Foods to avoid to manage atrial fibrillation

Foods to avoid to manage atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a health condition in which the rhythmic pumping of the atria (the heart’s upper chambers) gets affected. It causes the heart to beat at an irregular or fast rate. This signifies that the heart is weak and must work harder to pump blood and function properly. While there are treatments for this condition, following a healthy meal plan is also essential. Here are some foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation. Caffeine While consuming small amounts of caffeine is not harmful, overdoing it can cause complications, especially if one suffers from atrial fibrillation. According to studies, 300 mg of caffeine per day is safe. But most packaged energy drinks on the market have a lot more. Energy drinks aim to provide a burst of energy by using caffeine. However, someone with a weak heart may find it hard to keep up with these drinks. Trans or saturated fats It is no secret that too much fatty food leads to several health conditions, including atrial fibrillation. Options like fried chips, doughnuts, potato chips, margarine, and deep-fried foods with high amounts of fat can increase cholesterol levels and blood pressure. And these are the precursors to heart diseases. Patients who add fatty foods to their meals experience worsening symptoms of this health condition. Studies show that meals high in saturated fats and low in monounsaturated fatty acids lead to a higher risk of chronic or persistent atrial fibrillation. Salt (sodium) Salt is known to elevate blood pressure, which can increase the risk of atrial fibrillation. Besides avoiding adding salt to homecooked food, it is recommended to steer clear of all processed and frozen foods as they tend to have a high amount of sodium. If someone buys these, they should read the label, check the sodium content, and be more mindful.
5 foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation

5 foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) occurs when there is a breakdown in the functioning of the atria or the heart’s upper chambers. Instead of beating at an average rate, the pulse begins to fibrillate, beating at a fast or irregular pace. AFib can increase the risk of stroke and heart failure, which can be fatal. To manage this condition, it is recommended to implement some lifestyle changes in addition to medical therapies. Based on available evidence, avoiding certain foods can help manage AFib better, as these have been shown to affect health and increase the risk of heart complications negatively. They may also lead to other health issues such as diabetes, cognitive decline, and certain cancers. Therefore, common foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation include: Energy drinks Energy drinks contain a large amount of caffeine, excessive sugar, and stimulants, which can negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Observational research has linked the consumption of energy drinks with serious cardiovascular events, including arrhythmias and sudden cardiac deaths. It is suggested that people with AFib avoid energy drinks. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and margarine According to studies, foods high in saturated and trans fats are associated with a high risk of AFib and other cardiovascular conditions. Foods like butter, cheese, and red meat contain high saturated fats. In contrast, margarine, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, certain crackers and cookies, potato chips, doughnuts, and other fried foods contain high amounts of trans fats. To improve overall heart health, reducing the intake of high-calorie processed foods and increasing fiber intake can help. Salt Salt can aggravate blood pressure, which increases the chances of AFib. Reducing sodium can help maintain heart health and lower blood pressure. According to the CDC, consuming less than 2,300 mg of sodium daily is ideal for heart health. Sugar People with diabetes mellitus are 40% more likely to develop AFib.
Benefits of healthy eating for mental health

Benefits of healthy eating for mental health

Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining one’s health, and certain items, like processed and fried food, can have an adverse effect on one’s mental health. On the contrary, foods rich in nutrients can improve one’s mental well-being. Learning about the benefits of the right kind of food can help encourage better eating habits. So here is how certain food choices can help in improving one’s mental health and well-being: Improves self-esteem One’s self-esteem can be associated with the way they look and feel, and unhealthy eating habits may often lead to poor physical well-being and state of mind. On the other hand, a nutrient-rich, balanced meal plan can help people feel healthy and fitter, improving how they see and feel about themselves. Helps manage disorders The brain responds to what one eats and drinks, and choosing foods rich in essential vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and other nutrients is crucial for healthy cognition. The lack of key nutrients may worsen mental health and disorders like depression. So, one should add foods rich in magnesium, selenium, zinc, and amino acids and have lots of water. Elevates mood Studies show a link between mental health and food, so one’s meals may impact how one feels during the day. When meals consist of foods rich in protein, low in fats, and moderate carbohydrates, they can improve one’s mood. Following a suitable meal regime will also help manage inflammation, blood sugar, and energy levels, contributing to one’s mood. Helps one focus Healthier and more wholesome meals help improve one’s energy and concentration levels. Maintaining an overall healthy meal regimen helps one develop a strong base for learning new techniques in education. It also encourages improved social and interactive behavior. To get the most out of their meals, one should choose foods rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins.
10 foods that help alleviate menstrual pain

10 foods that help alleviate menstrual pain

For most women, pain is synonymous with menstruation. Approximately 80% of individuals who menstruate experience menstrual pain at some point. Such pain is typically accompanied by cramps, bloating, and mood swings and is caused by the release of natural chemicals called prostaglandins, due to which the uterine walls and blood vessels contract. Adequate rest and a healthy meal plan can help handle menstrual pain. Some foods to incorporate during your menstrual cycle are as follows: Oats Oatmeal is a healthy, fiber-rich breakfast option high in calcium, zinc, magnesium, vitamins A and B, and iron. A cup of oats contains around 14 mg of iron, accounting for three-quarters of the total iron intake needed per day, i.e., 18 mg. Studies have shown that having iron-rich foods can reduce menstrual pain and help you handle menstrual symptoms better. Spinach A cup of cooked spinach contains 6.5 mg of iron and magnesium; vitamins A, C, B6, and E; potassium; and calcium in sizable amounts. Thus, it can help reduce PMS symptoms, including pain, bloating, and cramps. Besides, one may add spinach to stir-fries, gravies, soups, smoothies, etc. Oranges Oranges are packed with vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin D and are among the best fruits to manage period pain and cramps. Foods rich in vitamin C are highly recommended for period pain and cramp management. Moreover, vitamin C helps the body absorb iron from iron-rich foods. One can directly consume oranges or include fortified orange juice as part of one’s meal routine. Fatty fish Fatty fish varieties like salmon, tuna, sardines, and oysters are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contain anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, they are effective in relieving period pain and other PMS symptoms. Chamomile Chamomile contains antispasmodic properties, which can help heal menstrual pain. Moreover, chamomile tea soothes the nervous system, enhancing one’s overall mood during the menstrual cycle.
5 silent signs of skin cancer to watch out for

5 silent signs of skin cancer to watch out for

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in our country, with nearly 9,500 people diagnosed every day. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, about one in five of our population is projected to develop the condition by the age of 70. But despite its prevalence, skin cancer is one of the most treatable cancers if caught early. Some subtle and silent signs to keep an eye out for include: Translucent, waxy bumps Skin cancer can show up as a clear or skin-colored bump. According to doctors, a translucent, waxy bump could be a sign of early-stage basal or squamous cell skin cancer. This bump may never bleed, hurt, or cause other symptoms. Scaly patches If a dry patch does not go away even after moisturizing or using other treatments, it could be basal or squamous cell carcinoma. Scaly patches could also indicate seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis. Red or purple lesions Common skin lesions or lesions showing up as blue, purple, or red nodules could be a sign of a rare skin cancer called Merkel cell carcinoma. These bumps grow within a few weeks, often in areas that have received a lot of sun over the years. Another rare cancer, Kaposi sarcoma, may also develop as discolored skin. Although it starts in the blood vessels, it may result in red, purple, or brown tumors or patches on the skin. A dark band on the nail The emergence of a fairly defined vertical line with multiple shades from brown to black could be a sign of skin cancer. It may be a greater cause for concern if the band is more than 3 mm wide. Persistent bumps Sometimes, skin cancer cells may not be as obvious. One telltale sign of skin cancer is a bump that does not flatten or improve with time.
Foods that help improve skin cancer symptoms

Foods that help improve skin cancer symptoms

Skin cancer is a common condition primarily brought on by excessive sun exposure. It can appear as a variety of symptoms, such as darker speckles, a mole, etc. Although the disease can be treated, there are ways to prevent and avoid it through lifestyle and food changes. Spending less time in the sun and eating certain foods may reduce the risk of developing this condition. Here are some foods that can help with related symptoms. Fatty fish Fatty fish, which are high in good fat and omega-3 fatty acids, can protect against melanoma. This type of fatty acid is beneficial to overall health and does not increase the risk of any other types of cancer. An average of one serving of oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, should be consumed every five days. They have anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the prevention of a variety of illnesses. Colorful fruits and vegetables Strong antioxidants in colorful fruits and vegetables, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, and other bioactive compounds, may reduce the risk of melanoma. Include a lot of orange and dark green fruits in your daily meals. Eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale is recommended at least three times per week. Other skin cancer-fighting vegetables include spinach, beet leaves, collard greens, and citrus fruits. Herbs Herbs can improve the flavor of various foods, such as salad, soup, chicken, or fish, while preventing skin cancer symptoms. Herbs are high in antioxidants, which help to protect against melanoma. Fresh sage, rosemary, parsley, and basil have the most benefits and can be used in various dishes. It is not necessary to combine all herbs; using a different type of herb every day is beneficial to your health. Tea A daily cup of steaming tea can stop the progression of cellular deterioration brought on by sun exposure.
6 early indicators of autism in children

6 early indicators of autism in children

Every parent strives to foster their child’s physical and mental well-being. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a particular mental disorder parents should be aware of. It is a common developmental disability resulting in impaired cognitive, behavioral, affective, and social functioning. Thankfully, a timely diagnosis and expert intervention can help control its symptoms. In children, the early signs of autism appear between 12 to 18 months of age and sometimes prior. Repetitive movements Repetitive movements, including hand flapping, rocking, twirling, and turning switches on and off, can indicate the onset of autism. Some studies suggest that such repetitive behavior displayed by patients is associated with an imbalance of corticostriatal connectivity. Echolalia While repeating words and phrases is a natural part of child development, kids with autism often engage in excessive verbal repetitions, known as echolalia. Such repetitive speech tends to persist beyond three years of age and is particularly prominent among children with autism who are grappling with delayed speech development. Lack of eye contact Researchers believe that a lack of eye contact is one of the primary indicators of the disorder. Since this lack of eye contact stems from the child’s inability to communicate and interact with others, it is typically accompanied by the inability to partake in and sustain social interactions and engage in non-verbal communication. No response to facial expressions and gestures Children with autism often cannot recognize and respond to facial expressions and other nonverbal cues. Thus, they may not smile back when smiled at or spot objects that others point at. Similarly, they may not be able to communicate through facial expressions and gestures. Sudden loss of speech and social skills Some children may be affected by regressive autism, a condition in which they develop speech and social skills normally but suddenly lose these facets. In these cases, they may not be able to communicate through speech and often be oblivious to the social environment around them.
5 tasty foods that are great for the heart

5 tasty foods that are great for the heart

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle needs to be avoided to help maintain heart health. But that’s only part of what needs to be done. Maintaining a positive outlook and changing your approach to food and lifestyle habits go a long way in ensuring a healthy heart. So, for example, you must have nutrient-rich foods instead of just counting calories. In the meantime, you need to relearn that tasty food can be healthy too. Avocado Avocado is a fruit loaded with good fat or monounsaturated fatty acids. It minimizes the risk of blood clots and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Avocado smoothies and toasts are tasty treats that support a healthy heart. Coffee Some of you can’t imagine kicking the day off without your morning cuppa, Joe. This is one of those habits your heart will thank you for. Having coffee during the day is undoubtedly a tasty and healthy way to ensure the body gets its antioxidants and the inflammation levels are lowered. In addition, the high antioxidant levels in coffee or tea help significantly decrease heart disease risk. Dark chocolate Keeping your heart healthy does not have to mean giving up on your favorite chocolate or chocolate dessert. All you need to do is select the right kind of chocolate. The higher the amount of cocoa, the more its fiber content. That does not mean you have to torture yourself with a bar of bitter chocolate; instead, opt for the percentage of cocoa that you find palatable. Alternatively, sipping on a high cocoa hot chocolate is another tasty way of keeping your heart healthy. Berries Regardless of the berry you prefer, they are all packed to the brim with antioxidants. These antioxidants are present in the form of anthocyanins that are also responsible for the blue and red color of the berries.
Prurigo nodularis – Foods to avoid, and management options

Prurigo nodularis – Foods to avoid, and management options

Prurigo nodularis is a skin disease characterized by itchiness, bumps, and rashes. People with this condition experience burning, temperature variations, and stinging on these skin bumps. While individuals may feel itchy on the bumps, they should refrain from scratching them and opt for available treatment for this condition. Similarly, eating certain foods can aggravate prurigo nodularis symptoms in individuals. Here are some avoidable foods and effective treatment avenues for prurigo nodularis: Avoidable foods Eating right has been scientifically proven to reduce the severity of prurigo nodularis symptoms. On the flip side, here are some foods that can worsen this condition in individuals: Pork and beef Red meat contains large amounts of arachidonic acid, which exacerbates inflammation in its consumers. Additionally, this chemical compound increases skin pain by exciting an individual’s peripheral somatosensory system. Pork and beef are some of the well-known and widely consumed varieties of red meat in the market. Hence, one must avoid consuming these to keep prurigo nodularis flare-ups at bay. White rice Refined carbohydrates, like red meat, increase inflammation in the body. As a result, foods containing such carbohydrates, including white rice and pasta, are among the foods to avoid for people with prurigo nodularis. Similarly, sweet baked foods such as cakes and beverages with artificial sweeteners, such as soft drinks and aerated sodas, must be avoided altogether. Effective treatment alternatives While prurigo nodularis does not have a cure per se, the following therapies can treat its symptoms pretty effectively: Salt bath Saltwater has several antibacterial effects that are beneficial for one’s skin. Additionally, salt water helps eliminate accumulated lactic acid when it seeps under the skin. This dries out sores and reduces infection in individuals. Therefore, a bath in sea salt is recommended for people with prurigo nodularis. Phototherapy Phototherapy, or exposure to UV radiation, helps reduce the itchiness in a person’s skin.
6 early warning signs of multiple sclerosis

6 early warning signs of multiple sclerosis

In multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath of the nerve cells gets damaged, affecting the central nervous system. It is, therefore, vital to seek timely treatment. While multiple sclerosis patients don’t always show the presence of the same signs and symptoms, some of these, such as numbness and tingling, can be considered early signs of the condition. So, noting them can help doctors diagnose the condition early, leading to better treatment and management. Fatigue Exhaustion or fatigue, even when performing daily activities, is one of the early signs of multiple sclerosis. Patients might experience increased fatigue following exposure to high temperatures and infections, but it might also have no obvious cause. The chronic tiredness tends to impact one’s quality of life and work significantly. Vision problems Experiencing pain and problems with vision is one of the most common and early signs of multiple sclerosis. As the condition affects the central nervous system, the optic nerve is affected in turn. Patients might experience temporary vision loss caused by optic neuritis. It can also lead to pain in the eye, double vision, and color blindness. Problems of the optic nerve are as considered to be more concrete signs of multiple sclerosis as opposed to other early signs like numbness and a tingling sensation. Cognitive changes Several patients with multiple sclerosis experience some form of cognitive change; it is one of the common early signs of the condition. However, a significant number of patients may already experienced changes in their memory by the time they have received their diagnosis. Patients may even experience difficulty concentrating on the task at hand. In some cases, individuals might experience decreased verbal fluency and face difficulties in processing new information. Squeezing sensation A commonly present and described sign of multiple sclerosis is also known as the MS hug.
6 tips to help manage Parkinson’s disease

6 tips to help manage Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s is a chronic disorder that affects the nervous system and the areas of the body controlled by the nervous system. It slows down body movements, making simple tasks difficult and time-consuming. The condition also causes tremors, stiff muscles, poor balance, and speech changes. Everyone has a unique set of symptoms related to this illness. Even with professional assistance, it is vital to make specific lifestyle changes to manage Parkinson’s. Here are some effective strategies. Tips for dealing with Parkinson’s disease Exercise regularly Exercise benefits everyone, but it’s especially beneficial for those with this nervous system condition. Regular exercise improves physical strength, flexibility, and balance while reducing anxiety. Walking, swimming, gardening, stretching, and other forms of exercise are all beneficial. One should consult their doctor before beginning any new form of exercise to avoid complications. Learn to maintain your balance Incorrect posture and balance can lead to frequent falls and injuries. It is critical to move mindfully while exercising and walking. When taking a step, move slowly and always place your heel first. Keep your back straight while walking, avoid carrying objects, don’t walk backward, and use a device or a cane if your balance is severely impaired. Always look ahead while walking rather than down to avoid falling off balance. Research Educate yourself and your loved ones about this illness to be aware of the symptoms and complications. Discuss the condition with the doctor, know immediate contacts in case of need, and always stick to the doctor’s regimen. Attend appointments on time, notify loved ones of any concerns, and ask as many questions as possible. Knowing everything will help one understand what to expect and make the right cautious decisions. Sleep well This condition can also disrupt the sleep cycle and cause strange dreams. It is critical to take the necessary steps to ensure healthy sleep cycles and overall health.
9 common respiratory allergens that affect breathing

9 common respiratory allergens that affect breathing

Allergies are caused when the body comes in contact with a harmless substance and identifies it as a danger. In cases like these, the immune system responds to the alarm and prepares antibodies against the allergen. So, the next time one is exposed to a particular allergen, antibodies signal the release of chemicals in the bloodstream leading to allergic symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Sometimes, it can lead to asthma attacks. Common triggers/allergens that can affect breathing Allergens can be a part of either indoor or outdoor environments. When one is exposed to them, it can trigger symptoms and lead to discomfort. Hence it’s essential to know the possible triggers and steer clear of them. Dander Hair and skin flakes are among the most common allergens. In severe cases, prolonged exposure to these allergens can lead to asthma attacks. One can decrease the exposure to these triggers by using an air cleaner with a HEPA filter and allergen-proof pillow covers and mattresses. Pollen Pollens are tiny grains or seeds found in flowering plants, grass, and trees. These seeds are often carried by the wind, and those exposed to them can either show a range of symptoms or none at all. Some of the most common types of pollen that trigger allergy symptoms include grass and weeds. Mold Usually found in places with high moisture levels, mold can produce spores that may get into the air and trigger allergic symptoms. Indoor mold growth can often be found in damp areas such as basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. One can reduce mold exposure by fixing water leaks, drying damp areas, and using a dehumidifier. Dust mites Microscopic bugs that are shaped like spiders, the dust mites live in the softest areas of the house, such as soft furniture coverings, carpets, and clothes.