealing with a heavy flow of the menstruation cycle. Period underwear can come in handy for those struggling to wear extra-large menstruation pads. These are very comfortable with their expansive and stretchable design and sizing. Moreover, these are made of absorbent fabric that gives an added layer of protection without any extra bulk. Make a period first aid kit During menstruation, a first aid kit can be immensely helpful. For those days of heavy flow, it is wise to stock up on some extra paraphernalia to deal with the intense cramps and pain. The kit can contain painkillers, hot water bottles, ice packs, and non-decomposable comfort food. Making two or three kits for heavy flow days is recommended:
Causes and warning signs of prolonged headaches

Causes and warning signs of prolonged headaches

Headaches are common and unavoidable. Many people might have experienced this painful sensation at some point in life. Headaches can vary in intensity; sometimes, they are more severe than usual, and otherwise, they will be mild. There are times when headaches last longer than the usual bouts of pain. If it happens, it indicates an underlying health concern necessitating treatment. Read further to learn about the common trigger factors of such long-lasting headaches. Migraine Migraines are headaches lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days. People can experience migraine due to various trigger factors, including stress, lack of quality sleep, unhealthy nutritional habits, and hormonal changes. Common symptoms of migraines include light and sound sensitivity, visual disturbances, and nausea. Tension headaches Tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches. These are usually caused by poor posture, tension in the shoulders and neck, and stress. Tension headaches can last for a few hours or sometimes even for days. Cluster headaches Custer headache is characterized by severe pain experienced on one side of the head. A rare form of headache, it is usually accompanied by symptoms such as watery eyes and nasal congestion and can last for a few weeks or even up to a few months. Sinus headaches As the name suggests, sinus headaches are caused by the inflammation of the sinuses. These headaches can last for several days or go on for weeks. The identifying symptoms of sinus headaches include facial pain, fever, and nasal congestion. Warning signs of long-lasting headaches Some other red flags could indicate a more severe underlying health condition that requires a healthcare professional’s intervention. These include- A severe or sudden headache that might feel like a thunderclap Headaches that result from a head injury or after a concussion Headaches accompanied by weakness, vision disturbances, and numbness of one side of the face Headaches accompanied by stiff neck, fever, confusion If any of these symptoms persist or the pain lasts more than three days despite trying remedies and treatments, it is advised to seek a health expert’s advice.
8 alternatives to using tampons

8 alternatives to using tampons

For decades, tampons have been the go-to solution for menstrual hygiene for women all over the world. But traditional tampons and pads create a significant amount of waste and can be uncomfortable for many women. With increasing concerns about the environmental impact of disposable menstrual products and health issues associated with tampon usage, many women are now looking for sustainable, eco-friendly, and easier alternatives. Here are 8 best alternatives to tampons that one can consider. Menstrual cups Menstrual cups are a popular alternative to tampons. They are small, flexible, and made of medical-grade silicone or latex. Menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours and can be reused for up to ten years, making them a cost-effective and eco-friendly option. Period underwear Period underwear or pants is designed to absorb menstrual blood and can be worn alone or as a backup to other menstrual products. These underwear come in a variety of styles and absorbency levels, making them a versatile option for women. Reusable pads Reusable pads are a soft, comfortable, and an environmentally-friendly alternative to the traditional disposable pads. They can be washed and reused multiple times. Made from a variety of materials like cotton fleece, polyester, micro-fiber bamboo and other absorbent fabrics, reusable pads come in a variety of sizes. Sea sponges Sea sponges are a natural, eco-friendly alternative to tampons. They are harvested from the ocean and can be reused for up to six months. Sea sponges are soft and comfortable, making them a great alternative for women who find tampons uncomfortable. Period discs Period discs are a newer alternative to tampons. They are small, disposable discs that are inserted into the vagina and can be worn for up to 12 hours. Period discs are designed to be comfortable and leak-proof, making them a great option for women who lead active lifestyles.