7 tips to maintain your eye health

7 tips to maintain your eye health

Of the five senses bestowed, vision is considered to be one of the most precious. Healthy vision ensures that you do not miss out on the wonders of the world; therefore, you must not take your eye health for granted. While some eye conditions are inevitable as we grow older, there are a few things that you can do to maintain your eye health and reduce the chances of losing vision. Here are seven tips to follow for lifelong optimal eye health. Eat vitamin-rich foods Diet plays an important role in keeping your eyes healthy. You must ensure that your meals are rich in vitamin C and E, zinc, lutein, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients help prevent age-related eye problems like macular degeneration and cataract. Some healthy food options for eye health include leafy greens, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, eggs, nuts, beans, and citrus fruits. Wear sunglasses The right pair of sunglasses can protect your eyes from retinal damage, and reduce the chances of developing cataracts. It also protects your sensitive eyelid skin from wrinkles and skin cancer around the eye. To get these benefits, you must ensure that your sunglasses can provide 100% protection against UV-A rays and UV-B rays. Take breaks from screens Exposure to blue light from a computer, tablet, or phone screen for long can cause dry eye, eyestrain, neck pain, and headache. To avoid these, you must take a break from the screen every 20 minutes, and remember to blink often when working. It’s best to use glasses or contacts that are suitable to reduce the effect of the blue light on your eyes. Avoid smoking Smokers are at a greater risk of damaging their eye health in the long run. Tobacco smoking is directly linked to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It also causes cataracts, uveitis, in addition to other health problems.
Simple ways to prevent hair loss

Simple ways to prevent hair loss

Shedding of hair is a natural and common process of the body to get rid of old hair and promote growth. You may not even notice the few strands of hair that are replaced regularly by shedding and regrowth. However, sudden and excessive shedding results in hair loss. It can affect men and women of all ages and varies in terms of severity. The condition cannot be 100% cured with only treatment. But the following ways can help slow down shedding and prevent excessive hair loss. Don’t stress Stress is one of the main triggers of excessive hair loss. The body produces and releases certain hormones that regulate hair growth. Stress can cause a chemical imbalance in these vital hormones, which in turn, damages the hair follicles’ natural ability to regrow hair. Adopt practices such as eating healthy, exercising, staying hydrated, and controlling the urge to smoke or drink to manage stress. Instead, pursue healthy activities that can help you take your mind off something that bothers you and causes stress. Read, play sports, travel, and explore alternative lifestyles to manage stress better at work and home. Maintain a proper diet The food you eat plays a key role in your metabolic activity. A poor diet does not include the essential vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain and support vital body functions. Hair follicles are made of a protein called keratin, so switching to a protein-rich diet will supplement hair growth. You can incorporate more eggs, nuts, fish, low-fat dairy, chicken, and even turkey. Also, eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A as studies have shown it encourages the production of retinoid and sebum, both vital nutrients for promoting hair growth. They also nourish the follicles to gradually control hair loss. Change your hair care routine The way you wash, condition, and comb your hair can also reduce hair loss.
6 useful dietary tips for a healthy pregnancy

6 useful dietary tips for a healthy pregnancy

A pregnant woman needs more folic acid, calcium, and iron than usual. However, this does not make it necessary to eat twice. It is a common misconception that a pregnant woman must eat for two people. Making smart and healthy food choices that meet the daily dietary requirement of nutrients is more than enough. All that is required is to fine-tune eating habits so that the mother and the baby get sufficient nutrition for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Here are a few essential dietary tips for pregnant women. Never skip breakfast Breakfast is what keeps one going through the day. Fortified cereal with fruits is often a good option. These cereals are packed with added nutrients, such as folic acid, iron, and calcium. It is recommended to pick cereals with less or no sugar. In case there is morning sickness, and it’s hard to have a heavy breakfast, start the day with whole-grain toast. Then eat something later in the morning. Pick healthy snacks Hunger pangs between meals can be easily managed with light, healthy snacks. Fat-free or low-fat yogurt with low or no sugar along with fruits can be a filling snack. Another great option is whole-grain crackers with low-fat or fat-free cheese. Raw veggies, such as celery or carrots, also make for healthy snacking options during pregnancy. Keep away from raw meats and soft cheese Raw meat and fish often have bacteria in them. Also, soft cheese may have harmful microorganisms, which can be harmful to the baby. Stay away from raw uncooked fish, such as sushi. Additionally, avoid raw and rare meats. Lunch meats and hot dogs are also not recommended unless these have been heated to steaming hot temperature. When having soft cheese, such as Brie, goat cheese, or feta, make sure these are pasteurized.
5 gout triggers to avoid at all costs

5 gout triggers to avoid at all costs

Gout, a form of arthritis, affects joints where it causes an almost unimaginable level of pain. The suffering is so nasty and awful that even the slightest of touches to the affected area can feel as if a bulldozer landed on it. Although movement remains one of the biggest triggers of gout pain, there are other factors that are just as responsible for its occurrence. Aspirin and other medication It is essential to understand the root of this illness to understand how medication and any other entity, for that matter, triggers gout pain. Gout is caused due to the buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. Uric acid is formed due to the breakdown of purine — a chemical compound found in almost all foods and drinks. The kidneys usually excrete uric acid through urine, but sometimes due to its excessive accumulation, it deposits in joints where it forms needle-like structures and causes pain and inflammation. Despite being good for the heart, aspirin increases the amount of uric acid in the blood. Even low doses of aspirin can trigger gout pain, which is more common in women than men. Diuretics can likewise have a similar effect, decreasing the kidney’s ability to remove uric acid and increasing the risk of gout. Some common diuretics drugs include hydrochlorothiazide, metolazone, and chlorothiazide, among others. Cyclosporine, ACE inhibitors and chemotherapy drugs, meanwhile, also increase the risk of gout pain. Obesity Besides opening the potential for so many other ailments, obesity substantially increases the risk of gout. Excess weight increases the uric acid concentration in the blood, which directly leads to gout. The presence of more fat and possible increase of insulin in the body could produce more uric acid. Kidneys, meanwhile, may find it hard to remove the excess uric acid in overweight individuals.
4 best fitness apps you can download

4 best fitness apps you can download

The secret to fitness and nutrition is to strike a perfect balance between diet and exercise; both aspects go hand-in-hand. So, while it is important to exercise regularly, it is also important to be aware of what you are eating and how many calories it contains. Adhering to a workout routine is easier than keeping tabs on your calorie intake. However, with the presence of several apps that can not only help you lose weight, but also act as your nutrition diary, leading a healthy life is easier. Continue reading to know some of the most useful fitness and nutrition apps that can help you stay at the top of your health routine. Fooducate This fitness and nutrition app helps you keep a tab on your diet and exercise routine. The is replete with features such as calorie counter and exercise tracker. What makes Fooducate stand apart from other fitness apps is, it not only keeps a tab on calories, but also analyses the values of calories from different food sources such as calories from fats and calories from proteins. Both, free and paid versions are available for download on Apple as well as Android phones. Lose it! Another popular application, Lose it! does pretty much everything you require from a fitness app. The app comes with a food database and dietary plans to suit your daily nutrition needs. It also has hardware support, which lets you connect fitness devices such as Fitbit and Jawbone. This gives the app additional statistics to analyze your fitness goals. The app also connects to MyFitnessPal, RunKeeper, and other apps to collect more data. Lose it! is available for both Apple and Android phones. Lifesum Lifesum app is a fitness-on-demand app that allows you to count the calories of packaged foods using its barcode scanning feature.
Foods for a healthy kidney and liver

Foods for a healthy kidney and liver

Healthy kidneys and liver are absolutely essential for a long and fit life. Among themselves, the two organs perform and oversee innumerable functions. The brain, spinal cord, and the heart are all dependent on the kidney and liver, underlining its importance to the human body. Therefore, their normal functioning is crucial and can be easily addressed by making healthy dietary choices. Read on to know more about foods you can add to your diet to improve the condition of your kidney and liver. Foods essential for healthy kidneys Kale Arguably one of the healthiest vegetables, kales are replete with antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a good source of Vitamins A and C and has large amounts of iron. They’re highly recommended to patients with kidney and cardiovascular conditions. Cauliflower Like Kale, Cauliflower too is rich in Vitamin C. It’s packed with folate, antioxidants, and compounds that promote healthy functioning of the kidneys. Additionally, cauliflower is low in sodium and potassium, which helps maintain the fluid levels in the body. Its low protein and high fiber content help in detoxifying the kidneys. Apple No wonder! Famed for its infinite benefits to the human body, apples are known to be great for the proper functioning of kidneys. They are high in fiber and have anti-inflammatory properties. Apples are also packed with pectin – a soluble fiber that reduces risk factors causing kidney damage. Foods essential for a healthy liver Grapefruit It is filled with antioxidants, among which naringenin and naringin are the most helpful. These antioxidants are known to protect the liver from injury, reduce inflammation, and protect cells. Additionally, grapefruit helps reduce fat buildup in the liver and increases enzymes that burn fats. The antioxidants can reduce the development of hepatic fibrosis as well – a condition where excessive connective tissue builds up in the liver.
Coping with urges that can trigger a relapse post treatment

Coping with urges that can trigger a relapse post treatment

Addictions when left untreated can turn into crippling conditions. One can be addicted to smoking, binge drinking, or even shopping. Once addicted, one willfully submits to urges, despite having satisfied them before. However, addictions can be managed and to a great extent treated to full recovery. But, the post-recovery phase is crucial where both the mind and body are put to test and can trigger a relapse. Continue reading to know more about the most common triggers for addictions and how to deal with them. Stress Stress is commonly the root cause of many problems and addictions, both physical and psychological. One can become an addict as a way to manage the stress that may stem from strained relationships or priorities. The best way to avoid a relapse during recovery is to make lifestyle changes that don’t trigger a return to addictions amidst a stressful situation. One can practice mindfulness, engage in relaxation techniques, manage one’s time to avoid stressful situations, and imbibe healthy eating habits and exercise in their daily routine. Emotions There is an umpteen number of triggers that invoke a positive or negative emotional response. However, the stress associated with dealing with emotions daily can trigger urges without one even realizing. Often, one turns to a glass of alcohol or relies on prescription medications to put the mind at ease. It is not a permanent solution and prolonged use of these substances can cause more harm in the long run. One must learn and explore productive ways of controlling emotions better to avoid a relapse during recovery. For example, writing and maintaining a journal that contains one’s feelings and thoughts can act as a healthy outlet. Similarly, there are other healthy ways to channel one’s energy and manage emotional responses. Positive conditioning People who have addictions such as smoking or drinking may often find themselves in situations where a lit cigarette or a glass of wine can trigger a relapse.
3 indicators of dehydraion in kids

3 indicators of dehydraion in kids

Dehydration is a condition in which the body loses more fluids than normal. It can affect infants, young children, adults, and seniors. You can experience mild to severe symptoms depending on how much fluids the body loses and what is being done to replenish the supply. However, children and infants are at a higher risk of getting dehydrated due to many underlying causes. Herein, we explain in detail the common visual indicators of a developing condition. Upon prompt diagnosis, you can immediately contact your primary care provider. Here are a few signs to look out for; Dry mouth Saliva is a natural lubricant that the body produces to moisten and clean your mouth. It also helps digest food better and prevents the risk of contracting a fungal or bacterial infection in the mouth. The body needs to stay hydrated to produce enough saliva during the day and at night. One of the visible signs in children and infants includes parched dry lips and a dry mouth. Understand that dry mouth is a mild stage of dehydration and can be controlled early on. So you must ensure the child drinks plenty of water. You must also replenish electrolyte levels in their body after an active day. Consult with the family doctor and enquire about the safe quantity of Pedialyte (a popular children’s drink) that can be given to boost electrolyte levels. Dry or itchy eyes If the child is crying, but there are little or no tears coming out, it means the tear glands are parched due to a severe lack of fluids in the body. Understand that there are glands that also lubricate the eyeballs without which the child’s eyes can become dry and itchy, causing more discomfort. These are all visible indicators of dehydration. Also, if their eyes are sunken and visibly inside the socket, it is a clear indicator of reduced fluid levels.
Ways to avoid Heartburn and GERD during pregnancy

Ways to avoid Heartburn and GERD during pregnancy

Indigestion is a common issue that accompanies pregnancy. Thanks to this little side effect of pregnancy, most moms-to-be suffer at least a handful of episodes of acid reflux and heartburn/GERD. Contrary to its name, the burning sensation from heartburn has little to do with the heart. However, much to all would-be moms’ relief, it has a safe cure that will relieve them of the discomforting feeling without harming the baby. The solution to this problem can be as simple as dietary and lifestyle changes. While there are safe treatments available, there are preventive options that won’t cause heartburn/GERD in the first place. Read on to know more about what causes heartburn/GERD during pregnancy and what dietary choices to make to prevent heartburn/GERD. Why is heartburn/GERD such a common occurrence in pregnancy? Heartburn/GERD is caused when stomach acids start rising into the esophagus. Pregnancy changes hormonal levels and helps relax muscles, which results in relaxation or leaking of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). LES is what keeps the stomach acids in place, which, in addition to the growing uterus is an invitation for indigestion symptoms. Here are the dietary and lifestyle measures that can help prevent heartburn/GERD during pregnancy. Eat often, eat less A full stomach is an invitation to heartburn/GERD. Studies suggest, eating smaller meals evenly distributed throughout the day keeps you from indigestion. The key to preventing heartburn is to keep from filling your stomach to the hilt with food. While pregnant, the stomach has less space than usual to expand, eating until full only increases the pressure on other organs. Trigger foods – Identify and Eliminate Commonly, heartburn/ GERD is triggered by a certain type of food, like acidic foods that include citrus fruits, or fried and spicy foods. The list also includes coffee and carbonated drinks and chocolate.
Treatment options for depression

Treatment options for depression

The mood disorder that can cause sadness and disinterest in almost everything is known as depression. It can lead to a lot of physical and emotional issues. If left untreated, it can lead to the patient not being able to see any point in living, or worse. This mood condition can be treated with the right medication if diagnosed correctly. Treatment for depression In most cases, people with depression can find help from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professionals. If required, patients are prescribed medications that can help fight the condition. Below is a list of some antidepressants that are known to be effective: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) This is a very safe form of antidepressant. It is prescribed by most doctors because this medicine does not have many side effects. Tricyclic antidepressants This type of antidepressant is prescribed only if aforementioned medication is not helpful. It has some side-effects, some of which can be serious. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) This is another effective type of medicine that the patient can use. The most common ones are venlafaxine (Effexor XR), duloxetine (Cymbalta), levomilnacipran (Fetzima), and desvenlafaxine (Khedezla, Pristiq). Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) This one is offered by doctors in case other medicines fail to help. There are severe side-effects associated with this medicine and it requires dietary restrictions. The patient will not be able to consume certain pickles and cheese during the time they are taking this medicine. Other medicines Along with the antidepressants, the doctor may also prescribe other medicines like anti-anxiety, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and antipsychotic pills. Self-care to treat depression Even though it is recommended that the patient seek medical help to treat depression, there are certain other things that they can try by themselves too. Self-care is an important aspect of treating the condition.
Effective natural remedies for pain management

Effective natural remedies for pain management

While popping a pill for any kind of pain like backache, toothache, or headache might work in the short run, you should know that pills often have some side effects that are better avoided. As an alternative, some simple home remedies for pain management can help you feel better. The mentioned remedies are effective ways of pain management, but it’s advisable to seek medical advice in case the condition worsens. Hot water bath This is an excellent therapy to alleviate pain affecting the bones, muscles, and tendons. Stretching in hot water between 92 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit helps relieve joint aches and lower back pain. If the pain is a result of anal fissures, open sores, or hemorrhoids, soaking the hindquarters in warm water can relieve irritation, itching, and spasms in the sphincter muscle. Doing this twice or thrice a day is best for effective pain management. Turmeric Turmeric is often used to add flavor and yellow color to dishes, but the spice also comprises a compound called curcumin, which is an antioxidant and protects the body from damage-causing free radicals. Turmeric is beneficial to relieve inflammation and pain related to osteoarthritis, a common form of arthritis. The spice is also helpful in treating other conditions like psoriasis, indigestion, an upset stomach, and ulcers. Heat and ice A common and among the most effective pain management techniques is applying heat and ice directly to the area where you are experiencing pain. An ice pack applied to strained muscles, ligament, and tendons helps alleviate inflammation and swelling. Once the inflammation is relieved, heat helps reduce the stiffness caused due to strains and sprains. An ice pack also helps reduce the severity of a headache. For pains caused due to arthritis, moist heat packs (warmed in the microwave) help relieve the discomfort.
Nasal polyps: Common causes, symptoms, and treatments

Nasal polyps: Common causes, symptoms, and treatments

Nasal polyps are benign growths that cover the lining of the nose tissues and sinuses. A polyp is a bulging teardrop-shaped formation that blocks the nasal path, and it usually hangs from the nasal lining. Prolonged irritation of the sinus and inflammation of the lining can trigger the growth of these polyps, but the condition can be easily managed with medications. That said, a mild surgical procedure may be required in some cases to provide long-term relief. Read on for a brief overview of the condition. What causes nasal polyps to form? Inflammation, also referred to as chronic rhinosinusitis, is one of the primary triggers associated with this condition. Inflammation may be deemed chronic if it persists for over 12 weeks. Also, an abnormal response of the immune system and resulting problems in the mucus membrane can trigger the growth of nasal polyps. That said, the direct cause is unknown. What are the noticeable symptoms of nasal polyps? A person may initially experience difficulty breathing and struggle with a reduced sense of smell. Due to the blockage, a sensation of nasal congestion always exists, along with pressure in the forehead or face. Stuffiness can also result in excess mucus running back down the throat, a symptom that is medically referred to as postnasal drip. Congestion forces a person to breathe heavily through the mouth, and the stuffiness can result in the development of sleep apnea. Cough, itching around the eyes, facial pain, and headaches are also common indicators of nasal polyps, especially if a sinus infection accompanies these symptoms. What are the various treatment options for nasal polyps? The condition can be treated with Over-The-Counter (OTC) or prescription medications and surgery in severe cases. Medications Most OTC and prescription medications provide relief from the inflammation and relieve congestion to enable patients to breathe more freely.