6 poor habits to avoid for good skin health

6 poor habits to avoid for good skin health

The skin can look tired, aged, and become acne-prone for various reasons, such as air pollutants and seasonal changes. But there may also be times when you experience breakouts out of the blue and for no mistake of your own. However, certain habits you can control might be influencing your skin more than you realize. These can worsen the skin’s overall health and also lead to conditions like eczema if you aren’t careful. 6 habits to avoid for better skin health Going out in the sun without SPF One of the golden rules of having healthy skin is to use sun protection. This includes sunscreens, hats, and sunglasses. Being disciplined about using sun protection ensures that your skin remains free of sun damage and does not show early signs of aging. It is also an effective way of reducing the risk of skin cancer. Using an unclean brush Regularly and repeatedly using unclean makeup brushes can be a definitive way of damaging your skin. You might not be aware of it, but your makeup tools can be a trove of bacterial growth that can harm your skin. For example, they could cause rashes, acne, and infections and might, in rare cases, lead to skin pigmentation. Having excess sugar Acne is a condition leading to pimples, blackheads, and bumps on the skin. If you’ve been dealing with sudden acne outbreaks, it may be because of the rapid rise and fall in your blood sugar levels. Consistently including sugary beverages, bakery products, and desserts on the menu can cause an increase in insulin levels, which has been directly linked with heightened acne issues in people. Eating lots of fried foods Regularly eating deep-fried foods is a recipe for disastrous skin. It can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne breakouts. The high amount of hydrogenated fats in these foods can cause the skin to appear aged and dull.
5 silent signs of leukemia that need close attention

5 silent signs of leukemia that need close attention

Leukemia is a blood cancer that predominantly affects a complex network of tissues making up the bone marrow and lymphatic system. In most cases, cancer spreads and affects the white blood cells, particularly in the bone marrow leading to excess production of these infection-fighting cells. Leukemia is a slowly progressing cancer that may go unnoticed; therefore, paying attention to the following silent signs becomes necessary. Unusual bleeding Unexplained nosebleeds or frequent bleeding of the gums are among the first signs of blood clotting. Clots can force the blood out with the slightest bruises, so paying attention to these bleeds is crucial. Women may also experience heavy menstrual periods indicating a severe problem. Observing purple spots anywhere on the skin is also a sign of blood clotting, so immediate medical attention is advisable. Fatigue and weight loss Leukemia affects the body’s ability to produce new red blood cells. A low RBC count means reduced oxygenated blood flowing through the body to different organs resulting in weakness and lethargy. Persistent tiredness can force a person not to be able to keep up with daily activities. However, one’s appetite may also be affected, causing rapid weight loss. Fever, pain, and weight loss Frequent bouts of fever raise the body temperature resulting in night sweats and chills. In addition, a person will also experience bone pain and persistent aches and tenderness of the muscles and joints. Any discomfort in the belly could also indicate an enlarged spleen, liver, or even enlarged lymph nodes. These symptoms have no visual markers, but the progressing pain can indicate rapid organ damage. Shortness of breath No oxygenated blood in the circulatory system causes shortness of breath, even during basic activities. For example, even walking across the road may trigger panting or heavy breathing as the body becomes too weak to manage the stress.
7 signs of multiple myeloma to look out for

7 signs of multiple myeloma to look out for

Multiple myeloma is a rare type of cancer that leads to accumulating cancer cells in the bone marrow. It alters the blood’s plasma cells and lowers the body’s production of disease-fighting antibodies, thus causing a wide range of symptoms in the process. However, the disease often has no signs in its early stages, making it challenging to identify. Therefore, here are the silent signs of multiple myeloma to look out for: Fatigue Healthy blood cells allow the body to fight disease and infections easily. However, with the increase of cancerous cells in the body, it has to work much harder to fight infections, causing fatigue and weakness. Bone problems Since myeloma affects the bone marrow, it can affect the process of bone cell formation, which can lead to problems like bone pain and brittle or broken bones. Kidney problems The breakdown of bone in the body leads to a rise in calcium levels, which can lead to several complications like increased thirst and urination, constipation, confusion, and kidney damage. Low blood counts The multiplication of myeloma cells in the body leads to crowding out healthy blood cells. This reduces the occurrence of red blood cells (anemia) and white blood cells (leukopenia), making one more susceptible to infections. Frequent infections Myeloma negatively impacts the occurrence of antibodies, making it challenging to fight infection-causing microbes. Numbness, tingling, or burning sensation in hands and feet Myeloma cells produce an abnormal antibody called monoclonal immunoglobulin, or the M-protein. This protein is toxic to nerves and can cause a condition known as peripheral neuropathy, which leads to numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation in the hands and feet. Hyperviscosity syndrome High levels of M-protein in the body can cause blood to thicken, giving rise to symptoms like abnormal bleeding, headaches, chest pain, decreased alertness, or shortness of breath.
Lung cancer – Silent signs to look out for

Lung cancer – Silent signs to look out for

Lung cancer is among the leading causes of death in both men and women. Even though it is treatable, early detection and diagnosis are crucial. The two most common symptoms of the condition are believed to be persistent cough and shortness of breath, but in many cases, they do not appear until the advanced stages. So, here are a few other silent signs of lung cancer one should look out for. Fatter fingertips A few types of lung tumors produce hormone-like chemicals. These chemicals can push more fluid and blood to the fingertip tissues, making them look thicker or larger. Furthermore, the skin next to the nails can look shiny, and the nails may curve more. Statistics suggest that 80% of people with this symptom have lung cancer. Stomach issues Many people with lung cancer develop hypercalcemia, characterized by high amounts of calcium in the blood. The condition can lead to problems like stomach aches and constipation. Moreover, some hormone-like substances released by the tumors may cause kidney problems, leading to cramps and nausea. Hoarseness or changes in voice Some also notice a few changes in their voice, making it seem strained or raspy. This may happen due to the lung’s pressure on the nerve that controls the vocal cords. It can also be caused by irritation or injury to the vocal cords. This sudden change in voice may disappear after a short period, but it may be best to visit a doctor if one experiences longer episodes, as hoarseness could be a silent sign of lung cancer. Upper body swelling and bruising While swelling and bruises may be associated with injuries, they can also be caused by other conditions. A large vein in the body known as the superior vena cava carries blood from the head and arms to the heart.
12 superfoods that help ease menstrual cramps

12 superfoods that help ease menstrual cramps

Period cramps are a result of uterine muscles contracting to shed tissue. The contraction momentarily cuts off the oxygen supply to the uterus, which releases the chemicals that cause pain. Women all around the world face varying degrees of period cramps that interfere with their ability to function normally. But eating certain types of foods and drinks can reduce the pain and provide more comfort during that time of the month. Water Hydration is said to help alleviate period pain. A study showed that women who drank more water used fewer painkillers and reported less severe cramps. Turmeric milk Turmeric added to milk has traditionally been used by many cultures to relieve PMS symptoms and regularize periods. This anti-inflammatory spice stimulates blood flow in the pelvic region and has an antispasmodic effect. Bananas Bananas are rich in fiber and magnesium, easy to digest and help regulate bowel movement. They can help one feel less bloated and reduce the severity of cramps. Oranges A powerhouse of vitamin C and antioxidants, oranges can reduce menstrual cramps. The fruit also has a high water content, thus helping with hydration. Fish Fish is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron. All of these nutrients minimize menstruation discomfort and help improve mood. Ginger tea Warm ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe muscle aches and reduce the sensation of nausea, bloating, and vomiting. Chamomile tea The antispasmodic properties of hot chamomile tea can ease muscle spasms and soothe one’s nervous system. Avocado Rich in anti-inflammatory fats, magnesium and potassium, avocados are a cramping superfood that also provide essential nutrients to keep one’s energy levels up. Dark chocolate Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, fiber, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. Along with providing energy, it also alleviates pain and controls cravings. Eggs Eggs are another superfood packed with nutrients that lessen menstruation pain and prolong the feeling of fullness.
Nutrient dense foods to eat for menopause

Nutrient dense foods to eat for menopause

Menopause marks the end of the regular menstrual cycle. If a woman doesn’t get her period for over 12 months, her body will undergo a series of metabolic changes. Menopause can trigger several discomforts ranging from physical symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats to emotional disturbances like mood swings and personality changes. However, it is possible to manage menopause with simple changes in daily nutrition and lifestyle to improve the outlook in the long run. Cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, and berries Several research studies explain why including more green vegetables and berries helped women experience fewer hot flashes associated with menopause over time. Top picks include broccoli, cauliflower, and dark berries, which help increase estrogen levels and further lower the risk of breast cancer complications. Dark greens and leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, leaf lettuce, and beet are also rich sources of calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins. These nutrients are essential for regulating mood and energy to lower the impact of menopausal hormone changes that affect one’s personality. Healthy omega-3 fatty foods Omega 3 fatty acid is one of the crucial anti-inflammatory compounds to include in daily nutrition to help manage hot flashes and lower the severity of night sweats experienced during menopause. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, and sardines are loaded with omega-3s. Chia seeds, hemp seeds, and other assorted nuts are also good sources of healthy fats. Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D Low levels of estrogen triggered due to hormonal changes affect calcium levels in the body. This, in turn, increases the risk of osteoporosis, among other bone and joint problems. Including more calcium-rich foods and beverages are essential for maintaining healthy bones. Fortified milk, yogurt, and cheese are healthy sources of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K nutrients that help strengthen the bones preventing flare-ups and complications.
Lymphoma types and early warning signs

Lymphoma types and early warning signs

Lymphoma cancer is detected in the lymphatic system, which comprises the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, stomach, intestines, and skin. The disease is marked by abnormal growth of white blood cells. More than half a million new lymphoma cases are diagnosed in the country every year. Since lymph tissues are spread throughout the body, lymphoma can start almost anywhere. Here are some common early signs of the disease to look out for. Types of lymphoma The disease can be classified into over 70 types based on cancer growth, aggression, and symptoms. The disease originates in white blood cells called B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells) found in the bone marrow. Broadly, lymphoma is divided into two types: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma It begins in the lymphatic system and is marked by abnormal white blood cell growth that forms tumors throughout one’s body. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is more common in older adults. Hodgkin lymphoma Hodgkin lymphoma usually begins in B cells and is comparatively easier to cure at an early stage. It can affect both kids and adults at any point. Several treatments are available for the disease, from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy, to stem cell transplantation. A patient’s recovery depends on the type and stage of their cancer. What are the early signs of lymphoma? Enlargement of lymph nodes is usually the first sign of lymphoma and can feel or appear like lumps under one’s skin. These bumps are usually painless but can be itchy, red, or purple. They can appear around one’s armpits, above the collarbone, groin area, or on the side of the neck. Additionally, depending on the location of the lymphoma, one can look for the following early signs of the disease. Enlargement of lymph nodes Abdominal pain or swelling due to fluid buildup or spleen or liver enlargement Nausea or vomiting Loss of muscle or body mass Chills Breathing difficulties Easy bruising Inexplicable or chronic fatigue Chest pain Coughing Recurring infections Loss of appetite or feeling full without eating much Apart from these, non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients can also exhibit the following symptoms:
6 ingredients in detergents that cause skin irritation

6 ingredients in detergents that cause skin irritation

Laundry detergents and fabric softeners are key items on one’s shopping list as people regularly wash clothes, bedding, and even furnishings. However, even the major brands in the business heavily rely on certain chemicals and additives that increase the potency and efficacy of their product. This, of course, can come at the cost of irritating sensitive skin. So here are six common ingredients in detergents that you should avoid if you have sensitive skin: Preservatives Soaps, detergents, and laundry cleaners are laced with preservatives that increase the shelf life of the product. Phenoxyethanol and formaldehyde are common preservatives that kill bacterial growth and stabilize the solution for long-term effectiveness. However, their direct contact with sensitive skin can result in harsh flare-ups and inflammation, especially among those who already suffer from skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. Fragrances Artificial fragrances are added to cosmetic products and laundry detergents to make fabric smell great after a thorough wash. However, most artificial fragrances are made using an ethanol base that can cause irritation once the detergent comes in contact with the skin. Fragrances also release harmful fumes that should not be ingested. Parabens Parabens are the most common chemicals in water-based laundry detergents, as they increase the product’s shelf life and prevent mold from affecting the formula. However, several studies suggest parabens increase the risk of endocrine disorders as exposure can trigger unstable hormone levels in the body. Further, parabens can irritate inflamed skin. Emulsifiers Emulsifiers are one of the primary chemicals in fabric softeners, added to stabilize the solution and prevent it from separating into two parts. However, studies indicate that emulsifiers can erode the protective outer layer of the skin and trigger unwanted allergic reactions in those with known skin disorders. Bleach Bleach is a highly potent corrosive that helps remove stubborn stains and dirt and can change the fabric’s color.
5 cities with most asthma related emergencies

5 cities with most asthma related emergencies

If you are an asthma patient, exposure to environmental triggers can lead to severe breathing problems. Being inadvertently exposed to these triggers for long periods can result in aggravated symptoms compromising your quality of life. Statistics suggest more than 26 million people in the country live with asthma. And if you are one of these people, you know how much the environment of the city you live in contributes to your daily life and health. Louisville, Kentucky Louisville is one of the cities in the country with the biggest red flag for people with asthma. It is also ranked high on the list of cities in the use of treatment for long-term asthma control and management. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia is ranked 11th on the list of cities prevalent in asthma. It also ranks high on the list of places with a substantial number of asthma-related deaths. Philadelphia also is home to a greater amount of the population that is struggling to make ends meet. This directly or indirectly impacts the patient’s ability to seek treatment for their asthma and is a cause of poor lifestyle. Dayton, Ohio Dayton, Ohio, is ranked one of the worst cities for asthma patients. It is largely believed that the entire midwestern belt of the country is unhealthy for people with asthma to live in. Studies suggest that Dayton is the fourth city in the nation to record the most number of emergency room visits owing to asthma. Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia, is ranked at the top of the list of cities that record asthma-related deaths. It is also sixth on the list of cities with the most emergency room visits because of asthma. The environment of Richmond is filled with pollen which is one of the biggest triggers for the worsening of asthma symptoms.
6 foods to eat for managing GERD

6 foods to eat for managing GERD

Acid reflux is a condition that causes heartburn due to the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. This is also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Although it is a common condition, it can cause problems such as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, a dry cough, foul breath, difficulty swallowing, and chest pain. High-sodium meals, acidic foods, and lack of fiber worsen acid reflux. Here are the best foods to eat to avoid GERD. Best foods to consume to avoid GERD Oatmeal Oatmeal is a high-fiber, whole-grain breakfast cereal. Foods with a lot of fiber can lessen acid reflux. These foods also promote intestinal health and help general digestion by easing constipation. Oatmeal is also linked to the easy digestion of other foods and the absorption of stomach acid. Thus, including oatmeal in your breakfast meal significantly lowers GERD symptoms. Lean meat and seafood Lean meats are simpler to digest and less likely to cause GERD symptoms, such as skinless chicken breast baked or sautéed rather than fried and greasy. Other options for lean meat include turkey, leaner beef, and seafood like fish, prawns, and lobster. Fatty meats are typically higher in cholesterol and can cause heartburn, so leaner meats are a better option for GERD symptoms. Egg whites Egg whites have a high protein content and a low-fat content. It is readily digested and hence lessens GERD symptoms. However, people with GERD should avoid egg yolks as it includes fat, a common risk factor for reflux symptoms. Ginger Ginger has numerous anti-inflammatory properties. It has digestive properties and can be used as a natural GERD treatment. The most common cause of GERD is inflammation of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. Ginger relieves pain and reduces the possibility of esophageal reflux caused by stomach acid. Therefore, a few slices of ginger can be added to tea or other food preparations to help lessen the symptoms.
3 easy-to-make smoothies to fight arthritis

3 easy-to-make smoothies to fight arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that causes swelling and tenderness in one or more joints in the body. The main symptom of this condition is joint pain and stiffness, making it difficult to function in daily life. There are many different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While there are many treatments to tackle this condition, individuals can also aid their treatment by eating the right foods. Here are some smoothies to try for managing arthritis. Fresh fruits It is one of the best smoothies to help with arthritis and joint pain. It is also suitable for those who are fans of sweeter foods. You can add pineapples, mango, and bananas to the grinder. Don’t forget to add some unsweetened coconut milk to get that creamy and delicious base. Each of these foods contains tons of antioxidants that can help fight inflammation in the body and reduce the signs and symptoms of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. You also have the option to choose from fresh fruits or frozen fruits. Leafy greens If you’re a fan of leafy greens, you can try this green smoothie. One of its main ingredients is spinach, a rich source of many nutrients. It contains vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, iron, and even folate. It is also filled with fibers that help improve bowel movements and keep the digestive tract healthy. Some of these components can help reduce inflammation in the body and ease the symptoms and pain associated with arthritis. To make this delicious and nutritionally dense smoothie, you only need some spinach, lime juice, pineapples, and unsweetened coconut milk. Berries Berries are also an excellent choice for smoothies that can help fight arthritis and joint pain. Berries such as blueberries have a very high content of antioxidants. It makes them a great snack and the perfect addition to milkshakes, smoothies, and other healthy beverages.
4 ways food impacts one’s mental health

4 ways food impacts one’s mental health

Studies show that a person’s emotional and mental health are closely related to what they consume. A change in eating habits and lifestyle is frequently the first line of treatment for patients suffering from depression or other mental health conditions. Every individual’s nutritional needs are distinct. But barring allergies, everyone can rely on food to improve their cognitive functions and emotional state. Here are some ways that show how food impacts one’s mental health. Brain chemicals and the gut Science has termed the gastrointestinal tract the body’s “second brain.” Trillions of bacteria in one’s gastrointestinal tract help the brain produce dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals are mood stabilizers responsible for regulating one’s feelings of calmness, happiness, motivation, and rewards. It is believed that gut bacteria produce 95 percent of the body’s supply of serotonin. Nutrition-rich food promotes the growth of good bacteria that support the production of these chemicals. Insulin resistance On the contrary, processed and sugary foods are toxic to brain functioning. The high sugar content in foods strains the pancreas and results in insulin resistance. This, in turn, increases cortisol and glucagon levels. These neurotransmitters make one feel more anxious, fatigued, hungry and irritated. Nutrient deficiency and mood The nervous system and brain depend heavily on nutrition to produce new proteins and repair cells and tissues. Studies show that vitamin deficiencies, particularly cobalamin, folate, and zinc, are directly linked to depressive symptoms like irritability, cognitive impairment, and dementia. So, any nutrient deficiency directly impacts one’s emotional and mental state. On the other hand, Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain cognitive processes, including memory and mood. The nutrient also plays a role in regulating neurotransmission, gene expression, and neurogenesis. Similarly, magnesium is considered to be a stress antidote. Refined foods and brain functioning Sugar and processed foods inflame one’s gut and body.