Avoid these 3 foods to boost gut health

Avoid these 3 foods to boost gut health

Our body is home to tons of different microorganisms and bacteria. Most of these bacteria reside in our gut and are known as the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is essential for absorbing nutrients, supporting the immune system, and maintaining the body’s overall health. This is why it is crucial to know which foods to foods could harm your gut health. And one must avoid such foods at all costs to improve overall well-being. Artificial sweeteners Artificial sweeteners and flavors are found in various processed foods. But, when we consume the latter, the former does not break down in the body. Instead, they leave the body undigested and affect the microorganisms in the gut, leading to gas, bloating, and diarrhea, which may be severe based on how much sweetener you have consumed. Studies have also found that consuming artificial sweeteners increases the risk of developing harmful gut bacteria such as E. coli and E. faecalis. When purchasing foods off the shelf, ensure that the foods do not contain artificial sweeteners such as Stevia, sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin. Fried foods Fried foods are unsuitable for the body’s overall health and can affect gut health negatively. Fried and oily foods are more difficult to digest than organic foods. Not to mention fried foods also typically contain excessive oil, which contains saturated and trans fats that are difficult to break down, eventually leading to gas, stomach ache, diarrhea, and other symptoms. Excessive saturated and trans fats can also harm the body’s cardiovascular health and put you at risk of heart failure, heart attacks, stroke, and other secondary conditions. Meat Red meats such as steaks, bacon, and pork are rich in a compound known as L-carnitine. This compound can alter the bacteria in the gut leading to poor gut health. This alteration can also lead to the development of a substance called trimethylamine N-oxide, more commonly referred to as TMAO.
Top foods to choose when dealing with thyroid cancer

Top foods to choose when dealing with thyroid cancer

The metabolic functions of the body are regulated by the thyroid gland through the production of hormones. When affected by thyroid cancer, one could experience health complications and should seek immediate treatment to remove the tumor. However, when treating the condition, it is critical to make better food choices. This can help reduce symptoms and avoid interfering with the treatment. So, here are some foods to choose from while undergoing thyroid cancer treatment: Vegetables Fresh vegetables, especially cruciferous and green vegetables, are crucial components of all meal plans. They are rich in magnesium and minerals, making them excellent nutrient sources. Green vegetables also help improve metabolism, particularly in the thyroid gland. So, people with the condition should opt for foods like spinach and lettuce. These vegetables can also help with symptoms like muscle pain, fatigue, and an irregular heartbeat due to their high magnesium content. Fruits and berries Many fruits, such as strawberries, tomatoes, raspberries, bananas, and apples, are high in antioxidants. These help with thyroid function and help fight toxic substances that can worsen thyroid-related issues. Thes fruits also support the body’s ability to stay healthy and fight diseases. Nuts Almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of magnesium. These nuts are also high in plant protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, and other minerals that aid thyroid gland function. So, one should opt for these foods when undergoing thyroid cancer treatment. Seafood Seafood like shrimp, crab, and fish provide energy to the body, keeping it healthy. They also contain various thyroid-friendly nutrients, such as iodine, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, B vitamins, and selenium. Fish contains lean protein, amino acids, magnesium, and vitamin B. However, one should consult their doctor before opting for seafood, as some treatment procedures call for low-iodine meal plans. Egg whites Egg whites are high in protein and can help people maintain their strength and recover quicker when undergoing cancer treatment.
6 common foods that trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

6 common foods that trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the esophagus. This condition can make it difficult to swallow and easier for food to get stuck in the food pipe. People with EoE develop allergic reactions to certain foods, causing their esophagi to swell up and become narrow. Doctors may recommend an elimination method to understand which foods trigger EoE in patients. The most common foods that trigger Eosinophilic Esophagitis are: Eggs: Apart from whole eggs, also avoid any foods that contain eggs, such as eggnog, mayonnaise, meringue, surimi, and egg substitutes. Beware of egg content in baked goods and puddings. Ingredients to watch out for in packaged goods include albumin, lysozyme, ovalbumin, lecithin, globulin, and ovovitellin. Wheat: Avoid foods rich in wheat, such as bread, couscous, crackers, most flours, pasta, and pizza crusts. Wheat ingredients to look out for are bulgar, durum, einkorn, emmer, farina, Kamut, matzoh, semolina, spelt, and triticale. Instead, opt for gluten-free foods made from potato, rice, or tapioca. Soy: Soy-rich foods to avoid include edamame, miso, natto, shoyu, soy sauce, soybean, tamari, tempeh, tofu, and Quorn. Soy ingredients can be found on packaged goods under the name of soy, soy flour, soy fiber, soy protein, and textured vegetable protein. Peanuts and tree nuts: Avoid all nuts and lychees. Watch out for ingredients like nut meal, nut meat, nut milk, nut extracts, nut paste, and peanut oil in packaged/pre-cooked foods. Fish: Avoid all fish and shellfish like krill, barnacle, crab, crayfish, lobster, shrimp, and prawns. Ingredients to avoid include imitation fish, fish stock, fish sauce, seafood flavoring, surimi, and bouillabaisse. Dairy: Milk and milk products to avoid include cheese, butter, cream, custard, cow’s milk, half-and-half, pudding, sour cream, and yogurt. It is also advisable to avoid ingredients like casein, diacetyl, lactalbumin, lactose, lactulose, recaldent, rennet casein, tagatose, and whey.
Top 6 foods to avoid with eosinophilic esophagitis

Top 6 foods to avoid with eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that makes swallowing difficult and increases the probability of food getting stuck in the esophagus, the tube that transports food from the mouth to the stomach. The immune system can be triggered by foods, which cause inflammation in the esophagus and cause it to swell and narrow. Doctors advise identifying these triggering foods and avoiding them in meal plans. Here are a few foods to cut out: Dairy products Milk protein can cause an immune response, causing the body to produce an excess of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell. Cow’s milk is one of the most common causes of EoE. People with EoE may be sensitive to milk to varying degrees. Therefore, dairy products like butter, cheese, cream, half-and-half, and yogurt should be avoided. Soy Soy allergies are caused by a reaction to the proteins found in soybeans. Edamame (soybeans), tofu, tempeh, soy sauce, soymilk, and miso are some of the most popular soy-based foods. Soy is also an active ingredient in various processed foods, including vegetarian meat substitutes. And soybeans are a type of legume. So, if someone is allergic to soy, they may also be allergic to other legumes. Wheat EoE symptoms occur because of an allergic reaction to a protein found in wheat and wheat products. Wheat is a common ingredient in many foods, including bread, cereal, and baked goods. Therefore, one must avoid products containing hidden wheat components, such as hot dogs, ice cream, and beers. Nuts Along with peanuts, the elimination meal plan includes tree nuts like cashews, pecans, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and pistachios. These nuts can, however, be gradually reintroduced into the meal plan with the doctor’s approval. Aside from nuts, edible seeds such as sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds can be consumed.
Top foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Top foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic esophageal inflammatory condition characterized by an excess of white blood cells known as eosinophils. It makes swallowing difficult and causes food to get trapped in the esophagus, the tube that transports food from the mouth to the stomach. Food and environmental allergens that are eaten or inhaled contribute to EoE. Long-term treatment options include modifying eating habits and avoiding trigger foods. Here are some of the best food options for EoE: Dairy alternative products Milk protein can cause an immune response, causing the body to produce an excess of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell. Milk alternatives such as coconut, hemp, oat, almond, or rice milk can be used in place of dairy. Dairy-free yogurts such as Coconut Dream and Good KARMA can be used in smoothies. Dairy-free ice cream options include Coconut Bliss and Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy. To limit your intake of sugar, make sure to select “original” or “unflavored” products. Wheat substitutes EoE symptoms are caused by a reaction to a protein found in wheat and wheat products. Wheat can be found in various foods, such as bread, cereal, and baked goods. Wheat replacements include gluten-free foods such as barley, beans/legumes, corn, oats (gluten-free), quinoa, rice, and tapioca. For breakfast, you can choose wheat-free cereals like Nature’s Path and GF Chex. Snacks include pasta like POW and GF Barilla, as well as crackers like Mary’s Gone Cracker and Glutino. Egg substitutes Cooking eggs can alter their protein composition, causing reactions in some people. As a result, people can eat baked eggs instead of omelets and scrambled eggs. To replace an egg, mix applesauce, mashed bananas, ground flax seeds, or baking soda with water. These can be combined with vinegar or water to give meals an egg-like consistency. EnerG egg replacer and OrgraN are two popular egg substitutes.
5 early signs of breast cancer

5 early signs of breast cancer

When affected by cancer, one’s healthy cells grow and mutate uncontrollably. Breast cancer develops when the cells in the breast lobules, ducts, or connective tissue multiply abnormally, affecting various areas of the organ. Breast cancer accounts for nearly 30% of the diagnosed cancer cases among women in the country. Even men are at risk of developing one of its subtypes. So, here are some of the early signs of the condition one can observe: Lumps If one notices a new lump under the breast or arms, it should be checked immediately, as this excess growth could indicate abnormal cell mutation. This is a clearly noticeable early sign of breast cancer. Lumps that persist even after experiencing normal periods could indicate cancer development. These lumps can develop with irregular hard edges, primarily indicating the presence of cancerous tissue. Changes in the nipples One should also check for changes in the shape of the nipple. If there is any retraction or inversion of the nipple causing pain that persists for a while, one should immediately seek professional assistance. A clear, brownish, yellowish, or reddish discharge from one or both breasts could also indicate the initial stages of breast cancer. Redness and itchiness Breast cancer also presents several surface irritation symptoms, including redness in a particular spot, persistent itching, skin irritation, a developing rash, and swelling in the affected area. The swelling can also affect the shape of the breasts. Changes in skin texture Dimpling of the skin where the area under the breasts starts to resemble the texture of an orange peel with visible pitting is another clear early sign of breast cancer. Skin texture may also change in the areas surrounding the nipples resulting in peeling or flaking of the skin. Abrupt changes in the shape Changes in the color of the breast, an increase in size that happens over a brief time, and thickening of the newly formed lumps are all visible signs of breast cancer.
Top 4 foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Top 4 foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic inflammatory immune condition that causes eosinophils to build up in the esophagus lining. This build-up can lead to symptoms such as trouble with swallowing food, allergic reactions, chest pain, and more. The condition is caused mainly due to allergic reactions to outside food substances. This is why it is important to avoid certain types of food and food allergens and instead opt for a few healthy alternatives such as: Dairy-free alternatives Dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter, ghee, etc., should be avoided to manage eosinophilic esophagitis, as dairy products are common food allergens. Long exposure to these foods could lead to the development of eosinophilic esophagitis. Individuals who have EoE should switch to dairy-free alternatives instead of dairy products. They can try milk substitutes from coconut, hemp, and even rice. Moreover, dairy-free cheese and yogurt give the essential nutrients a body requires for smooth functioning. Nuts Nuts are also a big no-no when it comes to eosinophilic esophagitis. Those with this condition should avoid nuts like peanuts and cashews. They should also avoid nut butter, nut-based foods, and nut milk. That said, some nuts are safe for consumption, even with eosinophilic esophagitis. These include macadamia nuts and pine nuts. Seeds are comparatively safe, and those with eosinophilic esophagitis can have sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and more to their meals. Coconut is also a safe food and can be added to meal plans. It is recommended to check in with a healthcare professional about what food works and what doesn’t. Gluten-free grains and foods Grain allergies occur when the body’s immune system reacts to certain proteins. These proteins could also trigger eosinophilic esophagitis if consumed for a long period of time. Grain allergies are typically caused due to the protein known as gluten which is found in wheat and other grains.
7 easy exercises that help in improving physical fitness

7 easy exercises that help in improving physical fitness

Exercise is crucial for maintaining one’s health. Besides developing muscles and keeping the body healthy and strong, exercises also contribute to good mental health. Lack of exercise can eventually lead to health consequences. The best part about such activities is that one doesn’t need to hit the gym; with proper guidance, one can work out in the comforts of their home. Check out a few easy exercises to improve your fitness game. Lunges A successful training schedule mandates the ability to balance. Lunges increase functional mobility while strengthening the glutes and legs and improving coordination and balance. This exercise works on core and abdominal strength. It aids in body mass loss by emphasizing the lower body, building lean muscle, and decreasing body fat. In addition, it boosts your metabolism while you sleep, allowing you to burn more calories. Squats Squats help build muscles in the lower body while also toning the legs. They work out your hips, lower back, calves, hamstrings, quads, and abdominals. When combined with weight training, squats can help you burn calories faster. In addition, they improve flexibility and balance. Squats help to strengthen supportive tissues like ligaments, which can help in injury prevention. Push-ups Push-ups work the shoulders, arms, and chest muscles. It helps with muscle growth and upper body strength. It is a no-equipment workout that can be done at various levels of comfort and convenience in one’s home. It causes the elbows and shoulders to move, which, if done frequently, gradually strengthens those joints. Push-ups keep the heart rate elevated and the heart healthy. Pull-ups Pull-ups are great for strengthening your back, arms, and shoulder muscles. It helps to build grip strength, which is essential for weightlifting. It can also boost performance in various sports, including bowling, tennis, rock climbing, and golf. Besides lowering resting blood pressure, this exercise may also ease back pain and stiffness brought on by arthritis.
6 early signs of multiple myeloma

6 early signs of multiple myeloma

When one suffers from multiple myeloma, this blood cancer forms in their healthy plasma cells. These white blood cells can produce antibodies that identify bacteria and fight them, helping prevent illness. In this disorder, the bone marrow produces too many cancerous plasma cells, which replace normal blood cells. In addition, an abnormal protein produced by these cancer cells can lead to complications. Here are early signs of multiple myeloma that one should know. Early signs of multiple myeloma While this condition may not cause symptoms in the early stages, it can lead to various severities. It is usually discovered during a routine blood test or, in some cases, a urine test. Some of the early signs of multiple myeloma include the following: Bone pain This condition can directly affect bone density and lead to pain in the back, ribs, and hip bones. Usually, people experience it as a dull, aching pain that gets worse with movement. Weak bone strength can also result in fractures of the spine and long bones like the arms and legs. It can also compress the spinal cord, causing numbness in the legs. Anemia Anemia interferes with blood cell production in the bone marrow, resulting in the body’s lack of red blood cells. Such a problem occurs when plasma cells from myeloma suffocate or crowd out healthy red blood cells. Anemia could also be a side effect of myeloma treatment. Low red blood cell counts in the body cause fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Repeated infections People with multiple myeloma are particularly vulnerable to infections because the condition disrupts the immune system. Low immunity can cause fever and infections, particularly in the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Such an issue makes fighting infections harder. Raised blood calcium levels Excess calcium released into the bloodstream from damaged bones can cause hypercalcemia.
8 foods that help manage symptoms of menopause

8 foods that help manage symptoms of menopause

Menopause is a natural event in a woman’s life as their menstrual cycles come to an end. The phenomenon leads to a reduction in the estrogen hormone, which may affect one’s metabolism. The changes may also lead to declining bone density, hot flashes, and irregular sleep patterns. The symptoms of menopause may sometimes last for years. Therefore, women must follow a proper meal plan to cope and manage during the transition. Salmon Fatty fish like salmon are known for their heart-healthy properties called omega-3 fatty acids. These acids can improve an individual’s mood and brain function. The properties can also keep blood pressure levels in check and regulate symptoms like hot flashes. Broccoli Vegetables like broccoli are beneficial for the human body in several ways, including managing the symptoms of menopause. Broccoli contains calcium, which is known to build bone strength. It can also improve estrogen levels responsible for curbing the risk of breast cancer. Eggs Eggs are flush with vitamin D and iron, essential for women going through menopause. The food also contains healthy proteins known to reduce cholesterol levels and curb the risk of heart disease. Oatmeal Adding whole grains such as oatmeal to a meal plan can boost the fiber levels in one’s body. Eating the food may help manage symptoms of menopause by lowering cholesterol, regulating blood sugar levels, and preventing constipation. Olive oil One should consider using olive oil instead of regular cooking oil because it has certain fats that manage hormone levels, appetite, vitamin absorption, and insulin response. It makes olive oil essential for women experiencing menopause and the symptoms associated with the condition. Soybeans Including plant-based protein sources in regular meals like soybeans may help reduce symptoms like inflammation and oxidative stress. The legume is also beneficial for ovarian function as it may delay the onset of early menopause and improve female reproductive function.
6 healthy food choices that are useful for the immune system

6 healthy food choices that are useful for the immune system

The immune system is constituted of multiple organs, tissues, cells, and proteins that come together to fight off viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens that cause infections and other diseases. A healthy meal plan ensures that the body receives enough nutrients that help strengthen and support the immune system, thereby safeguarding the body against potential health risks. Read further to learn about a few food items that help in boosting immune function. Blueberries Blueberries contain a particular type of flavonoid known as anthocyanin. It has antioxidant properties, which can help boost the immune system. Furthermore, research also shows that people who eat more foods high in anthocyanin are less likely to suffer from the common cold and respiratory tract infections. Garlic Garlic has been used for healing purposes since ancient times. It is rich in sulfuric compounds that act as antiseptics. Moreover, these compounds also have antiviral and antifungal properties. One can try including either raw or slightly cooked garlic in their meal plan for the best results. Pumpkin seeds An ideal source of zinc, pumpkin seed is beneficial to the immune system as zinc is a popular cold-fighting supplement. However, zinc in excess can suppress the immune system. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of vitamin K and manganese, which aid in the healing of wounds. Ginger Ginger contains a compound called gingerols, which have immense anti-inflammatory properties. When feeling sick, one can try steeping ginger pieces for 4-5 minutes in hot water to alleviate issues such as vomiting and nausea. Furthermore, eating ginger can help reduce fermentation and constipation to ease bloating and intestinal gas. Turmeric This yellow-colored spice has been used for healing purposes for a long time due to its curative properties. It contains a compound known as curcumin, which is known for its prebiotic-like properties.
6 foods that help in strengthening the immune system

6 foods that help in strengthening the immune system

A strong immune system is an essential part of leading a healthy life. A healthy immune system incorporates organs, tissues, proteins, and bodily processes that help fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and other foreign bodies. There are multiple ways to improve and maintain a strong immune system, one of which is to eat certain foods. Read on to learn more about foods that help in boosting one’s immune system. Yogurt Yogurt and other probiotic foods are essential to improving the body’s immune system. These foods help to improve the microbiome and bacteria that reside in the gut and the digestive tract. These bacteria play a crucial role in regulating the immune system. They also help ensure that the immune system only attacks infection and harmful bacteria and viruses but not healthy cells and tissue in the body. Besides yogurt, you can add other probiotic foods like kimchi and kombucha to your meals. Fatty fish Fatty and oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and more contain loads of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids are linked with lower risks of developing conditions such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and even eczema. It also helps with the prevention of certain autoimmune disorders and even cancer. Broccoli Broccoli contains tons of essential nutrients, and antioxidants such as sulforaphane, and vitamin C, among others. It makes Broccoli an important vegetable to add to your meals. Studies have found that vitamin C can help improve certain components of the human immune system, including antimicrobial and killer cell activities, chemotaxis, and more. Garlic Garlic has been used as a natural remedy since ancient times. It is filled with sulfuric compounds that act as antiseptics. Garlic also possesses antifungal and antiviral properties. Eating raw or lightly cooked garlic is recommended because high heat can deactivate the essential compounds in garlic.