4 foods to avoid for people with cold sores

4 foods to avoid for people with cold sores

Cold sores or fever blisters are common skin conditions wherein people develop small, liquid-filled blisters on and around their lips or other areas. These blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) or herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Usually, cold sores are contagious and can be controlled through treatment. However, certain foods can worsen symptoms in individuals. Here are some foods that are best avoided while managing cold sores. Peanuts Nuts are among the biggest triggers of cold sores as they contain a large amount of arginine. This chemical causes flare-ups and worsens cold sores in people with the condition. Among nuts, peanuts and hazelnuts contain the largest reserves of this chemical, and, therefore, they must not be eaten when dealing with cold sores. Additionally, peanut butter must be avoided entirely for two to three weeks, the normal lasting period for cold sores. Oranges Citrus fruits are another big no-no when it comes to foods to eat when one is coping with cold sores. Oranges and grapefruits are known for their citrus-filled refreshing flavor; therefore, one must avoid them at all costs. Such fruits contain an acidic element that will cause pain and a burning sensation when they get into contact with a cold sore blister. Now, citrus fruits may be a significant part of some people’s daily meals. So, instead of eating oranges or grapefruits, one can replace them with alternatives such as cucumbers, bananas, or grapes to satiate their sweet cravings. Pizza Processed foods are terrible for the body in multiple ways. They cause inflammation and, as a result, worsen cold sores in individuals. Eating a pizza involves opening the mouth wide to bite into a slice. However, opening the mouth that wide may cause the blisters to split open. For these reasons, one must avoid pizza and other processed foods during this phase.
5 silent signs of prostate cancer

5 silent signs of prostate cancer

The prostate gland is a part of men’s urinary and reproductive systems. It is responsible for making and releasing fluids that provide nutrients and lubrication for the sperm. When these cells that make these fluids develop cancer, they lose out on the normal control processes that the regular cells in the body have. If caught at an early stage, prostate cancer is curable. In rare cases, prostate cancer may have silent signs and symptoms, such as: Bladder or urinary troubles A prostate tumor that has enlarged significantly may begin to press on the bladder and the urethra, causing trouble in passing urine. This may include urinating more frequently, spotting blood in semen or urine, or incontinence. However, urinary symptoms alone may not signal cancer. They could result from benign diseases such as prostatitis or Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), which cause similar symptoms. Losing bowel control Prostate cancer may also spread to the bowel, leading to stomach pain, constipation, or passing blood in the stool. Soreness in the groin The spread of cancer in the body impacts the functioning of lymph nodes. With the advancement of prostate cancer in the body, the nodes around the groin are often the first to be affected, causing pain or soreness. Leg swelling or weakness The advancement of cancer also crowds out healthy blood cells in the body. The tumor may press on the spinal cord, causing pain, tingling, or swelling in the legs and feet. Hip or back pain The hip and spine are closest to the prostate and are often the first to get affected when prostate cancer begins to spread. The crowding out of healthy bone material by cancerous cells can cause constant pain and discomfort. If cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland, men may also experience fatigue, swelling, fluid build-up in the lower body, hips, and back, and unexplained mass loss.
4 silent warning signs of hemophilia

4 silent warning signs of hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare, inherited condition in which a person lacks certain blood clotting proteins. The absence or low levels of these clotting factors means their blood won’t clot after sustaining any injury. Several symptoms of hemophilia may seem harmless and quite common on the surface; however, these are some underrated indications of this disorder in individuals. Here are a few silent symptoms of hemophilia that one must not ignore. Frequent nose bleeds Nosebleeds are common among many people during the winter months. During this period, people get nosebleeds as they spend time indoors often. The heated indoor air dries out one’s nasal passageways, making blood vessels weak. Eventually, the blood vessels rupture and cause nosebleeds. Sudden nosebleeds are a critical indicator of hemophilia. So, one must consult their local healthcare expert when they experience this symptom. Joint pains Frequent instances of internal bleeding can indicate hemophilia. This bleeding is caused by internal cellular and tissue fragility that causes frequent internal bruising and blood loss. These factors lead to joint pains in a person’s knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, elbows, or other areas. Most people may ignore joint pains as just another injury or sprain; however, one must consult a healthcare expert if one experiences prolonged joint pain. Double vision One crucial and often an under-discussed symptom of hemophilia is bleeding into the brain. Although this kind of bleeding is rarely life-threatening for hemophilia patients, brain bleeds can cause other problems, such as headaches and constant drowsiness. Another silent hemophilia sign caused by brain bleeding is double vision. People who experience this symptom may believe that they have vision problems. However, one must undergo screening for hemophilia when one experiences double vision. Heavy menstrual periods Usually, men are more prone to hemophilia than women. However, some females and girls with this condition will likely experience heavy, prolonged, and uncomfortable menstrual bleeding episodes.
Superfoods that help improve blood count

Superfoods that help improve blood count

Maintaining healthy blood count levels and circulation is vital for all organs to function optimally. A drop in blood count reduces oxygen supply to the tissues and may lead to anemia, fatigue, concentration issues, and other serious health concerns. Similarly, poor blood circulation causes cognitive dysfunctions, digestive problems, and muscle cramping. Studies show that certain foods help to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels. Women, especially during pregnancy and menstruation, can benefit from consuming them. What improves blood count and circulation? Foods rich in iron and vitamins A, B12, B9, and C, help maintain hemoglobin levels. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption. Additionally, vitamins B, K, C, and E and omega-3 fatty acids have shown to improve blood circulation. Potassium or vitamin K, in particular, keeps the walls of the blood vessels strong and prevents bulging veins. Apart from food, an effective way of instantly improving blood flow and oxygen levels is to indulge in physical activity daily, like running, biking, walking, or stretching. Top foods that improve blood count and circulation Here are some superfoods that support heart health, boost blood count, and improve blood flow: Beetroot Beetroot is a powerhouse of nutrients with iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and several vitamins. This vegetable helps to regenerate red blood cells and increase hemoglobin count. Pomegranate Pomegranate contains antioxidants and nitrates that promote blood flow and oxygenation. Berries All kinds of berries are antioxidants. They help in blood circulation and protect the walls of the arteries. Oranges, gooseberry, grapefruit These three citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C and can help in iron absorption, which boosts one’s blood count. Dates and raisins These dry fruits are packed with iron and vitamin C. Consuming a handful of these every day can give one an energy boost and maintain healthy hemoglobin levels. Figs Figs are rich in iron, magnesium, vitamin A, and folate and improve one’s hemoglobin levels.
4 foods that weaken the bones

4 foods that weaken the bones

It is no exaggeration to say that, at least biologically, people are what they eat. Bone health, especially, depends heavily on what one consumes. Certain foods, such as milk, soya beans, walnuts, salmon, broccoli, and spinach, strengthen one’s bones and joints. On the flip side, certain foods are terrible for the bones, making them brittle, porous, and vulnerable to damage. Some of the worst foods for the bones are listed here. Salt As much as salt benefits one’s health as a stabilizer and an antibacterial agent, excessive salt consumption saps the calcium from one’s bones over time. For instance, nutritionists believe that one loses approximately 40 milligrams of calcium for every 2,300 milligrams of sodium consumed. Sodium is one of the worst elements possible in this regard. Hence any foods containing it will be detrimental to one’s bone health. Excessive salt is usually found in canned vegetables, frozen meals, canned soup, store-bought baked goods, and other processed and over-packaged edibles. To counter such an excessive intake of salt, one can avoid processed food entirely, consume home-cooked meals, and control their salt content. Coffee Like sodium, caffeine also takes out calcium from all the bones in the body, making them brittle. As per certain research studies, people tend to lose 6 milligrams of calcium from their bones and teeth for every 100 milligrams of caffeine consumed. Coffee contains loads of caffeine, which makes it an avoidable food to keep the bones healthy. If one cannot avoid it entirely, one needs to consume it less frequently or try alternatives such as decaf coffees and tea instead. Cakes/pastries Like caffeine, sugar also harms one’s bones. People who consume too many sugary items such as cakes and pastries may not consume other nutrient-rich food. Instead of such foods, one can consume delicacies such as cranberries, prunes, and other antioxidant-rich items.
Avoid these foods to prevent indigestion

Avoid these foods to prevent indigestion

Acid reflux also called indigestion or heartburn, is a common digestive discomfit experienced by children and adults. The stomach is full of digestive juices that break down what one consumes daily. However, certain foods and beverages can trigger an imbalance in the delicate pH levels causing digestive juices splash up the esophagus. This action causes a burning and irritating sensation in the throat. It’s better to avoid the following foods and prevent indigestion by monitoring intake daily. Spicy foods Chilies, peppers, and spices contain capsaicin, a compound that can worsen the symptoms of acid reflux. Spicy foods take time to digest and irritate the esophagus during consumption due to their high potency. It is better to avoid any spicy foods when the stomach acids are already being thrown back into the esophageal cavity triggering unwanted episodes of heartburn. Citrus rich fruits Limes, lemons, oranges, and even tomatoes (yes, it is a fruit) are foods to avoid if one is already suffering from heartburn. All these fruits contain natural acids that can rumble up the stomach fluids and trigger a pH imbalance. However, this will only worsen the existing symptoms of acid reflux. Processed foods Fatty foods, fried foods, and ready-to-eat foods bought off the shelves in the supermarket are all loaded with additives, preservatives, and unhealthy trans or saturated fats. Consuming these foods only forces the digestive system to work overtime. This action triggers a release of excess stomach acids needed to process the foods, and the excess gets thrown back into the esophageal cavity. Chocolate and peppermint Sweets can worsen the symptoms of acid reflux in just a few bites. Chocolate is one of the richest sources of cocoa, caffeine, and natural plant compounds that irritate stomach acid. And peppermint is suggested as a remedy to manage irritable bowel syndrome.
7 ways to manage psoriatic arthritis

7 ways to manage psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks itself. This autoimmune condition causes one’s joints and ligaments to swell, leading to pain and stiffness. A recent study found that over 25 percent of psoriatic arthritis patients who displayed fibromyalgia-like symptoms also experienced chronic fatigue. If left untreated, the condition may hamper one’s daily activities. Here are some ways to manage flare-ups and reduce the impact of psoriatic arthritis. Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis Psoriatic arthritis causes episodic flare-ups that may fluctuate between mild to severe. Apart from inflammation throughout the body, including the fingertips and spine, one may also find red scaly patches on one’s skin. Individuals may experience foot pain, lower back pain, loss of energy, sleeplessness, or weight-related issues and have trouble concentrating. In some cases, the condition may form tiny dents on one’s nails or lead to blurry vision. Psoriatic arthritis has no known cure. The goal of the treatment is to manage its symptoms and stop further deterioration of the joints and ligaments. 7 ways to deal with psoriasis arthritis Exercise regularly Physical activity can help to lessen pain and stiffness. Yoga, stretching, swimming, walking, or any low-impact guided workouts can help one to manage the disease symptoms without causing joint damage. Regular exercise also helps boost one’s energy levels, improve sleep quality, heart health, and flexibility. Upon the doctor’s recommendation, one can use a cane, back belt, or other support equipment to protect one’s joints during exercise. Eat healthy food One is advised to eat plenty of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods like fruits and vegetables, oats, dark chocolate, and lean protein. Eating foods rich in refined sugar, fat, and oil can lower one’s energy level and worsen joint discomfort. Another crucial factor in managing flare-ups and easing the symptoms is staying hydrated.
7 superfoods to improve blood count

7 superfoods to improve blood count

From providing the body with oxygen and nutrients to eliminating waste, our blood cells perform various functions. Red blood cells carry oxygen to different body parts, while white blood cells and platelets help fight infections and clot blood during an injury. A person’s blood count indicates the number and type of blood cells in the body. Adding nutritious foods to meals is a simple way to maintain a healthy overall blood count. Eggs Eggs are a great food to improve blood count. A whole egg has about 1.9 mg of iron, which means it can considerably boost hemoglobin levels. Eggs also have high concentrations of folic acid, an essential component for an enhanced blood count. Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes are packed with vitamin A, an essential nutrient for producing T-cells, a type of blood cell essential for a healthy immune system. They also contain high levels of vitamin B6, necessary for maintaining red blood cell metabolism, and iron, which maintains hemoglobin levels. Thus, incorporating sweet potatoes into the nutrition plan can considerably enhance overall blood count. Pomegranates Loaded with iron and vitamins A, C, and K, pomegranate is one of the best fruits for increasing blood count. It also contains ascorbic acid, essential for boosting iron levels in the body. Unsurprisingly, adding pomegranates to the meal plan can help fight anemia and increase hemoglobin. This versatile fruit can be eaten directly or added to soups, juices, fruit salads, and smoothies. Spinach Spinach is among the most recommended foods to fight anemia and increase hemoglobin levels. Besides iron, it contains calcium and vitamins A, C, E, and B9, essential for positive results in the CBC (complete blood count) test. However, it is essential to note that cooked spinach provides more iron than when eaten raw; thus, it is a good idea to include this leafy green in gravies, soups, and snack dishes.
7 trigger foods people with migraine should avoid

7 trigger foods people with migraine should avoid

Painful pulsing sensations or throbbing on one side of the head are often the common symptoms of migraines. More than 17% of women and 5% of men report having experienced migraine symptoms during their lifetime. While the precise cause is yet to be determined, multiple risk factors may lead to migraines. Some common triggers of migraines are these seven foods listed below, which are better off excluded from meals. Chocolate An individual may love eating chocolate-based foods after a meal but must avoid them if they are affected by migraines. The food is rich in properties like beta-phenylethylamine and caffeine, which serve as common triggers of migraines. For example, the condition might be triggered when one eats too much chocolate or when one experiences caffeine withdrawal. Oranges Citrus fruits like oranges have properties that contribute towards healthy living. However, eating the fruit might not be in the best interest of those who suffer from migraines. Oranges are known to increase the production of histamine compounds in the body. And while histamine is beneficial for the body, excessive amounts of the compound may result in certain types of headaches, including migraines. Citrus fruits like pineapples, lemons, and grapefruits are also known migraine triggers. Cheddar cheese The consumption of cheddar cheese is also unhealthy for people with migraine. The dairy-based product is rich in tyramine, an amino acid that occurs naturally in the human body for blood pressure regulation. When there is a higher amount of acid in the body, it can trigger a migraine episode. Blue cheese, mozzarella, and parmesan are other aged cheeses with similar properties. Coffee Consuming drinks like coffee helps one stay more active during long working hours. However, it contains caffeine compounds that, when consumed excessively, could negatively influence the dilation of blood vessels in the body.
5 early signs of dementia one should not ignore

5 early signs of dementia one should not ignore

Dementia is incredibly common, with more than 10 million new cases registered every year globally. People with this mental health condition suffer from a gradual weakening of brain functionality. This results in a host of issues, such as difficulty memorizing things, struggle with simple movements, and an inability to communicate thoughts. Certain silent signs can help doctors diagnose this condition in its initial stages. Some of these early signs are: Frequent mood shifts Abrupt mood shifts are one of the early signs of dementia. A person with the condition may go from extremely irritated to happy in a matter of minutes. Identifying such mood shifts may be hard for the patient, but those around are likely to notice them. Misplacing things Forgetfulness is another early indicator. Individuals with dementia may misplace their belongings more frequently and in unusual areas. For instance, one may place a spoon inside their wallet, a set of house keys inside a sugar bowl, or an iron inside the refrigerator. Speech and language problems While speaking, it is common for everyone to sometimes struggle to find the right words. However, people with dementia often use incorrect words, or words with a different meaning and context, in any situation. For instance, someone with the condition may utter something like “My reclamation is complete” when they intend to say that they have finished a particular task. Confusion about time and place This is one of the most evident early signs. Dementia patients frequently inquire about the place they are in, even though they have been there several times before. Losing sense of the time of the day is also common. Repetition People with dementia may repeat specific sentences or phrases over and over again during a conversation. They may also repeat daily tasks, such as brushing their teeth, forgetting they have already done it.
6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

Dementia is a psychological condition involving the progressive loss of cognitive abilities, including memory, reasoning, concentration, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Many patients with dementia show behavioral changes and mood swings, hallucinate, and get disorientated and irritable. Besides early diagnosis and timely treatment, constant care, family support, and some lifestyle changes can contribute to healing from dementia. Here are some foods that can help individuals prevent and manage dementia symptoms: Spinach Spinach contains high levels of lutein, an antioxidant that helps prevent loss of cognitive functions. Moreover, several studies have drawn associations between the intake of spinach and other leafy greens and the prevention of cognitive decline. Spinach can be added to stir-fries, gravies, soups, smoothies, etc. Fatty fish Fatty fish varieties like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are packed with Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Studies have demonstrated a decline in DHA levels among individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of dementia. Thus, a meal plan rich in DHA can help reduce one’s susceptibility to these psychological conditions. A daily intake of 200 mg of DHA is recommended for brain health. Broccoli Being a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli is rich in carotenoids and vitamin B. These components can reduce the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid known to contribute to cognitive decline and related psychological conditions in the body. It also contains compounds called glucosinolates, which are broken down into compounds called isothiocyanates. These compounds are proven to reduce one’s risk for neurodegenerative diseases. Eggs Eggs are rich in choline, found to enhance cognitive function. Furthermore, one egg yolk contains approximately 200 mcg of lutein, another essential component for preventing cognitive decline. Thus, a meal plan rich in protein sources like eggs can protect cognitive health. Avocados Avocados are packed with vitamin B and can help with the reduction of homocysteine, a risk factor for psychological disorders.
6 signs that indicate progressing dementia

6 signs that indicate progressing dementia

Dementia is a term used to describe symptoms affecting a person’s memory, communication, analytical skills, and overall cognitive function. The condition has no cure, and the symptoms progress further affecting daily routine triggered by abrupt changes in mood and behavior. Many of the signs and symptoms of dementia tend to overlap with known neurological disorders, making it necessary for everyone to be aware of the 6 glaring signs of dementia discusses in this article. Reduced cognitive abilities The trouble with memory is one of the more common and prominent signs of dementia ranging from forgetting things more often or even recalling forgotten things at a later stage. Here, it is common for a person to experience serious inconsistencies when it comes to memory. Severe dementia can also prompt a person to ask questions repeatedly, even if they have already gotten the answer to their queries. Memory loss and reduced ability to analyze, compute and calculate are cognitive problems affecting daily routine as dementia progresses. Abrupt personality changes Dementia significantly affects personality as the symptoms worsen over time. Increased anxiety, confusion, and unexplained fear are all common signs triggered by a neurological disorder. Frequent mood swings, reduced interest in favorite activities, and irrational suspicion develop abruptly, triggering severe personality changes. These problems will gradually affect daily actions and speech. Personality changes also trigger poor decision-making, affected by a lack of reasonable judgment. Severe personality problems will ultimately affect a person’s ability to change and adapt to present scenarios as the condition progresses. Disorientation of space and direction Dementia also affects people’s ability to adjust, adapt, and manage their surrounding space. Disorientation is one of the common symptoms in the initial stages, where it becomes difficult for affected people to navigate. They tend to lose their sense of direction, struggle to find their way back home, experience difficulty gauging distance and following basic directions, and may even misplace their belongings.