5 health conditions that may cause osteoporosis bone loss

5 health conditions that may cause osteoporosis bone loss

There are certain common medical conditions that are specifically linked with osteoporosis bone loss. Here’s what you need to watch out for. The bone is a living tissue, and as such it is constantly being broken down to create new bone. However, when the rebuilding process is slower than the breaking down process, the bones become fragile and brittle. This is what happens when you develop osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is more common in women than men, and affects about 200 million women all over the world. Even though this disorder affects women of all age and races, it is more common in older white and Asian women. When you are suffering from osteoporosis and it reaches an advanced stage, fractures become a part of daily life. The fractures that are associated with osteoporosis usually occur in your spine, hip, and wrist. The bones become so brittle that even everyday activities like bending over or stepping on to the pavement can result in fractures. Early stages of osteoporosis do not show any symptoms, but when it reaches an advanced stage, symptoms like loss of height, back pain, neck pain, fractures, and stooping posture can be seen. A simple bone density test that shows the extent of osteoporosis bone loss is used when you want to diagnose this disorder. Some of the risk factors of osteoporosis include body frame size, age, family history, race, sedentary lifestyle, sex, and eating disorders. Your treatment plan will include a combination of medications, lifestyle modifications, and dietary changes, and mainly depends upon your risk of breaking any bone. But what exactly causes osteoporosis bone loss? There is no definite answer to this question. However, there are some common medical conditions that are linked with osteoporosis bone loss either because of the medications used to treat them or because of the disease itself.
Here’s what to eat for hemophilia

Here’s what to eat for hemophilia

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is mostly diagnosed at a young age. The blood doesn’t clot as it should in people with this disease, causing excessive bleeding, which can turn life-threatening. The condition largely occurs due to the absence of certain blood-clotting proteins (called clotting factors), although it can also be acquired due to an immune system issue. Physical therapy, clot-preserving medications, and vaccinations are viable treatment options. Alternatively, dietary choices can also help manage the symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the beneficial foods to eat for people with hemophilia: Whole grains Oatmeal, brown rice, and barley are a few of the healthiest whole grains to eat for hemophilia patients. These foods contain fiber and nutrients that help stabilize blood glucose levels. By lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke, these foods prevent serious complications associated with hemophilia. Whole grains also reduce chronic inflammation, which can be touted as a major contributor to internal bleeding. Calcium-rich foods Important for the growth and maintenance of the bones, calcium is paramount for hemophilia patients. The nutrient helps keep tooth and bone health in check, preventing damage and subsequent blood loss. Also, the lack of calcium increases the risk of several diseases, some of which are known to cause internal bleeding and muscle damage. Dairy products are the standout sources of calcium, along with fish like sardines and pilchards. Leafy greens Dark, leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach are loaded with minerals that can help manage hemophilia and its possible complications. Collard greens are also great options, as they’re a good source of vitamin K that helps in blood clotting. The vegetable might also prove useful in maintaining bone health. At the same time, cabbage and beet greens come with their own list of benefits for people with hemophilia.
Non-small cell lung cancer: Symptoms and treatments

Non-small cell lung cancer: Symptoms and treatments

Lung cancer begins when the lung cells grow to be abnormal and multiply uncontrollably. As there is a rapid growth of the cancerous cells in the body, tumors form and start spreading to other areas of the body. There are different types of lung cancer such as Adenocarcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and other subtypes such as sarcomatoid carcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma. This non-small cell lung cancer is less common as compared to the other types. Adenocarcinoma Majority of lung cancer cases are of adenocarcinomas. They can occur in many parts of the body. These cancers occur in current or former smokers mainly, however, they are found in non-smokers as well. This cancer affects women more than men, and among other cancers, this cancer affects younger people more. Squamous cell carcinoma Of all the lung cancers, the occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma is 20% to 30% in people. This cancerous cells start affecting the flat cells and lie inside the lung airways. This cancer is linked to the history of smoking and is mostly found in central part of the lungs. Large cell carcinoma This cancer covers 10% to 15% of all lung cancers. This cancer can occur in any part of the lung. It grows and spreads to other parts of the body quickly, which makes it hard to treat. An early treatment for non-small cell lung cancer is important before it gets to a higher stage and incurable. For that reason, knowing the symptoms becomes important. There are several non-small cell lung therapies and treatments that can be used if this cancer is detected at an early stage. Symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer Endless coughing is one of the primary symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer. Though many may confuse this with one of the smoking side-effects, but if you see persistent coughing, it is advisable to get it checked for the same.
Top 3 mattresses for managing back pain

Top 3 mattresses for managing back pain

A good night’s sleep is necessary for overall health and well-being, but conditions like back pain can disturb sleep. The National Institutes of Health says that about 80 percent of adults in the country suffer from backache. Its exact cause may vary, but one of the most common issues is sleeping on the wrong mattress. Choose from these top mattresses for managing back pain for restful sleep: Helix Midnight LUXE This mattress has zoned lumbar support coils to support the spine and soft foam for optimal comfort. It is a popular choice for side sleepers as the luxury memory foam provides pressure point relief on the hips and shoulders. It is an ideal choice for relieving lower back pain without compromising on comfort. The Helix Midnight LUXE is a medium-firm mattress and comes with an ultra-breathable cover to keep you cool and comfortable while you sleep. You can get a 100-night trial and a 15-year limited warranty on the mattress. Saatva Classic Mattress This mattress has a durable dual-coil design that allows more airflow to keep you cool through the night. The responsive innerspring balances weight and the spinal zone technology provides excellent back support and aligns the spine in all sleeping positions, making it one of the top mattresses for managing back pain. The design provides superb durability and prevents sagging, thanks to the recycled carbon steel that’s tempered three times. You can choose from three different firmness levels: plush soft is ideal for side sleepers who want a soft, cushiony feel; luxury firm combines balance and support; and firm is perfect for back and stomach sleepers or people with heavier body types. Saatva provides a 180-night home trial and offers a 15-year warranty. Bear Mattress This is among the top brands to check out if you’re looking for mattresses for back pain.
Symptoms, causes, and treatments for schizophrenia

Symptoms, causes, and treatments for schizophrenia

A severe mental disorder, schizophrenia impacts how an individual thinks, reacts to emotions, and perceives reality. It results in a variety of symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia that can cause the patient to isolate themselves from the rest of the world. At present, roughly 1% of the total population suffer from this mental disorder. Schizophrenia cannot be cured, however, it can be managed with the help of medications and therapy. This disorder can affect anyone. It typically develops in men during their late teens or early twenties. On the other hand, in women, the symptoms of schizophrenia begin to surface during their twenties or early thirties. The following are some commonly observed symptoms of this condition: Delusions:  People suffering from schizophrenia often have delusions that can impair their day-to-day life. For example, they might believe they are being subjected to unjust prejudice, or they are exceptionally famous, or a big disaster is about to occur. Hallucinations:  Typically, patients experiencing schizophrenia mention seeing things or hearing sounds and/or voices that don’t exist. Hallucinations can also involve smelling strange odors or experiencing odd sensations in the body. Disorganized speech:  Schizophrenia impairs the brain’s ability to think clearly which leads to disorganized speech. Simply put, the patient will talk about things that are completed or partially unrelated to the current conversation. In rare cases, they might put together random words that don’t make sense. Abnormal motor behavior:  This symptom can manifest in a number of ways. For example, the individual might act silly, be unnaturally childish, or get absurdly angry. Since the behavior isn’t directed towards a goal, it can become tough to manage routine tasks as one might disobey instructions, not respond, keep repeating movements, and hold an awkward pose for a long time. Negative symptoms: The negative symptoms of schizophrenia refer to the diminished ability to do things normally.
Foods to eat and avoid with schizophrenia

Foods to eat and avoid with schizophrenia

It has been observed that those who have schizophrenia, a chronic psychological illness, usually have diets that are unhealthy, low in fiber and fruit, and high in saturated fats. Unhealthy eating habits typically lead to other health problems which can also put people with schizophrenia at high risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more. According to research, dietary changes do really help manage schizophrenia. Here are some best and worst foods for schizophrenia. Foods to eat Fruits Many studies show that people with schizophrenia usually do not get enough fiber, and thus, need to eat fruits. Some of the best sources of fiber are apples, pears, and raspberries. Fiber not only helps reduce bad cholesterol but also helps in digestion, thereby reducing the chances of certain health problems associated with schizophrenia such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Vegetables Vegetables don’t have heart-heavy cholesterol, are packed with essential vitamins and fiber, and are low in calories and fat. Veggies like sweet potatoes, kidney beans, and lima beans contain potassium that could help in keeping blood sugar in check. The best food for schizophrenia is spinach as it is high in folate, which could help in easing symptoms of schizophrenia. Apart from spinach, folate can also be found in asparagus and black-eyed peas. Fatty fish Since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body, one needs to get them through food such as fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. Omega-3 fatty acids not only ease but also prevent the symptoms of schizophrenia and even slow down the progress of the disease. Vegetarians can intake walnuts and ask their doctor to prescribe omega-3 supplements. Crab and oysters According to research, there could exist a relationship between schizophrenia and low levels of zinc, which can be found in lobsters, crab, and oysters, as well as fortified cereals and beef.
Simple home remedies for managing asthma

Simple home remedies for managing asthma

Asthma, being a chronic condition, has no specific diagnosis or treatment, which is why identifying the causes will help better understand the symptoms. Causes of asthma Various allergies, smoking, consumption of tobacco, environmental factors, stress, tension, obesity, and even genetics can be leading causes of developing asthma symptoms with very few visual indicators to identify the cause. Common symptoms of asthma One of the common symptoms of asthma is a dry cough with phlegm. Home remedies can give temporary relief until the severity of the condition can be diagnosed, and a recommended course of treatment can be prescribed for the same. A number of respiratory problems like difficulty in breathing, wheezing, respiratory infections, and shortness of breath are all caused due to the airways being blocked persistently, thus interrupting air flow going to your lungs. A cough is a very common symptom and does not necessarily indicate that a person might be in the beginning stages of developing asthmatic problems. However, a chronic cough is a clear indicator that the condition has been induced due to both internal and external allergens, which then is a clear cause for concern. There are many ingredients that you can use at your home to counter at best cope with the after-effects fo asthma symptoms to alleviate some of the discomforts caused. Here are some easy home remedies you can incorporate into your daily diet to help tackle developing or even persistent asthma symptoms. Parsley leaf: When it comes to herbal remedies, nothing beats parsley. Tea made from parley leaves will help soothe your throat and take care of any congestion that is causing difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Simple and very easy to make, parsley tea is a great remedy for respiratory symptoms of asthma. Milk and olive oil: The combination of warm milk mixed with olive oil might not sound very appealing on the first onset; however, this has proven to be an effective natural remedy.
Quick tips that may help treat asthma

Quick tips that may help treat asthma

There are various treatment options for the common problem of asthma. It is a long-term disease that usually has no cure but can be dealt with minor adjustments, medications and lifestyle changes. Most people see that their asthma gets cured as they age, so most of the asthma treatment options involve controlling the disease. A proper asthma treatment plan helps: Prevent chronic and troubling symptoms like shortness of breath, tightness in chest and coughing. Reduce the patients need for medicines considered to be a quick relief. Maintain steady levels of lung function. Maintain a steady breathing rhythm to enable sleep throughout the night. Maintain normal levels of everyday activity. Avoid, monitor and prevent emergency asthma attacks that may need immediate attention. The best way to control asthma and manage it as a part of everyday life is to partner with the doctor completely and follow strictly the instructions and medications routines that are recommended. How can one take in active role in controlling and treating asthma? Here are some tips to control asthma. Be aware of the condition and how and when it affects you. Work alongside your doctor and identify and treat other health conditions that may potentially interfere with the management of the main problem of asthma. Avoid things and triggers that make asthma worse. Maintain a decent level of physical activity despite asthma as it is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and it helps prevent other health conditions apart from being good for mental health. There are medicines available that help an asthma patient stay active and pursue physical activities with ease. Work with health experts to follow a good action plan that helps manage the problem. An action plan aimed towards managing asthma involves receiving guidance on the medicines and exercises and lifestyle changes required, avoiding triggers of asthma, tracking the severity and level of the problem, actively responding to symptoms that are getting worse and seeking and receiving emergency care whenever required.
Cholesterol-reducing alternatives to statins

Cholesterol-reducing alternatives to statins

Statins are the first type of medication prescribed to bring high LDL cholesterol within normal limits. However, they can have varied side-effects, and even be ineffective, in case your cholesterol problem stems from a genetic disorder. Read on to know about the different alternatives to statins that can help treat high cholesterol. Medication Below are a few alternatives to statins that your healthcare provider might recommend. Bile acid sequestrants Sequestrants bind themselves to bile acid in the intestines and get flushed out of the body via the stool. The liver starts absorbing more cholesterol if it senses a drop-in bile acid content. This entire cycle ends in effective reduction of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Bile-acid-binding medicines include colestipol, cholestyramine, and colesevelam. Ezetimibe The second most recommended form of treatment – ezetimibe, is an inhibitor medicine that has a two-pronged approach to lowering your cholesterol. It first blocks proteins that facilitate the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine, decreasing the cholesterol levels reaching the bloodstream. Second, the inhibitors work to reduce the amount of cholesterol available to the liver. This forces the liver to make up for the loss, by absorbing cholesterol from the bloodstream. Together, these effects can successfully lower your cholesterol levels. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Vitamin B3 or niacin is a promoter of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. It also attacks adipose tissue, ridding it off high triglyceride stores. It does this by inhibiting the synthesis of triglycerides and the secretion of LDL particulates. Although niacin is not as effective as bile acid sequestrants or ezetimibe, doctors recommend Vitamin B3 to regulate blood cholesterol levels and save you from the side-effects of statins. Fibrates Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) are carriers of triglycerides and cholesterol. Fibrates, which are derivatives of fibric acid, drive the liver to reduce its production of VLDL.
Causes, symptoms, treatments, and preventive tips for macular degeneration

Causes, symptoms, treatments, and preventive tips for macular degeneration

Macular degeneration causes a loss of central vision in both eyes. It is a painless condition that normally affects people who are older than 50 years. It is commonly known as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). There are also rare cases of Juvenile Macular Degeneration, which affects young people. Certain genetic disorders are the cause of the development of juvenile macular degeneration. When a person suffers from Macular Degeneration, the central vision is affected. So, there is difficulty in focusing on objects that lie straight ahead. The result is that everything appears blurred, it becomes difficult to read, the faces of people appear blurred and colors of objects around you look pale and dull. Causes The exact cause for macular degeneration isn’t known yet. Aging can cause a person to develop this condition. In older people, the macula, which is a central spot in the retina, develops a problem and causes age-related macular degeneration. AMD can develop as wet AMD or dry AMD. Dry AMD The macula has light-sensitive cells that gradually break down as you age. As the light-sensitive cells reduce in number, the central vision deteriorates. Waste products start to accumulate in the retina and cause small deposits called drusen. As the drusen increases in size, vision problems arise. Drusen is a characteristic feature of dry AMD. Wet AMD Tiny blood vessels form underneath the macula attempt to clear the drusen from the retina. These blood vessels cause fluid and blood to leak into the macula, leading to scarring and macular damage. This can lead to serious symptoms like blind spots and distorted vision. Symptoms Macular degeneration escapes attention, till you experience diminished vision. The primary symptom is blurred central vision. Faces, writing, and images get distorted in the central view. You lose visual acuity. You cannot see the fine details, and it becomes difficult for you to read and drive.
Importance of maintaining glucose level charts

Importance of maintaining glucose level charts

The blood sugar or blood glucose level will indicate the amount of sugar in the bloodstream of a person at an instance. The sugar is carried to the cells of the body to provide energy to the different parts of the body. Our body derives this sugar from the different dietary items that we consume. The blood sugar level is controlled by the human systems so that the glucose levels are never too high or too low. The sugar in the blood is not the same as sucrose or the sugar that we consume – it is in the form of glucose. The level of blood sugar or glucose alters throughout the day. It is the lowest in the morning before you have your breakfast. It rises soon after meals but then settles after an hour or so. In a healthy person, the level of blood sugar in a fasting state will be below 99milligrams per deciliter. However, in patients with diabetes, this level is a lot more fluctuating. The main aim here is to maintain the level of blood sugar within 130 mg/dl before meals and less than 180mg/dl after their meals. What Is A Glucose Chart Or A Blood Sugar Chart? Blood sugar is an aspect that must be kept within a normal range. This is something that can be done through proper meals, medication and the right kind of physical exercise. A blood sugar chart or a glucose levels chart will indicate the various stages of the blood sugar that will be there for a single person. The blood sugar is an aspect that is never stable and static. It decreases and increases throughout the day, lowest being before the morning meal and highest after meals. A glucose levels chart will indicate the blood sugar level that has been for a person or subject throughout the day.
4 remedies that help alleviate lower back pain

4 remedies that help alleviate lower back pain

Lower back pain is a disorder involving the nerves, muscles, and bones of the back. It is a common problem that everyone suffers from at some point in their life. As the pain affects the lower end area of the spinal cord – the lumbar region, the condition is also called as lumbago. The lumbar region is a complex structure of joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves all of which perform together to give support to the upper body. Muscles in the L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5 regions of the vertebrae are responsible for flexibility and rotation of the hips. The nerves in this area support the muscles in the limbs. If any muscles or bones are strained in this area, it can impact a person’s routine tasks. The pain symptoms can be in the form of a dull ache to a sudden stabbing sensation that can affect the body’s mobility. Daily activities like standing up straight, bending or moving around may become painful and strenuous. The condition may occur in an acute form as a repercussion of an injury or a health condition. Over time the swelling in the muscles or the nerves heal, and the pain subsides. However, if the pain extends over a few weeks, then the condition becomes chronic, and effective measures need to be taken to assuage the discomfort. Measures to ease back pain  If you are suffering from pain in the lower back, here are a few ways to help reduce the distress: Rest In most instances, lower back pain can be improved by putting a break on any strenuous activity – physical or mental. Resting for a few days will take off the pressure from the lower back and allow the muscles relax. Cold and hot therapy A hot application aids in improving circulation in the afflicted area.