Foods to avoid for managing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Foods to avoid for managing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Every nerve cell (neuron) has a covering called the myelin sheath. In multiple sclerosis, this sheath is damaged and gets weaker and weaker with time. This results in symptoms like slowed-down movements and declining vision. The condition can affect anyone but is more common in adults over 30 than younger people. While doctors recommend many treatments for managing multiple sclerosis, patients must also follow a healthy nutrition plan. Here are a few foods to avoid. Highly processed meat and foods Many manufacturers add preservatives to foods to increase their shelf life. These preservatives can worsen the progression of multiple sclerosis. A few foods with preservatives are canned vegetables, crackers, and snacks. Processed meat like sausage and ham are equally harmful and should be kept off the menu. They are high in trans fat, which can lead to cardiovascular issues. Instead of buying ready-to-eat foods from the shelves of supermarkets, one should opt for market-fresh produce to manage the symptoms and avoid complications. Sugary foods Artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, chocolate, cookies, and pastries may raise blood sugar levels, which is bad for immune system function. It can worsen tiredness and lead to other complications like vision loss and nerve deterioration. While resisting sugary treats can be challenging, one must make a conscious effort to prevent the progression of the disease. Salty foods Most people know that meals high in salt may raise blood pressure. But studies have also found that salty foods can exacerbate multiple sclerosis symptoms. Therefore, patients must avoid French fries, pizza, cold cuts, and other processed and packaged foods. Home-cooked foods are always the best to control the amount of salt intake. While cooking at home may take some time, it provides many benefits in the long term. Caffeine Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee are safe for healthy people.
5 foods to avoid to manage Schizophrenia

5 foods to avoid to manage Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. This disease is characterized by abnormal thoughts, perceptions, and experiences. Symptoms can change over time and also vary from person to person. One of the most critical aspects of schizophrenia treatment is managing the diet. A healthy diet is essential for both general health and schizophrenia treatment. What foods should one avoid if they have schizophrenia? Read on to find out. Foods to avoid if one has schizophrenia If one is experiencing schizophrenic symptoms, it’s essential to be aware of the foods that could potentially worsen the symptoms. Following are some foods to avoid during an episode of schizophrenia. Soybeans Soy is a commonly consumed food linked to various health problems. Soybeans, in particular, have been shown to contain high levels of the amino acid l-tryptophan, which can trigger symptoms in people with schizophrenia. If one eats soy products, try to choose those labeled “non-GMO,” and ensure that soy products comprise a small part of your overall diet, and try to limit its intake. Dairy products Be cautious while consuming dairy products, as they can trigger an allergic reaction in people with schizophrenia. Dairy products are one of the top food items known to cause schizophrenia symptoms in individuals. Gluten foods Gluten is a protein in many grains, such as wheat and rye. There is a lot of bad publicity surrounding gluten, with many claiming that it can cause various health problems. Is this the case with schizophrenia? Here are two facts you must know about gluten and schizophrenia: Gluten has been shown to cause an autoimmune response in people with schizophrenia, leading to the condition. Eliminating gluten from your diet can improve your symptoms significantly. We suggest avoiding gluten foods altogether if you have schizophrenia as it can effectively manage the condition.
4 uncommon signs of schizophrenia

4 uncommon signs of schizophrenia

A common misconception about schizophrenia is that it just involves an overactive imagination that leads to fabricating narratives about individuals. Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by frequent hallucinations and skewed perceptions. Though hallucinations are a huge part, it is not the only sign. Those with schizophrenia are more likely to have periods of psychosis and become emotionally disengaged from the world. This article discusses a few uncommon signs of schizophrenia. Here are some uncommon signs of the disease that one may be experiencing without realizing it. Disorganized thinking Patients often encounter defective thinking early in the course of the disease. People’s normal rational thought processes are interrupted, leading to irrational behavior. A known sign of disoriented thoughts is a tendency to jump around in discussion, even within the same sentence. Because of this, individuals have a hard time concentrating and are often sidetracked. This is one of the first noticeable symptoms when anything is wrong. But it doesn’t end there; mental confusion often results in a failure to think clearly and a tendency to drift off into a state of numbness. Because there is no one trigger for this illness, anybody may recognize the warning signs when they first appear. Though this seems normal and common, this sign should not be ignored. Curbed physical activity Those who have schizophrenia often become less active as their condition worsens. A person who regularly engages in vigorous physical activity, such as sports or visits the gym, may notice a dramatic decrease in their performance once they begin experiencing schizophrenia symptoms. Limited motor activity is also a result of the symptom mentioned above. Both symptoms, however, are not usually present at the same time and might occur at different times. It’s common for individuals who often interact with an Alter to feel helpless and out of control.
5 mistakes that can prematurely age the skin

5 mistakes that can prematurely age the skin

The one thing we all care about deeply is our skin. We hate it when a pimple pops up, a wrinkle starts showing, or a dark spot is left behind. All of these, individually, might seem like small things, but combined, they can be highly damaging to our skin. However, we have the means to slow down skin aging. Here are five skincare mistakes that may lead to premature skin aging. Over cleansing Our skin needs a proper scrub now and then to keep it clean. If you do not exfoliate daily, a layer of dead skin will accumulate over your pores, causing the surface to look dull and older. To avoid this issue, it’s crucial that you exfoliate two to three times a week. You need not scrub every day to remove dead skin cells that form. Over-exfoliating never does any good. Instead, you will scrub off the protective oily barrier that protects your skin from pollutants, making the skin age faster. So remember to cleanse your skin but don’t overdo it if you want to avoid premature aging. Not using sunscreen A light dose of vitamin D from the sun sounds very appealing. But we often misunderstand that the “walk in the sun for good health” rule only applies in the early mornings. We need excellent protection as the sun goes up and about. The rays and radiations from the sun are often harmful to our skin. They cause premature aging, wrinkling, hyperpigmentation, and in extreme cases, cancer. Going out without sunscreen now must have started sounding like a horrible idea. If you want to protect your skin, using this product is a step you can’t miss. Some people apply sunscreen every day before stepping out, but they forget the crucial part of reapplying it. Such products don’t last all day, so ensure you have enough for a second use.
Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid for managing the symptoms

Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid for managing the symptoms

Multiple sclerosis is a prevalent neurological disorder where the immune system destroys the nerves’ protective covering. Those with this health condition must follow a proper nutrition plan apart from doctor-recommended treatments for a better quality of life. Poor food habits can lead to inflammatory changes, worsening the disease and increasing the intensity and frequency of symptoms like fatigue and cognitive alterations. Here are a few foods to avoid when suffering from multiple sclerosis. Saturated fats Research suggests multiple sclerosis symptoms can aggravate if one consumes too much animal-sourced saturated fats. Therefore, one must avoid foods like beef and pork. These foods can also increase cholesterol levels as well as the risk of cardiovascular diseases, leading to further complications. It is recommended to have not more than 13 grams of saturated fats daily, including plant-sourced saturated fats. Sugar One should make a conscious effort to avoid items high in sugar, such as candy and cake. These foods can lead to massive fluctuations in blood glucose levels, leading to fatigue and worsening symptoms. Refined sugar is more harmful and can have severe consequences. Managing blood sugar can get tricky since specific treatments for this condition also lead to spikes. Hence, one can consult with a doctor to create a low-sugar meal plan based on their situation. Processed foods Processed foods have numerous additives that increase their shelf life while modifying their flavor and color. Additives damage the intestinal mucosa, weakening the natural immune system. And since immune balance is crucial for preventing or slowing down the progression of multiple sclerosis, processed foods should be avoided. A few examples include tinned vegetables, bread, and ready-to-eat snacks. Refined grains Like sugar, refined grains cause a spike in blood glucose. Unsurprisingly, they are branded as one of the worst foods for this disorder. Constant blood sugar spikes damage the myelin sheaths on neural cells, leading to neural dysfunction.
Avoid these 7 foods when dealing with Crohn’s disease

Avoid these 7 foods when dealing with Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, irritation, and malnourishment. People with Crohn’s disease can experience symptoms like diarrhea, weight loss, and abdominal aches. The disease does not have a permanent cure, and its treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms. Additionally, one should avoid certain foods that can trigger a flare-up to make the management of the disease easier. Dairy products Dairy is a common food intolerance in people with Crohn’s disease. Dairy products contain lactose, which may trigger symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea in people sensitive to lactose. People with lactose intolerance may also suffer from intestinal problems. Also, intolerance levels vary from person to person. If one has milk and other dairy products in excessive amounts, it could worsen Crohn’s symptoms. Whole grains Avoiding whole grains is necessary to prevent worsening Crohn’s disease symptoms. Whole grains can cause inflammation in the digestive tract, and they contain fibers that can make it harder for nutrients, including iron and folate, to get absorbed from food. Whole grains contain some anti-nutrients, which can cause digestive issues, constipation, and bloating. Spicy foods Spicy foods should usually be avoided by people with Crohn’s disease because such foods can trigger severe flare-ups. High heat levels in food make it more likely to trigger an adverse reaction, especially if one has an inflammatory bowel disease. Spicy food may cause issues with digestion and absorption of nutrients. This can lead to complications like ulcers or even block the intestine from taking in food, which can interfere with normal bowel function and cause dehydration. Raw fruits and vegetables Raw fruits and vegetables are usually considered healthy, however, they contain high fiber, making it difficult for people with Crohn’s to digest such foods.
6 foods to avoid when dealing with bronchitis

6 foods to avoid when dealing with bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition in which inflammation causes the bronchial tubes to swell, making it difficult for the air to move, resulting in breathing issues. Bronchitis usually begins after an infection in the chest and can occur in two forms: acute bronchitis, where the inflammation lasts for a short period, and chronic bronchitis, which lasts for several years. The condition can be managed through better food choices. So here are foods one should avoid: Top foods to avoid When one is affected by bronchitis, fatty, sweet, or even salty food can be tempting as it can seemingly soothe the cough, congestion in the throat and chest, and wheezing that usually accompanies the illness. However, certain foods with excessive sugar or salt can increase inflammation and slow recovery. Nutrient-poor foods are also not recommended in this condition. As bronchitis is an inflammatory disease, one should opt for food that helps fight inflammation and avoid those that cause inflammation, such as red meat. In addition, as per a review published in Nutrients Journal, a Mediterranean meal regimen can offer protection against respiratory disease, and the western nutritional regimen may aggravate symptoms of respiratory diseases like bronchitis. Here are foods that people with bronchitis should avoid: Desserts and sweet drinks Research suggests that sugary drinks with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) increase the chances of contracting chronic bronchitis. So, one should always check the nutritional labels and avoid all foods containing HFCS, such as bread, nut butter, beverages, and pastries. One should also avoid desserts containing HFCS and a high amount of processed and refined carbohydrates, as these foods offer fewer beneficial nutrients. If one is craving some sugary foods, one of the best options is adding fruits like berries, apples, and citrus. They are rich in nutrients that help fight inflammation and decrease the body’s sugar absorption capability.
Crohn’s disease  – 7 foods to avoid

Crohn’s disease – 7 foods to avoid

For those suffering from Crohn’s disease, it’s not always easy to know what type of foods can fill the body in the best possible manner. Since Crohn’s is a type of inflammatory bowel disease, one should carefully choose what to eat and drink. So, to ensure that the food one chooses doesn’t worsen the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, we have listed some of the important food items one should avoid at all costs. Foods that worsen Crohn’s disease Crohn’s disease causes digestive tract inflammation and uncomfortable symptoms, including long-term conditions like malnutrition. And to make matters worse, certain meal habits can majorly impact and worsen the symptoms. Here are some foods to avoid for those with Crohn’s disease: Dairy products Those with Crohn’s disease are usually lactose intolerant. And having this issue means that the body cannot digest milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Hence, one may suffer from symptoms such as bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. Instead, one can try to fulfill their nutritional needs through fortified juices, leafy green vegetables, supplements, and cereals. Spicy foods When one experiences a Crohn’s disease flare-up, having spicy foods can lead to more pain. So it’s crucial to identify what spices are tolerated by the body. For instance, if one finds red chilies irritating, mild herbs can be used for seasoning instead. Greasy and fried foods Those with Crohn’s disease don’t have the ability to absorb the fat in foods like french fries, fried chicken, and heavy sauces inside their small intestines. As a result, symptoms like loose stools or stomach cramps occur. Hence, instead of choosing fried or greasy foods, have baked, steamed, or broiled foods. Avoiding junk foods altogether is the best step to take. High-fiber foods Even though high-fiber foods like fruits, whole grains, and vegetables are beneficial for the human body, the opposite is true for people suffering from Crohn’s disease.
4 vitamins important for eye health

4 vitamins important for eye health

Vision is one of the most important senses, and it allows us to see the world and enjoy all the sights that it has to offer. Despite eyesight being essential, eye health is often overlooked. These complex organs require tons of vitamins and other nutrients to function properly, especially as people age. One of the best ways to keep them healthy and prevent eye diseases is by adding vitamin-rich food to one’s nutritional regimen. Vitamin A One of the most important vitamins for eye health is vitamin A. It plays a crucial role in helping one maintain a clear vision by ensuring a clear cornea. The cornea is a protective layer that covers the outside of the eye, including the iris and the pupil. It is transparent and allows light to enter the eyes. Vitamin A is also essential for producing rhodopsin—a protein that helps us see clearly in low-light conditions. Insufficient vitamin A in the body can affect one’s ability to see. In some cases, it can also lead to the development of rare and severe conditions such as xerophthalmia. This is a progressive eye disease that starts with night blindness and eventually leads to loss of vision. One can get their daily dose of vitamin A from the right sources, such as sweet potatoes and other green leafy vegetables. A vitamin A-rich meal plan can help one prevent age-related eye conditions like cataracts or macular degeneration. Vitamin E Most people understand the role of vitamin A in eye health; however, few are aware that even vitamin E helps one maintain clear vision and eye health. Studies have found that degeneration that occurs in eye health can be linked to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the antioxidants and the free radicals in the body.
Foods to avoid and remedies for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Foods to avoid and remedies for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) can cause severe discomfort and hamper day-to-day functioning in their more advanced stages. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are two common IBDs affecting several individuals at different severity levels. Ulcerative colitis (UC) involves inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine’s inner lining, whereas Crohn’s disease is characterized by swelling of the large intestine. Here are some foods patients with UC and Crohn’s disease should avoid, together with some treatment options. Whole grains Whole grains can irritate the gastrointestinal tract among individuals suffering from UC and Crohn’s disease. It helps to avoid consuming whole, unprocessed grains like buckwheat, brown rice, rolled oats, and wild rice varieties. In addition, white rice and instant oats may be more easily digestible. Raspberries A cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber, a no-no for individuals with UC and Crohn’s. Replacing such high-fiber fruits with low-fiber alternatives, such as cantaloupes, watermelons, nectarines, peaches, and fresh fruit juices without pulp, will help. Broccoli Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain high levels of insoluble fiber, which is difficult to digest and can aggravate existing digestive problems like UC and Crohn’s disease. It helps to avoid such vegetables and replace them with more easily digestible alternatives like asparagus tips, cucumber, and cooked spinach. Processed meat Processed and red meats are difficult for the body to break down and can worsen UC and Crohn’s symptoms. Therefore, replacing processed meat with lean meat sources like skinless chicken, turkey, and pork chops will help. Beans Beans contain oligosaccharides, fermentable fibers that are not easily digested and contribute to bloating and gas. Therefore beans are best if ignored when diagnosed with UC or Crohn’s disease. Treatment Options Some remedies for ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease may be similar, considering both are IBDs. However, a patient’s response to such treatments may vary.
5 Foods that may worsen inflammatory bowel diseases

5 Foods that may worsen inflammatory bowel diseases

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the umbrella term for health conditions involving inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. IBD is primarily categorized into ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease, which affect one’s moods and involve symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and rectal bleeding. In addition, a person’s food habits and treatment course are crucial in controlling IBD symptoms. Here is some information on UC and Crohn’s disease and foods individuals with these conditions must avoid. Ulcerative colitis Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an IBD involving inflammation in the colon and rectum. Ulcers develop in the rectum and the large intestine’s inner lining, causing severe pain and discomfort. Individuals with UC may experience symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and an inability to defecate despite feeling the urge. Crohn’s disease Crohn’s disease is an IBD characterized by gastrointestinal tract inflammation. It typically begins with the small intestine, progressing to the large intestinal lining. The affected areas usually appear as patches in the latter condition. Moreover, while UC only affects the large intestine’s innermost lining, Crohn’s can occur in any part of the tract. Foods to avoid Changing one’s nutritional habits is crucial in managing IBDs like UC and Crohn’s disease. It is because certain food items tend to trigger flare-ups among people diagnosed with these conditions. Here are some foods one should avoid if diagnosed with these conditions. Raspberries A cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber, a no-no for individuals with UC and Crohn’s. Replacing high-fiber fruits like raspberries with low-fiber alternatives, such as cantaloupes, watermelons, peaches, and fresh fruit juices without pulp, will help ease symptoms. Broccoli Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli contain high levels of insoluble fiber, which is difficult to digest. It helps to avoid such veggies and replace them with more easily digestible alternatives like asparagus tips, cucumber, and cooked spinach.
7 silent warning signs of thyroid cancer

7 silent warning signs of thyroid cancer

The thyroid gland is situated at the base of the neck. It helps produce hormones to regulate crucial body functions like heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. An uncontrolled growth of cells in this gland is known as thyroid cancer. While most thyroid cancers are curable, it is vital to identify the symptoms early for effective treatment. Here are seven must-know silent warning signs of thyroid cancer that help diagnose the condition. Sleep changes Abnormal cell growth in the thyroid gland can cause it to produce excess amounts of hormones like triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones overstimulate the central nervous system and lead to insomnia. Therefore, if an individual’s sleep patterns change abruptly, it could indicate thyroid cancer. Fatigue The human body often tires after a hard day’s work or strenuous physical activity. But those with thyroid cancer may experience fatigue upon waking up after a good night’s sleep. It is because an underactive thyroid may lead to lesser production of the hormones necessary to stay energetic. Bowel irregularities The thyroid gland helps keep the digestive tract running smoothly. So, someone with thyroid cancer may have subtle signs of an underactive thyroid, including poor hormone production, which may lead to regular constipation. On the contrary, an overactive thyroid may lead to symptoms like diarrhea. Increased sweating The thyroid gland helps regulate the body’s energy production. However, cancerous cells in the gland may lead to higher hormone production. This phenomenon may increase the body’s metabolism, causing people to feel warmer and sweat. Therefore, people who sweat without exerting their bodies should get checked for thyroid cancer. Mood changes Mood changes are another silent warning sign of thyroid cancer. For example, a person might feel sudden bursts of anxiety even if they have never experienced these symptoms before. Voice irregularities It is normal for people with the common cold to experience temporary voice changes.